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sansanjuan March 8th, 2008 12:01 AM

Post your Dom3 Haiku
Inspired (?) by Omni and our Acouchi AAR thread

==== Haiku #1

Site searching
Barbarians uprise
Mage butter

==== Haiku #2

The battle joins
Two hundred crossbows !!?

...your turn

Gregstrom March 8th, 2008 12:44 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Storming their frontier
What's a Fountain doing here?
Deicide is good

sector24 March 8th, 2008 12:58 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Summon Earthpower
King of Elemental Earth
Blade Wind those bastards

Zenzei March 8th, 2008 01:11 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Curse of Blood cast
Lords are having a dinner
You're invited

PS: this thread is great http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Saulot March 8th, 2008 02:10 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
The orchid blossom
Trampled underfoot by my
Raging troglodytes*
Forge me the jade knife
Delicate as your heart shows
Your fragility
Gathering the gems
Poring over countless tomes
Arcane Nexus, Mine!

I concur, Zenzei http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

*replace with elephants, minotaurs, juggernaut, behemoths, otherness, chariots, shambler thrall, war lobsters, etc. as per personal preference.

Digress March 8th, 2008 02:47 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
The witch kings visit
They came they saw they nibbled
Tasted like chicken

sansanjuan March 8th, 2008 02:57 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Earth Mother
Large in your Icon
No strategic figs


Wrong Province
Wrong Formation
No survivors


My beautiful gems
Wasted on small monkeys
Enjoy the dungeon

vfb March 8th, 2008 02:58 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku

Digress said:
The witch kings visit
They came they saw they nibbled
Tasted like chicken

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif I liked that one!

Omnirizon March 8th, 2008 03:26 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
nice SSJ.

SSJ is the genius to discover it all, but I must post my own inadvertent haiku that started it all; from our game thread in the MP forum.

so slow
disillusionment setting in
turns... where are the turns?

Foodstamp March 8th, 2008 03:32 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Have new volunteers
Is it wicked not to care
Bottomless Ocean

vfb March 8th, 2008 03:53 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku

Foodstamp said:
Have new volunteers
Is it wicked not to care
Bottomless Ocean

Oooh, I like that one too! In the same theme:

Militia arrives
Far away from my borders
Barbarians, please!

Omnirizon March 8th, 2008 04:27 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
beneath my great sledge
an insignificant fly
Hoping it moves first

Agrajag March 8th, 2008 05:16 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Huge army attacks
Why the hell did I lose there
Damn sneaking command

Foodstamp March 8th, 2008 05:25 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku

Agrajag said:
Huge army attacks
Why the hell did I lose there
Damn sneaking command


Mr_Dark March 8th, 2008 03:05 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Pale riders pillage
Call the Eater of the Dead
Ermor's banners rise...

VedalkenBear March 8th, 2008 04:09 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
sinuyama ka
nihon zya nai yo
hontoo sa

RedWurm March 8th, 2008 05:32 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
dragon kicked to death
by rearmost missile units
it's good to be ulm

-always good for a laugh in SP games http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

eighty arbalests
troops surround lone enemy
they fire at nearest...

Jazzepi March 9th, 2008 01:26 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Little monkey PD
Why can't I win a game?
Oh right, I suck


Edi March 9th, 2008 05:00 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Flyers attack rear
Move to mop up footmen
A hundred crossbow salvo...

Kamamura March 11th, 2008 08:16 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
I would like to remind (especially the founder of the thread), that to qualify as a haiku, you must at least conform to the 5/7/5 syllable structure.

Mad god from the depths
dreamers answer his calling
Svatopluk's his name

(That actually happened, here in Czech Svatopluk is a quite common, homely name, to have a giant Lovecraftian behemoth with tentacles and three legs called Svatopluk seemed extremely funny to all who saw my game in progress).

lch March 11th, 2008 10:10 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku

Kamamura said:
I would like to remind (especially the founder of the thread), that to qualify as a haiku, you must at least conform to the 5/7/5 syllable structure.

Only if you're following Kyoshi's "traditional" movement. The syllables are formed differently than in Japanese, anyway, so even adhering to the 5-7-5 structure doesn't guarantee a good rythm. If you keep it short, that should be sufficient.

Saxon March 11th, 2008 10:13 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
The fearsome SC
The pride of high protection
The AN death bless

Hmm, the abbreviations do not help the poetry, will work on this more. The syllable's work, but the letters instead of words take away the grace of the poem.

VedalkenBear March 11th, 2008 10:35 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
I think a _much_ better exercise would be to do a renga, but I'm not sure if anyone else even knows what that is.

The Japanese restriction should be adhered to as much as possible, IMO. But then, if you do, you come out with something _extremely_ short (cf. my haiku).

lch March 11th, 2008 10:43 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku

VedalkenBear said:
I think a _much_ better exercise would be to do a renga, but I'm not sure if anyone else even knows what that is.

You need two people for that, first of all.

vfb March 11th, 2008 11:05 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
It's a little like this, isn't it? Except, not funny.


Saxon March 11th, 2008 11:21 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Waiting for the turn,
the unknowns of combat weigh
on my nervous heart.

Jazzepi March 11th, 2008 11:23 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
This is for fun
Worry about restrictions
All fun is lost


VedalkenBear March 11th, 2008 12:35 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Ich: I believe the traditional number for doing a renga was 3. At least, all of the renga that I had to read were done by three different poets. Considering the format we have here, we have at least... what, 10 different people? It seems quite doable.

Jazzepi: Restrictions are what makes poetry poetry.

Morkilus March 11th, 2008 03:44 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Mad art without form
Chaotic dreams from R'lyeh
May still be pretty

VedalkenBear March 11th, 2008 03:58 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Ermor's legions rise
from the same bed as flowers;
life and death the same?

cleveland March 11th, 2008 05:02 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Late Winter armies
Relentlessly conquering

quantum_mechani March 11th, 2008 05:13 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
The Vampire queen
Oh, her tragic fate
Pick a cyclops

HotNifeThruButr March 11th, 2008 11:47 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Pythian Theurgs
Use Arcane Communion
Justice League, ASSEMBLE!

Abysian might
Legions of Warbred giants
No need for pension

Skratti Blood magic
Unleash the cursed Illwinter
Where are Rimtursar? >:(

Tiny lil' Hoburg
Dominate your armored men
Painful bolt volley

hnchrist3 March 12th, 2008 12:25 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
I am THE Ermor.
Death is just a door away.
Surrender. Now. Here.

Omnirizon March 12th, 2008 01:32 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
endless slaughter
intrigue and treachery
is fun for pixels

AmbsAce March 12th, 2008 04:40 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Pain, Attrition, Strife,
Precedes riotous laughter.
Elephant neighbors.

The heart of winter,
Did I pay that heating bill?
Dead Golem Crafters.

And my favorite internet-born haiku....

Haikus are easy,
But sometimes they don't make sense.

QXel March 12th, 2008 06:36 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
From last evening :

A Hundred fierce Abysians
A Death seven mage
Shadow blasted to death ...

ARRRGHH !!! I curse Caelum !!! (well, if I manage to survive ...)

Saxon March 12th, 2008 08:49 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku

When you are done the AAR for the game, can you let us know where it is posted? I would love to read it. Playing in the game makes for much more interesting reading!

Why does this haiku
Sound exactly like a long
And boring sentence?

K March 12th, 2008 05:55 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Casting killer Wish
Taking your awesome Auglermeir
Your army loses.

I think I misspelled the luck sword name.

Firewalker March 12th, 2008 07:10 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Welcome Arch Devil
Serving roasted markata
Bandar PD sucks.

sansanjuan March 14th, 2008 01:56 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
A few more...

Looks like rain
Cloud Trapeze
Combatant downpour


Early trash talk
Armies Instantiate
Crow served warm


Opposing Armies
Adjacent provinces
.2H Collision


hnchrist3 March 15th, 2008 10:23 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Just one single-click
All before me fall in death
Just another turn

Digress March 16th, 2008 07:25 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
A triple bless build
Pray not a close neighbour be
MA Mictlan huh ?

Randvek March 18th, 2008 06:09 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
A handful of gems?!
Wait, just one lousy Earth Gem?
I must have small hands.

True story.

HoneyBadger March 20th, 2008 07:03 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Niefel Warrior,
Axe cuts through flesh like butter!
PD? it's TP.

Niefel Jarl Prophet,
Arena, against Men? Gods?
Beauty and Despair.

Prophet Champion,
Masses struck down by trident,
Blood and Victory!

Niefel Pretender...
Wyrm? Skratti? Son of Fenrir?
Imprisoned Cyclops!

Triple Bless 10,
Cuts all Nations down like wheat!
Except Late Ermor...

moderation March 21st, 2008 05:20 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Frustrated wizard,
Pours over grimore at night,
The perfect spell appears.

Omnirizon March 21st, 2008 05:44 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
wow i like that one, moderation.

almost a perfect haiku too, 5-7-5ish; and the syllabuls don't matter much, given the loose relevance of them in translation from japanese to english formats. the important thing is beat, which that one captures fine.

and the substance, so wonderful. i can totally relate. i guess... if i imagine myself a wizard (graduate student) pouring over a grimour, late at night, (stacks of books and countless PDF's of articles), looking for the perfect spell (theory, or argument, or way to frame a concept). and it just suddenly _appears_ (that moment of clarity, or is it a delusion? who cares, it feels like a spell appearing).

personal meaning or not, its a good haiku capturing a classic image.

moderation March 21st, 2008 06:35 AM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Thanks Omnirizon. This one happened happened by accident as much as anything. The fact that it was rather late and I was being bad by staying up hunting for strategy tips probably had something to do with it. The original version was a bit different, but I tweaked and poked at it till it sounded better.

By the way, I liked your haiku "endless slaughter/intrigue and treachery/
is fun for pixels" for it's amused detachment. The other humorous ones that people have posted are also very entertaining. Well I'll get back to grimore now. Here's to mage butter and elephant neighbors! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

sansanjuan March 21st, 2008 12:45 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Or a big gem! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

moderation March 21st, 2008 06:02 PM

Re: Post your Dom3 Haiku
Here's my response to Haiku #1. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Have all searchers flee
And fear not your wizards slain
Ah, the joy of micro.

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