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Most Usefull Research Path...
I was just wondering what people's research preferences were. I know that the best research path depends on what civilization you choose or what your strategy is but lets think of it as universal Usefulness...
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
why, if ONLY ONE of them I would of course research blood...
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
This question so much depends on the nation you are playing. If you are Man, Evocation can be usefull, but it Evocation won't help you as much if you playing as Pangaea.
Also Construction by itself is useless, but you almost always need so you can cast spells in the other research paths. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Construction has summons, good globals, can approximate some evocation through items, can equip SCs, and especially with unique magic items can fill many other gaps. It's true that it is better for some paths than others, but less so than almost any other school. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
I forgot about the summons and the globals. You could create golems from the construction path and equip it with items, to make SC's. Plus you can cast forge of the ancients, and mast produce evocation items. Then there is the spell that enhances armor, and weapons of sharpness.
I will vote for that path. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
I think construction path is one of the most usefull stand-one path. However I voted for Conjuration because even with great items if you have superior summoned units you can take anyone.
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
I chose construction because all nations can get something useful out of it.
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Construction is invaluable for all nations.
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Jazzepi |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
He was saying "A properly equipped SC can deal with anything and everything that isn't properly equipped."
I voted for Enchantment. Domes, nice summons, some very good globals... It only lacks damage spells oustide Flaming Arrows and Foul Vapors and such. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
I was one of the few who went for Thaumaturgy.
I have had SCs taken out with a lucky casting of Rage (they hit themselves) despite mr of 23. You get most of the site search spells. great spells to counter undead. Paralyze / mind burn/ soul slay/ Enslave, comminions, soul drain, vortex of returning/ teleport/ returning. Lots of battle field debuffs. all very nice. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Blood is incredibly useful, cause it combines a lot of different abilities, such as, reinvigorating the user of it, increasing life span, even healing and mind control and still summons and has damaging aspects.
except for the hunting and the few nations that get blood. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Construction, useful for every nation bar none.
Interesting that in what is essentially a wargame, evocation magic has faired so badly. I say interesting but I am not surprised, thugs/SC's tend to win everytime over, 'kaboom' magic. Even the high level evocation spells like shimmering fields, niefel flames etc lack a certain punch. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
The question is How could you build a SC without a good chassis.
AMA yes, Pendent of Luck yes, Amon Hotep yes, Magebane yes, Aegis yes, Boots of planes yes. So what? The only guy you could stack these items on to is a strategos, and with merely 13hp he just die to every single spell you drop there. Life for a life? No, a single level-one blood burst is already overkill. And what if unique items are grabbed by other nation choose const? ONLY ONE SCHOOL. Just like blood, to have a good go with const you need your nation have the ability to not only forge items but also use those const magics. And blood come with enough SC counters..heck, with only one school blood player could have AC up without any hesitation. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Blood isn't as self-sufficient as it looks though - you don't get any blood thorns or brazen vessels or even SDRs without Construction. That makes a lot of spells inaccessible except to your pretender and also trashes your slave income.
I think the only answer is that there is no answer: a one-school research strategy will always be crippled. No school is sufficient unto itself. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Question: when a lamp is re-created the djinn is gone. how about his equipments?
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
I don't trust SC (had some bad (but short) experiences with them), so I would say enchantment, for all the reasons developped above by more experienced players.
I will had the summons are easy to cast, as a 1D mage can search for sites pretty easily, so you don't need much effort before starting to trample the ennemy's elites.(If you understand what spell I'm pointing) PS : I preffer to field ubber battle mages, rather than SC, I find them to kill more ennemies for the same cost in gems. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
One other consideration - in theory you can trade for construction items. I know that if I can line up a good trading partner early I'm much more likely to ignore construction for a bit. And some of the con-0 stuff you can do without research is decent, particularly the earth items, I think you could have a pretty decent thug without any construction research - if you had the right chasis.
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Cheap path boosters, SC items, per turn unit generators, assassins, supplies for large armies, underwater access for any army/unit, evocations, defensive items for mages, research boosters, gem producers, all the artifacts, communes, etc. No research path can claim to have it all, but Construction comes the closest. In addition, if one could choose 2 research paths I would predict most would have Construction so they could enhance/access more of the other path more through items. Quote:
If some MP game ever started based on limiting players to 1 path then the others might target the Construction nation just so they could hope to grab some items to make their uber mages or steal some nicely equipped SCs for themself. But with the right diplomacy the Construction player could make himself the invaluable goto guy for the needs of the others. And who wouldn't want to ally with the only nation who could make the good items? Besides you have to go kill that Enchantment Nation before they get Arcane Nexus up. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
It would make for an interesting game, but I think that everyone would simply go with construction. OTOH blood and making a pretender that could cast Astral Corruption is a decent play considering no one could dispell it. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
That depends on what you want to accomplish.
Since what you want to accomplish is: killing all those that oppose you, the most useful path, for most nations, is evocation. Obviously there are exceptions - some nations prefer to kill with thaumaturgy, for example. And, yeah, construction does provide an acceptable mass-death quotient, and it helps you to unzip it and let loose on the smoldering corpses of your enemies, once that state has been effected. But oh, evocation - nothing compares to you. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
I don't suppose there is anyway to set up a test game where each nation gets only one research path. It would have to be an honor system I guess.
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Well it'd be an honor system, but it'd mostly be pretty obvious if you cheated.
Anyway, everyone around here is pretty honorable, so that would work fine I think. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Construction really is the backbone of the game. Items open up far more possibilities than the other paths.
Enchantment is probably the next best, with the superb globals and good summons and buffs. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
You would probably after sign up with your nation plus the single reseach path. Like:-
Pangaea - construction Caelum - evocation Might make for a fairly quick, fun game. It would of course be very, very obvious if a player broke the rules. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
For longer games you could allow the first two levels of all paths, to let players have access to many must have spells. I can't imagine a game on a big map without the site searching spells
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Enchantment is far more versatile than Construction just scrolling across the list of each shows the variation. Construction is very important yet if given the option of only one it's Enchantment. Enchantment provides critical game spells such as: Global Spells: 1) Earth Blood Deep Well 2) Arcane Nexus 3) Thetis Blessing (attacking water nations) 4) Gift of Health <Priceless) 5) DISPELL -- Taking out enemy globals! Critical Battlefield Buffs: 1) Strength of Giants 2) Flaming Arrows 3) Anti-Magic (entire army!) 4) Haste 5) Arrow Fend (major) 6) Mass Flight (major during storming castles) 7) Mass Regeneration 8) Long List of battlefield spells for resistances 9) Storm Warriors Great Battlefield Spells: 1) Unraveling (magical units go Snap-Crackle-POP) 2) Raise Dead or Skeletons 3) Foul Vapors 4) Heat from Hell or Grip of Winter 5) Rigor Mortis 6) Mists of Deception (recently identified as being too powerful) 7) Demon Cleansing (double damage on demons) 8) Friendly Currents (underwater spell) Important Teleporting Spells: 1) Cloud Trapeze 2) Ritual of Returning 3) Faery Trod Good List of Summoning Spells: 1) Revive King / Create Revenant 2) Claymen (underwater optional) 3) Pale Riders (underwater optional) 4) Enliven Statues (underwater optional) 5) Reanimate Archers (one of the very few archer summonings) 6) Carrion Reanimation (major) 7) Lichcraft Good Offensive and Defensive Spells: 1) Army of the Dead 2) Seeking Arrow 3) Most of the DOMES are here Good Buffs helping SC's types to actually stay alive: 1) Breath of Winter 2) Resist Magic 3) Personal Regeneration 4) Astral Shield 5) Flight Second Chance Spells: 1) Ritual of Rebirth 2) Twiceborn |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
It'd be real interesting playing in a game where you can only research one path. Heck if you didn't want it to be "fair" at all you could just randomly assign the path. Things don't always have to be balanced to be fun.
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
There is also the problem, that taken together, paths apart from death are left with very limited or almost no options. Astral gems are almost only for dispel, fire has no good gem channel, air can pretty much only seeking arrow or teleport, nature has highly limited options without high level nature to start with, water needs earth/water for it's only real gem channel. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Someone could crank out a mod with say 7 identical ulms (maybe EA TC? or some other multipath nation), each using 1 path. Would still come down to player skill but would give a better idea as to feasibility. Wonder if it would be rainbow pretenders or specifically built pretenders for those few specific spells. Probably a couple 9's as well if the pretender choice/school/bless worked out. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
On arcane nexus, even if you manage to get to the huge astral requirement without using construction, when forced to alchimize it starts to not look too much better than clams. Quote:
Now, personally I would say that the enchantment version of skelly spamming is probably on the whole better, but construction has many such tricks, that are available to most nations eventually. Where as to make good use of the enchantment version you must be playing one of a specific set of nations, or get lucky with indies. This I would say is the general comparison between construction and any other school: other schools can often do a specific thing better, but construction lets any nation have a lot of options. Quote:
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Why hasn't weapons of sharpness come up in favor of construction? It lets a block of any half-decent national unit cut up most SCs in a couple of rounds. (Petrification and high awe/blood vengeance being the main exceptions, with possible trouble coming from phoenix pyre causing the chaff to all die from the explosions. Forcing every SC to have luck/eth to stand a chance really cuts into their gems, since wraith crowns ain't cheap)
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
To rephrase your question back at you, if you have the pearls for Arcane Nexus (& extra to keep it from being dispelled/removed) and choose not to cast it then what are you going to spend all those pearls on instead... you plan to dispell people to death? If so, I know of an enchantment spell that will get you more pearls. All hail Lord of Dispelling Enemies to Death! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
MA Ermor with UBER Scales, maybe a bless, and Thaumaturgy for the win.
Communioned Soul Slaying Horror Marking will rapidly persuade the SC builders of the error of their ways. Spinx-Imprisoned, Dominion-9 Astral-9 Order-3,Prod.-3,Growth-3, Cold-1, Luck-1, Drain-2 |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
So after 65 votes HALF of the people in the forum think Construction is the best path... mmm... I believe you :S
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
It also depends on what size map you are playing, If you are playing on a very large map then Alteration is Hands down the best choice. Just create a pretender with huge astral skill, Do everything you can to find Astral sites and start Wishing for whatever unit or artifact you want and wish for strength and more magic power.
Of course thats not to mention all the Good buff spells like Body Etheral, Luck, Mistform, Invulnerability, Pheonix pyre etc. to keep your mage\SC alive on top of the Chalice and other Artifacts you have already wished away from the dude with the Construction tree. Plus you get a few descent globals like Fata Morgana and Mother oak, though you couldnt use Utterdark to your advantage unless you were playing LA Ermor in which case you would own even more. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
And the massive buff spells such as army of gold/lead, and the full-army mistform spell to make some insanely tough chaff
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Utterdark is not totally limited to LE Ermor. Any nation that has darkvision could make fair use out of it. Remember that commanders never desert. If you have all the mage you want/need, it can quickly deal with troop centred nations, especially if you get it early. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Actually I may do an experiment and play a hotseat game with myself and two nations and take a pic of my Pretender or whoever I want soloing 40 Abominations.. Hell I could create a Markata Monkey that could do it if I wanted. Which would be pretty funny.. usually I stick with Vampires since their immortal and fly and regenerate etc.. But Im still looking for a better chassis. I tried gift of reason on a Hydra hoping i could equip 9 helmets but alas I didnt even get one helmet slot =(
Maybe I'll even throw in a few devourer of souls just for the hell of it. |
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
A seraph is definitely worth 4 abominations
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Seraphs are something of an excpetion, since they are CHEAPER when wished for. However, most SCs, especially in the late game, are easily taken care of. Life for a Life, banish to inferno, disintigrate spam, petrify, possibly mass horror mark, maybe even paralyze/soul slay, mage bane is always an option. Most of those don't cost 100 pearls.
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Why are Seraphs so good?
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
High Blood Vengeance and good overall stats, i think.
Re: Most Usefull Research Path...
Does the Seraph have a Hidden Blood Vengeance? I see the awe but not the blood vengeance... :S
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