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-   -   Utility: God Editor v102 (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=38184)

Ballbarian March 27th, 2008 12:11 AM

God Editor v102
1 Attachment(s)
Attached to this post is a tool to make creating custom pretender gods for RanDom a whole lot easier.

From the included ReadMe.txt:

God Editor v1.02
Author: Ballbarian
Email: semirand@dom3minions.com
Web: http://www.dom3minions.com/~semirand/

The God Editor is a tool for creating custom AI pretender files (.god)
for SemiRandom. It may also be useful as an aid in the development
of custom pretenders for non-SemiRandom scenario type maps as well with
some slight modification of the output.

The God Editor was developed in VB6 and will therefore require
the VB runtime dll which you probably already have on your system.
If not, it is widely availble on the net. (If you are having problems
with the vb libraries, Gooles and Gandalf reported having some luck
with this link: http://www.ascentive.com/support/new/libraryfiles.exe

The God Editor will also require SemiRandom. If you are using
the RanDom map generator, then you will already have SemiRandom.

To Install:
Place the D3GEv102 folder in your dominions3 directory (you should
have a SemiRandom folder here as well). I would recommend taking
a moment to create a shortcut to GodEdit.exe and place the
shortcut on your desktop, or somewhere convenient for you.

Getting Started:
The first time that you run GodEdit.exe, you will see an open
dialog. Use this to locate SemiRandom\SemiRandom.exe.

Once the program is loaded, you should see a window split into two
distinct sections...

The top section contains four tabs. In theory, you should be able
to walk through the process of creating a god file somewhat like
reading a book. Work from the top left corner to the bottom right
and then move on to the next page and continue. In practice, you
will likely find yourself skipping back and forth as the theme for
the god develops.

The bottom section contains the "Unit Finder". Use the controls at
the left to set various filters and remember to hit the [Apply Filters]
button to uhh... apply them. Use the right dropdown box to browse
units by name. Tip: Use the up/down arrow keys to browse the list
and the description box will update as you browse. Tip2: If you
select a unit, notice that the grey box will fill with a blue unit
number. This is a link to that unit in the Online Unit List and
clicking it will open that units information page in your default web
browser. The user name and password are provided at the bottom of the
window for your convenience. These blue unit links also appear in the
poptype and magic site selectors.

Take note of the 2 green [?] buttons. Pressing these will open
and close a help window which will update with information as your
mouse moves over various control sections.

The first time you create a pretender god, remember to change the
author name from the default to something original to you! This
will help to prevent conflicts with other users gods. The
index number will auto increment when you save your god,
but you can change it manually as well if needed.

Simple as 1,2,3:
Step 1 - > This tab is where you build the god file name. This step
is very important as it will tell SemiRandom which nation your god is for
and how to handle it when it modifies a map file.

Step 2 - > This tab is where you can set some key attributes of the
province where the god is placed. The province name, population and type,
and features may all be set here.

Step 3 - > This tab is where you can build a garrison for the province and
select pretender chasis, set dominion strength, scales, commanders and their
attributes, magic, items, bodyguards, units, etc. As you work through the
sub tabs, use the [Submit] bottom to add commands to the code box at the left.
You can also edit this manually.

Step 4 - > This tab is where you can preview your creation and save it if
it is ready. You may return to previous steps at any time and your changes
will be updated when you return. Use the [Save As] button to select a location
to save the god file without adding it to SemiRandom's god list. Use the
[Save and Add] button to automatically save the god file to your SemiRandom
god directory and add it to your god list so that it is available for use
the next time you SemiRandomize a map. Use the [Clear Garrison] button to
clear the code box containing units and commanders from Step 3. Use the
[Clear All] button to reset every control back to a fresh start. Do not hit
these buttons accidentally, because there will be no warning box asking you
if you are sure that you want to!

New NationData.txt adds the new nation selections for dominions v317.


To apply:
Unzip and replace the old NationData.txt file in your dominions3\D3GEv102\GEdata directory with the new one.

Sharing is good:
Remember to share your best thematic creations with the community! You may
submit god files, gan files, name lists, and RanDom settings to:

Forum Discussions:
RanDom version 2

Province Editor

RanDom version 1 (OLD)

SemiRandom version 0.95 (OLD)

Online Unit Reference

Special thanks to EricM for supplying the organized unit sprites without which
the preview images would not have been possible.

Since the dom3minions server is deceased, the semirandom email address is no longer working. If you wish to submit semirandom files, for now just use:


Foodstamp March 27th, 2008 12:21 AM

Re: God Editor v102
Yay, first to download. Feedback inc soon http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Foodstamp March 27th, 2008 12:34 AM

Re: God Editor v102
Here is my first shot at it. A legit Oracle for Arco with some magic items. I say legit, but actually he will start awake when the scales + paths would require him to be imprisoned.

#god 0 158 --Oracle -- Arcoscephale
#additem "Ring of Sorcery"
#additem "Ring of Wizardry"
#additem "Spell Focus"
#additem "Eye of the Void"

#mag_astral 6
#mag_death 6
#dominionstr 0 8
#scale_chaos 0 -3
#scale_lazy 0 3
#scale_cold 0 0
#scale_death 0 -3
#scale_unluck 0 -3
#scale_unmagic 0 -1

PS. I just sent you 67 new GANs!

Ballbarian March 27th, 2008 09:28 AM

Re: God Editor v102
Great! Thank you Foodstamp. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


PS. I just sent you 67 new GANs!

Wow! You have been busy. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Downloaded and did a quick skim through them and they look fantastic. I have uploaded them to the SemiRandom website. I will post them in the RanDom thread either this morning or tonight when I get home.

Foodstamp April 10th, 2008 07:26 PM

Re: God Editor v102
A bump for this. I am really surprised that there is no feedback for this great utility.

I have used it to create several neat gods and it has worked without a glitch. After I get a dozen or so done, I will send them your way http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

selkor April 26th, 2008 07:11 PM

Re: God Editor v102
When I open the god editor thing it says that "this progam cannot be run in DOS mode"
what does this mean?

Ballbarian April 27th, 2008 01:02 AM

Re: God Editor v102
What operating system?
It sounds as if there is no Windows environment present.

Dedas April 27th, 2008 01:32 AM

Re: God Editor v102

Foodstamp said:
A bump for this. I am really surprised that there is no feedback for this great utility.

I have used it to create several neat gods and it has worked without a glitch. After I get a dozen or so done, I will send them your way http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

I would have used it if I could. But I tried it in Wine with the VB6 library in place but no luck. Guess it will stay that way until it is ported to an open library.

Ballbarian April 27th, 2008 01:36 AM

Re: God Editor v102
Sorry to hear that it would not work for you. Did RanDom and the province editor work with Wine?

Ballbarian April 27th, 2008 01:59 AM

Re: God Editor v102
For Wine users maybe the following might be of some help. I found this post via google:

Please be patient, the explanation will be a little boring:

1. Visual Basic is a tool (language) used to make applications (programs)
2. Windows use a concept called "dynamic libraries". These dynamic
libraries are collections of little programs that can be called by the
"main" programs. (For example: a word processor program can call
a little program for read a file from the disk, and this last program is
within a dynamic library).
3. The dynamic libraries are files with the extension "DLL". These DLL's
are located usually in the directory \windows\system.

With those concepts understood, VBRUN60.DLL is the library employed
by the applications created using Visual Basic 6. This library must be
with the application (otherwise, the application will not work). The first
source must be the installation disk (s) of the application. On the other
you can find VBRUN60.DLL in any MSBox that have any application created with

VBasic 6.0 or you can find it in some sites in the web.

Another point: Wine create a "fake" windows directory and a "fake"
directory. You must put (copy) the DLL in this directory (where the
application will
search for the VBRUN60.DLL).

I hope this help you.

MaxWilson May 16th, 2008 04:57 PM

Re: God Editor v102
I just ran across this thread. I'll give the editor a try this weekend. I play SP exclusively so SemiRandom and associated tools are very interesting to me.


MaxWilson June 14th, 2008 06:47 AM

Re: God Editor v102
Unfortunately I haven't been able to make this work on my system. It complains about a missing or incorrectly registered tabctl.ocx. I'm not sure what's going on--I'm running Vista. Was this written on XP?


Ballbarian June 14th, 2008 10:32 AM

Re: God Editor v102
1 Attachment(s)
The program was initially compiled on an XP machine. I currently use Vista and it works fine. What I suspect is that Vista comes with an incomplete set of controls which I circumvented on my system when I installed VB6.0

I have attached tabctl.ocx to this post. If you are using the 32-bit version of Vista (as opposed to 64-bit) you can place the ocx in your windows\system32 directory and register it with the command:

Regsvr32 tabctl.ocx

You can also try just dropping the ocx file in the same directory as GodEdit.exe without registering it and it might work.

Hope this helps!

MaxWilson June 14th, 2008 01:48 PM

Re: God Editor v102
Regsvr32 worked for me, thanks.

Two questions so far:

1.) There are a lot of options for setting up the home province. I just want to design a pretender/scales for an AI nation. If I skip the rest (e.g. the home site designation), will the enemy end up with no sites? I.e. how much is mandatory?

2.) The nations from the latest patch are missing. Obviously I could do another nation and then edit the generated map file to apply to the nation I intend, but is there a data file or something that I can edit to add Ashdod/Hinnom/Gath to the program? Or is it built into the source?

Thanks for the help. The tool looks interesting but I'm still getting a feel for how to use it.


Ballbarian June 15th, 2008 01:13 AM

Re: God Editor v102

1.) There are a lot of options for setting up the home province. I just want to design a pretender/scales for an AI nation. If I skip the rest (e.g. the home site designation), will the enemy end up with no sites? I.e. how much is mandatory?

You can just set the items that you want to set and skip the rest. As long as you leave the field labeled "Method" set to "Add" then the nation will get all of it's usual starting troops and sites. Anything else that you set is in addition to that and you should have no problems unless you set up additional sites that exceed the 4 sites per province limit.


2.) The nations from the latest patch are missing. Obviously I could do another nation and then edit the generated map file to apply to the nation I intend, but is there a data file or something that I can edit to add Ashdod/Hinnom/Gath to the program? Or is it built into the source?

There are many external data files that you can edit with any text editor. I will attach an updated NationData.txt file to the next post. Simply unzip and replace the old NationData.txt file in your dominions3\D3GEv102\GEdata directory.

Ballbarian June 15th, 2008 01:18 AM

Re: God Editor v102
1 Attachment(s)
Attached to this post is a new NationData.txt file which adds the dom3 v317 nations. This updates nation names, id numbers and eras only, not the unit lists.


To apply:
Unzip and replace the old NationData.txt file in your dominions3\D3GEv102\GEdata directory with the new one.

Ballbarian June 15th, 2008 02:02 AM

Re: God Editor v102
1 Attachment(s)
Since the dom3minions server is deceased, the semirandom email address is no longer working. If you wish to submit semirandom files, for now just use:


MaxWilson June 18th, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: God Editor v102
Okay, I'll check it out today or tomorrow.


Maerlande October 16th, 2009 06:19 PM

Re: God Editor v102
Hi Ballbarian,

I've been trying out the god editor and looking at some of the god files from the compilation. I found this example of code that looks flawed to me but maybe I don't understand.


--Semi-random semi-challenging pretender file for LA Atlantis (Nation 66)
--Lots of points beyond what's normally allowed, so turn off cheat detect.
#poptype 352 --Shamblers

-- Additional sites to help the AI
#knownfeature "Frozen Fountain" -- + 3W gems
#knownfeature "Gem Deposits" --gold bonus

-- A switch-up pretender choice, some logical allies, and +buff items to
-- hopefully spur underwater expansion.
#god 66 824 --Ice Devil - Cimejes (Unique)
#comname "Cimejes"
#allies 66 63 -- likes to ally with Utgard if they are both AI
#allies 66 54 -- likes to ally with Mictlan if they are both AI
#additem "Wraith Crown" -- etherial +support chaff
#additem "Bone Armor" -- +soul vortex
#additem "Amulet of Antimagic" -- +mr
#additem "Orb of Atlantis" --water breathing, friendly currents, summon elemental, +1W

-- Astral bless + enough death and water to do some decent summons/spells
#mag_astral 9
#mag_death 7
#mag_water 4

--High dominion, Cold + Death scales to slow invaders, a little order to help
-- out the AI with gold, and some randomness w/magic + luck.
#dominionstr 66 9
#scale_chaos 66 -2
#scale_lazy 66 1
#scale_death 66 3
#scale_cold 66 3
#scale_unluck 66 1
#scale_unluck 66 -1
#scale_unluck 66 -2
#scale_unluck 66 -3
#scale_unmagic 66 -1
#scale_unmagic 66 -2
#scale_unmagic 66 -3

-- Bodyguards: 4 good and one great
@5 bodyguards
4 434 --Black Servant
4 449 --Frost Fiend
4 533 --Wight
4 833 --Ice Elemental (sz 4)
4 1541 --Ghost Champion
@5 bodyguards
1 452 --Behemoth
1 521 --Abomination
1 760 --Seige Golem
1 773 --Tartarian Spirit
1 998 --Bane Lord

-- An elite cadre of special forces, and a decent main force
@5 units
20 533 --Wight
20 535 --Longdead Archer
20 566 --Ghost
15 449 --Frost Fiend
30 1530 --Arssartut
@5 units
40 676 --Shade
70 674 --Dispossed Spirit
60 1629 --Ice Guard
85 1626 --Snow Warrior
100 920 --Soulless warrior (of Atlantis)

It's from Stavrh1_66_A_LA_.god

Do the @number commands work in the map file?


Ballbarian October 16th, 2009 07:37 PM

Re: God Editor v102
The @numbers are a SemiRandom thing. SemiRandom picks 1 of the following picks from the list and discards the rest. They will not work directly in the map file. The code will work in a map file with some manual adjustment. I have to leave right now or I would give some examples.

Maerlande October 16th, 2009 07:49 PM

Re: God Editor v102

I understand now. I know what to do to put them directly in the map.

Gandalf Parker October 17th, 2009 11:55 AM

Re: God Editor v102
The game will ignore @ commands so it doesnt hurt to insert many of the files directly. But if its using an @ to randomly select a piece of magical equip then you might not get the result you expect.

Gandalf Parker April 26th, 2010 09:37 PM

Re: God Editor v102
OK Im swinging back this direction again. Id like to use this more in my solo games, and add some better designed AI gods to the SRAND games on my server.

I did a quick count of what I believe is the most uptodate collection of gods for SemiRand. You can see that we need many more. The nation numbers can be seen here.

SemiRand Gods
Number / Nation
1 0
2 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
X 6
1 7
2 8
2 9
1 10
1 11
1 12
3 13
1 14
1 15
1 16
1 17
2 18
1 19
0 20
2 21
1 22
X 23
X 24
X 25
1 26
2 27
1 28
2 29
2 30
2 31
2 32
1 33
1 34
1 35
1 36
1 37
1 38
1 39
2 40
1 41
1 42
1 43
1 44
X 45
1 46
1 47
1 48
2 49
2 50
3 51
3 52
2 53
2 54
2 55
2 56
2 57
2 58
2 59
2 60
2 61
2 62
2 63
3 64
2 65
2 66
2 67
1 68
1 69
3 70
2 71

Globu April 26th, 2010 11:56 PM

Re: God Editor v102
I'd be happy to submit some. I just need to get SemiRandom set back up and refamiliarize myself with it.

NTJedi April 27th, 2010 04:39 AM

Re: God Editor v102
Are some these gods setup with bodyguards? During my testing the AI opponents never keep their assigned bodyguards from the .map files and they are moved into other armies.

Gandalf Parker April 27th, 2010 09:58 AM

Re: God Editor v102
Hmmm... Im in the process of retesting some of the many well known inabilities of the AI. I will add that.

At the moment Im testing the "always sends their god to the arena" so we can build better AIs. It appears, so far, that the AI is (again) not as mindless in its actions as people think.

Gandalf Parker September 13th, 2010 09:47 PM

Re: God Editor v102
OK I wandered back here due to a different thing I was doing for a friend. I was trying to choose an AI pretender. What I found didnt meet my needs but I thought Id put it here for anyone still looking to fill in the SemiRand AI pretenders.

The Watcher
It has decent stats, and a patrol bonus of 50. Its immobile, but a leadership of 40. If given no magic then it wont be of any use except to patrol. I havent tested it but Im hoping that it would provide a forced patrol for a nation that needs it without a chance of the god going to war or arena. And if you assign a number of castle-defense-bonus or patrol-bonus units as bodyguards then even better.

Oh and I see no one ever asked about the previous tests to remind me.
The AI isnt totally mindless. Simple yes, but not mindless. Apparently, the AI recognizes some pretenders as SC's and treats them as such. It fills their army and sends them to war, and sends them to arenas. Rainbows, or some decent thugs that are fairly man-sized, dont seem to get that treatment. Or at least are safer for longer.

There also appears to be some safety in not choosing units with leadership. I am still planning to test if a mobile god with leadership can be pinned down by giving it immobile bodyguards.

Immobile pretenders appear to be the safest.

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