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-   -   Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35519)

Cooron July 24th, 2007 06:00 PM

Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
Vanilla game, no mods.
Default settings with renaming on.
30 hour cycle, quick host on.
Map: Aran

Server: dominions3.dy.fi ( Port: 2223
Turn status: http://dominions3.dy.fi/stats.php

Cooron - Sauromatia
Hullu - Lanka
MAJ_Disgrace - Ulm
Tequilich - Mictlan
Fal - Tir na n'Og
Stryke11 - Ermor
Snacktime - Abysia
RamsHead - Oceania
? - Helheim
Jazzepi - Niefelheim
Sensori - Atlantis

Warhammer July 24th, 2007 06:23 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
When do you plan on having this filled?

MAJ_Disgrace July 24th, 2007 09:04 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
I would like to play as Marignon if they're available for the age you're playing. If not, I would like Ulm.

Tequilich July 25th, 2007 12:52 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Mictlan for me!

Fal July 25th, 2007 08:25 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Tir na n'Og for me please.

Tequilich July 26th, 2007 12:24 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
I am uploaded and ready to rule.

Stryke11 July 26th, 2007 02:56 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Ermor, please.

Hullu July 26th, 2007 04:53 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Uploaded pretender.

A weird one I might add, remains to be seen how it works for anything:/

Stryke11 July 26th, 2007 05:27 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Pretender will be up after work today. Thanks!

Snacktime July 26th, 2007 06:05 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
You still considering new players? If so I'll take Abyssia.

Cooron July 26th, 2007 06:30 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Yes, you still have time.

I will start the game when i get from work tomorrow (if everyone here has uploaded by then). So if you manage to upload before that your more than welcome to join.

Fal July 26th, 2007 08:21 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
I can upload tomorrow evening (london time)

So the starting provinces are randomly assigned by AI? I played Aran a few times, and my capital was sometimes allocated in very bad starting position.

RamsHead July 27th, 2007 12:29 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Since I am almost out in Perpetuality, I signed up as Oceania here. Hope that is OK.

Cooron July 27th, 2007 05:36 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)

Fal said:
I can upload tomorrow evening (london time)

So the starting provinces are randomly assigned by AI? I played Aran a few times, and my capital was sometimes allocated in very bad starting position.

If someone ends up in the islands we will restart.
If that does happen then please let us know asap. so we can get the game going. If you end up in the map corner then thats just bad luck but not really a game stopper.

Cooron July 27th, 2007 10:06 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Fal did you switch to Helheim?

Tir na n'Og missing but someone took Helheim.

Sensori July 27th, 2007 10:12 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Do you still have space? I might wanna try out Atlantis, just to make some competition underwater!

Jazzepi July 27th, 2007 10:13 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
I'd like to play Niefelheim if you have room for another.


Cooron July 27th, 2007 10:15 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)

Waiting to see if everyone is ready so just upload. Starting when i figure out whos Helheim.

Jazzepi July 27th, 2007 10:30 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
I'm going to need until the afternoon. I have to get to my college classes now.


Fal July 27th, 2007 10:51 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)

Cooron said:
Fal did you switch to Helheim?

Tir na n'Og missing but someone took Helheim.

Nope I didn't switch. Guess someone else took it without posting.

heh I had so much fun with Tir na n'Og in the other game I decided to try out a new strategy here.

Tequilich July 27th, 2007 03:24 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
This is going to be one crowded map. But should be fun.

Stryke11 July 27th, 2007 07:57 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
I'm gonna end up right by Neifelheim or Helheim and get put out by a double bless within ten turns again. I'll admit, I was a bit more comfortable before those two nations signed on http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Fal July 27th, 2007 09:41 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Tir na nOg uploaded.

Stryke11 July 27th, 2007 09:45 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
I haven't played TnO, but I've played Eriu, and Bean Sidhes, which are also in TnO I think, are excellent.

Cooron July 28th, 2007 01:44 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Game starting, Turn 1.
Good luck everyone.

Sensori July 28th, 2007 07:14 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
So we're waiting for Ulm, huh. It's turn 1 maaan, can't be that hard!

Sensori July 29th, 2007 03:01 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Happy days, Atlantis and Oceania are at war already (we're too close to each other for any kind of peaceful co-existence).

Who will win? Who will lose?

This, and more, will be told in the next episode of... HAPPY DAYS

Tequilich July 30th, 2007 04:28 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Helheim missed his turn already...

Cooron July 30th, 2007 05:40 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Helheim is our mystery guest it seems. No word from him in this thread and nobody seems to know who he is. He also has password protected pretender so i cant turn him AI (since master password is disabled). Unless he lets us know that hes going to be playing ill just have to force host hes turns. :/

I kind of knew this was coming when he didnt report anything at the beginning.

Oh well.. Theres practically a free fort waiting for whoever finds the Helheims capital first.

Fal July 30th, 2007 06:59 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
What's the indy strength? I've been trapped in my capital from turn 1 by 80+ barbarians and a few elephants + 50 slingers. Well, onto the 50 lizardmen I guess http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif


Cooron July 30th, 2007 01:22 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Indys at default. Bad luck i guess?

Lamia Queen and barbarians around my capital.

Fal August 1st, 2007 04:31 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Damn those Elephants! they crushed my entire army!!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif

Stryke11 August 2nd, 2007 10:59 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
I will be unable to play from Friday night to Sunday night California time (PST). I'm ok with missing a turn but if the timing happens just so that I need to miss two please don't set my nation to AI. I will be coming back http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Cooron August 3rd, 2007 03:40 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
No problem, im force hosting because of Helheim anyway.
Just let us know when you get back.

Cooron August 4th, 2007 12:16 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
DynDNS temporarily down, use

Stryke11 August 6th, 2007 03:16 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Back. Thanks to all who didn't attack me during my stale turn. I seem to be surrounded by more powerful nations with no more independent provinces to conquer. It appears mighty Neifelheim to the north and mighty Abysia to the south may soon come to blows with little Ermor in the middle. Giants are strong, but my forces to the south saw a terrifying red dragon rampaging through neutral territories. The legions are at the ready and are adopting defensive positions.

Fal August 7th, 2007 05:44 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
aha double blessing giants, how expected...I hope these things will be banned in Dom4...

Looks like I might be the first one out of the game. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Jazzepi August 7th, 2007 05:47 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)

This is a terrible map, and you got the worst starting position, if it makes you feel any better.


Fal August 7th, 2007 05:47 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
Oh was that you? lol you got your revenge in this game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Sensori August 10th, 2007 10:24 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA (looking for players)
And Jazzepi (Niefelheim) shows his true colors. I'm already small and survived only because of a very crippling agreement with Oceania, and then this bastard goes off breaking the NAP we had by attacking me! FOr a goddamn province that had LESS THAN A THOUSAND PEOPLE in it! Assholism at its finest, I must say.

Mental note: Don't trust Jazzepi to keep NAPs, unless you're as strong or stronger than him.

Jazzepi August 13th, 2007 10:34 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
Server is down.


Stryke11 August 13th, 2007 05:08 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
*Deleted* Thanks Tequilich!

Tequilich August 13th, 2007 11:13 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
I think u posted in the wrong thread bro. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Stryke11 August 14th, 2007 01:06 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
Oh wow...

Well, it would have been really funny had the comments applied to this game as well.

Thanks for the heads up Tequilich. Deleted.

Sensori August 14th, 2007 10:29 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
Niefelheim let me retake the province he and apologized for the mistake. So, no harm done, after all, he just made the wrong judgment call of thinking that I was dead (which I thought I was just a few turns earlier, so it was an easy mistake to make). The situation I was (and still am) in was why I said what I said. The NAP is back in force, and all is well in (the NW part of) the world.

Tequilich August 16th, 2007 03:46 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
Mermen taste like chicken!

Snacktime August 22nd, 2007 10:24 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
Is the server down?

Jazzepi August 22nd, 2007 10:27 AM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
No, but you must use the IP address listed in the first post instead of the URL.


Stryke11 August 22nd, 2007 12:57 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
I won't be able to play my turn until much later, as I'm at work and last night couldn't connect (and the note to try the ip wasn't up yet), so you're welcome to force the turn if everyone else is waiting.

Cooron August 22nd, 2007 09:22 PM

Re: Happy Days, Vanilla EA 11 players (started)
dyndns up again. Most likely will be down again in a week or so. Im just too lazy to actually set it to update automatically http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

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