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Edi February 19th, 2008 04:27 PM

Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Okay, we need a new thread for shamelessly drooling over and speculating about the new Progress Page entries, so we might as well do it in this thread.


19th feb
* Hidden in snow reworking. More units, higher cost. Turmoil, magic and luck effects.
* Ermor domkill effect upped from ridiculously low levels.
* First steps on Gath: LA Abysia fossilized giants.

And that Gath entry has just been added, it wasn't there this morning. Looking better and better...

Randvek February 19th, 2008 04:46 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Ooo, all three of those look nice.

Semigall February 19th, 2008 04:47 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

Semi-Official Drool

One of the funniest word combos i've seen http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Otherwise - great news http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Dedas February 19th, 2008 05:56 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
1 Attachment(s)
This is getting better an better.

I'll add my drool to the drool pit.

Mmmmmmmm... paaaaaaatch...


VedalkenBear February 19th, 2008 10:10 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Ah, so Gath is taking on the myths of the Nephilim?

Looking forward muchly to this.

OmikronWarrior February 20th, 2008 04:12 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
New nations are nice and all, but how about fixing the now much more prevalent scale bugs first? It was something done for the 3.14 patch.

Kuritza February 20th, 2008 04:16 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Can anybody explain the fuss about scale bug?.. I am playing two games, both with order/misfortune. My order scale is spreading just fine, and the only bad event I've got was Bogus attack on turn 16.
I have dominion strength of 9 and 10 respectively though, perhaps thats why my scales keep working.

OmikronWarrior February 20th, 2008 04:29 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
The bug is good scales (Order, Production, and Growth) vanish, usually on turn 2 and good worse form there. It does seem like having a high domain can bring them back, but when those early turns are so critical and high domain not part of many designs... you get the picture. The bug has been recurring for a while, but I never got before the 3.14 patch. Not, I can't seem to start a game with out the bugs appearing.

Lingchih February 20th, 2008 04:33 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Yes, I think high Dominion will prevent, or at least alleviate, the scales bug. In the games which I have a 9 or 10 dominion, I have not seen the bug.

Kristoffer O February 20th, 2008 05:20 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

OmikronWarrior said:
New nations are nice and all, but how about fixing the now much more prevalent scale bugs first? It was something done for the 3.14 patch.

1. If you read the progress page you will see that it was fixed some days ago.
2. Our labor is divided. I cant program much . It is JK is the programing wiz, thus fixing serious bugs.
3. JK is working on his ordinary full time job as a computer engineer. I on the other hand have one week of vacation from my work as a teacher. I felt like working a bit on new stuff. New content have no bearing on most of the bugfixing, since I cant do it, unless the bugs are simple ones.

Kristoffer O February 20th, 2008 05:25 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
New patch is likely to appear soon, since the new scale spread bug is fixed, and I have made some changes to LA Abysia and Ulm.

There will be no Gath in the patch, but some references might appear. I spent most of the monday working on them and researching. They are pretty much finished in my head.

Endoperez February 20th, 2008 05:51 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

OmikronWarrior said:
The bug is good scales (Order, Production, and Growth) vanish, usually on turn 2 and good worse form there. It does seem like having a high domain can bring them back, but when those early turns are so critical and high domain not part of many designs... you get the picture. The bug has been recurring for a while, but I never got before the 3.14 patch. Not, I can't seem to start a game with out the bugs appearing.

I tested this out before it was fixed. ANY scales can be affected (well, I got Growth and Luck to disappear, didn' test for Magic), but I think they vanish in the order they're shown (order, prod, temp, etc), making order and prod the ones to disappear most often.

Provinces are affected as long as your dominion doesn't surround them, while normally it's enough that you have dominion in the province in question. It has been confirmed it was due to a reworking that happened in 3.14.

MKDELTA February 20th, 2008 06:07 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

Kristoffer O said:
New patch is likely to appear soon, since the new scale spread bug is fixed, and I have made some changes to LA Abysia and Ulm.

That's great!

Kristoffer O February 20th, 2008 06:07 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
THe mechanic for the disappearing scales is something like this:

Every province might get influenced by all of its neighbors scales (order, growth, prod). The more neighbors with a different scale setting the greater the chance of a change. Thus border provinces with low dominion will cause the neutral scales to spread until you have your dominion there to raise them.

I believe (but I'm not sure) that only provinces under your dominion will try to spread their scales to their neighbors, thus having a province with low dom might be worse than having one without dom, since the latter will not spread it's neutral scales around.

Also your scales will spread over your into your neighbors dominion if you have a stronger dominion/scales than he does. Always nice to help a friend http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

lch February 20th, 2008 11:14 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Does wishful thinking help?

22nd feb
* "Disable all mods" button added
* "Default password" command line parameter added
* Nations and units scale dynamically now
* PNG support for maps and mod graphics
* OGG/WAV support for game and mod music and sounds

Endoperez February 20th, 2008 11:19 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
20th feb
* Dust Walkers.
* Hidden in Sand.
* Hidden in Sand only gives results in waste.

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif It just keeps on getting better and better!

Dedas February 20th, 2008 11:59 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Oh my God! Finally waste waste terrain is given more importance.

Dedas February 20th, 2008 12:17 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
What does this mean? I didn't follow that discussion.

* Plate armors sligtly altered in the direction of Arralens thoughts. Plate of Ulm more so. Black plate inf descr slighy altered.

Endoperez February 20th, 2008 12:51 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Arralen made a mod to improve Ulm. Back in DomII, and I think he updated it to Dom3 as well. I don't remember if his version gave resistances or just made the armor mundanely better.

MKDELTA February 20th, 2008 03:34 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
The next patch is gonna be kickass. Pity I'm too busy with studies to play it. -_-

Jazzepi February 20th, 2008 03:48 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
* "Default password" command line parameter added

OMG does this mean we can finally log into TCP/IP games without having to type in the password manually? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif


Endoperez February 20th, 2008 04:04 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
No, it means someone wants that you could play TCP/IP games without having to type in the password manually. Well, unless someone here has a Crystal Sphere he hasn't told us about. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

lch February 20th, 2008 05:51 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Never heard about collectively augmented reality? If enough people believe in it, then it will become true. Ooommmmmmmm...

sector24 February 20th, 2008 05:59 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Did someone say wikipedia? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Loren February 20th, 2008 06:12 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Anything about the battleground overload bug?

NTJedi February 20th, 2008 06:16 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

Loren said:
Anything about the battleground overload bug?

Can this be reproduced editing a .map file and having two massive armies clash?

Is this bug terrain/weather specific?

What's the current maximum number of units for both sides on the battlefield?

NTJedi February 20th, 2008 06:22 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

Kristoffer O said:
New patch is likely to appear soon, since the new scale spread bug is fixed, and I have made some changes to LA Abysia and Ulm.

Updated PDFs for the modding and mapedit guides would be greatly appreciated. I recall hearing some volunteers from the forum willing to help and/or assist.

A way to provide one-way provinces via the map edit commands would also add creative new maps. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

VedalkenBear February 20th, 2008 11:33 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

* Nations and units scale dynamically now

Can someone explain this, please? Is this referring to their graphics or... what?

vfb February 20th, 2008 11:46 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Ich, what chaos you have wrought with your jesting! And you even forgot a few features from the Feb 31st progress page:

* Added troop dismiss button
* Unlimited scripting in battles
* Custom sorting in Nation Overview
* Spell blacklists for battles


Ballbarian February 21st, 2008 12:08 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

atul February 21st, 2008 04:03 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Great god Omnnnnnnnnnnn....

Dedas February 21st, 2008 04:33 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Stop doing that! It gives me a headache.

Cor2 February 21st, 2008 04:40 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Each player recives a billion real world dollars...

and Dedas gets some asprin.....


Beorne February 21st, 2008 05:13 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

Kristoffer O February 21st, 2008 05:17 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
I'd better chime in then.


Dedas February 21st, 2008 05:31 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

Cor2 said:
Each player recives a billion real world dollars...

and Dedas gets some asprin.....


Aaaah... that feels better.


Humakty February 21st, 2008 08:27 AM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

Hadrian_II February 21st, 2008 03:42 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread


llamabeast February 21st, 2008 03:44 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
In terms of content per post, this thread has really gone downhill of late.

Jazzepi February 21st, 2008 03:45 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Why are we doing this?


<font color="#5bebe5">Don't screw up the formatting again.</font>

llamabeast February 21st, 2008 03:47 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Jazzepi! You've ruined the side scrolling of the thread! Split that ommm!

Edi February 21st, 2008 04:03 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
And that's enough spam. I posted this thread for discussion of the future patch, not just so that people could use it to inflate their postcounts with no-content +1 posts.

It was funny for about three or four posts, but it's not anymore. If the thread doesn't get back on track, it gets locked.

Amhazair February 21st, 2008 04:04 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

llamabeast said:
In terms of content per post, this thread has really gone downhill of late.

Nothing quite ruins spiritual enrichment like concrete content does. I say:

Edit: since Edi seems to frown on spiritual enrichment, I'll go for the not-so-concrete content side. I have to say I started drooling when I first read a review of this game. I kept drooling when checking out the demo, and then discovered the true meaning of the word 'drool' when the full game arrived. Since then every single patch has increased the puddle, so much so that I'm considering having my house torn down, and buying a boat to live in.
Unfortunately I rent my place, and suspect the owner would frown upon such actions.

llamabeast February 21st, 2008 04:07 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Chill Edi, we're not actually doing any harm. Sometimes, a little silliness builds community spirit.

I'm super-excited by the new Ulm stuff. I don't know why, being as I never play Ulm, but nonetheless I can't wait to get my hands on it.

Edi February 21st, 2008 04:11 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Hey, I know it does, which is why this thread is still open.

I also love it that Ulm is getting a boost. Now I'm not halfway sorry that the game Kaljamaha and I were playing where I was MA Ulm went down the tubes in just two hours due to him getting swamped by the AI. Ulm's always been my favorite nation. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Amhazair February 21st, 2008 04:12 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
Aye. My first ever MP was with Ulm (MA) and they retain a soft spot somewhere deep inside. I'll be happy with any loving care they receive.

Jazzepi February 21st, 2008 04:37 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

llamabeast said:
Jazzepi! You've ruined the side scrolling of the thread! Split that ommm!

"This thread has been pwned.



Loren February 21st, 2008 09:30 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

NTJedi said:

Loren said:
Anything about the battleground overload bug?

Can this be reproduced editing a .map file and having two massive armies clash?

Is this bug terrain/weather specific?

What's the current maximum number of units for both sides on the battlefield?

It's related to fortress attacks. The last time I hit it the attackers were 501 units (I had Eyes of God up), the defender was a single commander. I've posted an example of it on here, I forget where by now. This was the bug fixed in IIRC 3.08 but it came back in 3.10.

I'm not sure exactly what the situation is as I tried to keep the battle from happening. I had a nearby army that could smash the attackers, I ordered them to take the square. I would have thought that happened before the seige was resolved but it still crashed. I tried again, this time using Astral Travel to send them in to make it happen even earlier, it still crashed.

NTJedi February 21st, 2008 09:36 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread

Loren said:

It's related to fortress attacks. The last time I hit it the attackers were 501 units (I had Eyes of God up), the defender was a single commander. I've posted an example of it on here, I forget where by now. This was the bug fixed in IIRC 3.08 but it came back in 3.10.

I'm not sure exactly what the situation is as I tried to keep the battle from happening. I had a nearby army that could smash the attackers, I ordered them to take the square. I would have thought that happened before the seige was resolved but it still crashed. I tried again, this time using Astral Travel to send them in to make it happen even earlier, it still crashed.

I've had battles in SP games while sieging a fortress where the enemy had 70+ commanders and 780+ units and I had 15 commanders and 500+ units... the battles proceeded without any problems although the battles ran slow on my slower systems.

Maybe it only occurs with specific castle types and/or terrains. Send us a .map file where the crash occurs and I'll test it on my systems... one of the systems is very powerful.

Loren February 22nd, 2008 01:57 PM

Re: Semi-Official Drool Over the Next Patch Thread
1 Attachment(s)

NTJedi said:
Maybe it only occurs with specific castle types and/or terrains. Send us a .map file where the crash occurs and I'll test it on my systems... one of the systems is very powerful.

The map in question is Glory of the Gods, multiplayer. I'm attaching the game as it doesn't appear to be possible to e-mail an attachment.

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