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Zachariah July 29th, 2007 09:17 PM

Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Server IP Address: www.evilzombies.com
Port: 8099
Middle Era, random map of 15 provinces per player, renaming enabled.
Quickhost or every 48 hours.
If you have a stale turn twice in a row, you'll become a computer player.
75 turn limit, unless its still close.
scores will be posted regularly at: http://www.evilzombies.com/dom3/Just...ggression.html

Zachariah July 29th, 2007 09:26 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
I'm in as Caelum.

Rytek July 29th, 2007 09:54 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
ill take bandar log

Shovah32 July 29th, 2007 10:54 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
Ermor for me please.

Ive already uploaded.

Tequilich July 29th, 2007 11:01 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
Machaka please! Ill upload later tonight.

OmikronWarrior July 29th, 2007 11:22 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
I'm in as Marignon and will upload in a bit.

P.S. What are the settings? Unless stated otherwise, default?

Jazzepi July 29th, 2007 11:31 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
I'll take C'tis.


Ubercat July 30th, 2007 12:12 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
Pangaea please. I'll upload in the morning.

coobe July 31st, 2007 08:43 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
I like to play Agartha

hako July 31st, 2007 11:29 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
If I can join yet - Ulm.

Ubercat July 31st, 2007 11:57 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)

What is the (random event) setting for this game?

hako July 31st, 2007 07:14 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
Yeah, there will be good to know the settings before sending pretender. Research standard?

coobe August 1st, 2007 11:48 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
I would like to switch to Abysia. Could you kick agartha plz ? thanks...

hako August 2nd, 2007 05:51 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
Still waiting for someone? When do we start?

EarthRaver August 2nd, 2007 07:14 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)

Shovah32 August 2nd, 2007 02:18 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
Do you mean Eriu? Tir na n'Og is an EA nation.

EarthRaver August 3rd, 2007 08:23 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)

Zachariah August 3rd, 2007 12:18 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
all the settings are default, except for the ones in the original post. I'm thinking we should kick this off this evening.

hako August 3rd, 2007 07:12 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
So, do we start today?

Volistad August 3rd, 2007 07:52 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
I'm in as Vanheim.

Can you wait until I upload the pretender tonight please? I'll send it in a few hours when I get home. Thanks.

Shuma August 3rd, 2007 07:56 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
I would like to play as Agartha. I will also send my pretender later tonight.

Zachariah August 4th, 2007 12:32 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
Sorry if I missed you Shuma.
The game is on! See you on the battlefield!

Shuma August 4th, 2007 12:40 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (open)
I can't log in as Agartha. Did you use coobe's pretender?

OmikronWarrior August 4th, 2007 01:02 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Are we going to get a "score board", or some other way to tell that the game has hosted? I'm in multiple games, and its a bother to have to load up Dominions, type in the server and port, and just to check to see if you can take your next turn.

Jazzepi August 4th, 2007 01:12 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
You can create an icon on your desktop using switches to log into a server without typing all that in.


Ubercat August 4th, 2007 02:19 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Either we need to restart the game so that Shuma can replace the Agarthan pretender, or else Agartha needs to be set to AI. No one is playing Agartha currently so it will just stall and waste our time.

Ubercat August 5th, 2007 06:01 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
coobe abandoned Agartha and Shuma is unable to play it. Agartha is not AI and yet has taken it's turn. Who is playing Agartha?

Jazzepi August 5th, 2007 11:02 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)

Ubercat said:
coobe abandoned Agartha and Shuma is unable to play it. Agartha is not AI and yet has taken it's turn. Who is playing Agartha?

Does it make anyone else highly uncomfortable that Coobe has access to two nations, and both of them have just had their turns played?


Shovah32 August 5th, 2007 11:12 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Perhaps our host could check the IPs of whoever played those turns?

Shuma August 6th, 2007 01:25 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Coobe PM'd me his PW. We should be good from here on out.

Ubercat August 6th, 2007 10:04 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)

Shuma said:
Coobe PM'd me his PW. We should be good from here on out.

Excellent. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Shovah32 August 8th, 2007 01:10 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Damn, missed a turn while sleeping off a headache http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif.

hako August 12th, 2007 04:51 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
BTW. Who's playing Abysia?:)

Jazzepi August 14th, 2007 02:03 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
The people of C'Tis are willing to pay in gold or gems for Herald Lances. Let us know if you can provide them.

We also need a Horror Helm, a Starshine Skullcap, a ring of fire resistance, a ring of regen, and an amulet of luck.


Zachariah September 7th, 2007 03:42 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
I AI'd Abysia cuz they were about to stale a 2nd time in a row.

Zachariah October 9th, 2007 05:18 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
I AI'd Agartha cuz they were going to stale a 2nd time in a row.

Shuma October 9th, 2007 09:06 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
uhh no

i cant connect!

OmikronWarrior October 10th, 2007 12:14 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Neither can I, and I tried both versions.

Zachariah October 13th, 2007 07:37 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
all should be well now. Sorry for the hold up.

hako October 14th, 2007 04:49 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
I still cannot connect... :/ Looks like there will be problem for some time with 3.10 for me...

Zachariah October 16th, 2007 02:19 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
I AI'd Ulm, as they were about to stale a 2nd time in a row

Ubercat October 16th, 2007 03:43 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)

Zachariah said:
I AI'd Ulm, as they were about to stale a 2nd time in a row

Poor hako. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif He'll be so upset that he doesn't have to squeal for mercy like a little girl anymore.


Shuma October 17th, 2007 12:52 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Sad I got AI'd in this one, bad timing for me with that 3.10 patch. I was doing pretty well, too.

Ah well, Jazz gets this one handed to him. Great job with the early expansion.

Jazzepi October 17th, 2007 02:45 AM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)

Shuma said:
Sad I got AI'd in this one, bad timing for me with that 3.10 patch. I was doing pretty well, too.

Ah well, Jazz gets this one handed to him. Great job with the early expansion.

I actually got rushed by MA Emor with a dual bless and had to fend them off.

Thank god for dust to dust. It was touch and go for a little bit there, but I was able to siege their capital over and over again, preventing them from building vestals each turn. Sort of wore Shovah down through attrition while my pretender ate up provinces behind his capital.


Tequilich October 23rd, 2007 09:10 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Since Bandor dropped out of this one I think I will 2 Jazzepi has got this game imo.

OmikronWarrior October 24th, 2007 10:57 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
Yeah, C'Tis has had this one in the bag for a while now. At this point I'm just experimenting with different SC builds. Though considering how undiverse my magic paths are there isn't a lot of room for experimentation. Speaking of which, it would appear Machaka has violated our long standing NAP. Which means I get to invade him with some Royalty and angels.

My problem was I found myself immediately wedged between two players and an ocean with no further room to expand with out going to war. Decided to wait until I had flaming arrows to do so, and by then, it was all Caelum and C'Tis.

Ubercat October 24th, 2007 11:28 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)

Tequilich said:
Since Bandor dropped out of this one I think I will 2 Jazzepi has got this game imo.

Indeed. I just dropped too. Well done C'Tis! (Wiping out my god and half of my army. Suddenly I no longer have the biggest military)

Marignon appears to be your only remaining human foe, Jazzepi.

Jazzepi October 25th, 2007 06:47 PM

Re: Game: Justified Aggression (started)
All hail your new god.



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