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-   -   Making a Map Database? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36968)

Zylithan November 25th, 2007 02:34 PM

Making a Map Database?
Previously I complained about/suggested a different format for downloading custom maps. A lot of people make cool maps, but they quickly get lost or move off the front screen. The level of feedback is suboptimal, etc. I talked about this some in a previous (hijcaekd thread):

http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...354&Forum=,All_Forums&Words=&Searchpage=3&Limit= 25&Main=560194&Search=true&where=& Name=9938&daterange=&newerval=&newerty pe=&olderval=&oldertype=&bodyprev=#Pos t560354

I would love to try to help fix this (what I see as a) problem. Ideally I would love to create a database where:

1. mapmakers could upload a map, also a preview, and a summary.
2. users could leave comments and rate the map based on several categories ideally (overall, balance, art, uniqueness, fun, etc.)
3. people could search based on rating.
4. downloads and comments would be tracked.

Really I want one hub where people can go to download and upload maps. I hope that if this is created we can get more feedback, etc. I have a good amount of time THIS WEEK to work on this project, but I have very little skill. Is there anyone who could help me make this happen? I reckon we'd either need to host it here somehow, or host it on a remote website and sticky a thread at the top of the maps forum (maybe also the normal forums... I think a lot of people don't venture into the maps/mods forums who would download maps, but they dont want to read about making maps).
I reckon I'd also need someone who knew how to do coding.

Basically, I am pretty much useless, but offer my services as a tester and pesterer to try to make this happen. I also promise I'll check out maps and leave comments, etc if we can make this happen.

If this already exists, in a LIVE version, for dom3 maps, let me know -- Either I'm an idiot, or it needs to be publicized much better.


Aezeal November 25th, 2007 03:29 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
yeah I mmust say my great map, which in any case is pretty heavily modded etc etc.. is getting lost quite easily and feedback except from -2-3 pplz is below sub-optimal.

I do think it's really unfair and all and I think everyone in this forum NOT playing my map should get whipped.

So maybe your idea would prevent a few pplz from getting whipped.

On the other hand isn't there a thread stickied on the top of the forum where you can put your map in?

Zylithan November 25th, 2007 03:36 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
there is, and thats an awesome thread... but it doesnt really allow for extensive feedback, searching by rating, etc.

Aezeal November 25th, 2007 04:07 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
OW like that.. no not really.. well your idea sounds good.. but I fear that any effort in it (I can't help you btw) might be wasted a bit for the same reasons we get little feedback in the forum (whatever those might be)

Agrajag November 25th, 2007 04:32 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
This sounds rather hard for just fans to create. The website itself probably won't take too long for someone experienced in php, but how are you going to come up with the GBs of hosting space and (possibly) TBs of bandwidth the website will require if it will become big?
EDIT:(Maps are 1-100 MBs big, so 20 maps might take 1GB of space. If each map will be downloaded 100 times thats 100GBs of bandwidth http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif [not in one month of course])

Zylithan November 25th, 2007 04:39 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
well, i mean, theoretically the forum here does all of that. so i dont know if it would be possible to do this as part of shrapnelcommunity or what

Agrajag November 25th, 2007 04:48 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Actually, it might be possible by leeching onto someone elses hosting and bandwidth.
Maybe if you put the maps on something like yousendit.com and just post links on your fanmade website, you could get around the problems of hosting and bandwidth.
Hmmm, and if you can write some sort of script that will download each map once every six days to make sure it doesn't get removed from their site.

Oh well, don't let me stop you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zylithan November 25th, 2007 05:01 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Well, you can't stop me until I get started http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif I have no relevant skills, just a desire, so I'm really pulling at others peoples' ideas and skills

Aezeal November 25th, 2007 05:37 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Well.. all maps usually are already attached here.. you'd just have to use those links then?

No skills here either.. I just like making maps noone is interested in it seems.

And I can't figure out why everyone is so interested in new nations mods (they seem popular) when there are already about 80 nations... only for the warhammer map I'd like some modded nations.. for the rest the game provides enough for me... but that is a bit off topic..

GOOOO Zylithan... or whomever you get to do your dirty work http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Zylithan November 25th, 2007 05:48 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
That's a good point... if the website just points to the downloads here, I wouldn't need hosting on the remote site.

llamabeast November 25th, 2007 09:18 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Very good point about the links to here. So all that's needed is some kind of nice interface.

Unfortunately I don't really have the skills to do that (the very simple llamaserver website considerably stretched my website ability - well actually I had to learn everything relevant in order to do it). I think it's a great idea though. Anyone else able to do website stuff?

paradoxharbinger November 26th, 2007 02:26 AM

Re: Making a Map Database?
well, i've got a yahoo site just laying around, if everyone were to collect the links to the maps, i'd be happy to put a link page together. or i could put it on my wikidot page, no bandwidth limitation there, maybe that would be better.

actually, what if we were to start a dom wiki, the accounts are free at wikidot and as far as i know, the only limitation on the free accounts is the file storage limit.

Zylithan November 26th, 2007 02:40 AM

Re: Making a Map Database?
hey, maybe we could chat about this. ball barian has a good thread that collects links.

can wiki do ratings?

i looked at the wikidot thing... started, but got stuck.
also, the rating module seemed weak to me if i understood it correctly.

but could i put something from drupal in it, for example, like the voting API, voting or Fivestar?

voting API seemed like it would let one vote on many categories, autotabulate, etc.

i have no experience with drupal, but have heard that it is a good system in general.

Zylithan November 27th, 2007 06:28 AM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Temporarily removed...

I'm working on this, I think I have an okay solution. More later...

Wikd Thots November 28th, 2007 02:25 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
I think that a lot of the projects have been hosted on gandolfs servers. Does anyone know if those are still running? His domains seem to still work but maybe it's just in my cache since nothing seems updated for some time. And his hosted games seem dead.

Zylithan November 28th, 2007 02:51 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Wikd Thots - thanks for the suggestion.

I believe Gandalf's stuff is still up - I know he has, or recently had maps there.

I've been talking to ParadoxHarbinger about wikidots, and think I might be able to get something going with that. I'm in the process of moving in real life, so I've been slow on this project, but I am hoping to post somehitng by the weekend, and would love feedback.

Zylithan November 29th, 2007 05:47 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?

I've created a website that is meant to collect and provide feedback on maps. I hope a lot of people create posts on this system, I think it provides a nice way to disseminate a list of custom maps.

Please give it a look-see, whether you want to download maps, or want to upload and get feedback on your maps. I have posted a few examples and the maps I have made, but the site is only useful if other people post their maps as well!
<font color="blue">

Twan November 29th, 2007 07:23 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Posted mine, it didn't look evident, but in fact it's ultra easy : just copy-paste the code in "Sample Map Posting" in a text editor, replace the text and links by yours, then copy-paste the result in the good forum and it's done.

Zylithan November 30th, 2007 02:54 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Rock on, thanks to Twan and vfb for posting maps already and for everyone who said they would soon.

I'm moving this weekend, but when i come up for air again I'm going to make some changes to the site structure - so people can go ahead and use it or upload stuff now, or wait 5 days, and I'll make some changes.


lch November 30th, 2007 06:14 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Sorry, haven't read the full thread, just picked up some bits and pieces. I would be interested in something that tracks maps, too. It doesn't have to be fancy, should just have the following, preferably with some filtering / grouping options: Name of map, creator, number of land / water provinces, number of starting points (if any), suggested number of players, preview image if possible.

I'd be interested in creating something that does this, but I usually need a muse. Read: show me something similar, like for Warcraft or Starcraft maps or something like that, and I might "borrow" (steal, or rather recreate) what they have. I don't really like to start something from the scratch, but show me something and I'll do lots of improvements to it.


Wikd Thots said:
I think that a lot of the projects have been hosted on gandolfs servers. Does anyone know if those are still running? His domains seem to still work but maybe it's just in my cache since nothing seems updated for some time. And his hosted games seem dead.

Gandalf has gone quiet on the forums since some weeks, which I have noticed earlier aswell. But he's still reachable, I sent him a PM a while ago and he replied in a short time. My games including the web things are hosted on his servers.

lch November 30th, 2007 06:19 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?

Zylithan said:
hey, maybe we could chat about this. ball barian has a good thread that collects links.

can wiki do ratings?

If somebody really really really wants a Wiki then I can set it up, I'm quite experienced with MediaWiki, even with the source as I have written some MediaWiki extensions myself.

What people tend to overlook is that having something like a Wiki does not automagically create content, though. Somebody has to take good care of it, or it will end up just like the map list (crowded, disorganized) or the Strategy Wiki (only some bits and parts, never seems to really take off).

If you want to use some CMS software you'll have to update it regularly, too, which can be a pain. So personally I'd encourage that somebody creates his own solution instead.

lch November 30th, 2007 06:21 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?

Zylithan said:
<font color="blue">

Ok, didn't think of using a hosted Wiki installation. That's a good compromise, I think, as you don't have to take care about the updates and security and such. On the other hand, you might miss some features. Right now the only thing missing is content, though, just like promised... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Zylithan November 30th, 2007 06:21 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Ich - What I'm making is not automated, but it should be pretty low upkeep, and will have all the info you discussed.
The changes I discussed earlier are basically things I am changing to make everything esier for the users.

Zylithan November 30th, 2007 09:47 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Okay, I managed to do most of the changes before I left. I first implemented this site as a forums system, but because of some issues, I am thinking I will go with a webpage based system instead. I left both up, but the forums are redundant.

Check it out at

and let me know what you think.


Panpiper December 1st, 2007 01:40 AM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Very nice job Zylithan. Hopefully this will catch on as it is a fantastic resource.

GunslingerV December 2nd, 2007 07:05 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Great site, deserves a bump!

Ballbarian December 2nd, 2007 09:07 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
I was going to post a couple of maps tonight, and following the instructions on your faq page, I have no access to the "edit" button on the new map pages. I do see the buttons on home page, but that is the only place. I have an account set up, and tried in both Firefox 2.0 &amp; Internet Explorer 6.0

Zylithan December 3rd, 2007 11:53 AM

Re: Making a Map Database?
ah. good to know Ballbarin - apparently my page permissions were not totaly correct. Now anyone who becomes a membercan edit and create pages.

let me know if this works whenever you get a chance.

QXel December 4th, 2007 08:48 AM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Just take a look for now: this is just what I'll ever dream of for Dom's maps!

Really ... I'm a big fanatic of Dom (obviously ...) &amp; others games like HoMM or Civ, and I'll always dreamed of something like their tools (see CivFanatic, Apolyton or ArchangelCastle).

One of the best is the map database of NaliCity for UT (Unreal Tournament): not the same game, but a big active community around it. I like their work.

For now, your work it's obviously just a beginning, but it is very promising, and at least deserve a look, and all participation we can brought.

Go on, guys. I promise that when I got an Internet link at home again, I'll participate at least as reviewer, as a map contributor if I can spare time for that.
Same for this forum: I have not enough time to participate more ...

Thanks for your work.

Zylithan December 6th, 2007 12:46 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Thanks for the positive review QXel. Ihave started posted more maps, and several other people said they would post things over the weekend.

As of now 11 maps are posted. Hopefully in a few weeks we'll have every map ever made!

Reviews for maps are needed!


Foodstamp December 6th, 2007 07:21 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
I tried posting a map this weekend, but it would not give me the edit page on the small map page. I will give it another go this weekend http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zylithan December 6th, 2007 08:15 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?

Yeah. I had the permissions wrong for the site, but I think I fixed this problem. Also, I think I may have uploaded one of your maps. I was going through Ballbarian's list in order. You should check it out.

Zylithan December 9th, 2007 12:59 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Just bumping this so maybe people add to it, comment on it on their Sunday afternoon.

It has maybe 14 maps already, and a few comments (but wants more).

llamabeast December 19th, 2007 11:04 AM

Re: Making a Map Database?
I was just look at this again - really you have done an excellent job Zylithan, this is a very nicely done site. Good work!

You should perhaps make a new thread about this and ask Edi to sticky it, since it must be one of the most valuable Dominions resources there is (and will become more so with time).

I'm looking forward to having a chance to do some reviewing and put some maps on (there's one modification of Parganos I've done, but lots of old maps lying around that could be added).

Morkilus December 19th, 2007 03:38 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
I really like this site the way it is. I uploaded a Loemendor image and link; it's pretty easy to use - obviously!

Zylithan December 19th, 2007 08:47 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Yeah, I got sort of busy and stalled, but its pretty much done. I will make a post and try to get it stickied soon. It'll only get better with lots of use, which wont happen with it living here. Thansk for checking it out, and for the positive reviews!

Morkilus December 21st, 2007 02:08 AM

Re: Making a Map Database?
I added a whole bunch today. I guess the number next to the map category tabs don't automatically change, and I can't edit the main page. That's my only complaint, though! Most of the maps I've played are on there now.

Zylithan December 21st, 2007 07:17 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
if you go to http://dom3maps.wikidot.com/nav:top

you can edit that page, and update the numbers. I should add that to a FAQ if its not there now.


thanks for adding more!

Morkilus January 1st, 2008 08:50 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
Bump for Pasha's map. I wonder how many people use this? I like it alot http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif


Zylithan January 1st, 2008 11:53 PM

Re: Making a Map Database?
thanks for adding it morkilus. your help is awesome. im finally back from vacation, so i'll try to publicize and add a little to the faq so we can actually get people using it an reviewing on it.

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