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-   -   Figment - Early Game (Started) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=37917)

Velusion March 6th, 2008 09:56 PM

Figment - Early Game (Started)

Status Page: http://www.ArsNotoria.net/dominions3...p?game=figment (forthcoming)

Game Type: TCP/IP (static server)
Speed: 24 hours per host for the first 24 turns moving to 48 hours per host after that. Quickhost enabled.
Era: Early
Players: 22 (all) – or however many we get.
Start: Nations will be assigned when we are filled, or 96 Hours – whichever is first. The game will start 48-72 hours after nations are posted or when all pretenders are uploaded.
Nation Selection: First Come, First Serve (Post here what you want)
Map: 15 provinces per player pre-generated map (http://www.ArsNotoria.net/dominions3/figment.zip - Forthcoming).
Victory Conditions: ~50% of all provinces controlled for 3 consecutive turns, or the surrendering of all other players.
Hall of Fame: 15
Renaming: On
Everything Else: Defaults
Masterpass: Enabled
Length: If you aren’t eliminated this game might last 6+ Months. Be prepared!
Mods: Big-Game v1.1 Mod here: http://www.ArsNotoria.net/dominions3/bg11.zip

IP: ArsNotoria.net
Port: 10448

Send me your email address if you would like to get the email notifications when turns host.

Quickhost will be enabled. The first 24 turns will be set to have a 24 hour autohost – so expect to do at least a turn a day for the first few weeks. After that the timer will increase to 48 hours though it is hoped that players will normally still be able to play every 24 hours, with the occasional missed day upon request. As turns take longer in late game this might increase further. As players get eliminated we can be more flexible with extensions and extended absences, but not in the first couple weeks.

The map will be tweaked to ensure (hopefully) that all players that start on land have at least four land neighbors and all players that start at sea have 3 sea neighbors. All the major seas are connected so that separated sea provinces connect to each other across straits (hence all seas that look like they should be connected are linked). There will be around 12 water provinces per water nation. All the larger landmasses are linked across the straits as well. If we do not fill, we will be using a smaller map.

Players who wish to surrender (resign) should simply turn the nation to computer controlled or find a sub. If you will be unavailable for longer than a few days please let me know. Failing to do you turn twice a in a row without letting us know will get you put on AI. If I think you are missing too many turns (e.g. 3 out of the last 6) I will put you on AI. Once (*ahem* - If) I am eliminated I’ll rely on the remaining players to tell me when something needs done with the game.

General rules to follow in my games can be found here:
I recommend you read them if you haven’t already.

House Rules: There are specific endgame related issues that apply to larger Dom3 games that I have come to dread. There will be a simple Big Game Mod (v1.1) that will be used for this game that will tweak a few end-game aspects.

These changes are not up for debate in this thread. If you don’t like these changes – please make another thread somewhere else to complain.

Big Game Mod Changes:
Arcane Nexus will cost 300 Astral Pearls to cast
Clam of Pearls will require a path 2 (instead of 1) in Nature Magic (Water will stay the same). This will increase the cost to forge.
Fever Fetishes will require a path 2 (instead of 1) in Fire Magic (Nature will stay the same). This will increase the cost to forge.
(New in v1.1)Blood Stone will require a path 3 (instead of 2) in Earth Magic (Blood will stay the same). This will increase the cost to forge.

If we get less than 14 people we will not use this Mod.

Velusion - Lanka
Foodstamp - Caelum
Lingchih - Tir na n'Og
AdmiralZhao - "Miclan"
Holyfrog - Fomoria
coobe - Helheim
Dedas - Pangaea
Thrawn - T'ien Ch'i
Psycho - Kailasa
Xavier - Niefelheim
Shmonk - Agartha
Tyrant - Abysia
FrozenFalcon - R'lyeh
Xox - Arcoscephale
Corwin - Sauromatia
vfb - Oceania
Baalz - Marverni
Rather - Atlantis
Kojusoki - Ermor
DonCorazon - Vanheim
chrispedersen - Yomi

Available Nations:

AdmiralZhao March 7th, 2008 12:37 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
You mis-spelled Mictlan.


Velusion March 7th, 2008 12:43 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)

AdmiralZhao said:
You mis-spelled Mictlan.


In my games we call it miclan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Foodstamp March 7th, 2008 12:47 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Caelum please http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Lingchih March 7th, 2008 01:14 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Tir na n'Og, please. Always have wanted to try them in MP.

AdmiralZhao March 7th, 2008 03:46 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Sign me up for Miclan then.

Redfrog March 7th, 2008 07:17 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Hmm... I would like to take Fomoria please

coobe March 7th, 2008 07:20 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)

Dedas March 7th, 2008 07:31 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Pangaea please http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Velusion March 7th, 2008 12:44 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Updated the first post!

Thrawn March 7th, 2008 01:28 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
The subject line says "Early" but in the post the era is "Middle"?

Velusion March 7th, 2008 01:33 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Fixed! It's Early

Thrawn March 7th, 2008 01:48 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
I'll play T'ien C'hi!

Psycho March 7th, 2008 04:00 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Kailasa if you accept noobs

Xavier March 7th, 2008 07:33 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Niefelheim please.

Shmonk March 7th, 2008 08:12 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
I'll try Agartha.

Tyrant March 7th, 2008 08:24 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Abysia please. I keep getting whupped in Velusian games and when i play Aby, but may be double negative will be a positive.

Xavier March 7th, 2008 08:33 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
also...where do I find a change list, or summary, for the biggame mod we'll be using?

FrozenFalcon March 7th, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
I'll play R'lyeh.

chrispedersen March 7th, 2008 10:07 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Nief please

Velusion March 7th, 2008 10:11 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)

chrispedersen said:
Nief please

Sorry Chris - Xavior beat you to it.

I just updated the list.

Xox March 7th, 2008 10:30 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Arco please

Velusion March 7th, 2008 10:40 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)

Xavier said:
also...where do I find a change list, or summary, for the biggame mod we'll be using?

All the changes are in the first post. There isn't anything besides those...

Xavier March 7th, 2008 10:59 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
thanks, those all look reasonable. sorry if i missed them on the first pass....

Velusion March 8th, 2008 12:10 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Players can start uploading pretenders when ready.

IP: Arsnotoria.net
Port: 10448

Xavier March 8th, 2008 12:23 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
we still have at least 48 hours though, right? I'm hoping to do some more testing/tweaking and won't be able to get to it tommorow....

Velusion March 8th, 2008 12:25 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)

Xavier said:
we still have at least 48 hours though, right? I'm hoping to do some more testing/tweaking and won't be able to get to it tommorow....

Yep. I just wanted to make it available to people who are ready early.

Corwin March 8th, 2008 02:37 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Hi everyone. It's been a long time, but I feel an urge to play another Dom3 game.

Please sign me up as Sauromatia.

vfb March 8th, 2008 12:49 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
I'd like to try Oceania, please.

Baalz March 8th, 2008 12:58 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
I'm feeling masochistic, I'll try Marverni.

coobe March 8th, 2008 01:42 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
i like to drop ulm http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif can i play something else thats free ?

Velusion March 8th, 2008 03:41 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)

coobe said:
i like to drop ulm http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif can i play something else thats free ?


Corwin March 8th, 2008 07:14 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
It's been almost a year since I've played Dom3 last time, so my memory of seting up MP Dom game in efficient manner is a bit rusty.

Could somebody please remind me - what command line arguments do you need to use to login into the game quickly by clicking on desktop shortcut for this specific MP Dominions game?
Also about the Big-Game mod that we will be using - what should I do if I want to play two MP games in the same time - one with this mod(our game) and one without? Does this mod need to be loaded into the memory when I will be creating pretender for our game?

Thanks a lot!

Xox March 8th, 2008 07:43 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
good question , i forgot how to do the Dominion III command line shortcut commands for port and ip address also. Not in the manual either.

Baalz March 8th, 2008 08:03 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
"C:\Program Files\dominions3\dom3.exe" --tcpclient --ipadr ArsNotoria.net --port 10448 --nonationsel

Foodstamp March 8th, 2008 08:04 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Hey hey, allow me to help both of you out. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

For this particular game, add this to a copy of your dom3 shortcut:

-C --ipadr Arsnotoria.net --port 10448

Beyond that, go to the main forum and look towards the top, there is a thread devoted to all the command line switches. Be sure to check that for any other options you may want added to the shortcut.

Baalz beat me to it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

vfb March 8th, 2008 09:06 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Sometimes Arsnotoria.net does not resolve for me, so I use:

dom315 -C --ipadr --port 10448 -n -s

You might want to leave off -s (no sound), and also -n (no nation select).

Lingchih March 8th, 2008 09:54 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
I will upload a Tir na N'Og pretender sometime tonite. Sorry for the delay. I have never played them before, and am running through multiple builds to find a suitable one.

Lingchih March 9th, 2008 03:10 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Tir is uploaded.

Lingchih March 9th, 2008 03:18 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)

coobe said:
i like to drop ulm http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif can i play something else thats free ?

Just curious. Why would you drop Ulm with all the love they have from the Devs in 3.15?

Corwin March 9th, 2008 03:41 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Thanks guys, that was very helpful.

Now about my other questions:

...about the Big-Game mod that we will be using - what should I do if I want to play two MP games in the same time - one with this mod(our game) and one without?

And the last question - does this mod need to be loaded into the memory when I will be creating pretender for our game?

Any tips?

Lingchih March 9th, 2008 04:21 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
No, just have it loaded into the game at start. The game is now very smart at loading mods. And for this mod, you do not need it to be loaded at pretender creation time. You just need it to be available at game start.

Rathar March 9th, 2008 06:55 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
I would like to try Atlantis please if I may.

coobe March 9th, 2008 08:10 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Ill go with Helheim then,

EA ulm didnt get anything from the last patch http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Kojusoki March 9th, 2008 10:34 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Ill take Ermor then

Pretender uploaded

Velusion March 9th, 2008 03:47 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
I'll start generating the map tonight. Last call for players that want to join!

We still have the following spots available:

Xavier March 9th, 2008 08:54 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
how much more time do we have to upload before we start?

Velusion March 9th, 2008 09:12 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Well start no later than Tuesday night CST (or earlier if everyone has uploaded).

DonCorazon March 9th, 2008 09:35 PM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
i will give Vanheim a try, thanks.

Lingchih March 10th, 2008 12:13 AM

Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
We could start now, as far as I am concerned. But I can wait til Tuesday.

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