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Bragi MA (resuming)
Another game spawned from Halls of Valhalla
The settings are as follows: Middle Age, Standard Settings all around Dom3 vanilla, no mods, latest patch. Map is Parganos Score graphs disabled Hall of Fame entries limited to 5. Renaming allowed Random events common 30 hr quickhost Llamabeast will host and create the games, I will administer them, and you will play them. Known Players-Nations: Cor2 - Pangaea Jazzepi - Pythium - AI parcelt - Machaka dmentd - Arcosephale Reverend Zombie - Caelum Ramz - Jotunheim Halaster - Man ??????? - R'lyeh |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
I will take pangea, please
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
I'd be interested in playing on just about any map but Aran.
Jazzepi |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
I'd be interested in taking suggestions. Specific suggestions.
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Use the random map generator a couple of times till you find one that's nice. Bring it up in the map editor to clean up the links between territories.
I'd be happy to mess around making a map that way. Just tell me how many provinces per person you want. Also, what your maximum amount of water nations is. Jazzepi |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
As currently implemented, I loathe random maps. But since I won't be playing in the game myself, I'd go with a random map if general consensus was in its favor.
I appreciate the offer of you messing around with the map, and would happily take you up on the offer. While I haven't found the time, I'm interested in altering random maps, myself. Just convince the other members to take up a random map, and then the two of us will hammer out the remaining details. |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Any map is fine with me, but i would prefer a non-random wrap-around map, like Cradle or whatever.
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Caelum here, please.
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
How about Cradle? I know it is often used, but it is a good map.
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Hmm... Cradle sounds a little large to me, for eight players, but I haven't been in too many games, so I'm not really basing that on anything in particular.
If no-one objects to 25-28 provinces per player, I'll go ahead with Cradle, though I don't know about it being wraparound. It'll be especially large if a player doesn't show up for the start. That little warning aside, I have no problem letting Cradle be the map. I will make other suggestions just because I can. The Desert Eye (Wraparound) was fun in Veturi. A Poke in the Eye V3 (user created) is based on The Desert Eye with some insane independents. Probably not a wise idea. A Pangaean Earth is (user created) is the right size, but the lack of chokepoints probably doesn't make for a good first map. Parganos is a bit unbalanced, thanks to fairly uniform swathes of territory, but a map I like quite a bit, perhaps for that very same reason. Anyways, the new default map, barring any objections, is Cradle. I'm curious, Jazzepi. What's your objection to Aran? Something particular to you, or something I should keep in mind while organizing future games? |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
erm... lets try to keep this game small and fast.
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
I like desert eye. i just played Pangaean Parth and dont really like it as MP. Its not wraparound, the water nations have an advantage and the connections between provinces don't make alot of sence to me. Its not a bad map, don't get me wrong, i just think its SP material.
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Uh, this game is listed as closed does that include a spot for myself? c.c
I dislike Aran mostly because a lot of the starting positions are terrible and there are not enough water provinces to support more than one water nation. If you put two in there, they're immediately at war. There's a starting position on the western peninsula that only has two bordering territories. Jazzepi |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
I would be disinclined to go with Cradle, I'd say it was a bit big for 8 players.
One objection I've heard to Aran is that it's a bit wasteland-y. I've not really looked at it myself though. Another alternative is my modified version of Parganos (where I have tried to even the terrain up and make it much less unbalanced). I can modify it a bit more as per suggestions you made before LP. I'm still intrigued why you loathe random maps LP? I agree they're not as interesting chokepoint-wise, but they're not that bad. And it's easy to add real mountain provinces if you want. |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
How about the fixed Karan map?
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Id like to play as jotunheim, and I agree that cradle is too large for only 8.
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Haven't seen that one, Reverend Zombie. I'll look later today, but could you link?
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
At any rate, you can find the Dom 2 version on Illwinter's map page and I'll continue hunting the forums to see if anyone fixed it for Dom 3. |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
I'll try to make a decision on the map by Friday, or if possible, this evening, so we can get this going this weekend.
The game is not yet set up, we need to decide on a map, but when thats together... Quote:
When you finish your turn, you'll send your order file (in the same folder) to turns(at)llamatserver(dot)net. For instance, "mid_agartha.2h". You should receive confirmation within five minutes. You can also check the status of the game at www.llamaserver.net at any time, to see whether its created, taking pretenders, started, or waiting on a particular player, etc. etc. etc. |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Jazzepi |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
I don't know sorry Jazzepi.
However, I do know the game is now created, so you can send your pretenders in. |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
I'd prefer something compact, but since I'm not familiar with either map, I won't push you in any direction. I'd play Man, if possible. CU, Halaster |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
You are included, Jazzepi.
I will not play in the Valhalla series of games unless a sub is needed or have some particular reason. However, I wasn't going to add you officially to the list until I'd figured out whether there's an acceptable map. If consensus stuck us with Aran, then you would be out of this one game. Actually... I just forgot. I added you to the count, but forgot to sneak your name in. |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
How about Parganos? Do you still have your tweaked version of that map, llamabeast? Just include a few more mountain provinces and I see no points against it.
If you do have it, I'd like to go with that. I see no reason for anyone to object to that. On a related note, I am really curious about Karan- but don't have the energy to be curious, just to keep on top of my given tasks. Some other time, perhaps, after a less awkward week. |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Parganos is a good map, IMHO.
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Yeah, I think fixed Parganos is a good idea. I'll dig it up and add a few more mountains.
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
Okay people, if you haven't already, decide on a faction:
Sent In: Pangaea Man Caelum R'lyeh Arcoscephale Claimed: Eriu |
Re: Bragi MA (Open - 6/8)
I think I'll play Pythium.
Jazzepi |
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
Earth Raver had to drop out, unfortunately, but I've had good 7 player games on maps of this size.
We can go ahead without a replacement, but if someone wants to jump, and can design a pretender by Sunday/Monday, we've got a slot open. Llamabeast, do you know if EarthRaver submitted a pretender, and if so, for what faction? |
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
Is that spot still open? I'd like to play. If possible as Machaka. I can get a pretender in later today.
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
Yah, we've got a spot open. I believe Machaka is unclaimed.
Earth Raver was asking for eriu, and hasn't submitted a pretender yet, so there's no hassle in fitting you in. It looks like everybody's selected a faction, so we're getting close. http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Bragi |
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
Cool. My pretender is in.
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
We're only missing one player, Jazzepi, as Pythium. I've seen him make the deadline before, so I'm inclined to wait until he gets in.
Thats said, hurry up, Jazzepi, or stop feeding the kids (cor2) sugar! Don't you know how long this car ride is going to be? |
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
Sorry, I had to tech support my own computer yesterday. I've been working with them for a long time, and in the past year I installed a RAID 1 array. Well recently I got some weird symptoms on my computer where it wouldn't boot. Turns out one of the drives in the RAID array died but the array still thought it was healthy.
Weird. I'm back online though. Just had to pull one of the drives out of the array. Jazzepi |
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
Someone said they were fixing this map right? I just booted up a practice game to get one last look at the standard production units and my starting province is SURROUNDED BY WATER! It's on that tiny little island in the lower left hand corner of the map.
Geeze http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Jazzepi |
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
A practice game? You mean one in the original game?
There's Edi's fixed version, which adds some nostarts. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...;Number=501807 Then there's llama's version, which I assume is based off of Edi's, but makes swathes of terrain less homogeneous. I must admit, I enjoyed Edi's version of Paraganos quie a lot, but am interested in hearing what people think of Lllama's version. |
Re: Bragi MA (7/8)
Whenever I'm making pretenders I always look at what units the race can recruit at home and in a citadel then I try to build a pretender. My goal is to completely oblierate the AI. Then I know I'm doing it right.
Jazzepi |
Re: Bragi Ready
Llamabeast, it seems like everyone's submitted their pretenders, when will you be ready to start the game? If you don't have the time to tweak Parganos, Edi's version will do.
Re: Bragi Ready
Yeah, sorry for the slow start, I've been away from my computer most of the weekend. Will sort it out now...
Re: Bragi Ready
No problem. I just wanted to make the situation clear, since I've been a bit sloppy with things like listing Jazzepi earlier.
Re: Bragi Ready
I think it would be useful if you put a list of players and nations in the first post LP.
Re: Bragi Ready
I've got both of those... but not everyone told me who they picked, so they're in two separate lists.
Re: Bragi Ready
Oh okay, fair enough. Maybe for future games demand they tell you. As both a player and an organiser I find such lists useful (e.g. for PMing diplomacy, or to find out why a nation's been staling).
Anyway, starting... I modified parganos again. I'm interested to hear what people think of it. |
Re: Bragi Ready
First turns due by 21:25 GMT Tuesday.
In my area, thats 7:25 PM. You'll have 48 hours to get your first turn in. After that, every turn will be on 30 hour quickhost. I'll be checking in on the thread occasionally - frequently at first, but don't be afraid to cast "Summon LP, the Lord of Sloth and Order" or send a PM if I'm needed. I'll be watching the game start, in case there are any issues. If you need the game hosting froze for a while, or such, let me know. |
Re: Bragi Ready
Oh... I need to edit my perception stat. I blame Mist.
Everybody (or near enough) did mention their race. Updating first post. |
Hosting delay anticipated
Game freeze requested. RZ may be able to get in one, two more turns. Will kick in tomorrow.
Llamabeast, if you're still around, is there a way to remove the timer, but leave quickhost on, or do I just settle for delaying it? |
Re: Hosting delay anticipated
When designing the server I decided to make it impossible to turn the timer off on games so that, if I'm not watching it in the future, games don't sit on it forever. No I'm not so sure that's really useful though (and I think I will notice if a game is dead for a long time anyway) - still, for the moment you can't turn the timer off. But you can change the hosting interval to a fortnight or something, which will come to the same thing (I had originally intended to limit the hosting interval to 1 week you see).
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 09:41 PM. |
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