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Sombre September 9th, 2007 06:35 AM

Warhammer MA: Empire
I was going to do Dwarfs, Chaos Dwarfs or Dogs of War as my next project, but I've decided to start off the Warhammer Empire nation instead, mainly because I need a break from doing non human sprites for a while and Dogs of War is such an eclectic nation that it would require more in the way of graphics.

So anyway, Empire it is, at least for now.



Be tactically flexible
Make full use of resources and production
Have strong religion
Be restricted by its humanity
Represent the incredible diversity of the Colleges
Have very useful and cost effective PD
Be split evenly between North and South creating two interesting balanced nations


Crankbow - 3 crossbow bolts per turn, not that much ammo, bit innacurate.
Hand Crossbow (ranged) - A single shot medium/close range missile weapon.
Hand Crossbow (melee) - A single shot AP melee weapon.
White Wolf Hammer - Solid two handed hammer with charge bonus.


Empire Full Plate - High quality full plate.

------ EMPIRE SOUTH ------


State Spearman - Spear, Shield, Iron Cap, Plate Cuirass.
State Halberdier - Halberd, Iron Cap, Plate Cuirass.
State Swordsman - Broadsword, Shield, Iron Cap, Plate Cuirass (improved skills, higher cost)
State Crossbowman - Crossbow, Dagger, Leather Cap, Plate Cuirass.
Greatsword - Greatsword, Empire Full Plate, Iron Cap.
Greatsword - Greatsword, Empire Full Plate, Iron Cap.
Nobleborn - Horse, Plate Hauberk, Iron Cap, Hand Crossbow (melee/ranged), Broadsword.
Free Infantry - Shortsword, Dagger, Studded Leather, Reinforced Leather Cap.
Archer - Shortbow, Leather Cap, Leather Armour, Dagger.
Reiksguard Foot - Broadsword, Shield, Empire Full Plate, Full Helmet.
Inner Circle Reiksguard Knight - Warhorse, Lance, Broadsword, Shield, Empire Full Plate,

Full Helmet.
Order Knight (generic) - Warhorse, Lance, Broadsword, Shield, Empire Full Plate, Full

Flagellant - Sacred, Flail.
War Wagon - High rcost. Various ranged and melee weapons, trample.
Steam Tank - V. High rcost. No cannon, but tramples and uses steam weapons + 'fire' shield, extreme prot.
Marksman - Carries a crankbow.
Outrider - Horse, Arbalest, Short Sword, light armour.


State Captain
State General
Elector Count - Expensive, summons state troops, not a bad general
Reik Captain - As knight, standard, 80 ldr.
Grand Masters - One per Southern order, they are unique summons who in turn can use 'summon allies' to gather Inner Circle knights of their order. Probably require house
rules. The Reiksmarshal Kurt Helborg is particularly powerful.
Initiate of Sigmar - H1
Battle-Priest of Sigmar - H2, 40 ldr, extra holy spell or two
Theoganist - H3, old, not a leader
Witch Hunter - H1, stealthy, inquisitor, increase unrest
College Adept - 1 Random pick, used to summon College Wizards

------ EMPIRE NORTH ------


State Spearman - Spear, Shield, Iron Cap, Plate Cuirass.
State Halberdier - Halberd, Iron Cap, Plate Cuirass.
State Swordsman - Broadsword, Shield, Iron Cap, Plate Cuirass (improved skills, higher cost)
Greatsword - Greatsword, Empire Full Plate, Iron Cap.
Free Infantry - Shortsword, Dagger, Studded Leather, Reinforced Leather Cap.
Archer - Shortbow, Leather Cap, Leather Armour, Dagger.
Huntsman - Longbow, Leather Cap, Leather Armour, Axe, stealthy.
Hunting Hound - Summoned by Huntsmaster, stealthy flanker.
Kossar - Ringmail, Reinforced Leather Cap, Axe, Composite Bow.
Ungol Horse Archer - Ungol Horse, Furs, Composite Bow, Falchion.
Winged Lancer - Ungol Horse, Lance, Shield, Falchion, Plate Hauberk.
Teutogen Guard - Empire Full Plate, White Wolf Hammer, Half Helmet.
Inner Circle White Wolf - Warhorse, Empire Full Plate, White Wolf Hammer.
Order Knight - Warhorse, Lance, Broadsword, Shield, Empire Full Plate, Full Helmet.
Warrior of Ulric - Sacred, Greatsword, Ringmail, Iron Cap.
Wolfkin - Sacred, Furs, Axe, Broadsword, stealthy.


State Captain
Elector Count - Expensive, summons state troops, not a bad general
Hunt Master - Horse, light lance, spawns hunting hounds
Boyar - Ungol Horse, Plate Hauberk, Composite Bow, Falchion
Ice Mage - Water and possibly air magic from Kislev
White Wolf Seneschal - As White Wolf Knight, standard, 80 ldr.
Grand Masters - One per Northern order, they are unique summons who in turn can use 'summon allies' to gather Inner Circle knights of their order. Probably require house rules.
Initiate of Ulric - H1
Battle-Priest of Ulric - H2, 40 ldr, extra holy spell or two
High Priest of Ulric - H3
College Adept - 1 Random pick, used to summon College Wizards



Reiksguard (Special polished armour gives +1 def)
Blazing Sun (Morning star rather than broadsword, partial fire res)
Griffon (Higher morale and mapmove 3)
Hunters of Sigmar (Forest survival, axe, slightly worse armour, supplybonus)
Black Bear (+1 str)
Sigmar's Blood (Sacred)
Gold Lion (Wasteland survival)
Encarmine (No lance, no shield, two swords, very skilled, high upkeep)
Hammers of Sigmar (Sacred, no lance, holy hammer, shield, no helmet)


White Wolf (No lance, no shield, no helmet, use white wolf hammers, +1mr, berserk 0)
Panther (Falchion rather than broadsword, wasteland survival, animal awe)
Templars of Everlasting Light (Standard effect)
Sacred Scythe (No lance, anti undead scythe)
Knights of Morr (Increase unrest, fear 0, no lance)
Broken Sword (No lances, better sword skill)
Wolves of Ulric (Sacred, similar to white wolf)
Gryphon Legion (Not really a knight order, but the Kislev equivalent, upgraded winged lancers)



Fire - Bright - F+ - Evocation
Wizard - Higher precision, lower research
Lord - Strong fire shield, starts at higher leadership

Metal - Gold - E (F) - Alteration and construction
Wizard - Alchemy (?), higher upkeep
Lord - Forgebonus

Shadow - Grey - AD - Enchantment, alteration
Wizard - Stealthy
Lord - Flight, spy

Beasts - Amber - N+ - Conjuration
Wizard - Forest survival, shapechange to wolf
Lord - Shapechange to giant bear, useful summon allies ability in this form

Heavens - Celestial - Equal AS - Evocation and thaum
Wizard - Research bonus, prevent bad events
Lord - Better bonuses

Light - Light - FS - Alteration and Evocation
Wizard - Heal, Auto communion (pythium copystats)
Lord - Better heal?

Life - Jade - N EWA - Alteration, Evocation
Wizard - Decrease unrest? Heal?
Lord - If possible, increase growth scale (lord of fertility)

Death - Amethyst - D (W) - Alteration, Enchantment
Wizard - Drain life attack
Lord - Armed with Soul Slaying scythe weapon

Each school will have 2 summons available - one for a standard Wizard such as "Bright Wizard" and one for a college lord, "Bright Wizard Lord". The standard wizards will basically be 2 in one path then have some kind of secondary path, or a chance at lvl3 in their main path if from a focused school like Bright.

The Wizard Lords will be lvl 3 average, but some lvl 4. They will kick ***, but they will all be old.

The whole thing will be started off by the College Acolyte recruitable which has lvl 1 random in NEFADS.

N1 summons Amber, Jade
F1 summons Bright, Light
A1 summons Grey,
D1 summons Amethyst
S1 summons Celestial
E1 summons Gold

The summons will have to be researched and will be found with one version in each of the schools favoured by the mages, at level 3 and 6 perhaps?

Sombre September 9th, 2007 06:37 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
1 Attachment(s)
A little preview of my very first empire unit - a member of the elite Reiksguard Foot.


Burnsaber September 9th, 2007 08:35 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Jade Wizards should also probably have forest survival.

About Witch-Hunter:

I think they shouldn't be spies, scouts, perhaps. Spies are coolheaded folk who don't attract attetion to themeselves. Witch Hunter preaching with foam-coming-out-of-the-mouth and burning womenfolk attracts attention. Besides if they're spies they might have a bit too much going on. Summon, patrol, spying, preaching? He'd just cost too much gold to do any of those things because of his diversity. Even if he's a mere scout he still has the stealthy inquistor combo going on.

If you want a spy unit, how about agitator? I got a inspiration to write a improptu description:

"In the busy life of well populated Empire cities, many charismatic characters earn their living by making loud speeches against/for political issues (depending on which side pays them more). Many of them end up shouting speeches that are wiewed to anti-nobility and thereby, heretical. They are captured and put to the rope. Sometimes, an especially charismatic invidual might be saved form the rope, if he starts saying the right things about the Holy Empire.."

zepath September 11th, 2007 01:47 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I'm anxious to see this one come about. The Empire is my (second?) favorite WH Fantasy nation.

Autochthon September 23rd, 2007 02:31 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Let's see what we can add here...

Flagellants! We loves them - and maybe Flagellant commanders? And they seriously need Berserk. I dunno why the vanilla Dom3 Flagellants don't...

Standard Bearers. I've never seen an Empire Army in TT w/out being fully decked out w/SB + Musician for Morale bonuses.

Greatswords. Yeah, baby!

Warrior Priests are Sacred Priest (H1?) Commanders w/Leadership.

Light Mages would have to be Holy as well.

Grey Mages should have Glamour instead of Flight. Also should have Cause Unrest and/or Assassin Order.

Amber Mages w/Shapeshift, Stealth, all Survival abilities.

Jade Mages w/Supply, Poison Immunity, Rejuvenation.

Celestial Mages w/innate Luck? Or just leave as A/S Magi.

Gold Magi should have higher Resources Cost to offset Forge Bonus

Priest of Sigmar has H2S1, while Priest of Ulric has only H2 but higher Str and Atk and Sacred?

Can't be Empire w/out Artillery, either.

Shortbows and Crossbows too - but no Comp. Bows or Longbows.

Knightly Orders provide mounted Sacred units.

Are we including Allied contingents too? Or is that too much?

Here's a brain-bending idea for you...

Instead of having an Empire faction, why not have seperate factions for each Electorate and replay the Time of the Three Emperors?

We could do this because there is enough variety between factions. The Northerners worship Ulric and tend towards melee-heavy armies. The Westerners favor Sigmar and favor newfangled weapons like artillery, magic and cavalry. Finally, the Easterners love Taal, and their forces reflect this by being fast and mobile, with lots of skilled archers and light infantry.

Oh right, the Magisters weren't around. Damn space/time continuum...:P

Sombre September 23rd, 2007 03:08 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I had already decided to split The Empire into two nations, combined in one mod. The divide is basically Northeast / Southwest, I've decided to call one Empire South and one Empire North. Empire North gets the cult of Ulric, Middenlanders and Kislev allies. South gets more stuff from Nuln, the Reik etc.

I'll update the first post with extended army lists. They still aren't finished.

The sprites are actually proving harder than anticipated, because I don't feel happy only slightly modifying vanilla ones. I want them to look distinctive. I will use some vanilla sprites as a base/placeholders at first, but sometimes it's hard to find suitable ones.

Aezeal September 23rd, 2007 12:27 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
2 points..


2. with the new warhammer world map in progress (ye olde world thread) I think your mods would be the best ones to play on that map..
--> the old world is a fairly small part of that map where a lot happens
--> splitting the empire in 2 means MORE players on that small part
so I would ask.. please create (next to this idea maybe) a race which would be the empire as one race..

Sombre September 23rd, 2007 12:34 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
1. How is that a point? What about the steam tank?

2. Like Greenskins, the Empire army list is too large to cram everything into one nation. Once I'm finished, someone can combine the two nations into one with great ease. It's just a matter of a few lines of code and a bit of copying and pasting. I'm not going to do it personally because I think it's a bad idea. It would be like putting the units and commanders from EA Ulm, MA Ulm and LA Ulm all into one nation. Just too much stuff.

Humakty September 23rd, 2007 02:53 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Couldn't you divide the magicians between the two empires ?
True the magical game will be less random, but it would avoid a maybe too powerfull late game ?

zepath September 23rd, 2007 03:09 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Humatky: That is an interesting question. With the Colleges of Magic located in Altdorf, will the battle wizards only be made available to Empire South? Perhaps you could include them all in the Empire North nation with slightly inflated prices to represent the additional resources required to enlist college-trained wizards from the south.

Sombre September 23rd, 2007 09:53 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I'm planning on balancing the College wizards simply by costing them high enough in gems and in the case of Wizard Lords, research, that getting enough of them as battlemages will be quite tough.

The idea being that you don't get droves of wizards from each school, instead you go for the Colleges that you want/need. I fully expect Bright and Gold to be popular as battle mages, but that fits warhammer pretty well. I might give amethyst DS to use nether bolt too.

The lategame will be strong in terms of variety, becasue by that point you probably have several Wizard Lords, but the handicap of not being able to simply recruit useful wizards is fairly major and should have weakened the midgame a bit. Besides, the Empire is supposed to be able to turtle somewhat - they aren't a rush nation at all, as reflected by their many slow summons and lack of uber sacreds.

llamabeast September 24th, 2007 01:16 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
The Reiksguard sprite is really lovely. It has, at a stroke, taken my excitement level for an Empire mod from 'disinterested' (never liked Empire when I played Warhammer - what's with all the frills?) to 'keen'.

Autochthon September 29th, 2007 02:06 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
In WHFRP lore, the Magisters and their Colleges were answerable to the Emperor alone.

However, we are taking liberties with this in that the Emperor has either lost his mandate to rule or that is is now being seriously challenged.

We could bend the lore a bit further by introducing a inter-Collegiate schism based on this. When the Emperor is strong, then the Colleges have no problem being totally dependent on his good-will.

But if the Emperor is weak enough to be seriously challenged, members of the Colleges might try to seek alterative patronage.

If we use this sort of reckoning, then we can allow both sides to use Mages.

Or, you can have entire Orders throw their support behind a faction. I can definitely see the Amber and Jade Orders supporting the North over the South, whereas the Gold and Celestial Orders are unlikely to prefer Middenheim over Altdorf, despite their having schools in both cities.

Just a few thoughts to keep creative juices flowing...

Kristoffer O September 29th, 2007 03:15 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Prehaps limiting the top ranking wizards to the Altdorf Faction.

Aezeal September 29th, 2007 10:12 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
STEAMTANK is a very valid point

Sombre September 30th, 2007 10:53 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Is it? Does that mean ULTRA SPINE SALAD and TURBINE DOLPHIN are also valid?

There's no need for me to write any explanation for why Empire North and Empire South both get the college wizards, because pretty much any Empire army can use any of them. I won't be representing Patriarchs in the game, other than Balthasar Gelt, the Bright Wizard one (I forget the name - he was supreme patriarch before Gelt) and possibly Volans himself.

Just to be clear, by splitting Empire into two nations, I'm not writing in a civil war or representing the periods when the crown was challenged. It's merely a method of splitting up the huge unit list. I was planning on doing the same with Orcs and Goblins (which Okin is now doing I believe).

If you want to represent a civil war, that's up to you to roleplay just as if you want to represent a full and undivided Empire you'd have to make special rules allying the two nations, or combine them into one super nation.

llamabeast September 30th, 2007 03:47 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire

Is it? Does that mean ULTRA SPINE SALAD and TURBINE DOLPHIN are also valid?

Sombre, you crack me up. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Autochthon September 30th, 2007 04:10 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Shouldn't Witch Hunters also have some sort of Patrol Bonus?

After all, their job is to root out hidden deviancies of body and mind, which make them excellent Patrol units.

The dead bodies and lost populations that result from being on Patrol orders also fits the image of the Witch Hunters.

Makes me wonder if Witch Hunters shouldn't have Pillage too. Y'know - "Kill everyone to save them from themselves." http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Frankly, I think that Flagellants and the Warrior Priest should have the Inquisitor skill instead.

Autochthon September 30th, 2007 04:14 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire

Sombre said:
Is it? Does that mean ULTRA SPINE SALAD and TURBINE DOLPHIN are also valid?

Yes, but aren't those Dwarf war machines? I don't have the Armylists on me, sooooo...http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

Ronco Gunrisson's Salad Shooter, anyone? Or maybe a lost schema from Von Meinkoff's estate? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

Aezeal September 30th, 2007 07:53 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
no they are not valid.

come on.. when I started WH all empire players would drool over the tank, good or not.. it's just a must have http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Sombre September 30th, 2007 11:21 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Oh so you were just asking me to include it? It's already in my proposed army list and has been since well before you made that post. So you'll get steam tanks. Eventually. OWL LASER.

Giving flagellants inquisitor wouldn't do anything. It just helps preaching in hostile dominion. Witch hunters could have patrol bonus.

Autochthon October 1st, 2007 12:41 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire

Sombre said:
Oh so you were just asking me to include it? It's already in my proposed army list and has been since well before you made that post. So you'll get steam tanks. Eventually. OWL LASER.

Giving flagellants inquisitor wouldn't do anything. It just helps preaching in hostile dominion. Witch hunters could have patrol bonus.

!) Unfortunately, lots of Owls are Endangered, so you may have to settle for cranky mutant Egrets. Or Flamingos.

2) Fanatics of all stripes love to preach when they aren't hurting people. Sometimes they do both at the same time. At these times they can be -very- persuasive. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

llamabeast October 1st, 2007 05:28 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Egrets? I've had a few - but then again, who hasn't?

Aezeal October 1st, 2007 05:35 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Don't you think beserk, sacred and 2 attacks is a bit much for lowly flagellants though? And then maybe inquisitor on top of that?

Sombre October 1st, 2007 06:14 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire

llamabeast said:
Egrets? I've had a few - but then again, who hasn't?

-universe groans-

I'm not using dom3 flagellants. I'm making my own, based off the warhammer unit.

Tomorrow I start getting into the modwork again and I'll carry on for the next 4 days or so. So I might even be able to get a beta out in a couple of weeks.

Of course there are other mods crying out for more stuff. Skaven will get an update of some sort soon. Probably heroes.

llamabeast October 1st, 2007 06:35 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Oh boy, I did a misquote! It should have been

Egrets, I've had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.

How embarrassing.

Looking forward to the new mods by the way Sombre! And, I'm still working on the Tomb Kings, believe it or not. I'm asymptotically approaching completion (I do half of what's left to do each week - now I just have about ten descriptions, the forts and the banners to do, shouldn't take long at all).

Sombre October 22nd, 2007 07:37 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
1 Attachment(s)
I have been working on this, though very slowly. I have a lot of code done at least.

Anyway, 3 new graphics to tide people over.


Kristoffer O October 22nd, 2007 12:23 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Looks nice. I'm particulary fond of the sword guy. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Humakty October 23rd, 2007 05:43 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Very nice, are you following one of the particular colour code of the Empire ? (there is one per region/free city)

Sombre October 23rd, 2007 06:25 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I am to an extent. Each different state unit will bear the livery of a different force or region. For instance the Halberdier up there is clearly from Altdorf, while the spearman has a modified Stirland colour scheme. The greatsword might be from a number of different places. I'm not going to pay very close attention to copying livery colours and patterns, but I am going to make sure the armies look colourful and the units are distinct - you aren't playing a single region army here, but a combined Imperial force, so many and varied colour schemes make perfect sense.

I'm splitting the Empire into North and South. Roughly speaking this will be the split:


Middenheim (city)
Talabheim (city)
Kislev Allies


Altdorf (city)
Nuln (city)
The Moot (Halfling region)

Clearly the Empire South gets more engineery stuff due to Nuln, Halflings due to The Moot, different knightly orers etc while Empire North gets huntsmen, Kislevites, the northern knightly orders,.. and so on.

The two sides will end up being pretty different. Even their basic state troops have some differences - southern spearmen use long spears and ringmail while northerners use regular spears and have plate cuirasses like halberdiers, the southern state troops include crossbows, northern shortbow archer militia are slightly better,.... lots of little things.

Humakty October 23rd, 2007 06:38 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Urm...euh...I mean yeah, it will be nice for sure...

Morkilus October 23rd, 2007 05:13 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
so, wait... 2 different nations? Sweet.

Sombre October 23rd, 2007 09:10 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Yeah they'll be split into two nations, with two flags, in two different mod files as well probably. Only way to fit everything in.

Noble713 August 12th, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire

This project isn't dead, is it?

Wrana August 15th, 2008 12:54 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Thank you for the good work! Though I have to disagree on some issues, as usual.
(What I agree with is the 2 nations idea, though on different basis: I think that in gods-based games, such as Dominions is, it would be simply wrong to include followers of Sigmar and Ulric as one faction. I would prefer that it would be possible to make choice on the Pretender creation stage, but it's not so, alas. :( Kislevites I would (and shall) try to make an independent nation.)
0. I still think that Warhammer nations should be LA.
1. Why don't you include firearms as they are? They are surely part of WarHammer world, and balancing them shouldn't be too difficult...
2. I would (and shall, for my version) make a rapier as a new weapon - in any case, it needs to be done when Tilea will be under work... Otherwise, Imperial Swordsmen/Free Companies are often depicted using falchions...
3. I would include Empire standart bearer as additional unit
4. I would make at least Inner Circle Knight sacred (actually, in my version it's planned to make Free Lances, who is normal knights, and Knights of the Orders, who is sacred...)
5. I would include both mounted and foot versions of Sigmarite clergy... Plus Arch-Lectors. Grand Theogonist, I think, can only be included as unique (?) Hero.
6. Idea of Wizards/Lords as summons I think just isn't right, but it's possible that it grants better balance (though making them capital only and costly could be restriction enough?). Or do you make it so for some different reason? With Skaven some units made as summons for Warlock Engineers was thematic for sure, but for Empire?
7. North forces I generally agree about, but maybe they better have chain mail, not plate armor (I mean infantry, not Knights, of course!)?
8. Maybe too many Knight Orders, especially if we remember that they are dedicated to different gods...
That's it for now. ;) In any case I plan to make at least some Warhammer-based nations coming autumn, but it would be fine to know reasons behind what you do..

Sombre August 15th, 2008 01:27 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
1. Dom3 isn't designed for guns and they don't work well within it, or make much sense in its context. I make the warhammer nations to be used along with the Dom3 set of nations, not as part of a total conversion.

2. I don't really see the point of adding a rapier as a new weapon. I'm not against the idea but it isn't a classic empire weapon or anything and it's basically just another sword, with slightly different stats to broad, short and falchion I guess.

3. I thought about having standard bearers and decided against it. Every nation in Warhammer has them in the tabletop game, but the dom3 AI doesn't handle them too well and I prefer standards on non magical commanders as incentive to build them.

4. Some of the orders will be sacred, probably. Several of the orders have no strong religious association, or are part of a cult that is often at odds with the primary religion (see blazing suns, a classic empire order). Inner circles are just the elite of the order, not any more sacred to ordinary people/the priesthood.

5. To keep the number of commanders on the build list down to a semi reasonable number, I'm just having H1+2+3 priests, probably all on foot.

6. I want to include all of the magical orders. This simply doesn't work if they're recruitable from the recruit screen. That's the only reason for this decision, really. It does give the Empire an interesting mechanic too.

7. The plate armour is actually a bit of an issue. Plate cuirass is pretty damn heavy armour in dom3, yet in warhammer the empire troops have light armour. I might give them a special 'empire plate cuirass' or something with slightly less prot and enc. Some of the lighter units have ringmail etc also - notably the spearmen.

8. Yeah there are probably too many. There are probably too many nations, spells, items and units in dom3 also. I'll just add one or two in each version I release. They all have cool graphics and backstories and I will give them all slightly different mechanics. I expect them to be more of a theme/RP thing though, unlike the magic colleges which will have a big impact on gameplay.

Sombre August 15th, 2008 01:31 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Oh and no this isn't abandoned. I'll finish it eventually. I might even upload a bunch of graphics this weekend to tide people over. I admit I haven't worked on it forever though - all the stuff I could show you is old.

HoneyBadger August 15th, 2008 02:08 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Sombre-as concerns plate armour: There are quite a few different varieties and methods of producing plate. Some are going to be quite heavy, particularly those mass produced, or cheaply produced-such as the average recruitable Dom3 unit. Very high quality plate, however, would have to either be made on a very limited basis because of the expense and level of skill to produce it, or be produced by a nation with an advanced infrastructure, like the Empire. The very best plate armour ever produced (from Kasten-Brust to Maximilian) covered you from head to toe, allowed completely free movement, and weighed no more than 50lbs.

Wrana August 15th, 2008 03:26 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Thank you for your answers.
1. I, for my part, am going to try to make WarHammer series mostly separate - about as BlackMoon project was, which added 4 different nations from different setting with intention that they were mostly to be played against one another, not alongside Dominions staple nations. I consider this more logical - without thinking where they appeared from and why. As for how they work - I didn't play much with Tarent mod, but had an impression that firearms worked relatively well in its context.. Have you any information on this? And in WarHammer there are quite many firearms so I'm not sure that their abscence would make style the same. Mechanically, of course, difference isn't much.
2. Well, slightly different stats, of course. Just that when I thought about this, I realised that a) historical counterparts to Empire Swordsmen, i.e., Spanish rondashiers (sp?) used just them and b) I would need them anyway when working on Tilea...
3. Agree that in WarHammer most armies have them. But it could be a good way to represent higher discipline and organisation of Empire armies (I don't plan to include banners for Bretonnia foot, for example). Another possibility I thought of is to make Empire infantry more mobile both on battlefield and on a strategy map than their armor would indicate ("marching"; this wouldn't be the case for cavalry).
4. Generally yes. Which is why other possibility and 8. :) I just don't see Empire cavalry consisting entirely of Templars and light cavalry - there should be secular knights as well as sacred ones, and the latter, while fine in RPG context, shouldn't probably be in the game which centers around gods struggling for domination...
5. Have to agree with this - there are many commanders already... And you didn't include Engineer, I fear! By the way, I agree that Witch Hunter should have patrolling, not spying ability. If any, he is more like assassin, not spy...
6. Understand now... Not sure if it would be manageable other way, too.
7. Yes, it's somewhat of a translation problem. But in this case (and some others) I am more inclined to go by art and descriptions rather than strict WarHammer mechanic (which, after all, includes just 2 general armor types)... And the question was due to the fact that north-provinces troops I've seen depicted with different armor.
8. Well, we surely can't reduce the number of things developers throw at us! :) While in the mods we produce we have more freedom in regards what to not include.

Sombre August 15th, 2008 09:01 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire

Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 631480)
Sombre-as concerns plate armour: There are quite a few different varieties and methods of producing plate. Some are going to be quite heavy, particularly those mass produced, or cheaply produced-such as the average recruitable Dom3 unit. Very high quality plate, however, would have to either be made on a very limited basis because of the expense and level of skill to produce it, or be produced by a nation with an advanced infrastructure, like the Empire. The very best plate armour ever produced (from Kasten-Brust to Maximilian) covered you from head to toe, allowed completely free movement, and weighed no more than 50lbs.

Well I'm not that fussed about history. Empire State Troops are generally depicted with plate cuirasses and so they're going to have some sort of chestplate armour. However in Warhammer they are not heavy infantry - they are medium at best. The Greatswords do have full plate and I'm ok with them being tough to kill (though without helmets, poor fellas), but the plate cuirass in dom3 is a bit much for the state troops.

Sombre August 15th, 2008 09:24 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire

Originally Posted by Wrana (Post 631499)
Thank you for your answers.
1. I, for my part, am going to try to make WarHammer series mostly separate - about as BlackMoon project was, which added 4 different nations from different setting with intention that they were mostly to be played against one another, not alongside Dominions staple nations. I consider this more logical - without thinking where they appeared from and why. As for how they work - I didn't play much with Tarent mod, but had an impression that firearms worked relatively well in its context.. Have you any information on this? And in WarHammer there are quite many firearms so I'm not sure that their abscence would make style the same. Mechanically, of course, difference isn't much.
2. Well, slightly different stats, of course. Just that when I thought about this, I realised that a) historical counterparts to Empire Swordsmen, i.e., Spanish rondashiers (sp?) used just them and b) I would need them anyway when working on Tilea...
3. Agree that in WarHammer most armies have them. But it could be a good way to represent higher discipline and organisation of Empire armies (I don't plan to include banners for Bretonnia foot, for example). Another possibility I thought of is to make Empire infantry more mobile both on battlefield and on a strategy map than their armor would indicate ("marching"; this wouldn't be the case for cavalry).
4. Generally yes. Which is why other possibility and 8. :) I just don't see Empire cavalry consisting entirely of Templars and light cavalry - there should be secular knights as well as sacred ones, and the latter, while fine in RPG context, shouldn't probably be in the game which centers around gods struggling for domination...
5. Have to agree with this - there are many commanders already... And you didn't include Engineer, I fear! By the way, I agree that Witch Hunter should have patrolling, not spying ability. If any, he is more like assassin, not spy...
6. Understand now... Not sure if it would be manageable other way, too.
7. Yes, it's somewhat of a translation problem. But in this case (and some others) I am more inclined to go by art and descriptions rather than strict WarHammer mechanic (which, after all, includes just 2 general armor types)... And the question was due to the fact that north-provinces troops I've seen depicted with different armor.
8. Well, we surely can't reduce the number of things developers throw at us! :) While in the mods we produce we have more freedom in regards what to not include.

1. Good luck with that huge project. Guns in dom3 can of course be simulated quite easily, but they don't look right at all to me. The nearest I would do is something like the Ogre Deathbelcher.

3. Empire organisation I'd been representing with strong PD and good for the cost State Troops. They get 11 morale for instance, representing their drilling beyond the basic infantry level.

4. I have included both secular and religious knights. I don't agree that secular knights have no place in dominions. There are quite a few examples of secular groups of troops in dom3. There are even heretics.

5. They will probably have a cheap siege bonus engineer of some sort. Well, the Altdorf faction anyway.

7. I haven't seen northern state troops with different armour. Unless you're referring to an older range of models?

HoneyBadger August 16th, 2008 01:00 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Eventually, I have plans to do some codifying of weapons and armour to use as a general reference of effectiveness for the game. It'll take a lot of work and research, so I won't be done with it any time real soon, but I think I can do a pretty good job of illustrating what weapons and armour in the game should be capable of doing, and where are the gaps.

Hopefully, it'll serve a purpose as a handy modding reference, for me if for noone else, since it can become very time consuming and very arbitrary to just guess at what a given piece of equipment ought to do.

I'm planning on making it quite complete, containing as it should all major and most minor ancient arms, up to an including the Renaissance.

Wrana August 16th, 2008 07:47 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
3. Maybe that would be enough. But how to represent their Detachments... :confused: ;)
4. Maybe I wasn't clear - I meant that I am against the current situation in WH when all Empire knights are considered to be from Orders (except Counts themselves, that is)!
7. Quite probably, I am not watching model lines closely. Also illustrations in Empire army books...

Wrana August 16th, 2008 08:01 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
IIRC, there are some Greatsword regiments that don't wear helmets, but other do. In 6th ed. armybook I clearly see Wissenland Greatsword in Capellino helmet (p.11), some Greatswords in what is "Iron Cap" (p. 31), Carroburgers with both (p. 42), but Talabheim with no helmet as I see (same page). I don't have 7th ed. one on hand, but I think you will get similar pattern from it.

Wrana August 16th, 2008 08:04 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I am with you! In spirit, at least.. ;) More seriously, I could be of help starting with October-November when I'll have enough time.

HoneyBadger August 16th, 2008 03:02 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Good. You can work on military arms of Russia, the Slavic countries, Turkey, Mongolia, and Eastern Europe. Just give me a list, sorted by region and approximate date, with a picture if you can find one, any references, and a short description.

Wrana August 17th, 2008 07:45 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I have to say beforehand that I don't know much about Slavic countries (I have some good articles on Poland, but not Bohemia or Serbia). Turkey & especially Mongolia would be easier - I have some friends who dig deeply indeed on these. I personally am more interested in Ancient Greece and Hellenistic world, though, of course, I have some information on Russian developments. ;) Plus European Renessaince (mostly Germany and England), and I have also information on China and surrounding regions, particularly Korea.

Sombre August 17th, 2008 09:27 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Take it to another thread, please.

Wrana August 17th, 2008 09:58 AM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Sorry. But it's finished in any case.

Sombre September 5th, 2008 02:09 PM

Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I said before I would upload some of the graphics I did a while ago for Empire.

So here they are. Several are unfinished. I'm not currently working on Empire, but they will be finished one day.


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