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-   -   Alexandria - battle for balanced glory [TC wins!] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=37555)

Zeldor January 31st, 2008 01:13 PM

Alexandria - battle for balanced glory [TC wins!]
NEW game ADMIN: Firewalker

Map - Alexander
Game name - Alexandria
Mods - CBM 1.21 [when released]
Gold, Resources, Supplies - standard
Independents - 6
HoF - 15
Renaming - allowed
Research - normal
Score graphs - off
Victory condition - standard, we end the game when everyone agrees there is a winner

Zeldor - Arcoscephale
hoo - Bogarus
Omnirizon - Agartha
DonCorazon - T'ien Ch'i
Cleveland - Pangea
Ylvali - Atlantis -> AI
Siyfka - Mictlan
FrozenFalcon - C'tis -> eliminated by Marignon
Firewalker - Patala
spacht - Marignon
Randvek - Pythium
sansanjuan - Utgard

Game will probably start on Wednesday or Thursday. 24h turns for first 20-30 turns, then 48h per turn, we can extend it to 72 if we get down to like 4-6 players.
There will be also break from 29th February till 3-5th March because of my travel to China.

Game will be hosted on llamaserver, which is PBEM.

llamabeast January 31st, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game! *DELETED*
Edit: There was a slightly grouchy post here. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zeldor January 31st, 2008 03:00 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

I was going to probe interest first and see if there are enough people interested in a game with mods. I know that most new people prefer vannilla version. So sorry for not writing first, I hope you are not angry http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Thrawn January 31st, 2008 03:50 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
I would love to play, if I'm 'semi-newbish' enough. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Heinrich January 31st, 2008 04:38 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
I am "totally-newbish", never played any MP game at all.

I ask no mercy, just a small slot on this game would be great (if there is any one last) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Zeldor January 31st, 2008 05:23 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

List how much you have played and how long in that games, so we will see.


There is rather a big difference in 1st MP game and even second. It is good to try at least some blitz games, you learn then a lot about designing a pretender, which is much much different than in SP. With vanilla game some races are unwinnable and I hope that CBM will help it at least to some degree.

hoo January 31st, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
I've played in 2 games here and lost. Have played about 6 other games through a different forum. But I'd be interested in this. I'd consider myself maybe semi to advanced newbish. Played enough to know that communion spells are great. But have also killed a lot of mages using them.

llamabeast January 31st, 2008 06:30 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif no worries Zeldor.

Zeldor January 31st, 2008 07:42 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

Phoenix Pyre? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

To everyone wanting to join, check if you know what communions, SC, thugs, raiding, bless, etc mean http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

DonCorazon January 31st, 2008 08:18 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
The Mighty Grom returns! Thanks Zeldor.
My preference is FFA and hidden stats.

PS I have yet to use communion so guess I am still a pure Noob though I will grab some coffee and read the guide for this game.

Zeldor January 31st, 2008 08:22 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

There is a good manual for it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif You should rather know what it is, not specifically use it. With Ulm it is a bit hard to do http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Oh, you didn't vote for age.


I need your votes on: Age, FFA/Teams, stats [hidden or not].

FedSlayer January 31st, 2008 09:19 PM

New semi-newbie game!
What are the turn requirements - how often will players need to get a turn in?

cleveland January 31st, 2008 10:53 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
I must of course jump at the chance to resume smiting my former Urapara foes.

If I may voice my preferences:

Players - the more the merrier

Age - Late Age (gotta see Bogarus in action)

Map - World of Geometry & Alexander are both excellent choices; I recommend keeping the ratio of land:sea nations = ratio of land:sea provinces

Style - FFA...have played 1 team game, and it wasn't as much fun as Urapara

Mods - all sound pretty good

Banned spells - rather than banning utterdark & nexus, why not just ban their 2 main beneficiaries (Ermor & Rhyleyhehyh (sp?))

Other settings - boosting indy strength to ~7 makes for a more interesting early game. I'd also recommend something like 30 min turns for the 1st 10 turns (because these shouldn't take anyone more than 1min, newbie or not), and 36hr quickhost turns thereafter (so that everyone can play @ the same time each day w/out pressure, if they so choose).

Thanks for organizing Z...what's your projected start time/date?

Omnirizon January 31st, 2008 11:03 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
count me in.

I've only played in one other game before (actually still involved in it). I'd like a shot at a second game to apply the lessons I've learned from this first one (like don't let pretender die on 2nd turn).

I vote LA or EA. MA feels too.... middlish for me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
but I'll play whatever.

edit: and I vote FFA too. Of course I'm fine either way.

llamabeast February 1st, 2008 05:28 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
If any overly-new newbies are reading this, I will probably start up a new-newbie game shortly. PM me if you're interested.

Zeldor February 1st, 2008 05:46 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

24-30 hours for about first 20-35 turns, then 48. I guess 72 after turn 100.


We still need to wait for WH 1.9 and CBM 1.2, so it may take 1-4 weeks till start [if it is close to 3 weeks we will start it after 3rd March as I have trip before that].

Dedas February 1st, 2008 06:46 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
I would like to join but I don't feel so sure with CBM, so I'll vote no on that. My vote on age would be LA. Map: Alexander.

Zeldor February 1st, 2008 07:53 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

There is no voting on mods http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I want to take nation that will be probably weakened by CBM, but still, it should make everything more balanced.

P.S. How many games did you play? [standard question for people registered over 1 year ago http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif]

Dedas February 1st, 2008 08:55 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
Ok http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Around 10 perhaps.

Zeldor February 1st, 2008 10:14 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

10 does not qualify as semi-newbie http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif 2-5 most, not including blitzes.

hoo February 1st, 2008 01:11 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
Phoenix Fire didn't kill my mage. Being a communion slave did. Had some guys set up for communion slaves. Killed some PD and about 20 troops. then watched in horror as the enemy didn't route off the field in time to save my mage who died of fatigue.

That wasn't my worst move. I had a tricked out air queen that I scripted to cast enough spells to paralyze her. Then the enemy marched up to her and killed her while she was asleep thus losing some artificat armor, shields, weapons.

I do know what SC, bless, thug are. Think I know what raiding is too.

Zeldor February 1st, 2008 02:19 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

In my blitz game as LA Agartha I had about 20 mages in communion, I easily won a battle with almost 100 elephants and when last enemy was just going to rout my master casted Phoenix Pyre, thus all slaves got it too. As they were fatigued I got huge explosion that killed aboue 30 units, 16 mages and they didn't return as they were fatigued.

hoo February 1st, 2008 04:02 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
zeldor: All I've heard is horror stories about phoenix fire so I've avoided it...

But 2nd thing: Could we start off for 48 hours. Most folks will get their turns in but 48 gives you enough wiggle room in case you need an extra night.

Zeldor February 1st, 2008 04:13 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

No http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif If someone cannot play first turns in 24 hours should not touch MP. But of course it can be always extended by request, for example for weekends, trips with a girlfriend etc http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Dedas February 2nd, 2008 04:46 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
Well, I understand Zeldor. Guess I just have to wait for another game to sprout. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ylvali February 2nd, 2008 02:43 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

I am a newbie to MP, yet I have been playing single for two years so I know the game pretty well. I would like to join in on this game if welcome.

I have no certain desires on age or rules at this point, as long as they are kept simple.

I prefer to roleplay my pretenders, making up a personality for them and play the game accordingly, in the future IŽd like to make mp games focused on that.

Looking forward to try MP.


Zeldor February 3rd, 2008 08:07 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
OK, Conceptual Balance Mod 1.2 is ready [check mods & maps section] so if we get enough people we can start.

Voting now tends to get to LA and graphs off.

Zeldor February 3rd, 2008 08:13 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
We have now

Me - MA/LA, graphs off
hoo - did not vote
Heinrich - did not vote
Omnirizon - did not vote
DonCorazon - did not vote
Cleveland - LA
Ylvali - did not vote


Of course blitzes do not count, you can have 50 of them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif But 10 finished or almost finished MP games can be a bit harsh when there will be few people with their first MP game.

Omnirizon February 3rd, 2008 02:50 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
LA, graphs off

Ylvali February 3rd, 2008 03:38 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
LA and graphs off seem good to me

Zeldor February 3rd, 2008 03:47 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
It seems that we have a tendency. I think we have then LA, graphs off. From mods we have CBM 1.2 only as it has WH. Ermor and R'lyeh are banned. We will wait for more players and get to picking nations. Meanwhile play a bit with CBM, it has many things really different.

FedSlayer February 3rd, 2008 07:22 PM

New semi-newbie game! MAPS
Where can we find those maps to peruse and maybe SP? (Geometry and Alexander)

cleveland February 4th, 2008 10:58 AM

Re: LA with CBM! [semewhat-]NEWBIE game - recruiti
Shall we plan on a Saturday start? Perhaps 5pm GMT?

Maybe everyone can stick around and play the first 1/2 dozen turns that day?

Zeldor February 4th, 2008 12:31 PM

Re: LA with CBM! [semewhat-]NEWBIE game - recruiti
We need preferably around 12-15 players. We start when we reach that point. Map is quite big and more players = more diplomacy = more fun = more bloody baths.

SiyfkA February 4th, 2008 04:38 PM

Re: LA with CBM! [semewhat-]NEWBIE game - recruiti
I'd like to join, this would be my first ever MP game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

PashaDawg February 4th, 2008 08:11 PM

Re: LA with CBM! [semewhat-]NEWBIE game - recruiti
The maps can be found under the Scenarios, Maps & Mods sub forum.

You can also find links to them here: http://dom3maps.wikidot.com/start

Zeldor February 4th, 2008 08:40 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
We have only 8 people now. For Alexander it would be really nice to have more, at least around 12. Some people will probably get killed withing 20 turns and we do not want boring mid and late game. Especially someone playing Mictlan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

FrozenFalcon February 5th, 2008 06:50 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
I'd like to join, Zeldor can himself judge on my performance according to the graphs in the other game whether I'm still total noob. But I think I've learned more about the basics and am maybe suitable for this game.

Firewalker February 5th, 2008 09:01 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
I'm in. Can't resist a chance to play LA Patala!

Graphs off is fine as well.

Zeldor February 5th, 2008 09:17 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!

I think I will be most experienced here, heh, a bit strange.


We will see what other nations other people want first http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif And we need like 3-5 more people to start.

DonCorazon February 6th, 2008 12:11 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
Just give me some magic. Tired of dirty smiths!

Zeldor February 6th, 2008 12:13 AM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
Well, you can all PM me your 3 first picks and I can divide nations betweens those who already signed up and leave what is left for that 3-5 people we need.

Zeldor February 6th, 2008 12:56 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
We have 9 people, we need 3-5 more!

QM should release new CBM version in few days with small bug fixes, I hope we can start it around that weekend.

I will put magic sites at 50 [standard 35], unless someone wants a different value here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Elswamio February 6th, 2008 10:02 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
I'm game, but I'd still classify myself as a total noob. I'm only 16 turns into my first MP game. Always willing to learn and die though!

Zeldor February 7th, 2008 12:22 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
Ok, we have 10, 2-4 more and we can start it.

I have received most nations preferences, but some people did not do it yet. Remember that R'lyeh and Ermor are forbidden. And there is big interest in Agartha, Patala, Mictlan and Abysia.

Zeldor February 7th, 2008 12:31 PM

Re: New semi-newbie game!
11 we have.

Free nations [of course you can pick used ones too, then we will have to roll who takes them], with no one picking them:
Atlantis [that is land nation btw]

cleveland February 8th, 2008 10:29 AM

Re: BEST LA newbie game around! Still OPEN! Sign h
Suggested Game Title: Ocelot

Zeldor February 8th, 2008 11:37 AM

Re: BEST LA newbie game around! Still OPEN! Sign h

Llamabeast would be happy with that name http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I wanted to use just 'Alexandria', but Ocelot sounds nice too.

hoo February 8th, 2008 03:45 PM

Re: BEST LA newbie game around! Still OPEN! Sign h
We have a Go date for this game? I take it, not this weekend but maybe next weekend?

Zeldor February 8th, 2008 06:32 PM

Re: BEST LA newbie game around! Still OPEN! Sign h
We need to get like 1-3 more people, I need to force QM to release CBM 1.21 with bugfixes. And I need Pashadawg [creator of the map] to choose starting locations.

Here are nation picks:

Zeldor - Arcoscephale
hoo - Bogarus
Omnirizon - Agartha
DonCorazon - T'ien Ch'i
Cleveland - Pangea
Ylvali - Atlantis [be lucky there is no R'lyeh and you are the only water nation]
Siyfka - Mictlan
FrozenFalcon - C'tis
Elswamio - Jomon
Firewalker - Patala
Heinrich - send me your pick, maybe Utgard? strong nation

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