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-   -   Community effort (phase 3) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=37788)

Foodstamp February 24th, 2008 04:48 PM

Community effort (phase 3)
I am looking for 4 modders who would be interested in creating a nation. The theme of the nation would be humans that worship the four elements earth, water, air, fire.

The modders would choose one element apiece.

Then you will create 3 units (one sacred), 2 commanders, 2 spells, and 1 hero tied to your element. (for a total of 6 units, 2 spells).

If one of your units is a caster, it's primary magic path must be the element you chose. For the spells, it can be summons, direct damage, anything you want, as long as it represents your elemental path. For standard units, they must have some type of ability that identifies them with their element, for example, an earth unit may have reinvigoration, enhanced protection, an air unit may have lightning resist etc.

I will put the mod together using the units and spells exactly how they are created by the modders, changing unit IDs to avoid conflict etc.

I will create the scout unit, and a priest unit, as well as do the graphics for the flag, and the banner.

The milestones of the project are listed below.

1. Sign up

2. Choose Element / decide on name of mod nation, special themes beyond element focus, any support magic paths, temple picture.

3. Create units/spells/graphics

4. Submit creations to me.

5. Mod combined, modding conflicts resolved.

6. Mod submitted to modders for improvement suggestions, decide on castles used for each terrain, passive defense.

7. Testing

8. Mod released!


To sign up, reply to this post below with the path you want. Even if you have very little experience modding, you are welcome to sign up, as long as you are able to devote time to finishing your portion of the mod.



Priest/Scout - Foodstamp
Earth -Maraxus
Water -Valandil
Fire -Agrajag
Air -Saulot

Nation specifics----------------------

Era - Late
Nation Name - (Need)
Temple picture - 7

***Special Themes***

Elemental Focus: Meaning the acceptable magic paths are fire, water, earth, air. The path you chose should be the main path for the mages you create, with the other paths being subordinate.

Name: Acatharsis, Conflicting Tribes.

Background: The pretender has pulled the four tribes together. Even though the tribes are bound together by the will of the pretender, they still jockey for position politically and have a distaste for one another, bred by their worship of different elements. The exception being the priest(s)(I am going to create) who are ordained by the new order, so they are not subject to the politics of the precarious alliance.

quantum_mechani February 24th, 2008 04:56 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Personally, I think four different graphics styles in one nation wouldn't look very aesthetically pleasing.

Foodstamp February 24th, 2008 05:00 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Even if the four styles are representing completely different aspects of the nation?

Endoperez February 24th, 2008 05:21 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Earth! Wind! Water! Fire! Heart! By your powers combined and this humans sacrifice, I summon you: Captain Planet! (enter catchy theme song)

Foodstamp February 24th, 2008 05:28 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Captain Planet requires a sacrifice of 20 virgins!

Valandil February 24th, 2008 06:17 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Hm. I tried to do a similar project, before everything I was working on (Including Hordes of Chaos, sorry panpiper.) was utterly demolished by real life.

Mine was based on the Arabian nights and the elemental spirits of the desert.

I would love to participate, but I don't think it would be wise, especially after I left Hordes without warning. Still, if you have an empty space and no-one is willing or able to fill it, I will submit something.

Anyways, I think it might be a fun project, even if it looks a bit strange.

Sombre February 24th, 2008 07:37 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Hmm. I need to think about it. If I come up with something exciting for one of the 4 elements I'll join.

Maraxus February 24th, 2008 08:23 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
12 units out of which 4 are sacred, 10 commanders - sounds like a lot.

I personally like the idea of 4 graphic styles, the units will look more distinquishable. When I create them allown, the units tent to look to similar, making it look boring.

I take one element...

Fire sounds easy, earth looks manageable, too. Air ... is it possible to copy the "fly when blessed effect from Mictlan eagle warriors? ... But Water ... Oh, maybe something amphibious...

I think I take earth. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Valandil February 25th, 2008 12:31 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Actually, if no one minds, I think I can do this, as long as there is a deadline. As long as I'm working for others, and not myself, I should be fine.

On that note, can I do water stuff? I like blue.

Agrajag February 25th, 2008 11:51 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
It sounds really cool, interesting and fun.
However, I'm not sure if I'm appropriate for the job, I've only created one mod ever (for dom2!) and my drawing skillz are abysmal (as whoever played my dom2 mod can testify) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
I do have quite a lot of free time though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
So if you don't mind unappealing sprites (or alternatively, ones that are quite similar to sprites already in the game), and taking a longer time (to relearn modding [there are so many changes and new additions that it's practically relearning]), I'd like Fire. If you do mind, then I don't mind being excluded http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

DrPraetorious February 25th, 2008 02:50 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I choose Earth.

I'm really liking those conical Chinese peasant hats.

llamabeast February 25th, 2008 03:19 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I think Maraxus beat you to Earth, Dr. P.

Foodstamp February 25th, 2008 08:19 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
If they both want to do Earth, that is fine with me. It will just lead to a split of the responsibilities for that part of the project http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

So we need someone to do Air, and anyone else that would like to participate is welcome to do so as well, just pick an element other than Earth http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

Saulot February 25th, 2008 08:54 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Well, on the plus side, this is an interesting idea. On the down side, it seems like it has potential to not mesh / execute well.

It's worth a shot, and I suppose I could do air. I'm still kind of swamped with my new project, and Dwarf Fortress is not being kind with my time, though I could use a break from both.

If I can't come up with anything too exciting, I'll just resign.

By the way, Foodstamp, I suggest you expand the format / guidelines for the units/commanders/etc., so that the elements do not overly vary in terms of power / balance.

Valandil February 25th, 2008 09:19 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Hm. What era? I'v edone some preliminary work, but need some guidelines on balance, equipment, and national theme. Also would like a hint as to the other modders ideas so I don't tread on their toes.

Fore example, it seems reasonable that a water-worshipping cult of some sort would have a knightly order armoured in scale mail, like a fish. Scale is pretty poor for late era armour, so I'd probably create a new mail for an LE nation. Same deal with mages, spells, etc.

EDIT: also, PD.

Maraxus February 25th, 2008 10:19 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
It will be late aera?

I've done a first draw now - and I don't mean pictures with that.

What I thought about: Will there be a coralation between the sacret units and the capitol-only units?
I have made the sacret unit available everywhere but another unit capitol only.

teaser: tough, strong units, available at speeds:
slow - really slow - allmost faster when crippled.

Side question: what is the flightsprite nbr. for instant hit, btw? I tried 10000 but it seams to be just "invisible missles" (so it takes unnecessary much time.

DrPraetorious February 25th, 2008 10:20 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Oh, oops, I thought Maraxus wanted fire http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif That's what I get for skimming.

I'll bow out for Maraxus then.

Valandil February 25th, 2008 10:43 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
How deadly would quickened sacred cavalry be? Quickness is the most applicable water buff, bar water breathing, which I don't like for humans.

What if they are LE capitol only sacreds with scale mail?

Also, any hope for marid/ifreet/djinn/whatever a spirit of earth is called?

DrPraetorious February 26th, 2008 03:03 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I don't think you can have inherent quickness on units - a spell that quickened all of your sacreds already exists (Music of the Spheres, quickens all sacred mbeings.) Water sacreds could have a cold aura, or cold immunity and ice equipment, or no special powers but lots of kung fu.

The elemental correspondences with Genies is a western revision - more importantly, it is also lame. Folkloric genies would be great, if they were added as a unit.

Foodstamp February 26th, 2008 03:35 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
All the elements are spoken for. Dr. P. I hope you stay on to help with earth.

I am going to leave this open for a few more days to see if anyone else wants to participate.

Until then, feel free to discuss what era would be the most suitable for the nation.

Agrajag February 26th, 2008 04:48 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Personally, I'd really like to see this is a none-death LA nation, preferably with lots of priest power and not too much mage power.
How about we make them a sort of refugee nation? With all those nations collapsing into death and blood in the late era, many people fled; Some of them met each other and decided to build a small town for shared protection, and as time went by, the small town became a large city famous for protecting its denizens from evil outside influences. Eventually a pretender reveals himself to them and they take the opportunity to rid the world of all the nations that fell to decay and corruption.

Endoperez February 26th, 2008 06:07 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
"Long ago, most of the nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the undead nation attacked. Only the Pretender, master of all four elements, could stop them."
For some reason, I can't look at this thread without thinking of cartoons. Any way, check out the Alugra mod Agrajag. It has a similar feel to it. If you go that route, every contributer should check that out to make sure they aren't stepping on that mod's toes.

Agrajag February 26th, 2008 06:43 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project

Endoperez said:
Any way, check out the Alugra mod Agrajag. It has a similar feel to it. If you go that route, every contributer should check that out to make sure they aren't stepping on that mod's toes.

Huh, Never heard of it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif
But if such a mod exists, I'd rather think of some other back story http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif (rather than have similar stories and tip-toe around another mod.)

Agrajag February 26th, 2008 01:31 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
(new post because I feel this warrants it)
How about 4 warring tribes/clans/families/cults/groups/organizations/mega-coroprations (each from one element), that have been recently forced together by powerful and warriorlike priests lead by an oppressive pretender?
What do other people have to say about the general flavour/theme of the nation?

Maraxus February 26th, 2008 03:06 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I prefer "Guilds" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

***edit: updated and attached 3 posts below***

Here is the Earth-Guild Part. It's set up as a Nation so you can watch it in game.

***edit: updated and attached 3 posts below***

-Slow Guys with big shields.
-The worst mage you have ever spend 90 Gold on.

-Banner, icon, provincal defence, descriptive text are all open to change once some more "common backround" is choosen.
-The National hero is comanding the starting army for demonstration purpose.
-Why do my units allways look blurish in the game, they look sharp outlined in the tga-files? Do I use a wrong format or something?

Sombre February 26th, 2008 04:08 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
They look blurry because the size of the graphics is wrong.

They should be 32, 64, 96, 128 etc pixel dimensions, not 72x72 or whatever they are now.

llamabeast February 26th, 2008 04:10 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I like your earth bit Maraxus, nicely done. The mage is indeed pretty dire and his forge bonus is virtually worthless being as there's little he can forge, but I guess that's what you were aiming for. Maybe you could give them a better chance of getting a second earth pick at least?

Maraxus February 26th, 2008 04:43 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
1 Attachment(s)
There is allways something the Smith can forge, when he get's his 10%.

Earth: Earth boots, then Dwarven Hammers, then maybe something else.
Fire: Shields of Awe and Fire Brands. Lots.
Water: Water Braclet, then Rime Hauberg and maybe Boots of Quickness.
Air: Least useful, imho, but Bows of War are always a good use of 3 Air Gems.

Maybe, I buff the Random chance to 20%. Even higher (Like 100%) might be possible, depending on the Mage-Power of the other 3 Elements to come.

That think with the image size - I should have thought of this. I knew there were restrictions like that, but I didn't check my size, or whet those restrictions were.
Now everything is at 64x64 and looks good. Check the Smith's beard. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

PS: Plus, I'm not sure, the new spell "Land War" is not a bit overpowered. It's multiple little earth-melds but each also has +20 fatigue. At medium distance when in two castings some of the enemy squares are hit multiple times, this can potentially be the best combat-earth spell without gems.
And should I ever create the predecessor nation for Bogarus, I'll add this too - and it will also deal cold damage. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

llamabeast February 26th, 2008 04:59 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Yeah, maybe up the 10% to some higher value. To get earth boots (which lead onto a hammer) you'll need an E2, which you only have a 1 in 40 chance of getting! I wouldn't really want to recruit 40 of those guys just to get an E2.

Agrajag February 26th, 2008 05:05 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
1 Attachment(s)
Well, I've already finished one unit, and he isn't very pretty, but he works and I like him http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
And he includes some fancy shmancy modding - his sword has a secondaryeffectalways that causes fatigue damage :O
Here's a picture of him inflicting 7 damage (and 10 fatigue[well, stun] damage). This sprite is actually his "standing" sprite, I have them switched so that when he attacks it looks as if he raises and then lowers his sword. Pose somewhat stolen from Barbarian.

EDIT: About the smith - maybe give him 20%FW 20%EA (or maybe 10% instead of 20%), so it's a bit more likely that he'll get an extra path, and a lucky few will even have two (but will never get conflicting elements together)

Maraxus February 26th, 2008 06:24 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Nice one, is that a 2 or a 3 Pixel Blade? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I bet this would look extra cool if etheral ...

If it's supposed to be a Rapier, maybe make the back-hand visible on he rear side (So, that he is standing in a fencing-like pose).

Okay, I have uped the Smith's random element to 25%. I still encourage the Pretender to have at least 2 earth to forge the first earth boots for the smith (to have them cast Gnome Lore, to forge more earthy stuff) ... At least if the other mages will be good. If they are bad enough, trying 16 Smithes for that one Earth-Double sounds not to bad, too, if you get one Earth-Fire Forger along the way. Oh, I also increased the price to 110 for this. I think the Quarter randon and the forge bonus make him at least as valueable as a Lizard Shaman.

Then there are the spells:
I have played a bit with flysprites and Explosion Sprites and now, both spells have no flight animation and the Land War spell has a nice Earthy animation, so that you see, where the misses land. A bit further testing showed, that the balancing is okay, I think.

However, then there is my Mass-Buff-Spell.
It looks like "Summon Earthpower" is a commander-only buff. I did not even know, this existed.
The Spell uses #effect 10 with damage #damage 65664 which means stone-skin plus strength boost. And then it uses #nextspell 438 - this should be "Summon Earthpower".
Now, Every unit and Commander in the Area gets Stoneskin and Strength but only commanders get reinvigoration and only Earthmages get +1Earth Magic (does not stack with Summon Earthpower, intentionally).
...Hey, this could be an effect of this strange "Special" field. Summon Earthpower has 8404992 here, what is "underwater" plus the strange 16384 might this be "commander only"?

Answer: No, it seams not. If anyone has an idea, just say so. Spell modding is a secret art. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Oh, btw, the spells are set to level 0, so that you and I can try them. In the fianl, they should be more like level 7 or 8.

Valandil February 26th, 2008 10:57 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Wow, I must be eight hours behind you people.
Re Dr.P: No, I'd have to spoof quickness using def/att, and a 2x weapon. Quickness would stack with the spoofing, though, and produce a real beast- going to have to scrap that idea. I don't want to use ice stuff, primarily because the element in question is water, and to me that implies, well, flowing water.

As for djinni, here I believe you are mistaken. While the western cultures have certainly revised the original mythology, it seems to me that, since the djinni were formed of subtle fire, that there is at least some elemental connection. I would agree that the best Djinn mention that I can find, in Sura 72, refers only to the Ifrit as a spirit of strength. Marids, though indeed part of the original mythology, are certainly associated with the sea only in modern times (and once with glass, as I recall,) though I do not doubt that the original tradition had some place for sea spirits, as every other culture has.

Nonetheless, I will take your advice- in any case Al_Khazim is the only Djinn in Dom right now, and he's pretty mighty for a non-unique summon. 16 points of magic, IIRC.

Will post tomorrow (well, tomorrow for me) when I've finished some stuff.

Foodstamp February 27th, 2008 12:37 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Anyone have any objections to late era?

P.S. going to let sign up run one more day. Then we will dive into phase two of the project.

Agrajag February 27th, 2008 04:33 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project

Foodstamp said:
Anyone have any objections to late era?

I have a preference for LA seeing as how my first unit (which is the sacred, BTW) wears full plate mail and a full helmet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Nice one, is that a 2 or a 3 Pixel Blade?
I bet this would look extra cool if etheral ...

If it's supposed to be a Rapier, maybe make the back-hand visible on he rear side (So, that he is standing in a fencing-like pose).

The blade is 2 pixels wide. And if you compare it with the Barbarian's blade (which I had in the background) it is ~4 pixels longer, so this is more of a great sword than a rapier. Also, the weapon is swung and not thrust http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

As for etherality - I'm sure they would appreciate it, seeing as how thanks to all their armor they have a whopping 5 defence.
Which leads me to say that I'm very confused as to how much I should price them.
On the one hand they are sacred, have a long high damage sword that inflicts unresistable stun damage (in addition to normal damage), they have partial fire resistance and lots of morale.
On the other hand, 5 defence, 9 encumberance, 12 HP and a great resource cost make him somewhat underwhelming.

Endoperez February 27th, 2008 04:45 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Look at the similar sacred units. MA Man Wardens, MA Vanheim Skinshifters (werewolves instead of sacred), and Mictlan Jaguar Warriors (skinshifters AND sacred, worse equipment).

Also, that is a custom sword right? IIRC, normal Great Sword gives 3 defense. I think that's there to imitate half-swording and other special techniques that enabled the sword to be used as a make-shift polearm, in grappling etc.

Agrajag February 27th, 2008 05:12 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
According to the 3.10 (uber-awesome) DB, a great sword is 9 damage, 1 attack, 2 defense, length 3. This sword is 9 damage 2 attack 1 defense length 4 + 10 unresistable stun damage*.

*-Hmmm, I need to see if that affects lifeless or not, since it shouldn't. (I'm guessing it does :S)

If I compare the unit to an MA Man Warden (in CBM), he has -1 HP and strength, +1 morale and effective attack, +2 mr, +3 encumbrance and +4 protection. + the awesome sword. So I guess a 25% markup compared to the warden is fair, for a total of 50 gold.
If testing proves this is not a good number, I'll just change it. My hunch says they are still underpriced.

Maraxus February 27th, 2008 05:33 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
This is the interesting part about this project, I had totally thought of something else as fire warrior. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

For late era, I might reconsidder my units' armors. 14 protection is not really though there, even for the light Infantery.

Agrajag February 27th, 2008 05:39 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Yeah, it's a bit unexpected, I know http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Here's a little explanation to help you: (description still subject to rephrasing and changing)
#name "Charred"
#descr "Charred are powerful warriors of fire that have undergone a painful transformation to achieve their power. Their strength lies in a ritual where a potential Charred is burned alive with a sword. Those who survive become the Charred. They wear a full suit of armor to hide their terrible appearance, and their charred swords emit a cloud of ashes that makes breathing difficult."

Foodstamp February 27th, 2008 07:27 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
We are in phase 2 of the development of the new nation.

2. Choose Element / decide on name of mod nation, special themes beyond element focus, any support magic paths, temple picture.


I would ask that the modders submit names for the nation. The names will be compiled in a list and voted on.

Also, please post any other special themes you would like to see the nation adhere to, as well as any support magic restrictions, and your desired temple picture. If you do not know the numbers of the temple pic, just describe it.

chrispedersen February 27th, 2008 08:31 PM

Cult of the Eaters of death.
This is a cult who militarily is inferior. But rather, their whole intent is to infiltrate other dominions until they can take over.

Most units are stealthy - units like.. horsemen of the apocalypse (four types) that spread disease, famine( by consuming food via gluttony), war (by attacking province) and dissension (increasing unrest).

You could also have a unit that has a negative on fortunetelling.

Other units.. lepers - with a contagious disease.

Favorite pretender - a carrion dragon with the -morale breath.

The eaters of death would get (free) spawns in a territory, even if they did not control it - so long as spawning units were in those territories.

National Spells - would resemble random events. Barbarian hordes. Vampire counts. Other, seemingly national disasters.

Maraxus February 27th, 2008 08:33 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I'd vote for:

Name: Parthia

Themes: Feels like 1001 Nights, big capitol, good castles. Flavor texts of wealth, comerce, etc.
The nation might be ruled by Guilds/Castes representing the elements. Inclusion of Djinns optional.

Supporting Magic: I think none is necessary. Definitly avoid blood. I don't really see Death/Nature needed, Astral might be possible (Money=>Luck=>Astral, but everybody has Astral).

TemplePic: Nr 7 looks best for this concept, Nr 9 second.

edit: @chrispedersen: Sounds nice but I can't really see that merging with the elemental focus.

Valandil February 27th, 2008 10:21 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I'd drop the Djinni, for Dr.P reasons. I hadn't thought it through, but he was right of course.

I like the suggested stuff alot, since its pretty much what I was thinking already. Parthia was the name of a Roman-era middle eastern empire, correct?

I'm working on sprites right now. DM will only take an hour or so, but the sprites might take a couple days. Being a perfectionist is soo dumb (especially when you're never even CLOSE to perfect) ...

Just to check, #onebattlespell is commanders only, no fatigue, gives access to the spell for rest of battle, correct?

re: chrispedersen-
Am I correct in thinking that this is another idea entirly? It's quite interesting, but really not related to elements. Perhaps needs its own thread?

Foodstamp February 27th, 2008 11:12 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Your correct on how #onebattlespell works, but keep in mind that in order for it to be cast again in combat, the caster must have the paths for it, and it will cost fatigue after the initial casting.

I really like the name Parthia. I also like the idea of making the mod have middle eastern/east euro flavor if no one is opposed. The Middle East is sorely under represented in Dominions, so I think the theme would be perfect for this mod.

Valandil February 27th, 2008 11:17 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Agreed on both counts. Thanks for the quick response on onebattlespell.

I've finished the sprite for the Blue Templar (working name. Its not really a templar.) Sadly, it is a (very) modified version of the Bogatyr, and not totally original. I can't draw horses.

Foodstamp February 27th, 2008 11:34 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Thats no problem at all. Since the release of the in game graphics, most of my modding is done by modifying the original graphics. It keeps the units looking "dominionish" and it saves tremendously on time.

Valandil February 27th, 2008 11:45 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Its annoying for me though. I'm a decently (well... sort of) competant freehand artist, and the prejudice of an artist against anything not totally original remains.

In other news- it seems that there might be a need for something to unify the extremely disparate groups existing in "Parthia." I'm not quite sure- perhaps a caliphate or somesuch, without ties to the indivdual guilds (temples? castes? Orders?)

Novitiate Sprite1 Complete (Trident Wielding Medium infantry, only benfit from favour of the waves is +1 def, +2 ap.)

Templar Spr1 Complete, finally. (Lance Armed sacred riders. Not really knights, but lance armed. Still working out their gifts.)

Agrajag February 28th, 2008 05:27 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I like the idea of a bustling metropolis, especially if it will indeed be LA, because like I've said previously, I'd like to see this nation in LA and providing contrast to the rest of the age (which is abundant with death/dying/decaying/corrupted nations).
I'm not sure if I like a middle-eastern theme too much. Mostly because I'm not really sure how to capture that theme, and partly because I'm middle-eastern myself, but when people talk about a middle-eastern theme they do not mean one that is relevant to me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
My current idea is that we go with the "guilds" theme, maybe our city was just your normal bustling city with four competing (elemental) guilds*, and now with the spreading death, the king has forced the guilds into active military duty to help the city/nation defeat the spreading death of LA.
*-Possibly artisan guilds, perhaps ones that have separated themselves from others for a long enough time to develop their own sorts of "cults"

Maraxus February 28th, 2008 09:38 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Yeah, yeah, you're just jealous, because I looked through Persian history not Palestine, right? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif I think right after the great wall of China that's one of the most solid borders in world history. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Well, in what way would we put this decission into practice?
-Colorful cloth
-Big round hats (you can't really get more detailed on a 4x6 pixel head)
-Falchions and Scimitars instead of Long- and Broadswords.

And obviously the name list depends soley on this decission.

...Btw, what would be the name of a 2-handed Falchion?

Oh, what I really wanted to say is, that the historical accuracy will be only minimal, like the many other nations.
And that I feel honored to be an Ulmian Steel Warrior. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Agrajag February 28th, 2008 10:12 AM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project

Maraxus said:
Yeah, yeah, you're just jealous, because I looked through Persian history not Palestine, right? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Israel != Palestine http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

And anyway, it has more to do with me already drawing something that is quite far from being middle-eastern http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif and using a great sword (kind of), and the next unit will have two axes. (though I guess its future berzerkage will fit with the hashish theme)

EDIT: it's->its

Sawyer February 28th, 2008 12:45 PM

Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Couldn't you guys just make metropolitan a theme? That way whoever wants to do Middle-Eastern stuff can do it, and someone who wants to do Greek stuff can do it, etcetera etcetera.

Also... suppose you were to give all sacreds a low MR so that people would be more likely to take a high-astral pretender, and then you could come up with a story of how the pretender god, holding command over the power behind the elements, was able to maintain his power and form a cult around him.

I'm butting out now.

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