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Torin March 10th, 2008 05:13 PM

Favorite games
Here´s my favorite computer games

1 Pirates!
2 Dominions 3
3 Battlefield 2
4 Master of Magic
5 Fallout 2
6 Star control 2
7 Scorch
8 Duke Nukem 3D
9 Starcraft
10 Master of Orion 2

What´s your top 10?

meister_miagi March 10th, 2008 05:23 PM

Re: Favorite games
1. Dominions 3
2. Wizardry 8
3. Star Chamber
4. Age of Empires 3
5. Chaos Overlords
6. Majesty
7. Warcraft 3
8. Ultima V
9. Knight of the Old Republic
10. Oblivion

Dedas March 10th, 2008 05:26 PM

Re: Favorite games
This is extremely hard but I will try:

1. Monkey Island 2
2. X-com: Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense
3. Civilization 2
4. Operation Flashpoint
5. Alpha Centauri
6. Day of the tentacle
7. Duke Nukem 3D
8. Outcast
9. Counter Strike (the mod)

And so many more...

Aezeal March 10th, 2008 05:28 PM

Re: Favorite games
in no particular order

Dominions, dawn of war (warhammer 40K) games, master of magic, galactic empires, warcraft games (+ starcraft), Oblivion, baldurs gate series, the Witcher (one of the best recent rpg games IMHO)

Dedas March 10th, 2008 05:33 PM

Re: Favorite games
Baldur's Gate... how could I forget BG?!

And why isn't Planescape Torment on my list. No, this is too hard.

thejeff March 10th, 2008 05:37 PM

Re: Favorite games
I can't even come up with 10, but then I tend to focus one 1 or 2 games for a very long time, usually starting well after they're popular.

Dominions, nethack, Neverwinter nights, Alpha Centauri,

Digging back into the past: Ultima (mostly 4-5),Civ1

Endoperez March 10th, 2008 05:46 PM

Re: Favorite games
- Dominions series

story games:
- Planescape: Torment
- Freespace 1 & 2. I bought a joystick for these beauties, but I'm not good at them yet. DragonStrike gets an honorary mention.
- LOOM, the adventure
- I completed Beyond Good & Evil, and it was nice, but not exceptional.
- Betrayal at Krondor (have had to format my hard drive THREE! times before reaching chapter 2! I'll complete you yet...)
timewasting games:
- various roguelikes, including ADOM (1 victory), Dungeon Crawl and DoomRL
- Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari) is good, I got to the secret level but haven't completed it yet.
- Master of Magic/Orion, Conquest of Elysiun, Dwarf Fortress

Those are games I have finished, or think I'll finish. Games I have tried, but for some reason didn't play through/left, and I'd like to pick up again one day if I have time to:
- King of Dragon Pass (cool ideas and imagery, but I didn't quite grasp the gameplay)
- X-Com 1, Ultima IV, Ringworld 1, The Ur-Quan Masters (cool, but I got distracted)
- Dungeon Keeper 1, Mount & Blade, Final Fantasy Tactics, Super Mario World (damn you, wizard turtle!), Prince of Persia (original, not the fancy new one), Wik the Fable of Souls - nice games, all, but I lost interest for a time, and haven't taken up yet.

Torin March 10th, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: Favorite games
Prince of persia, that was a good one, i finished it. And Out of this world!!(another world as alias) wich was too hard for me.
I will have to check some that are listed and I dont know of.

vfb March 10th, 2008 07:52 PM

Re: Favorite games
Games I have spent the most time on:

1) Dom3
2) Roguelikes (Nethack/Moria/Angband/TOME)
3) Master of Magic
4) Master of Orion
5) Civ II & AC
6) Thief
7) Deus Ex
8) Panzer/Allied/Fantasy General
9) Starcraft
10) Fallout
11) XCom
12) Kohan IS

I want to try Dwarf Fortress, but I'm still having too much fun with Dominions.

lch March 10th, 2008 08:23 PM

Re: Favorite games

Endoperez said:
- Freespace 1 & 2. I bought a joystick for these beauties, but I'm not good at them yet. DragonStrike gets an honorary mention.

I looked that DragonStrike thing up. LOL! Either you have started playing computer games from the cradle, or you're much older than I am. Roguelikes on the list might indicate the latter. On a related note, the original Red Baron game was awesome. Played it through once. Then tried to play it again as the other faction. But the planes and their controls grow on you: The later planes fly much smoother than the earlier designs. Jumping from the powerful planes at the end of the war to the machines at the beginning feels like a crippling lobotomy - I didn't manage to play again.


Torin said:
Prince of persia, that was a good one, i finished it.

I think I finished the original game, too, but I'm not sure. Maybe with cheats.


vfb said:
I want to try Dwarf Fortress, but I'm still having too much fun with Dominions.

There is no goal to the Dwarf Fortress game as of yet. Why don't you try some other hobby, like gardening, or knitting?

Endoperez March 10th, 2008 08:39 PM

Re: Favorite games

lch said:
I looked that DragonStrike thing up. LOL! Either you have started playing computer games from the cradle, or you're much older than I am. Roguelikes on the list might indicate the latter.

I first played it maybe 5 years ago, so I just find my games a bit later than others. Perhaps I'll start raving about StarCraft 2 in ten years or so.

quantum_mechani March 10th, 2008 08:53 PM

Re: Favorite games
Favorite games are a bit hard to list, so I'll go with the most-time-spent idea:

2.Roguelikes (predominantly nethack)
3.Alpha Centauri

Games I liked a lot thought didn't spend that much time on, comparatively:

*Knights of the old republic
*King of dragon pass
*Master of magic
*Conquest of Elysium
*Star Control 2

sector24 March 10th, 2008 09:03 PM

Re: Favorite games
Not in order:
Star Control 2
X-COM UFO Defense
Final Fantasy Tactics
Grand Theft Auto 3
Age of Wonders
Vagrant Story
Laser Squad Nemesis
Dominions 3

EDIT: If I could have 11, Nethack

Stryke11 March 10th, 2008 09:03 PM

Re: Favorite games

(Not in any particular order)

Dominions 3 of course.
Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness (Best game music ever).
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (NWN isn't half as good).
Planescape: Torment.
Rome: Total War (largely due to mods).
Master of Magic.
Syberia (in large part to cool story and aesthetics)
Tie Fighter (MUCH better then later "X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter")
Crusader: No Remorse
Syndicate (needs a modern remake IMHO).

This may change as I think about it more.

lch March 10th, 2008 09:19 PM

Re: Favorite games

Stryke11 said:
Syndicate (needs a modern remake IMHO).

I suppose you're talking about the original Bullfrog game, not the Syndicate Wars one. I loved that game. It was awesome. I made the big mistake of trying to play it again about a year ago. Don't do that, you'll only risk shattering your sweet memories of this awesome game...

VedalkenBear March 10th, 2008 09:28 PM

Re: Favorite games
For those who listed Alpha Centauri, are you referring to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, or the Brian Cranford one? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif (If anyone not related to me even KNOWS what I'm talking about, I'd be willing to give them money.)

Most addicting games I've played, in rough order:

Diablo II
Dominions X (where X = 2+)
FF Tactics
MULE (and many other classics)
Star Control II must be named...

I'm sure I could come up with others...

Lingchih March 10th, 2008 09:42 PM

Re: Favorite games
In relative order of favoriteness:

Dominions (2 or 3)
Alpha Centauri
Civilization 2
Galactic Civilizations 2
Master of Orion 2
World of Warcraft (an addiction I have since cured myself from, but man did I have fun for 1 1/2 years)
Baldur's Gate
Knights of the Old Republic

I wish Brian Reynolds would buy the rights to Alpha Centauri, and come out with a sequel. Man that was a great game.

PashaDawg March 10th, 2008 09:56 PM

Re: Favorite games
No particular order:

Baldur's Gate
Europa Universalis 2
Civ 2
Heroes of Might & Magic

Slobby March 10th, 2008 10:06 PM

Re: Favorite games
In no particular order,

Kohan ahriman's gift & kings of war!
Europa universalis 2
Disciples 1&2
Might & magic xeen (4&5 i believe-3 was fun to)
Ultima online
Dominions 3 (still new to the game but it's a gem!)

DonCorazon March 10th, 2008 10:41 PM

Re: Favorite games
In order of time consumed which equals love =
Warlords BattleCry II
Civ 3/4
Baldurs Gate I/II
Heroes of MM 2/3
and my first game
Might and Magic for the IBM PS286 (now that was a sweet rig)

(I somehow missed out on Master of Magic, much to my later dismay in life).

lch March 10th, 2008 10:47 PM

Re: Favorite games
Civilization 1
Master of Magic
Dominions 2+3
Street Fighter II Turbo
Command & Conquer: Generals
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Diablo 1
World of Xeen (Might and Magic 4+5)
X-Com: Terror from the Deep
Dune 2
Space Rangers 2
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Indiana Jones 4
Sam and Max
Secret of Monkey Island

Twan March 10th, 2008 10:58 PM

Re: Favorite games
Armaggeddon Empires
Master of Magic
Master of Orion
Civilization (I & IV more than others)
Lords of the Realm
Steel Panthers
Fantasy General
Age of Wonders (I)
Sim City (2000 only)
Europa Universalis II
Crusader Kings
Command&Conquer (the old firsts)
Seven Kingdoms
Fallout I & II
Championship Manager

Foodstamp March 10th, 2008 11:35 PM

Re: Favorite games
Dominions Series
Master of Magic
Pirates Series
Dark Age of Camelot
Dwarf Fortress
Age of Wonders Series
Civilization Series
Rome: Total War
Quest for Glory 3
Castles 2

chrispedersen March 11th, 2008 12:15 AM

Re: Favorite games
I want to love dwarf fortress but damnit.. I can't get past the ui...

Torin March 11th, 2008 12:39 AM

Re: Favorite games
top games so far in this thread, with votes:

Dominions 3 -- 15
Master of magic -- 9
Starcraft -- 6
baldurs gate -- 5
Star control 2 -- 5
Alpha centauri -- 4
CIV -- 4
Xcom 1 -- 4

All these i know save of Xcom that I know after terror of the deep and alpha centauri that I missed somehow.

Also lot of the games mentioned are in my liking but didnt fit on only ten. I have to check the rest that i dont know of.

Foodstamp March 11th, 2008 12:46 AM

Re: Favorite games

chrispedersen said:
I want to love dwarf fortress but damnit.. I can't get past the ui...

Read the documentation found by typing "?".

Then download the Michael Mayday graphics mod. The Dwarf Fortress graphics are not actually really ascii characters, they are wrote to the screen through openGL (I believe?), so you can replace those graphics with more eye pleasing graphics http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

quantum_mechani March 11th, 2008 01:21 AM

Re: Favorite games

Twan said:

Sim City (2000 only)

Hmm, that really should have been on my 'most time spent' list. My taste in games has changed a bit since then, but 2000 had a lot of fun things.

Saulot March 11th, 2008 02:20 AM

Re: Favorite games
I am not a dabbler, I am a full on gamer. As such, I cannot be constrained by a mere arbitrary 'top ten'. Besides, if you have a top ten list, you're going to see significant repetition (for the most part, the same two dozen games over and over again in most people's lists). So I present a more complete list, not of the top, but simply of games I think of as gems, and would recommend.

Betrayal at Krondor
Fallout 2 (& 1 to a lesser degree)
Planescape Torment
Neverwinter Nights
Baldur's Gate
Vampire Bloodlines

Dominions 2 & 3
Master of Magic
Dungeon Keeper
Space Empires 4 (& 5 to a lesser degree)
Medieval Total War (& 2 to a lesser degree)
Hearts of Iron 2
Myth 2
Warlords Battlecry 3
Lords of the Realm 2
Titans of Steel - Warring Suns
Railroad Tycoon 1 & 2
Dune 2
Jagged Alliance
Outpost 2

Warcraft 2 (Yeah, it's not really too much strategy)
Wolfenstein 3d (the original)
Thief Series
System Shock 2
Team Fortress (the original)
Mechwarrior 2 (mostly Mercenaries)
WingCommander Series
Battletech: Crescent Hawks Revenge
Worms Series

Commander Keen Series
Prince of Persia 1 & 2


Golden Axe
One Must Fall 2097

Monkey Island 1 & 2
Day of the Tentacle
Pirates Gold

Dungeon / Roguelike:
Dungeon Crawl
Mordor 2

The Incredible Machine Series
Varmint's Eittris
Puzzle Quest


BBS Games:
Legend of the Red Dragon
Land of Devastation

Gauntlet 2
Another World (aka Out of This World)
Mr. Robot
Dwarf Fortress

Cerlin March 11th, 2008 04:34 AM

Re: Favorite games
Gah these lists are always the hardest...but Ill try.

Most time spent for me was :

Dark Age of Camelot, more than a year of my life to that thing.
Dominions 3, also a year but i play less frequently.
Civilization 2, this changed my gaming world.

Just awesome:

Fallout 2, I know the first one is good but this one was amazing to replay for many years at many different times.
Baldors gate 2 and Planescape torment, I love the old Black Isle games.
Command and Conquer Red Alert. I enjoyed this more than any other version since.
Oblivion, because it is like the most beaufitul game ever.
X Beyond the Frontier, this ignited my love in space sims.
X 3 - Because it took empirebuilding to a new level.
Galactic Civilization, great space game i suck so bad at. I never won a game ever.

And when it comes to dwarf fort, watch out for that game. it is dangerous. You can lose a day to it without noticing and you really start to like your little dwarfs...then you get mauled haha.

Endoperez March 11th, 2008 04:56 AM

Re: Favorite games

Saulot said:
Neverwinter Nights

Why Neverwinter Nights and Morrowind? I tried both, but didn't like them. I'm actually giving my Morrowind cds away, because I'm just not interested. Would mods make a difference for NWN, or is it multiplayer only?

Agrajag March 11th, 2008 05:39 AM

Re: Favorite games
Here is a partial list of games I consider awesome. Partial because it's hard to remember everyone of them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Partly stolen from other people here because I noticed I forgot a few awesomes.
In no particular order: (actually, in completely random order)
Dominions (3&&2) - Not much more to say.
Warlords: Battlecry (2&&3) - I'm not very good at it, but it's definitely a fun game. Quite unique too.
Dwarf Fortress - It's Dwarf Fortress! Need I say more than "dwarves going berserk after drinking water tainted with the blood of their recently murdered wife and newborn child"? Maybe I'll say "beating a skeleton to death with his arm" to the rogue crowd http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Dungeon Keeper (1&&2) - Classic. How can you not love a game where you get to slap little imps around with a gigantic hand? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Infinity Engine - Is the engine upon which many awesome games are based.
Galactic Civilizations 2 - A 4X game with none-sucky AI http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif
Civilizations 4 (somehow I didn't play the previous ones) - Great. I especially like it with the Fall From Heaven mod.
Red Alert (1&&2) - Sure, they aren't too smart, but they are a lot of fun. If I still had my RA2 disk(2) I'd probably still be playing it. At least occasionally.
Heroes of Might and Magic - 2 is my favorite, but 3 is awesome with WoG and 5 is nice enough.
Starcraft - One game that I don't enjoy playing anymore, but I had so much fun with it in the past that it is definitely worth mentioning.
Tyrian 2K - The big daddy of shmups.
Raptor - The big... mommy? of shmups.
Scorched Earth - MIRV! There's even a modern (free) 3D version that's quite a lot of fun to play online. (I stopped though)
Golden Axe - I get to play the dwarf! (or the puma-man-thing in the newer[est?] version)
Monkey Island (1 through 4) - From back before quests were extinguished http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
One Must Fall - I used to hate getting beat up by an enemy that was just pressing random buttons >_<
Mortal Kombat - Not fun these days, but deserving of a mention.
Worms (all the 2d ones) - Boggy B fell in the drink.
Warcraft 2 - Sorry, but 3 was no fun at all.
Diablo (1&&2) - I don't think I've ever finished any of those games. Still a lot of fun.
Age of Empires (!3) - I heard 3 was lame and never bothered with it. The rest are lots of fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
C&C - The original
Duke3D - Hoo boy, I spent lots of time on that one.
Unreal Tournament (classic and 2k4) - I've some pretty awesome moments with those.
Deadlock 2 - w00t! An Accolade game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif
Hitman: Bloody Money - And what a great finale.
Carmageddon (various versions) - You get to race, blow cars up and run over people and animals, what else could you want in a racing game?
GTA (various versions) - Because nothing beats delivering a bus load of people to a factory to be turned into hotdogs.
Toribash - Beating someone to death with your own dismembered arm? Where do I sign up?
Tremulous - An online shooter with base building where aliens fight against marines.
Counter Strike - I'm not a 1337 kiddie, I swear.
Dear Avenger 4 - Hehe, hunting people as a dear.
Dungeon Siege 1 - Because I finished it with my brother.
Empire Earth - You can't deny that it's fun.
Gazzilionaire Deluxe 2 - A hilarious space-trader game.
Theme Hospital - Where you can cure people by popping their inflated balloon heads with a needle and then reinflating them to a proper size.
KKND2 - Mutants VS Humans in a fun strategy game.
Little Fighter 2 - I even spent some time modding it.
MDK 1&&2 - If you haven't played these arcade(ish) shooters you haven't played any shooter.
Total War Series - I don't think I need to say much.
NetStorm - I just love the concept of fighting with buildings. Even in RA2 I'd occasionally defeat the AI by building a huge line of Grand Cannons all the way to his base http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Populous: The Beginning - I just love the way they repeatedly jump up and down on the ground to flatten it before building on it.
Soldat - I was pretty good at this one.
Startopia - A sim game where you build a space station, how cool!
Total Annihilation - A serious hole in your education if you don't know this one.
Many other games I'm sure I've forgotten http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif - I'm really sorry, games http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Though of course, the best of all games imaginable is the (crappy) ASCII (somewhat roguelike) game I'm programming now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif (still very far from a playable state)

EDIT: Endo - NWN is meant to be played online, on specially created worlds/adventures (quite often with very big mods of their own).
I played a bit with the original NWN, but when the expansions came I was forced off because I didn't feel like purchasing them, and all(most) games now required the expansions to play.

mathusalem March 11th, 2008 06:59 AM

Re: Favorite games
* Dom 3
* Fallout 2
* Baldur's Gate I and II
* daggerfall (Morrowind ancester)
* populous 2
* outcast
* dungeon keeper
* planescape : torment
* Tremulous
* Elite 2

llamabeast March 11th, 2008 07:09 AM

Re: Favorite games
Endo - IMHO the official campaign for NWN was awful (it's a matter of taste but for me it was grindy and silly, with things like crates full of gold coins scattered throughout slums and so on), but some of the mod campaigns were awesome. I particularly recommend one well-known one called DreamSomething (DreamCatcher?). I'd give that one a go before you throw away NWN, it's stand-alone and you start at level 1, so you don't need to invest any time to get playing.

Ninave March 11th, 2008 07:19 AM

Re: Favorite games
Order varies depending what of these I'm playing at the moment.

1. Nethack (only, not other asciis)
2. Baldur's Gates
3. Dominios 3
4. Starcraft & Supreme Commander (ten is too little, so these will have to share)
5. Disgaea 1 & 2
6. Passage (Oh, how I cried and because of "5 minute" -game)
7. Wesnoth
8. Phantom Brave
9. ICO & Shadow of the Colossus
10. (something?, shadow of?) Memories (something?), I have this on the shelf, but can't check now. You play a person trying not to die and keep on jumping back in time to alter it after every death.

I've never played Torment myself (watched from the side), so I don't list it.

capnq March 11th, 2008 07:20 AM

Re: Favorite games
Very roughly in order of estimated time spent:

Space Empires IV (V has potential)
Civilization I & II, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire (Civ III has potential, haven't played IV)
Red Baron I & II
Dominions II & III
Master of Orion I (haven't played II or III)

Ninave March 11th, 2008 07:26 AM

Re: Favorite games
I wrote my list first and then read all the post and I can't believe, that I'm the only one to mention Supreme Commander (& SC:FA, which is better by far) and ICO. My other games I can, but these...

Torin March 11th, 2008 08:47 AM

Re: Favorite games
I like that avatar, Ninave

coobe March 11th, 2008 09:03 AM

Re: Favorite games
in no particular order:

- Warcraft 3
- Dominions 2&3
- Anstoss 3
- Alpha Centauri
- Lords of the Realm 1&2, what a shame part 3 is http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
- Morrowind
- Monkey Island & Grim Fandango
- Master of Orion 2
- Jagged Alliance
- Diablo 1&2

lch March 11th, 2008 09:31 AM

Re: Favorite games

Endoperez said:
I'm actually giving my Morrowind cds away, because I'm just not interested. Would mods make a difference for NWN, or is it multiplayer only?

Look here for Morrowind mods: http://www.octopusoverlords.com/phpB...ic.php?t=28237

Nice screenie from there: http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/7679/mge1cb3.th.jpg

llamabeast March 11th, 2008 10:46 AM

Re: Favorite games
I live Ninave's avatar too.

Zeldor March 11th, 2008 11:03 AM

Re: Favorite games
Oh man, some people like really ugly and bad games.

Twan March 11th, 2008 11:10 AM

Re: Favorite games
I know it's strange but I love Crusader Kings.

vfb March 11th, 2008 11:20 AM

Re: Favorite games
I'm surprised to not see Netrek. I never got into it, but bunch of years ago an ex-coworker of mine pretty much just played Netrek all day long everyday.

And thanks Zeldor, if you hadn't mentioned ugly I would have forgotten to add:

13) Helherron


Meglobob March 11th, 2008 11:21 AM

Re: Favorite games
1. Dom3
2. GC2
3. Civ2
4. Diablo 2
5. Master of Orion 2
6. Out of the Shadows
7. Elite
8. Lords of Midnight
9. Doomdarks Revenge
10. Lords of Chaos

Foodstamp March 11th, 2008 01:57 PM

Re: Favorite games

Cerlin said:
Gah these lists are always the hardest...but Ill try.

Most time spent for me was :

Dark Age of Camelot, more than a year of my life to that thing.
Dominions 3, also a year but i play less frequently.
Civilization 2, this changed my gaming world.

Just awesome:

Fallout 2, I know the first one is good but this one was amazing to replay for many years at many different times.
Baldors gate 2 and Planescape torment, I love the old Black Isle games.
Command and Conquer Red Alert. I enjoyed this more than any other version since.
Oblivion, because it is like the most beaufitul game ever.
X Beyond the Frontier, this ignited my love in space sims.
X 3 - Because it took empirebuilding to a new level.
Galactic Civilization, great space game i suck so bad at. I never won a game ever.

And when it comes to dwarf fort, watch out for that game. it is dangerous. You can lose a day to it without noticing and you really start to like your little dwarfs...then you get mauled haha.


What server/realm did you play DAOC on? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. I had a Battlebard (Hibernia) on Kay named Tales.

Kristoffer O March 11th, 2008 02:17 PM

Re: Favorite games
Hmm ...

Perhaps ...

In time spent (educated guess):
Guild Wars
Nethack and other roguelikes
Masters of Orion

I liked MoM, but never played it much (didn't have a computer that could manage it at the time, and I had to reinstall or do something in DOS every time I wanted to play it).

Foodstamp March 11th, 2008 02:39 PM

Re: Favorite games
You had to change the extended memory. I remember doing that http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif. I just used a boot disk when I wanted to play MoM on ye ole 486.

B0rsuk March 11th, 2008 02:44 PM

Re: Favorite games

Kristoffer O said:
Nethack and other roguelikes

Do you know Stone Soup variant of Dungeon Crawl ? It has lots and lots of interface and display improvements including interlevel travel, balance tweaks (missile weapons better now etc), new item brands like axes of returning, removed redundant and boring races like mountain dwarves and ordinary elves... Lugonu - god of Abyss; changes to existing gods to make them more diverse and and interesting. Removal of stupid, ugly metagame annoyances like amnesia traps. Lots of new tricks for Xom ! New character/class combos like kobold venom mages, ogre gladiators etc. Shields are significantly improved and worthwile now. Heavy armour got heavier and it's a bit harder to cast in it. Curare, basically irresistible poison for darts to make them useful past early game. Sling bullets. Throwing nets. Special vaults for Crypt:5. Smoke and steam that obscures vision. Vehumet nerf (still a very good choice for conjurers). Beogh, god of orcs (you become an orc priest and lead other followers). Lots of handcrafted minivaults scattered around the levels. Additional Snake:5 layouts. New spell: Chain Lightning. Kobolds now recover quickly from disease. Most of innate racial abilities now mentioned on 'A' screen. Some new mutations. And there's even a server running that game so you can connect, spectate other players, brag about your highscores, battle other players' ghosts...


telnet crawl.akrasiac.org


I liked MoM, but never played it much (didn't have a computer that could manage it at the time, and I had to reinstall or do something in DOS every time I wanted to play it).

Huh ? MOM works perfectly fine in Dosbox. Just adjust your CPU cycles and frameskip settings.

If you're on Debian or Ubuntu, just
apt-get install dosbox



And you can download MOM itself from the underdogs.

Kristoffer O March 11th, 2008 02:51 PM

Re: Favorite games
It was probably over a year since I played Crawl. New version sounds interesting.

I haven't tried MoM for 15 years or so. Might be interesting.

lch March 11th, 2008 02:55 PM

Re: Favorite games

Foodstamp said:
You had to change the extended memory. I remember doing that http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif. I just used a boot disk when I wanted to play MoM on ye ole 486.

QEMM took care of that. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


B0rsuk said:
Huh ? MOM works perfectly fine in Dosbox. Just adjust your CPU cycles and frameskip settings.

Exactly, this fine-tuning of cycles and frameskip settings doesn't make it that easy, unfortunately. If you're on Windows, the VDMSound project is an easier way to get the game running for you.

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