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Xietor October 31st, 2007 02:22 PM

Epic Heroes Mod II(Game Finished)(Lolomo Winner)
Epic Heroes Mod I is finished. It was a fun 12 player mp game that used the Epic Heroes Mod, Worthy Heroes, and blessing hot fix.

Based on the results of Epic Heroes I, many changes were implemented to the heroes. While there were some tiny nerfs, most Epic Heroes got boosts and will be more Epic.

EH mod 1.5


Epic Heroes is a MA Era Mod. And players can play any race of that era. The goal of the Epic Heroes Mod has evolved. The goal now is for every race to have a Hero on turn 1 that is capable of changing how that race is played.

Virtually every race can withstand an early rush without taking an awake pretender. And races can sleep or imprison pretenders where they otherwise would not dare. Of course some races with particularly tough heroes may take an awake pretender and try a rush strategy any way. The options are numerous-and that is a good thing.

The mods that will be used in Epic Heroes II are these:

1. Epic Heroes 1.5
2. Worthy Heroes 1.8 http://www.mediafire.com/?8lglxjfhfjf

3. Kitchen Sink Mod: http://www.mediafire.com/?1zgo3sg2hdx

Mod that increases the cost for gem producing items, it will also prevent the casting of the 4 banned spells, and contain certain Edi noted bug fixes for 3.10.

Links to all mods used and the map will be provided when they are obtained.

The size of the map(and what map will be used) will depend on the number of players that choose to sign up.

Host Schedule:48 hours per turn and quickhost will be on. There will be extensions freely given over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year if any player requests additional time. Delays will be granted at other times also, but typically not for more than 24 hours. Staling 2 turns in a
row without notice or explanation will result in a sub or ai taking over your race.

A word of caution. There were several experienced mp in Epic Heroes I, and that created some early mismatches when they faced new players. Some of these same experienced players have stated that they will play in Epic Heroes II. So if you are a new or relatively new player, be forewarned.

The following spells will be banned:

1. Arcane Nexus
2. Utter Dark
3. Burden of Time
4. Astral Corruption.

Two notable exploits that will also be banned;

1. If you capture bogus and his Dark Knight, you can script those captured units to attack mages, but you cannot copy their "attack mage" orders to other commanders.

2. You cannot cast battlefield enchantments that cause damage to enemy units, then retreat the casting mage before 5 rounds of combat passes. In other words, if you cast Wrathful Skies, you cannot order that mage to retreat before 5 turns has passed(your last available scripting order can be retreat).

In testing the Heroes, you should make sure to take a dom 10 awake pretender and click through several turns as many of them have powerful units that appear(but not often) in very strong dominion. These dominion summons will not appear at all in enemy dominion, and only rarely in low dominion.

Some notable changes:

1.The Blood Jarl of Jotunheim produces 2 bs a turn, and can make a tough unit at the rate of every turn. Not to mention the ice imps that flock to him. He also has a wicked dominion summon. Of course if you use him to make 1 tough unit a turn, he cannot be out blood hunting-and there is no better blood hunter than the Blood Jarl! Decisions, decisions.

2. Following a similar theme, the Black Phoenix produces 3 bs a turn. And has similar perks(fire imps of course, not ice imps).

3. Atlantis-that Epic Hero got major boosts as both the hero and the race were underpowered in MP.

4. Ermor-maybe the toughest Epic Hero of them all. Coupled with maybe the toughest mp race of the MA....

5. Shinuyama's Epic Hero(and all other assassin Epic Heroes)
lost their fear, as it was overpowered), but he now can make 1 Shishi a turn. And that more than makes up for losing fear.

6. Ulm-only makes 2, rather than 3 Black Order Soldiers a turn, but get some boosts in magic paths and can domsummon a Dark Templar. His forge bonus was reduced from 50 to 34 as well.

7. Beowulf of Man is the same, except he now has a rare summon as well.

8. Tien Chi got everything Dr. P wanted him to get-so look out.

9. Agartha got major boosts.

10. Bandar Log's Monkey King is both bigger and stronger!

As for your other favorite races, you will just have to try them out.

The cast of characters:

1. Xietor.............Arcos(resigned turn 91).

2. Sir_Dr_D ..........Marignon(resigned turn 91).

3. Zeldor.............Ryleh(defeated turn 29)

4. Hadrian_II ........Bandar Log(ai turn 49)

5. Sieger..........Ermor
5A AdmiralZhao....Endgame(permanent sub)(ai turn 90).

6. Dr P................Agartha(eliminated turn 45).

7. Zoshan.............Pythium(resigned turn 91).

8. Aapeli ............Ulm(eliminated turn 19).

9. LoloMo ............Caelum(Winner).

10. Janlm............Ctis(eliminated turn 27).

11. Shard/Zeldor/Baalz.............Atlantis(ai turn 85).

12. Valerius .........Abysia(Ai turn 88).

13. Meglobob .........Mictlan(ai turn 46).

14. Tichy.............Tien Chi(ai turn 64).

15. Gregstrom.........Oceania (eliminated turn 6).

16. Baltz.............Eriu(ai turn 77).

17. Agema.............Man(eliminated turn 75).

18. Parcelt...........Shinuyama (eliminated turn 24).

Updated Map Files


Evilhomer October 31st, 2007 07:26 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Mediafire fails to work everytime I try to dl from it. Site seems good at opening banners and spamming flashy things that im not interested in thought.

Xietor October 31st, 2007 07:52 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Crap-i will have a look at it(:

Xietor October 31st, 2007 08:04 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Link is working now. Not sure what I did wrong but i did the upload over and it now works.

Zeldor October 31st, 2007 08:58 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)

Couldn't you somehow divide starting positions? So new players start close to new players and experienced ones near veterans? Mods look great but joining just to be smashed in 10 turns does not sound exciting http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

DrPraetorious October 31st, 2007 09:16 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I can!

I'll arrange things so that I start in one corner with the other newbies, and all the experienced players start clustered in the other corner.

Sound fair? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zeldor October 31st, 2007 09:23 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
You have -500 points for choosing pretender http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor October 31st, 2007 11:41 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)

A new player MAY be able to survive long enough to have fun.

Man is a good race for a new player. Beowulf is tough out of the box. While he has some decent summons, I feel it is a mistake to leave him in a capital summoning the entire game-as was done in Epic Heroes I.

Beowulf is a thug. He has great equipment and a devastating ranged attack. Summon for the 1st 2 turns, build longbows and start expanding. Research constr 2, make owl quills, then go evoc 5. Ignore the old age and get some crones out early.

Search sites. With longbows being one of your best units, you may want a pretender that can cast flaming arrows.

An off-the-cuff suggestion:

Master Lich 5d,4f, 1b 1w, dormant, 6 dom, 3 growth, 3 order, 2 cold, 1 magic. I usually take cold or hot based on who is playing what race. If a tough player has a cold race, i will take heat. if he likes heat, I take cold.

Master Lich is nice because immortal so he can be used safely in battles in your dominion. The 5d will allow him to get tartarian gates later in the game. The 4f allows him to cast flaming arrows. The fire/death combo allows for banefire. The water pick allows site searches, and the 1 blood allows a branch into blood if needed.

In short, Man is a good race for a new player. Tough Epic Hero out of the box, good research, evocation is great path for air mages. Get arrow fend/wind guide.

The 5 Death pretender allows for banelord thugs to counteract most anything other races can throw at you in the mid game.

Zeldor November 1st, 2007 12:03 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I can think about it. Haven't tried that mod, so any other nice races to look at as a beginner?

Sir_Dr_D November 1st, 2007 12:16 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)

I am in. As Marignon I vow to cleanse the world of all evil.

Xietor November 1st, 2007 12:19 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)

The Ryleh is always a tough out in the water. They have a very tough assassin who kills 1 commander a turn that has a siege on an underwater castle. That is a serious handicap for the land races coming into the water to get you.

But I will not go into a complete set up of other races. Man made my fingers hurt.

Another very tough land race/epic hero combo is ermor.

Arcos and pythium are both devastating, but require much finesse to to develop. So i would not recommend either of them for a new player.

I would avoid the weaker MP races as a new player, Ulm, Atlantis, oceania, Tien Chi, Machaka. Shinuyama and Bandar Log require some expereince to play as well.

I would stick to heavy bless nations, Man, Ryleh, or Caelum. The Sacred Yeti of caelum is pretty tough.

Vanheim and caelum have the same air magic advantages as man, though are not as easy to play.

Vanheim in particular has an epic hero that can die easily if not played well.

Zeldor November 1st, 2007 12:58 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)

I think I could take a challenge and try as a R'lyeh. What map will the game use?

Xietor November 1st, 2007 01:01 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I will get a "map expert" to design us a map when i know how many players we will have and how many water races.

I do not anticipate a start for a couple of weeks as some players may want to take their time in selecting a race. And I will also need time to get a consensus on the map, and have someone not playing select starting locations.

A hint for playing the Ryleh-always have a stealthed star child in the same province as your epic hero(with 2s boosters when possible). That will give other races a nasty surprise when they try and mind hunt your epic hero.

Hadrian_II November 1st, 2007 03:49 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Im interested in playing Bandar Log, i hope the monkey king is big enough http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor November 1st, 2007 04:31 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
No one played the Monkey King in Epic Heroes I, but he had 8 hp and 5 str. Those were increased a bit, and I think the Monkey King will be a tough out. He certainly has few vulnerabilities.

Evilhomer November 1st, 2007 06:36 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I think I will go with abysia, I need fire to fend away those mysterious expert players that are in this game.

Janlm November 1st, 2007 06:39 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
i'm interested in playing this, need to figure out a race...

Hadrian_II November 1st, 2007 07:00 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
i tried to start a testgame and i got this funky error:
myloadmalloc: can't open /home/al/dominions3/mods/.\ehspr\sunwukong.tga
so i changed the sprite path from .\eh...
to eh... and it works now.

I dont really know what the problem is, as the game was able to load the banner of the mod that had his path in the same way...

Janlm November 1st, 2007 07:02 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I don't suppose there is a list of all the cool new stuff you can get in this mod? so i can check it out before i get home? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor November 1st, 2007 10:36 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
"i tried to start a testgame and i got this funky error:
myloadmalloc: can't open /home/al/dominions3/mods/.\ehspr\sunwukong.tga
so i changed the sprite path from .\eh...
to eh... and it works now."

Make sure both the DM file and the folder Ehspr folders are not inside another folder.

Zoshan November 1st, 2007 10:37 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I would like to play Pythium if they are taken Ermor.

Xietor November 1st, 2007 10:47 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Hadrian, your mod set-up should look like this:


With respect to Epic Heroes Mod you should see the DM file "Epic Heroes Mod 1.5" and a yellow folder named "ehspr". They should be visible when you open up mods under Dom III.

They should not be inside a yellow folder. If they are. Drag them out and destroy the yellow folder containing them.

* Ignore the other DM files and folders I have in my mod section as those are not relevant to this game. And you do not need a second DM file called Epic Heroes Mod as pictured above(that is an older version).

Aapeli November 1st, 2007 11:12 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I would be intrested in playing ulm. I have to admit that i am a bit new to this epic heroes context but the nation is still my favorite.

Xietor November 1st, 2007 11:27 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Everyone is new to the Epic Heroes context. There has only been 1 previous game involving the Epic Heroes Mod, and that only used 12 of the nations. And many of those heroes have changed.

Basically, you just need to make sure you have a good understanding of what your race's Epic Hero brings to the table BEFORE you design your pretender. An Epic Hero should allow you to play a race with many more options than exist without one in terms of pretender selection.

Once the game begins and you encounter other races, it is imperative that you understand what the Epic Heroes of your neighbors bring to the table so you can plan on how to counter them.

While my Epic Hero(Shinuyama) was pretty good in the last game, Dr. P killed him with 2 frozen hearts(: I had fire and lighting protection on him, and some mr items, but Dr. P noted a weakness and exploited it. While tough, any Epic Hero can be killed. As can any thug or sc. It is hard to protect against everything unless you are the Monkey King!

LoloMo November 1st, 2007 11:46 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Jotunheim for me please =)

Never played the giants before, let's see what they've got!

Xietor November 1st, 2007 12:01 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Epic Heroes II will have something not seen in the prior game-Blood!

Only 1 gem producing Epic Hero left-Atlantis.

Hadrian_II November 1st, 2007 02:01 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I found the problem i have with the epic heroes mod, with the monkey king and the obsidian medium you set the paths this way: ".\ehspr\"

If i set the paths to "./ehspr/" (as all the other paths in your mod already are) then the mod works as he should.

and btw. why has the monkey king 200 fire res?

Janlm November 1st, 2007 02:37 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
i'll take C'tis

Xietor November 1st, 2007 02:56 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
"why has the monkey king 200 fire res?"

You would have to ask Endoperez as he designed the Monkey King And the Obsidian Medium.

For my part, I gave the Black Phoenix 200 fr so he will always be immune to fire damage. The Spell mass protection lowers your fr, as does certain items.

It made no sense to me that being made of fire not be immune to fire, so the Black Phoenix was given 200 fr. maybe Endoperez felt the same about the Monkey King.

Not sure why Endoperez had the / marks going the other way, but i never had an issue with it. Shrug. Both heroes work fine for me. Maybe you use an obscure operating system?

However, I will change it for the final version of the mod so others do not have that problem. For the present game, if anyone else has the issue, I will refer them to your post on how to fix those 2 heroes.

shard November 1st, 2007 03:05 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I love this mod - so much so that all my sp games so far have been MA.

Would Atlantis be ok for an mp beginner? I'm already trying out Man in another mp game, and i'd like to try a water race to see what its like.

PS - Does luck also increase the probability at which your generic heroes spawn? How about hero freespawn or dominion spawn?

Edit - Changed Oceania to Atlantis after reading Xietor's earlier comment on races :p

Xietor November 1st, 2007 03:28 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Thank you for the props on the Mod. Several other people contributed mightily to its development as well.

I think given the cast of characters in this game, no race will be great for a new player.

That said, the water offers the best protection and a new player took Ryleh. So if another newer player takes Oceania, then it could be a very fair fight beneath the waves.

Luck does increase the chance to get Worthy heroes by 1 percent per level of luck. So 3 luck gives you the base chance(3 percent) plus 3 percent. So a 6 percent chance per turn. Many of the Worthy Heroes are "Epic" themselves, so taking luck certainly could be a huge plus.

Luck has no effect on your free spawn. That is based on the strength of your dominion. The higher your dominion in the province where your Epic hero resides-the more free stuff you get.

With the Dominion summon Silver Orangs that Atlantis gets, it is in your best interest to take a strong dominion and leave your Epic hero in or close to the Capital.

I beefed Atlantis Epic Hero up a good bit. He produces 2d gems a turn. He also has "Death Touch," a 1 shot attack similar to a life for a life. He free spawns low level skellies AND Silver Orangs in strong dominion only.

Silver Orangs are quite good-especially on land where they have a ranged cold attack. The Silver Orangs are a dominion Summon, which frees up the Epic Hero to site search with Dark Knowledge while still mass producing a tough unit(in a strong dominion only).

My advice for Atlantis is to make make use of Death magic of your Epic Hero to get into Banelords once you move on to land. Key things for Atlantis_

1. try and get the Water Queens(along the way you can get banelords).

2. Frozen Heart/falling frost

But I have never played any of the water races-not my thing. So you may get better advice from Tyrant, Evilhomer, or another of the Kings of Water.

But yes, Atlantis is likely your best chance to prosper in this game.

Since we have 2 new players in the water, I will strive to make the map "friendly" to water races.

Evilhomer November 1st, 2007 03:41 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I was considering changing to a water nation that I am not so very familiar with (either Atlantis or Oceania). I am not one of the veteran players but I guess its a stretch to call me a new player. Also I am very familiar with 1 water nation, so I have some related experience. If people have no problem with this I guess I will take whatever water nation is left (seems its oceania) after Shards pick.

Gregstrom November 1st, 2007 03:44 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
How often will the game be hosted?

Valerius November 1st, 2007 03:52 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
If Evilhomer switches to Oceania then I'd like Abysia.

Xietor November 1st, 2007 03:54 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I updated the hosting schedule on the main page. 48 hours. Over the holidays the game will be on freeze if that is requested by anyone.

The game will be hosted on Llamaserver.

I doubt you will talk EH into giving up those free spawn imps! But you can try Val!

Evilhomer November 1st, 2007 04:05 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I would not mind playing Oceania and giving Abysia away. I am however not sure if it is a great idea to stick me into the water with 2 very new players however http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif. Not that I am pro or anything like that, but I do have some idea how to play water nations. I guess I will either stick to aby or look into some other cool hero+nation I like.

Xietor November 1st, 2007 04:12 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
No we do not want a "shark" in the water. If possible, I would like to reserve Oceania for another new player who wants to test the mod without getting rolled right off the bat.

Xietor November 1st, 2007 04:14 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Ermor's Epic Hero-there is more to him than appears at 1st blush. It is my sincere and fervent hope no one takes Ermor and I get "stuck" with him.

Despite Shinuyama winning last game-that Epic Hero got a major major upgrade. He was actually not a factor at all last game, being killed off fairly early by the evil Dr. P.

Vanheim's Epic Hero is better than you think.

Mictlan's Epic Hero is awesome.

Sacred Yeti of Caelum is also a beast(literally).

All 5 of these races are pretty good mp races. Especially since Mictlan's boost in 3.10.

Shinuyama turned out to be much better than I had originally expected when I played them for the 1st time in the last game.

Evilhomer November 1st, 2007 04:19 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Well sharks don't do well on land, maybe I should switch to ermor so I can survive http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. That would free up Abysia so that other player that wanted them becomes happy as a clam as well.

Meglobob November 1st, 2007 04:26 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Put me down for Mictlan.

shard November 1st, 2007 04:59 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Where can I find the kitchen sink mod? I need to run a few test games to see what being in the water is all about...

Any recommended strategy links?

Zeldor November 1st, 2007 05:12 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)

About that summons - does dominion over 10 improve anything? I know it works for sacreds...

Valerius November 1st, 2007 05:13 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Thanks EH!

Evilhomer November 1st, 2007 05:14 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
The strategy index (the stickied post in the dominion main forum) is a good place to start. Fighting in water is in general about:

*Having more/better troops than the opponent
*Having most buff spells up (good low level ones are: Shark attack, friendly current, antimagic - facing Rlyeh, protection/mass protection).

Xietor November 1st, 2007 05:18 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Kitchen sink mod does not exist-yet.

It will not do anything except increase the gem cost of clams, fever fetish, and bloodstones, plus it will also make it impossible to cast the 4 banned spells and finally it will hot fix a few bugs introduced by 3.10 patch.

I will post a link to the Kitchen Sink Mod when i get around to making it.

And the map will have a link as well when it is created. There will be input from the players as to map size and features once we know the number of total players and water races.

DrPraetorious November 1st, 2007 06:30 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I'll take Agartha and let someone else have T'ien Ch'i since there is interest.

Gregstrom November 1st, 2007 06:35 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I'd like to join - I haven't quite decided on a race though.

Tichy November 1st, 2007 08:15 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Talked to Xietor and I'm in for TC. Perhaps I won't use my patented "smile a lot and don't attack anyone" strategy from the big game.

Xietor November 1st, 2007 08:34 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
If anyone has a suggestion for a map i would love to hear it.

Looks like this may be a mini "Big Game." While the obvious cap is 22, I am thinking it looks like 15-20. So maybe 300 provinces and friendly to water races?

DrPraetorious November 1st, 2007 09:09 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I can design a map and sprinkle starts around on it.

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