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Lazy_Perfectionist August 30th, 2007 09:12 PM

BAG (Started!)
1 Attachment(s)
Game is running.

We've finally resolved the map issue, so we're nearing a start. I plan to start the game on the 13th of this month- a Saturday. The host, llamabeast, has limited internet access, but will do what he can to get this game started this weekend.

Because I know only how to attach only one thing to a post, I'll attach the map we're using, epotara, to my second or third post- all on this same page. This post includes a zip file with all the mods we're using.

I'm organizing a Big Arse Game on Llamabeast's play by email server. Settings are final.

Game has been created. You can submit your god to 'pretenders(at)llamaserver(dot)net', with the subject line 'BAG'.

Game is Dom3.10, with a mod pack containing Worthy Heroes, Streamers and Standards, Ulm Reborn, Vaettihiem.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 30th, 2007 09:12 PM

Player List
Notes: Every position is filled.

Current Nation-Player list:

Abysia - Szumo
Agartha - Hadrian_II
Arcoscephale - Papastoss
Atlantis - Lazy_Perfectionist
Caelum - DyraUnda
Ctis - Snacktime
Ermor - BigandScary
Jomon - Warhammer
Man (Chelm)- Nikolai
Marignon - MAJ_Disgrace
Mictlan - Dedas
Midgard - AdmiralZhao
Pangaea - MrSparkle
Patala - Lord_Bob
Pythium - Aristander
R'lyeh - Jazzepi
T'ien Ch'i - Ramz
Ulm - Reverend Zombie
Ulm Reborn - Burnsaber
Vaettiheim - Janlm
Utgard - duke_commando

Jazzepi August 30th, 2007 09:13 PM

Re: Placeholder for BAG
Recommended settings

No graphs
Wrap around map


Lazy_Perfectionist August 30th, 2007 09:13 PM

Proposed Game Settings & Map
1 Attachment(s)
Late Era - Map is Epotara
Also attached to this post.

Number of starting provinces 1
Strength of independents 5
Special site frequency 35
Money Multiple 100
Resource Multiple 100
Supply Multiple 100
Random Events are common
Score graphs are disabled
Hall of Fame Entries: 15
Standard research
Standard victory
Master Password is enabled
Renaming is allowed
Cheat prevention is active

First turn - 50 hours.
After that, 30 hour quickhost.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 30th, 2007 09:14 PM

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When can I send in my pretender?
A: You can send it in now. Just email your pretender to 'pretenders(at)llamaserver(dot)net' (obscured for spambots)

Q: How do I create my pretender?
A: Create your pretender with the Game Tools, making sure the relevant mods are enabled (Preferences).

Q: Where can I read about these mods?
A: The Mod List is usually a good starting point.

Q: What version are we using?
A: Dominions 3.08.

Q: Where can I find out more information about the llamaserver and play by email?
A: Check out the Llamaserver FAQ

Q: What map are we using? How many provinces will there be?
A: It's a map created by Pashadawg. There will be real mountains, caves, seas, etc, and about 15 provinces per player.

Q: What's the turn schedule going to be?
A: The first turn is going to be set to fifty hours. After that, the game will run as a 30 hour quickhost. Quickhost means that as soon as the game has received everyone's turn-order file, that the server will process that turn and send out a new turn-result file to everyone. As the game gets more complicated or people request, the turn times will be lengthened.

Jazzepi August 30th, 2007 09:28 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Ooo, if you're taking nation signups, put me down for...

R'yleh, Emor, Caelum

Changed these in order of preference since Outriders has become unplayable


Lazy_Perfectionist August 30th, 2007 10:03 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Yeah, taking nation signups.

Don't have to worry about conflicts yet, either, since I don't know who'll still be able to play in a week or two or four.

I will get more strict about it later, but for now, I'm going to keep a rough idea of order requested.

Hadrian_II August 31st, 2007 05:25 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Id like to join as one of the following nations:

Agharta, Marignon, Jomon. If possible i would like Agharta

Sombre August 31st, 2007 05:59 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Since this is LA there are several mod nations which could also take part that are specifically balanced for either vanilla dom3 or Conceptual Balance Mod.

Only if you're interested of course.

Evilhomer August 31st, 2007 06:02 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Where can I find balanced mod nations ? (not amos i hope)

llamabeast August 31st, 2007 06:05 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Ulm Reborn and Vaettiheim both come highly recommended as balanced LA nations. Take a look in the mods and maps subforum.

Evilhomer August 31st, 2007 06:18 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Put me down for (in this order) :

miclan, marignon, rlyeh.

Sombre August 31st, 2007 09:26 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
If you like CBM, take a look in the CBM mods thread for CBM balanced (or in a balance process, anyway) versions of some nations.

Any mod made by me is intended to be balanced and I absolutely listen to feedback, so I think most of them are pretty close by now.

Baalz August 31st, 2007 10:57 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I'm in:
C'tis, Argatha, Ulm

Reverend Zombie August 31st, 2007 11:30 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ

Sombre said:
If you like CBM, take a look in the CBM mods thread for CBM balanced (or in a balance process, anyway) versions of some nations.

I'm not a fan of CBM and wouldn't consider it a "small mod" mentioned as a possibility in the initial post here.

Sombre August 31st, 2007 01:42 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Depends what he meant by small. It's small in terms of download size, compared with nations.

I only mention mods because he said "maybe one or two small mods" and this is an all LA nations game, which might make the inclusion of an LA mod nation or two interesting, as well as allowing for another player or two if there are no more slots.

Reverend Zombie August 31st, 2007 04:56 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ

Sombre said:
Depends what he meant by small. It's small in terms of download size, compared with nations.

I read "small" to mean "not significantly game-changing," which would rule out CBM.

LP should tell us what he meant by "small." http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Lazy_Perfectionist August 31st, 2007 05:17 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Well... I was thinking of worthy heroes as good, and CBM as bad. I do think including a mod nation might be okay, though, since it doesn't change the fundamental mechanics for everyone, and the game manual is still usable.

I'm willing to be flexible. And while CBM is something to consider, I'm not ready to switch over to it. In the future, when I've got no other mods going, and I've got enough basics under my belt to start worrying about balance and other game changes... There are somethings I find attractive about CBM, but I'm not ready for it, as I found out in Veturi (oddly enough, my most successful game to date, where I'm among the last two players left alive). When I make the switch, it will probably be wholesale.

Sombre September 1st, 2007 03:26 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Cool, let me know if you need a hand setting up a mod nation or anything.

llamabeast September 1st, 2007 07:52 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Yeah, I'd encourage including balanced mod nations, particularly the lovely Ulm Reborn and Vaettiheim. It'd be good if they started to be used in ordinary MP games, since they're certainly interesting and balanced enough to merit it.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 1st, 2007 01:17 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
People have mentioned, but not personally requested a mod nation. I don't think I'll need a hand setting up a mod nation, Sombre, but I'll keep your offer in mind. I appreciate it. But where I know I'll need advice is deciding whether a nation is balanced enough for multiplayer. If it's a little too overpowered, perhaps we can treat the playing nation like LA Ermor. You know, love, flowers, the whole red carpet treatment of ganging up on a threat warfare.

Aethyr September 2nd, 2007 07:54 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ

Well, I'm finally settled (I think):

T'ien Ch'i, Midgard, Marignon

That's it!

Evilhomer September 2nd, 2007 08:05 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
when are we ready to get rolling ?

duke_commando September 2nd, 2007 09:14 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I'd like to join as Utgard, Ulm, or Pangea.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 2nd, 2007 09:34 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
If my bleary eyes see correctly, we're aiming for 18 players, Evilhomer. By my current count, we're at 10 players, so I'll start seriously organizing this.

At my estimate, it will be go in a week at the earliest. Probably two. I'm going to catch up on my sleeps before I get another game started.

If you don't want to check in every day, just know that when I do start the game, it will be on a Saturday. Just check in Friday to see any announcements I may have made on Thursday.

If someone lists one of the above mentioned mod nations in their requests (along with a couple vanilla nations), we may even go above 18.

On the other hand, if it means going without R'lyeh, I'm more than happy to start with 15-17 nations.

Jazzepi September 3rd, 2007 02:30 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I changed my preferences in the original post.


Saarud September 3rd, 2007 02:36 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I would like to join the game as T'ien Ch'i, R'lyeh or Man.

Hadrian_II September 3rd, 2007 04:47 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ

Lazy_Perfectionist said:
If my bleary eyes see correctly, we're aiming for 18 players, Evilhomer. By my current count, we're at 10 players, so I'll start seriously organizing this.

Acually it seems you forgot to include me in your list, so it is one more.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 3rd, 2007 12:52 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
So, Jazzepi, the preferences I should use are in the first post? Okay.
Saarud, welcome.
Hadrian_II, fixed.

Trying to come up with a simplified player list.
(Damn R'lyeh, I have no reason to deny, other than selfishness. Fortunately, I may have learned SOMETHING about pretender design from Outriders, so I won't be stuck with six provinces while the rest of the world is conquered.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 3rd, 2007 01:11 PM

Simplified Player List
Here's a simplified player list. If you have any objections or suggestions, feel free to mention. This is open to change, but if you're fine with it, it'll prevent some complicated juggling later on. If everyone's happy with it, I'll merge it with my official player list post earlier in this thread.

Agartha - Hadrian_II
Arcoscephale - Papatoss
Atlantis - Lazy Perfectionist
Ctis - Baalz
Mictlan - EvilHomer
T'ien Ch'i
Ulm - Reverend Zombie
Utgard - duke_commando

major_disgrace: Random
Warhammer: Man, Marignon, Jomon
Jazzepi: R'lyeh, Ermor, Caelum
Aethyr: Tien Chi, Midgard, Marignon
Saruud: Tien Chi, R'lyeh, Man

Aethyr September 3rd, 2007 08:11 PM

Re: Simplified Player List

If Saruud wants T'ein Ch'i, I'll switch to Midgard. That sould let you lock down the rest, yes?

Lazy_Perfectionist September 3rd, 2007 09:17 PM

Re: Simplified Player List
Okay, entering the list into earliest post. That can be changed later upon request (or necessity), but I'll let it lie as is for now.

Jazzepi September 3rd, 2007 09:36 PM

Re: Simplified Player List
R'yleh is being played by r'yleh http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif


Lazy_Perfectionist September 3rd, 2007 09:40 PM

Debatable Settings
Meh. We'll, you were careful to state your preferences. All I can hope for is revenge, but I've been whacked by R'lyeh each time I've fought them... bah.

I've put up a proposed list of settings - and it IS open to debate. I'll keep things up to date in my earliest posts, and leave this posts' listing static for purposes of discussion.

If anything, I think my site chance is too high for such a large map, but I do want more sites than normal... Feedback invited.

Proposed Settings
Late Era - Glory of the Gods (Multiplayer) 227 land, 47 sea
Number of starting provinces 2
Strength of independents 5
Special site frequency 75
Money Multiple 100
Resource Multiple 100
Supply Multiple 100
Random Events are common
Score graphs are disabled
Hall of Fame Entries: 15
Standard research
Standard victory
Master Password is enabled
Renaming is allowed
Cheat prevention is active

Jazzepi September 3rd, 2007 10:17 PM

Re: Simplified Player List
I would probably just leave things at default. The max I would ever move it up to is whatever the EA site searching defaults to.


MAJ_Disgrace September 3rd, 2007 11:38 PM

Re: Simplified Player List
I'll take Marignon since it's still free.

Warhammer September 4th, 2007 12:57 AM

Re: Simplified Player List
I think I will give Jomon the nod here.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 4th, 2007 02:09 AM

I'm setting starting provinces to two for two reasons. 1st, the gold derived is fairly inconsequential. 2nd, R'lyeh has all those 1 resource Illithids, I'd like to make sure resource heavy nations such Ulm and Atlantis have a little edge. I can be talked out of 2 starting provinces, but I like the idea. Site level toned down, still can't make up my mind between 35 and 45.

Warhammer, MAJ_Disgrace, noted. Since things have been pretty much straightened out, I think its time to recruit full-bore.

I'm open for mod suggestions. What I'm currently considering is...
Worthy Heroes (not epic)
Velusion's Big Game Mod (hard to find)
Blessing Hotfix (is it necessary with 3.08? Can't remember what it does)

Saarud September 4th, 2007 02:21 AM

Re: Simplified Player List
I agree with Jazzepi to not change the default of the special site frequencies. Otherwise I do agree with a 2 province start.

I have no opinion about mods since I have never used one of those proposed mods.

Jazzepi September 4th, 2007 02:23 AM

Re: Recruiting
I've never played in a two province starting position game outside of SP, but it seems fairly silly. There's no reason to do it, he game is balanced for a single starting position. If you give people two provinces to start with, those with awake pretenders, or fast expanders, will be hurt.

Since you already want to increase how often the magic sites occur, which makes site searching rainbow mages more effective, there's no reason to make them /even better/ by giving out a free province.

I have a hard time believing that R'lyeh having 1 resource illithids is a reason to start with two opening provinces, and you shouldn't be changing the game just to balance against /one race/. I find this quite offensive. LA R'yleh doesn't even have a reputation like EA Neiflhem, so I'm not sure what, outside of your own experiences losing to R'yleh, you are basing this on.

Also, you shouldn't be changing the settings just to boost a race you are going to play in the game, and supposedly hamper another that could quite possibly be in direct opposition to your own. That's just silly. If you want more resource points, then buy productivity +3 for an extra 45%, and make sure that you attack a forest/mountain province first, don't adjust the game settings.


Lazy_Perfectionist September 4th, 2007 02:26 AM

Re: Recruiting
Good nough. Tuning back down to default.

The real reason I suggested these two settings was because I was curious how it would turn out. Really, the R'lyeh thing was really just a crappy way of rationalizing this.

As for offensive, I apologize. I hadn't intended it to be, and my brain is functioning at half-capacity right now, thanks to a confused sleep schedule.

Janlm September 4th, 2007 02:47 AM

Re: Player List
i'm in, my preferences would be R'lyeh, Mictlan or Marignon.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 4th, 2007 02:51 AM

Re: Player List
No proplem, we can fit you in, Janlm.

Though, you're all just figments of my imagination! Weeeee.

... well, that's it for tonight. I might as well enter the Dreamlands, because they're entering me. See ya'll tomorrow.

AdmiralZhao September 4th, 2007 06:01 AM

Re: Player List
I'd like to try out LA Ermor. Failing that, Pangea and then Patala.

calmon September 4th, 2007 07:36 AM

Re: Player List
I would like to join as Patala. (Ermor and Pangaea as second and third choice if needed)

Jazzepi September 4th, 2007 07:47 AM

Re: Recruiting

Lazy_Perfectionist said:
Good nough. Tuning back down to default.

The real reason I suggested these two settings was because I was curious how it would turn out. Really, the R'lyeh thing was really just a crappy way of rationalizing this.

As for offensive, I apologize. I hadn't intended it to be, and my brain is functioning at half-capacity right now, thanks to a confused sleep schedule.

It's okay. It just came off badly. I would recommend you stay with default settings until you have more experience. I think it's more interesting to tinker with the defaults once you've got a good grasp of how those effect the game.


Szumo September 4th, 2007 08:20 AM

Re: Recruiting
I'd like to join as Abyssia.

Evilhomer September 4th, 2007 10:35 AM

Re: Recruiting
You should balance the water nations power using the number of water provinces available. As a rule of thumb I belive a water nation should have 3/4 water provinces for each land province for a land player - So if you aim for 20 land provinces/land nation, give 15 provinces water/water nation. The water provinces should be connected to each other.

Since Rlyeh is the only water player you should not make the water mass huge in this game - I cannot stress how important this is. I got LA Rlyeh with a huge water mass in discordia and the game has not been much challanging this far.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 4th, 2007 11:57 AM

Re: Recruiting
Is Cradle of Dominions playable with 18 nations? It was the first one I considered, but it said for 8 to 10 nations.

The second map I considered was the standard 'Glory of the Gods', but I realized 122 sea provinces are too much unless we managed to find mod water nations.

The third map I considered was the multiplayer version of 'Glory of the Gods'. On one hand, there are 47 water provinces, but they at least are not one contiguous body of water. Though I'd feel better about having just two amphibious nations if I could carve up the western body of water into smaller, separate parts. Or if there's any balanced amphibious LA underwater mod nations... Unfortunately, that Oceania mod is only in the conceptual stage.

Advice on maps?
I suppose I could go looking through some dominions 2 maps, but I still need an eye for what I'm looking for.

Evilhomer September 4th, 2007 12:15 PM

Re: Recruiting
CoD is playable with 18 players. It will however be an agressive game since we are all a bit cramped space wise early on - expect and prepare for rushers if we play this map


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