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-   -   EA Game - "Strolling" Started! Fight! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=38314)

Cerlin April 5th, 2008 01:35 PM

EA Game - \"Strolling\" Started! Fight!
Ok, I am starting the thread from the "Looking for a Newbie game" http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...fpart=1thread. This game is for new to mid range player and we already have 8 players an 4 votes for EA. Players so far:

Cerlin - Tir na n'Og
real_friend - Agartha
Wrana - Helhiem
ossa - Vanheim
Zenphos - Maverni
Herode - Yomi
Nerildar - T'ien chi
gowb - Arcosephale
Salamander8 - R'lyeh
Kadelake - Sauromatia
Duncan_frost - Ulm
Folket - C'tis
SiyfkA - Nieflhiem
johnarryn - Abysia

Ok some Parameters we can talk over:

Number of starting provinces: 1
Strength of independents: 7
Special site frequency: 45
Money Multiple: 100
Resource multiple: 100
Supply multiple: 100
Random events common
Score graphs enabled
Hall of Fame entries: 15
Standard research
Victory Point conditions (for each players Capital)

We haven't discussed any rules yet, but how about EA, worthy heroes, the rest vanilla unless people want to propose anything. Map Is also up in the air, but I will look at some and see...unless anyone else has ideas. List your factions! People are full up. Also I was thinking Victory point victory may be best, say half the players capitals?. Ok I will add more later.

Also the most important bit of information, we are planning to host this on Llamaserver (he already offered.) So this will be a PBEM game.

Here is the FAQ for Llamaserver ways!

Also for those of you who dont have it, Worthy heroes 1.8:

Cerlin April 5th, 2008 01:47 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Edit: Ok I think 13 is a good number, now for maps and such. Also for the last couple people to read this and pick their Nation.

kasnavada April 5th, 2008 02:45 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Hum well I'll choose Abyssia, as I said in the other thread.

Herode April 5th, 2008 02:54 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
About victory conditions : setting it at 1/2 capitols could be tricky. Some nations have stealthy units, I've already seen and heard of unexpected end of games with stealthy armies suddenly capturing strategic points. I would say at least 1/2 capitols + 1 and keeping it >3 turns or something like that. But I'd rather vote for a victory on dominion or provinces points.

Worthy Heroes is OK for me, has it been updated to fit the last Dom patch ?

Real_friend April 5th, 2008 03:18 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I will be for Agartha

Cerlin April 5th, 2008 03:28 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I think that worthy heroes still works fine with the current patch even if its the same version.

And your idea is not bad herode! Maybe keeping for 3 turns or something may be best. but if more people want Dominion of provinces, let me know.

Nerildar April 5th, 2008 03:47 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi

I would like to play if the game is not already full.

I would prefer to play MA, but I have no problem with EA or LA.

I'll choose my nation when the age is decided.

I also don't have any problem with the worthy heroes mod.

Duncan_Frost April 5th, 2008 04:17 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Hi, i'd like to join if possible.
I'd prefer either EA or LA. Ulm if EA, T'ien Chi if LA.

Kadelake April 5th, 2008 04:35 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I'd like to join as Sauromantia. I've played one MP game before so I'm kind of a newbie. How many games have all you others player?

Herode April 5th, 2008 04:43 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
After a short review of available nations, I'll try Yomi (and vote EA!). These demon things are odd and weird, let's see if I can get something out of them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Salamander8 April 5th, 2008 05:46 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I haven't been able to play any MP games as of late, but now that I can commit again, I'd like to join assuming you have room. I've played in a few MP games (5 or 6 of them). I don't mind any age and am open on mods and victory conditions. If we are going EA, I'd like to try R'Lyeh if it is open to try some more MP strategies as EA R'Lyeh.

gowb April 5th, 2008 06:22 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Can I still get in? I'd like Arcosephale if possible. I like the EA a lot, so I say we go with that, but it doesn't really matter to me that much. Everything else vanilla tho. Oh and independent strength 9 is also really fun, because it makes you stop and think before expanding.

I don't have much experience though. I'm in 2 newbie MP games currently (turn 19 and 15) and I subbed for an EA Lanka game that is in the final stages. I barely know what I'm doing [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Panda.gif[/img]

Nerildar April 5th, 2008 07:02 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I've decided the nations I want to play, if I can still get in:

EA - T'ien Chi
MA - Ermor
LA - Atlantis

Cerlin April 5th, 2008 07:13 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I guesS I will cut it off here. With 13 we can play a map like Oriana or Alexander. If no one Cares especially I will pick the maps. But suggestions are always open.

Cerlin April 5th, 2008 07:21 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Also I would like to propose we ban many of the bugs listed in the shortlist like Mist of Deception + retreat, also things like using the "patrol and move" to cheap movement.

I do not have any problem personally with things such as twice born demons and other strats that are not so huge. I dont really care about Bogus orders either.


Renojustin April 6th, 2008 04:09 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Looks like my game has been hijacked... pretty uncool.

Real_friend April 6th, 2008 05:50 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Voting for EA, btw.

Ossa April 6th, 2008 06:07 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I'd like to play vanhejm if sauromatia is already taken.

zenphos April 6th, 2008 10:06 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Maverni for me please, since it seems most votes are for EA.

And Renojustin I don't think Cerlin hijacked your game, he just organised it a little. I am sure there is no spite or malice on his part just a desire to get the game up and running.

Salamander8 April 6th, 2008 12:53 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Definitely consider anything on the shortlist as bad. The copy and paste Bogus orders seems bad to me as well, but the twiceborn demon one has never been an issue for me.

Folket April 6th, 2008 01:33 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I'd like to join as Vanheim.

I consider myself a mid range player. Some might consider me good. That is up for you to decide.

Cerlin April 6th, 2008 01:38 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Just hijacked in the way to get it started. No malicious intent. People were just mentioning how someone should start the game and no one was, so I did. You could always keep playing and take your wrath out on me in game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

And of course your input is always important, you just haven't been around for a couple days. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif

Cerlin April 6th, 2008 01:45 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
and a question to the group in general, should we add to more players and make it 15? That may limit our map choices a bit but im sure we can deal.
I would be inclined to stop at the 13 we have though...thoughts?

Folket April 6th, 2008 01:54 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
If I can join I see that Vanheim is already taken. I would be happy to be playing Lanka.

Folket April 6th, 2008 02:36 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Popular demand want me to change nation. I could pick up the banner of C'tis.

gowb April 6th, 2008 10:40 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I'd love a 15 person game, the bigger the better imo http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Renojustin April 6th, 2008 11:19 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I've been here. I said I was organizing the game. You went ahead and pretty much stole it WITHIN 6 HOURS (gone for DAYS?! WTF??), and I came back and the nations I wanted were gone. So don't act all innocent-like, you know what you did. I've been pissed all day over it. This isn't exactly something that you do and feel good about yourself afterwards. Really great introduction to MP metagaming you've given me.

I'll remember this... I'm not usually given to drama but this is quite beyond the pale.

gowb April 6th, 2008 11:27 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Haha wow stop being a little ***** renojustin. You got pissed ALL DAY over a GAME!? Wow. Get a life man.

Renojustin April 6th, 2008 11:59 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
If you'd bothered to read the previous thread on this game, you could see that I was pretty excited to organize and play my first MP game, as I'm sure anyone would be.

That kind of blatant flaming has no place in Dominions 3 forums or anywhere else.

gowb April 7th, 2008 12:48 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Just organize another one man. It's not a big deal - there are plenty of people who want to play. Stop whining and do something about it.

"Blatant flaming" or just telling you idiot kids to man up. If people did that more often instead of reinforcing asinine behavior like yours the internet and America would be better places.

Renojustin April 7th, 2008 02:37 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Hey Big Man On the Internet, some pimply little forum troll just called; he needs his stereotype back.

gowb April 7th, 2008 02:47 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi

Seriously just start another game or negotiate with whoever took your precious nation and see if they're willing to give it up to the founder of the game. Don't be butthurt about the internet man. It isn't healthy.

zenphos April 7th, 2008 05:36 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi

I can see your point Reno, about someone else kicking off your game and can understand why you would be pissed.
And I do think gowb is going overboard with his comments. But he does have a point, just start a new game thread.
Post the game name up and the era pick your race and wait for it to fill up. I will probably be one of the first to join. My other MP game has been postponed while sick people get better and sick computers get mended.

Duncan_Frost April 7th, 2008 07:13 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi

gowb said:
Haha wow stop being a little ***** renojustin. You got pissed ALL DAY over a GAME!? Wow. Get a life man.

Wow, that was a mature and thoughtful response. [/sarcasm]

Wrana April 7th, 2008 11:09 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Well, if Lanka is already taken, as I see, I'll try Helheim.
What are procedures?
And, by the way, your response to Renojustin's response was not particularly mature, either. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif

SiyfkA April 7th, 2008 12:54 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Hi there, I'd like to play as Niefelheim. Early age obv. Thanks

Cerlin April 7th, 2008 03:54 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Well Renojustin, if you are so angry at me feel free to start your own thread as well, as others have suggested. I am a hundred percent sure people will just love to join it and that Llamabeast will happily host it if you are polite to him, Ive never known him to turn down a game.

I am sorry if you are personally angry at my decisiveness, it is my nature. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif No insult intended but If you would like to take it that way, that is your freedom. I personally have no ill will.

As for everyone else who asked to join, please give me some time to go over all the requests and I will get back to you about it today.

Cerlin April 7th, 2008 04:32 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Folket and Siyfka I see no reason why you couldnt join, that should put us up too 15 and it would make it interesting!

Oh Folket you will need to pick another nation, van's are already taken!

Renojustin April 7th, 2008 05:09 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Because of Cerlin's flippant and dismissive attitude regarding his own poor behavior even before the game begins, I have no confidence in his ability to fairly organize one.

Enjoy the game everyone, and good luck to yas!

Wrana April 7th, 2008 05:29 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
to Renojustin:
We'll just wait and see. I don't think you can shame him into abandoning this idea, but if he hosts poorly, it'll be seen, won't it?

Folket April 7th, 2008 05:49 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Last I looked I picked C'tis.

kasnavada April 7th, 2008 06:02 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I will quit this game too. I joined this because I wanted to fight against or with renojustin.

johnarryn April 7th, 2008 06:12 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I would be interested in replacing Kasnavada as Abysia, if thats possible.

Cerlin April 7th, 2008 07:35 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Oh ok thanks Folket, and that would be possible johnarryn!

Cerlin April 7th, 2008 07:42 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Well I honestly asked for your input in this, Renojustin. Had you maybe recommended "hey guys, maybe people with first interest should get first say on nations." I would have been all for that and I'm sure others would have as well. But if you would look back, you are the one that starts taking everything personal and attacking me. I have been civil in all this, and I honestly value your input on this game. But you felt the urge to just blame and get mad at me, that is your prerogative.

In this whole process I have asked for the others players input, including yours specifically. If that consideration is flippantly ignoring you, then you may be having vision issues. I never claimed to be a master organizer, but there seems to be a want for this game and I hope to help make it as enjoyable as possible for everyone. I value all the players input, and I would like to try to make this fun. That is all.

Cerlin April 7th, 2008 07:44 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Also on this vien, do they players have map preferences or will they leave it to me to select one? And We need more solid victory conditions if people do not want just straight up VP for capitals.

How about half the capitals for 2 turns? Or Half the provinces or something? Ideas?

Salamander8 April 7th, 2008 07:54 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I can't really help on the VP idea since all my games have been the standard game, i.e. kill all the other pretenders.

As for the map, I have yet to see a map I don't like in this game, but seeing as I am the only water nation, it should logically not have too much water.

Revolution April 7th, 2008 07:58 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
I suggest getting another water nation into the game (I'm not volunteering) but having just 1 water nation is a little unbalancing, especially if you play on one of the big premade maps with lots of water.

Cerlin April 7th, 2008 08:07 PM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Well there is the map Oraina and while its a big map its not like Glory of the Gods and has little water, I think 20 provinces. We could also get a second water nation or an Agartha, mmm.

Edit: Well we have an Agartha, and in EA they easily get into water. Maybe with Oraina and Agartha it would be fine.

Herode April 8th, 2008 04:08 AM

Re: EA Game - \"Strolling through the EA\" New to mi
Yes, Orania is fine (and wrap around http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/egg.gif).

Having only one water nation is not a big deal : many nations have amphibian access (sacred TC, Agartha, etc...) or can gain it through magic. AMOF, I am not really obsessed with balance : a perfect balance is almost impossible, anyhow, diplomatic and random events make most things unpredictable. We just have to avoid heavy unbalancing ; with the Orania map + 1 water nation, I don't think it shall be the case. And R'lyeh EA is not a very easy nation to play http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

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