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Twan November 29th, 2007 01:56 PM

Remaining numbers
After the 2 last patchs, I have several mods with units, nations, nametypes, weapons etc... numbers now used in vanilla game.

Has someone done a list of actual available numbers for modders to make update easier ?

And perhaps, Kristoffer may announce new reserved slots before the new patchs ? (ie : "we reserve nation x, y, z and units up to number x for our next nations"). There were reserved slots for expansion of the vanilla game at the beginning, but Kristoffer has added so much stuff (which is cool) that I think none of the old numbers given in the modding.pdf are actually relevant.

edit : not sure for weapons and units, nations up to 70 are used and some nametypes (141, 142 at least) are now used

llamabeast November 29th, 2007 02:27 PM

Re: Remaining numbers
1 Attachment(s)
lch has made a tool (perhaps in the tools stickied thread) that allows you to check what numbers a particular script uses.

Helpfully, I've also made a spreadsheet with the numbers used by quite a few of the mods. You can see there's huge gaps, so there should be no problem fitting new mods in. It's attached.

Twan November 29th, 2007 02:37 PM

Re: Remaining numbers
Thanks a lot (note : nation 70 is now used for LA Pythium so Teutanion will have to be changed).

Maraxus November 29th, 2007 03:22 PM

Re: Remaining numbers
It is? So what was 65 reserved for?

Edi November 30th, 2007 07:05 AM

Re: Remaining numbers
I don't remember the exact entries, but there are seevral empty reserved slots below 70. Some of them have been meant for a nation called Gath if Gandalf's right. There has also been some talk about an EA version of Machaka, though that has been speculation at best and a few ideas tossed back and forth with nothing really coming of it.

What we need is a larger range of numbers for new nations, new units and new weapons. Wouldn't hurt to have more for new armor either.

Endoperez November 30th, 2007 08:31 AM

Re: Remaining numbers
Alternatively, we need a way to make mods era-dependent and automatically disable any mods not appoprtiate to a spesific era. This way, we could replace any or all of the EA nations, any EA-spesific units and any EA-spesific weapons and armor when making a MA or LA mod.

This can be done even know, but it can cause really weird problems if you accidentally leave it on for an EA game.

Wikd Thots November 30th, 2007 12:35 PM

Re: Remaining numbers
Something else that Gandy said. Maybe it was in an email response to one of my jabs to get him to hurry up and make a mode before its too late.

Recycling numbers? If someone is making a early nation then aren't the middle and late age numbers available?

I will see if I can find it and post it right.

Sombre December 1st, 2007 10:20 AM

Re: Remaining numbers
0 - EA Arcoscephale
1 - EA Ermor
2 - EA Ulm
3 - EA Marverni
4 - EA Sauromatia
5 - EA Tienchi
6 - (Reserved, EA Machaka)
7 - EA Mictlan
8 - EA Abysia
9 - EA Caelum
10 - EA Ctis
11 - EA Pangaea
12 - EA Agartha
13 - EA Tirnanog
14 - EA Fomoria
15 - EA Vanheim
16 - EA Helheim
17 - EA Niefelheim
18 - EA Kailasa
19 - EA Yomi
20 - (Reserved, EA Gath)
21 - EA Atlantis
22 - EA Rlyeh
23 - (Independants)
24 - (Special monsters)
25 - (Special monsters)
26 - EA Oceania
27 - MA Arcoscephale
28 - MA Ermor
29 - MA Pythium
30 - MA Man
31 - MA Ulm
32 - MA Marignon
33 - MA Mictlan
34 - MA Tienchi
35 - MA Machaka
36 - MA Agartha
37 - MA Abysia
38 - MA Caelum
39 - MA Ctis
40 - MA Pangaea
41 - MA Vanheim
42 - MA Jotunheim
43 - MA Bandar Log
44 - MA Shinuyama
45 - (Reserved, MA Gath)
46 - MA Atlantis
47 - MA Rlyeh
48 - MA Oceania
49 - LA Arcoscephale
50 - LA Ermor
51 - LA Chelms
52 - LA Ulm
53 - LA Marignon
54 - LA Mictlan
55 - LA Tienchi
56 - LA Jomon
57 - LA Agartha
58 - LA Abysia
59 - LA Caelum
60 - LA Ctis
61 - LA Pangaea
62 - LA Midgard
63 - LA Utgard
64 - LA Patala
65 - (Reserved, LA Gath)
66 - LA Atlantis
67 - LA Rlyeh
68 - EA Lanka
69 - MA Eriu
70 - LA Pythium
71 -
72 -
73 -
74 -
75 -
76 -
77 -
78 -
79 -

Sombre December 1st, 2007 10:22 AM

Re: Remaining numbers

100 - Misc Male
101 - Abysian
102 - Man male
103 - Man female
104 - Ulm male
105 - Ulm female
106 - Pythium male
107 - Arcoscephale male
108 - Arcoscephale female
109 - Pangaea male
110 - Pangaea female
111 - Caelum male
112 - Caelum female
113 - Ctis male
114 - Marignon male
115 - Jotunheim male
116 - Jotunheim female
117 - Deep one
118 - Pythium female
119 - Misc female
120 - Ctis female
121 - Tienchi male
122 - Tienchi female
123 - Mictlan male
124 - Mictlan female
125 - Machaka female
126 - Machaka male
127 -
128 -
129 - Monkey male
130 - Monkey female
131 - Enigma male
132 - Enigma female
133 - Japanese female
134 - Japanese male
135 - Amazon
136 - Sauromatia
137 - Marverni male
138 - Marverni female
139 - Angels
140 - Demons
141 - ?????
142 - Irish?
143 - Fomoria?
144 - Animal
145 - Plant
146 -
147 -
148 -
149 -

Twan December 1st, 2007 10:25 AM

Re: Remaining numbers
Thanks Sombre.

Note that nametypes #148 and #149 are probably bugged (game crashed at creation when used in my Greyhawk mod).

Burnsaber December 1st, 2007 11:22 AM

Re: Remaining numbers

Twan said:
Thanks Sombre.

Note that nametypes #148 and #149 are probably bugged (game crashed at creation when used in my Greyhawk mod).

My nation mod has used #148 for 1 month now without any sign of trouble.

Sombre December 1st, 2007 11:42 AM

Re: Remaining numbers
I'm pretty sure I've used 148 a fair bit without any problems. Never tried 149.

Twan December 1st, 2007 11:50 AM

Re: Remaining numbers

Replaced 142 by 149 when updating Greyhawk mod for 3.10 to avoid name conflict. Get the crash (spent one day to figure what caused it....).

Then replaced 149 by 143, I could create games.
Then tried 148 to see if I could avoid names conflict without having the crash, re-crashed.

It may be caused by something else in my mod but it may only be related to nametypes as I've only changed nametype number the two last times (perhaps because I used only one #addname in the section, to give the name "hero" to all heroes already named in unit names ; but it worked before 3.10).

edit : it's not that, 149 crashes with "hero" and "herobis", and I still have crash at game creation if I replace it by 148.

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