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-   -   'Question of Balance' - CB ea (upload pretenders) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=37594)

Sir_Dr_D February 5th, 2008 12:32 AM

\'Question of Balance\' - CB ea (upload pretenders)
QM has done a good job with the latest version of the Conceptual Balance Mod. I therefore want to get going a CB game. So everyone knows, most of the things that people did not like about it have been brought back to the original vanilla. Things like path boosting items and dwarven hammers have been brought back to normal cost, and indy commanders have been denerfed. Instead useless or little used items, spells, and pretenders have been made cool. I will also include as an attachment Clevelands revised magic item chart, so you can easily see the CB changes to the magic items.
Here is a link to the mod details.

The game will be pbem and hosted by the llamaserver. The details are:

age: early era
mods: conceptual balance 1.2 complete
worthy heroes 1.8
graphs: on
victory conditions: victory points, 1 per capital. Four victory points will be needed to win.
map: Twans edition to the Urraparrand map. get it here.
hosting schedule: every 48 hours. Quickhost. 24 hour scedule for the first 10 turns.
renaming: on
all other settings: default

I would like as many players as possible. Since there is a newbie CB game starting up as well I would prefer this game to be for more experienced players, but everyone is welcome. As you sign up, give suggestions for a map if you have any.

So far we have:

Sir Dr D - Pangaea
DryaUnda - Acro
IndyPendant - Mictlan.
Jazzepi - Agartha
Hadrian_II - abysia
nozshand - tienchi
Reverend Zombie - Sauromatia
Dimaz - C'tis
Ylvali - Yomi
Kuritza - Marverni
Krec - Neifleheim

AlgaeNymph February 5th, 2008 12:54 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
I'd like to be in as Arcocephale.

IndyPendant February 5th, 2008 05:48 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
Note that CB Complete v1.2 includes Worthy Heroes v1.8.

I would like to take Mictlan.

Reverend Zombie February 5th, 2008 11:19 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
Niefelheim, please.

Jazzepi February 5th, 2008 12:11 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
I'll take EA Argatha.


Hadrian_II February 5th, 2008 03:23 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
i will take a shot at abysia

nozshand February 5th, 2008 06:32 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
tienchi please

Reverend Zombie February 6th, 2008 12:00 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
I'm going to bow out, so Niefelheim is free.

I still just can't buy into the CB mod's changes.

Zeldor February 6th, 2008 12:03 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
BTW if anyone feels not experienced enough for that game I am starting a semi-newbie game with CBM 1.2

quantum_mechani February 6th, 2008 04:00 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)

Reverend Zombie said:
I'm going to bow out, so Niefelheim is free.

I still just can't buy into the CB mod's changes.

I recall you played with dom2 CB, what has changed so much from then?

Reverend Zombie February 6th, 2008 11:13 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)

quantum_mechani said:

Reverend Zombie said:
I'm going to bow out, so Niefelheim is free.

I still just can't buy into the CB mod's changes.

I recall you played with dom2 CB, what has changed so much from then?

My experience with CB under Dom 2 is actually part of what has turned me off of playing with the mod now.

In CB Dom 2, I did not like having to start a game to see the changes the mod has made, and I definitely do not have time for it now. Complete documentation would help here.

Also, if CB's philosophy was purely "no nerfing good stuff, only buffing bad stuff," I'd be MUCH more apt play with it. While it has gone more in that direction with the latest version, there are still cost increases to nationals, etc.

I just don't play the game enough to know optimal strategies for vanilla Dom 3, let alone how to adjust my play to take into account the CB changes. (This wouldn't be as much of an issue if the changes were buffs only.)

quantum_mechani February 6th, 2008 12:23 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
I don't think the current CB has really any more nerfs than the dom2 version. As I've stated before, the goal is to use boosts as much as is possible, and in fact 99% of changes fall into that category. I'll agree the documentation could use improvement, the main reason it kept pace better in dom2 was Edi's assistance.

In any case case, it would certainly not be hard documentation wise to make a 'redlist' of the nerf changes, given they do make up such a tiny percentage of the tweaks, if people would find that helpful.

Reverend Zombie February 7th, 2008 03:51 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)

quantum_mechani said:
In any case case, it would certainly not be hard documentation wise to make a 'redlist' of the nerf changes, given they do make up such a tiny percentage of the tweaks, if people would find that helpful.

Even a list of nations with no nerfs to nationals would be super-cool.

quantum_mechani February 7th, 2008 04:24 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
That's even easier, everyone but Lanka, ME ermor, Mictlan,
Niefelhiem, and LE Agartha. And the Niefelhiem/Mictlan ones are very minor.

Reverend Zombie February 7th, 2008 04:41 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
Cool, count me back in then, but I'll need to think about which nation...

Dimaz February 7th, 2008 05:52 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
I'd like to take C'tis.

Ylvali February 7th, 2008 07:51 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
I would like to play Yomi.

Sir_Dr_D February 7th, 2008 10:13 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
This game is starting to fill up, awesome http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I am planning to start up the game on Tuesday, and will close registration at the end of Saturday.

I am planning to use a victory point, victory. With each capital worth one victory point. A person will need to capture 4 capitals to win. COmments? Since I did not specify starting conditions in the first post, it is up for voting.

archaeolept February 8th, 2008 04:06 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)

quantum_mechani said:
That's even easier, everyone but Lanka, ME ermor, Mictlan,
Niefelhiem, and LE Agartha. And the Niefelhiem/Mictlan ones are very minor.

Shinuyama's little goblins are nerfed, what?

Kuritza February 8th, 2008 07:14 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
I'll sign up as Marverni.

quantum_mechani February 8th, 2008 08:13 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)

archaeolept said:

quantum_mechani said:
That's even easier, everyone but Lanka, ME ermor, Mictlan,
Niefelhiem, and LE Agartha. And the Niefelhiem/Mictlan ones are very minor.

Shinuyama's little goblins are nerfed, what?

I didn't include them on the list because they were part of an across the board minor nerf to bows. And note that all the other the other little goblin troops were boosted.

archaeolept February 8th, 2008 12:00 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
their already very poor morale has been lowered as well (to 7) - as well as for the bandit archers. giving a minor boost to completely useless troops while nerfing the pretty well only worthwhile cheap buys does not balance out. Just saying, your list is incomplete, and I'd have to wonder how many other nations are missing from it.

Reverend Zombie February 8th, 2008 12:04 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
Sauromatia, please.

quantum_mechani February 8th, 2008 03:33 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)

archaeolept said:
their already very poor morale has been lowered as well (to 7) - as well as for the bandit archers. giving a minor boost to completely useless troops while nerfing the pretty well only worthwhile cheap buys does not balance out. Just saying, your list is incomplete, and I'd have to wonder how many other nations are missing from it.

Yeah, you are probably right, those were just the nations that jumped to mind, probably because the ones I mentioned were the only ones nerfed for inter-nation balance. Any other nerfs are very minor ones simply to promote a variety of troops being built for each nation, and in almost all such cases I think the nation as a whole remains stronger than in base game.

AlgaeNymph February 10th, 2008 01:17 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
What name would we upload our pretenders under?

Krec February 10th, 2008 05:05 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
i would like to join, may i be the giants please

Sir_Dr_D February 10th, 2008 09:43 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
Sign up is now closed, and the game will have 11 players.I am determining a good map to use right now. Suggestions are welomce for an approximatly 165 province map, that is balanced for multiplayer.

Sir_Dr_D February 11th, 2008 02:05 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
We will use Twan's version of the Urraparrand map. It can be found here.

The Urraparrand maps seem fairly balanced, with terain types equally dispersed through out the map. Twan's edition should allow for more freedom of movement.

Lets try to get the pretenders in by Wednesday. Llamabeast can you start us up.

Kuritza February 11th, 2008 04:39 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
Just where to upload my pretender?

Zeldor February 11th, 2008 07:29 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)

Just make sure starting locations are hand picked. I made my first MP newbie game on unmodified Uraparrand and starting positions were extremely unfair. Especially with that 1 isolated island that should not exist at all.

Sir_Dr_D February 11th, 2008 10:46 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
Thanks for the warning Zeldor. In the test games I ran there wasn't any problems with start locations, but I will check the map file out.

For upload instructions:

Send an email to 'pretenders' at 'llamaserver.net. (I split up the email address there so search engines cannot find it.)In the email include 'balance' in the subject line, and have your pretender file attached. Also on the llamaserver it is preferred if your pretender does not have a password.

Zolharm February 11th, 2008 12:55 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
I'd like to take Lanka.

Ylvali February 12th, 2008 10:32 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
I read there will be an update (bug fixes) of the CB mod this week. Do we wait for it? If we do we might have to resend pretenders, no? It might be worthwhile if the bugs are serious or exploitable...

Also, mod specifications should be only CB, as it includes worthy heroes.

Sir_Dr_D February 12th, 2008 11:03 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - CB ea game (sign up)
Yes, we will wait until the update is out, and then start. But you will not need to resend pretenders as the version number on the mod will not change. If there are bug fixes after the game has started, we will still be able to patch the mod in the middle of the game.

Reverend Zombie February 15th, 2008 12:33 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
What's up with this game--still waiting on the CB fix?

Jazzepi February 15th, 2008 05:48 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
I'm going to go ahead and pull out of this game.


Sir_Dr_D February 15th, 2008 10:48 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
We will start up the game as soon as all the pretenders are in. We are waiting on Krec who was going to play as Neiflheim. He sent me a message a day ago asking for instruction and I haven't heard from him since. If we don't hear from him in a day we will start it up.

Since Jazzepi dropped out there is room for someone else to sign up. You need to get the pretender up quick though.

Ylvali February 16th, 2008 01:30 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
So... Updates are ready then?

Sir_Dr_D February 16th, 2008 03:18 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
Yes they are. I beeive you you just download the latest atatchment that is at teh startingpost of the mod.

Ylvali February 16th, 2008 09:46 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
Done, ready to go.

Sir_Dr_D February 17th, 2008 02:14 AM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
I will ask llamabeast to get the going now.

Sir_Dr_D February 18th, 2008 04:35 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
It will take llamabeast at least another game before he can get the game going.

Reverend Zombie February 19th, 2008 06:12 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status

Sir_Dr_D said:
It will take llamabeast at least another game before he can get the game going.

Another game to end?

IndyPendant February 19th, 2008 07:58 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
I suspect typo. Probably meant day/week/year. (Well, probably not year...; )

Sir_Dr_D February 19th, 2008 09:43 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
Yeah, sorry I meant day.

It should be started sometime soon.

llamabeast February 21st, 2008 05:01 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
Wow, apparently this has taken me 4 days to start! Many apologies everyone. I hope you all enjoy the game.

Ylvali February 25th, 2008 08:17 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
I have put myself in a hopeless situation I´m afraid. I will have to turn myself AI. Sorry bout this and enjoy the game everyone.

IndyPendant February 25th, 2008 10:02 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
The game has been playing for 5 turns! What could possibly be hopeless this early? --Unless you mean that Real Life (tm) is interfering with gaming...

IndyPendant February 26th, 2008 12:43 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
ARGH! I'm about to stale out because I can't access my hotmail. Turn's done, I just can't send it! Very frustrating.

Send Sir_Dr_D a PM...

Sir_Dr_D February 26th, 2008 01:22 PM

Re: \'Question of Balance\' - status
I stalled the game for you.

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