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Modding shortlist
Edi's bug shortlist has been very useful to us in the past. Since modding is an area which will get continous support it would be nice to have suggestions organized in an orderly manner. That way JK might occasionally drop by and think, aha, that sounds easy to add or fix. Going through the modding wishlist as it is now is not that easy, so the stuff that is added will mostly come from recent posts or JK's imagination. Is there anyone that feel inclined to do something like this? |
Re: Modding shortlist
The biggest problem IME is deciding which suggestions are good enough to be included. There are lots of suggestions; those made by experienced modders are usually pretty feasible as far as we know, those suggested by people new to the game are often more outrageous and possibly more interesting as well.
If anyone feels like doing it, here's what I collected a year ago. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I'm not sure I want to take on that responsibility, though I will if you can't find someone in this thread.
I think any wishlist should be fairly strict in terms of the feasibility and usefulness of requests. |
Re: Modding shortlist
A good list, even if it isn't updated, would do wonders though. Magic sites with non-capital recruitables? Sprites for custom items, items that cast spells in battle? Allowing range of -1 to let us use range:str?
Re: Modding shortlist
I can try to work on compiling something from the modding wishlist, based on Endo's list, which has a lot of good stuff.
If we also use the current wishlist thread as discussion, stuff that has the consensus of experienced modders would be a nobrainer for the list. #undeadnation command, to enable reanimation and undead ldr based on holy levels ala Broken Empire Ermor and Lanka would be great. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Hey, someone else volunteer! I feel sorry for Edi. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif He's already devoting so much time to these forums.
Re: Modding shortlist
I wish I could manage the shortlist, but my free time is too unstable to volunteer. My current unpredictable workload could have me unavailable for several weeks at a time. Also my modding experience is not as strong as other modders who have created 5 or more nations.
Re: Modding shortlist
bump because this topic is important
Here are some of suggestions which will hopefully be considered for future modding. #HMark {NUM_1 thru NUM_14} = Summoned unit has 1 to 14 levels of a horror mark. *Usage = Any horrormarked pretender would love to summon some guards with horror marks for protection against unknown horror attacks. #HaltH {NUM_1 thru NUM_10} = Unit has the halt heretic trait ranging from +1 to +10. *Usage = Counters against sacred units with strong blessings. #Wither {NUM_1 thru NUM_10} = Unit loses life each game turn eventually leading to death and regeneration will not work during battle or outside of battle. Loss of life ranges from 1 to 10 per turn. *Usage = Future trait of a powerful SC which can rival the Tartarian #Affliction {NUM_1 thru NUM_20} = Unit will arrive with specified affliction and NUM_20 is a random affliction. *Usage = Allowing units created via mods to start with an affliction to add flavor and possible game balance. #Curse = Unit arrives already cursed. *Usage = Balance trait for powerfully created creatures. #Wandering {NUM_1 thru NUM_99} = Unit has this percentage chance of turning independent each turn. Once independent it wanders into unpredictable provinces. *Usage = Currently only one summon creature can turn independent and wander... we'd like to see more. #Mercenary = Unit cannot be removed from its commander... the same as mercenary units cannot be removed. *Usage = Prevents the usual scenario where leaders with magic are stashed into a castle while their units are passed to a different leader/mage. #Turns {NUM_1 thru NUM_99} = Battlefield spell will only last specified number of turns during battle. *Usage = Ability to Nerf and Fix battlefield spells which never end if the caster retreats such as Mists of Deception. #SumSkill {NUM_1 thru NUM_10} = Grants a unit the summoning skill typically used by Ry'leh. *Usage = Other nations can be modded to summon a being with the summoning skill thus when capturing Ry'leh's capital they can try the void gate or the magic site "strange house in the mist". #EventMsg "XYZ ABC" = Spell is linked with a message event which is sent to the owner of the targeted province. *Usage = Any spell which targets an enemy province can explain to the enemy what's happened. #Delay {NUM_1 thru NUM_10} = Spell results/effect is delayed for X amount of turns. Can be used for battlefield spells or ritual spells. *Usage = New Spells can have a delayed effect such as a spell called sun flare which may take 4 turns to reach the battlefield. Ritual spells can also have a delayed effect whether it's flames from the sky or summoning independents which attack a distant enemy province. #Order " ", " ", " " = Summoned commander has these default orders to follow. *Usage = Currently only very few commanders arrive with default orders such as Bogus and his men. ==== ==== Also any improvements for the modding of magic items would be greatly appreciated. ==== |
Re: Modding shortlist
Interesting points. I guess, the mercenary command might be a bit more difficult, depending on how this is coded exactly.
I totally supported the affliction thing, I missed this allready, too. What do you mean with "Wither". Exactly as written (which is something new), or the "Can not leave it's home province for too long" as we know it from Naiads, etc? I still miss the one thing I missed in creature modding from the beginning: #cold <value> and #heat <value> Effect should be obviously: same as #cold and #head but not with the fixed power of 3. And lately again #onblessspell "<spell name>" | <spell nbr> The linked spell will effect the creature when it is blessed. Same as the eagle warrior with fly. Might be difficult to generalise to any spell nbr, if the fly effect is a hardcoded special script. I wish I had more insight into the source code. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Modding shortlist
I'd like to able to mod castles. It'd be nice to be able to create new castle options for various nations. (including the number of arrow towers in a castle)
I'd also like to be able to add castles with special abilities (like how that agarthan cave thingy gives darkness). maybe a #onebattlespell for castles. also castle related: for nation editing; i'd like to able to edit what that nation gets per arrow tower in its castles. I'd like to make a mod where the castle arrows are a significant force for all nations. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
I'll try to cobble together a modding shortlist starting sometime next week. Can't do it before then due to time constraints.
Re: Modding shortlist
#hero1name "Bob" , #hero2name "Walk Away Renee" etc please http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
Also, we desperately need the ability to add custom independent unit recruitment sites, and the ability to add new independent population types. Thanks http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. |
Re: Modding shortlist
My wishlist :
* A #copy command, and if possible a #onebattlespell command usable for item modding. * A #scriptedonly command for spells, making AI only cast them if scripted, eventually also giving them an huge value if scripted reducing their chances to be overwrited, or some better commands to alter spell AI behavior for modded battle spells, or some changes in the way AI consider the value of added spells (it looks like some composed buffs get incredible values even if the target is already affected by the same non cumulative effects, and some unusual effects get a so small one they are overwrited even by level 0 cantrips). #buffs/mallus with limited duration (would be cool if using the cloud effect for limited duration + aoe 0 for a personnal spell could make the "personnal cloud" move with the target, instead of the buff/mallus vanishing when targets move) -probably too much work to implement that just for the few modders who make spells, I just mention it in case it's easily doable, and as it may be the base of a whole category of new vanilla spells |
Re: Modding shortlist
I'd like to have a wish of moderate urgendness:
#landshape <creature id> and #watershape <creature id> Request for modding access to the effect that makes Oceania's troops change shape when they get to land (and back when they go to water again) Or, if this would be possible make a new feature-possiblity out of it: #terrainshape <terrain id> <creature id> This command would then be able to shape your creature when you move it into the specified terrain-type, useful for mosters that are supposed to have a cave and mountain based combat bonus for example. To prevent huge lists of this command (the creature is supposed to change back when it then moves into anything not the specified terrain), a bitmask might be useful for terrain id. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I don't have time to curate such a list atm, but would be happy to do so in priciple, maybe a month down the line if no-one else has done so.
The crucial distinction we'd need to draw, I think, would be between requests for modscript implementation of existing functionality, and requests for new functinoality. All else being equal, a mod script command to implement an existing game feature is going to be pretty straightforward. New features may be more entertaining but in any case are going to take, all else being equal, a lot more work to implement. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I'll be taking this up soon. I need to get the 3.17 DB up to snuff and release it, which is going to take a while since there will be formatting changes that translate to formula changes, which are a pain in the arse.
I expect I could get a preliminary modding shortlist done by the beginning of July and then maintaining that would not be a lot of work. It's getting it done in the first place that is. I've been busy with RL stuff that I got rid of last night finally, so this leaves more time for this. DrP's point about categorizing requests is important. With good design of a shortlist, it will be easy to do. I expect that we will also hear from Illwinter on what they would like and where they want the modding shortlist to go. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I'm happy to help however I can.
I think we need to be fairly clear about which features are a priority amongst modders. A #unique tag for instance isn't a major priority because it's not going to be used that often and it can be simulated using copystats with very few side effects. Assigning a number value to the #cold and #heat auras on the other hand is somewhat higher priority. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Yep. Heat and cold with value, armor assignment by number, the already suggested #heroX <nbr> "Name" would be great. There are some other things that would make nation modding and moving them around different eras a lot easier, but that would mainly apply to the existing nations and modifying the current source code so that brief, summary and desription were tied to nation number.
I'll draw up a preliminary list at the end of June. This week will be spent finishing up 3.17 DB and then restoring an upgraded Better Independents mod, perhaps also restoring the Faerun map. The next week I'll be on vacation and offline. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Thanks for compiling the list Edi. A couple things that seem to be missing:
Magic site: #adventure <number> As in city of the damned. Poptype: #selectpoptype <nmbr> #clear #addreccom <name or number> #addrecunit <name or number> #terrain <mask> #rarityera1 <value> #rarityera2 <value> #rarityera3 <value> Monster modding: #drainpower As in coldpower but with magic scale Also, the #battlesummon suggestion seems fairly low priority given it can be done with #onebattlespell. |
Re: Modding shortlist
You're welcome. I threw that list together late yesterday evening, so it's not complete yet. For example, poptype modding is missing so far, but your suggestions for that look good.
Re: Modding shortlist
Great! How would you like the suggestions organized?
Weapon modding: Range: -1 is range: strength, so that's very easy. If other ranges are -2 and -3, they're just as simple to add. #copyweapon would be useful. You could copy a special effect like Steal Strength and add another special effect to it without giving Shades a big boost. Showing the mod's title instead of a banner if there's no banner. Spell modding: * More spell id numbers * More spell descriptions available (they cut out at 1000, spells at 1023, or at least something pretty similar). * #newspell <nr> in addition to #newspell. This would let us properly use modded #onebattlespells. Alternatively, having #onebattlespell work with the NAMES of the modded spells would also work if that's easier to implement. |
Re: Modding shortlist
So fr I've managed to sort out suggestions from the ones made. I like having itemized lists so it is easy to see what's what. I actualy worked largely off the list you posted earlier as well as the DB entries for various properties of things.
So far the things in the list are mostly suggestions on opening up things that have already been done in the game instead of writing completely new stuff from scratch. More complicated things will obviously require more thought. I'm going to be pretty useless for spell modding discussions, as that's an aspect I'm not familiar with. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I'm not good with spell-modding either, but here's something to get that started. Feel free to edit/leave out things as you feel necessary.
----------------- Unrelated but interesting find of the day: #nextspell "name" works on modded spells! I thought it was like #onebattlspell and would throw an exception, but no, it works perfectly! This means that modded summon spells can summon as many units and commanders as spell IDs allow without causing any problems with other mods. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Don't know if this is a code bug or a documentation bug, but it would be nice if
#flightspr <effect no.> worked for spells and/or we could figure out how to write it in order to MAKE it work. I've only been able to turn off flightsprites for spells with that command, never to enable or change them. -Max |
Re: Modding shortlist
#drainmage - drain immunity as featured by magisters of ulm
Not very high priority because it can be done with copystats. #TroopA (monsterID) #TroopnumA (number of troops) #TroopB (monsterID) #TroopnumB (numbers of troops) -- Used for commanders to set troops automatically grouped into two units under them, much like starting troops under the starting commander. This would work for summons, heroes and recruitable commanders. It could have various applications and could be used with this next command; #Trooplock -- Can't move or add troops - just like mercenary commanders and their troops. Nice shortlist Edi. Some stuff on there I would consider pretty low priority, like unique or numbers for armor,.. but there you go. |
Re: Modding shortlist
The following has been added to the modding wishes shortlist:
Incidentally, that is precisely the reason why I have gone to such length to formulate command format and explanations, because if half of the design is done, and done similarly to how Illwinter has done things in the past (e.g. already existing modding commands), they can just pick and choose what they want to do, code it in and even slap the whole shebang straight into the modding manual without editing. The designing of mod commands like this and then formulating the mod manual entries must be some of the more tedious work in doing it, or it would be for me at least. So serving things up on a platter, as it were, is likely going to serve us all well in the long run. If you take a look at the existing list, you will see only two entries with "New mechanic" in the description (n addition to the more generic ones). This is intentional at the moment. The wishlist commands would be simply ways of opening up existing mechanics for modding, which is easier than coding in new mechanics from scratch. That's also why I had no qualms in putting up so many wishes. Asking for things does not mean we will get them, though we might, but NOT asking for them is almost certainly going to mean they won't happen. To return to the subject of spell modding for a while, it seems there are many entirely new mechanics being suggested (which are good suggestions), so they deserve more detailed attention than I can give now. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Thanks Edi... any chance these could be added to the list as well ?
#Wither {NUM_1 thru NUM_10} = Unit loses life each game turn eventually leading to death and regeneration will not work during battle or outside of battle. Loss of life ranges from 1 to 10 per turn. Similar trait already exists for blood guards and blood lord. *Usage = Future trait of a powerful SC which can rival the Tartarian #Affliction {NUM_1 thru NUM_20} = Unit will arrive with specified affliction and NUM_20 is a random affliction. *Usage = Allowing units created via mods to start with an affliction to add flavor and possible game balance. #Wandering {NUM_1 thru NUM_99} = Commander has this percentage chance of turning independent each turn. Once independent it wanders into unpredictable provinces. *Usage = Currently only one summon creature can turn independent and wander... we'd like to see more. #Mercenary = Unit cannot be removed from its commander... the same as mercenary units cannot be removed. *Usage = Prevents the usual scenario where leaders with magic are stashed into a castle while their units are passed to a different leader/mage. #Turns {NUM_1 thru NUM_99} = Battlefield spell will only last specified number of turns during battle. *Usage = Ability to Nerf and Fix battlefield spells which never end if the caster retreats such as Mists of Deception. #SumSkill {NUM_1 thru NUM_10} = Grants a unit the summoning skill typically used by Ry'leh. *Usage = Other nations can be modded to summon a being with the summoning skill thus when capturing Ry'leh's capital they can try the void gate or the magic site "strange house in the mist". #EventMsg "XYZ ABC" = Spell is linked with a message event which is sent to the owner of the targeted province. *Usage = Any spell which targets an enemy province can explain to the enemy what's happened. #Delay {NUM_1 thru NUM_10} = Spell results/effect is delayed for X amount of turns. Can be used for battlefield spells or ritual spells. *Usage = New Spells can have a delayed effect such as a spell called sun flare which may take 4 turns to reach the battlefield. Ritual spells can also have a delayed effect whether it's flames from the sky or summoning independents which attack a distant enemy province. #Order " ", " ", " " = Summoned commander has these default orders to follow. *Usage = Currently only very few commanders arrive with default orders such as Bogus and his men. Helpful for AI opponents. ==== ==== Also any improvements for the modding of magic items would be greatly appreciated. Currently modding of magic items are very limited. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Being able to set separate underwater/overland PD and recruitment options (hardcoded for some existing nations) would be useful, even if only for tweaking the existing nations.
Re: Modding shortlist
NT Jedi, I'll take a look at those. The affliction one is already in the list as #affliction <bitmask> <chance>. Adding a #voidsummon <value> command would be in line with the existing theme of unlocking stuff, so that one is in.
The mercenary thing is different, I have no idea what kind of special hardcoding there is for the mercenary companies and how easily it could be unlocked. So that would probably need its own subsection. Hence it will be evaluated after my vacation. Everything else on your list is spell modding and will thus be likewise postponed. We're likely to get feedback on the shortlist from JohanK when he starts using it, which will help shape how it develops. After this initial frenzy of listing things, the followup is going to be slower. Both because it deals with sections that are unfamiliar to me and because it involves a lot of new mechanics from what I can see, as I outlined in my previous post. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I've chopped up the modding list into discrete posts such as was done with the buglist. It makes managing the thing easier.
Re: Modding shortlist
Added #custommagic modification wish to the list, so that linked custom randoms would be possible.
Re: Modding shortlist
Added #banefireshield to monster modding and added a rather large section of stuff to item modding, basically just unlocking mechanics that are included in the items already in the game.
Re: Modding shortlist
Added a few entries to the fort modding section of the modding wishlist, since a pic and a battlefield layout would be sort of necessary for any modded forts.
Re: Modding shortlist
Edi, could you please add the ability to mod the paths and schools of magic, and to add new paths/schools also? As well as the ability to modify and add gem types, and gold, supply, and resources (by name, as well as to add new resource types). Thanks!
Re: Modding shortlist
#remove_deathmatch Any MP or SP game which is using AI opponents could really use this command since the AI opponents will blindly send their pretenders into the arena death match. I've also been unable to provide multiple AI opponents with reliable long term starting SCs(supercombatants) because they kill each other during these arena death matches. If this could be added via modding and/or map edit commands it would be of great value for SP games. |
Re: Modding shortlist
How about the ability to mod magic sites to add gem cost reduction bonuses (i.e. the ultimate gateway)? I don't think that's possible at the moment, anyway....
Re: Modding shortlist
HoneyBadger: That's out of the scope of this. It would require a lot of coding of entirely new mechanics into the game, which is very much more unlikely than having existing features unlocked. I'll keep that in mind, though, and ask Johan about it.
NTJedi: I'll ask The deathmatch is IIRC something the devs consider a fun feature and if that is the case, getting that command is unlikely. rdonj: That's already in the wishes shortlist. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Thanks, Edi, I appreciate any time you spend on it.
Re: Modding shortlist
1. This may be covered by your other more generic post, but i would like to be able to mod special abilities into armor, not just weapons.
2. Another feature that KO is aware of, research variables. I would like an easier way to mod how difficult research is by levels. Say #research level one normal #research level two normal #research level three hard etc. 3. A mod command(may not be possible) to limit castle construction within x number of provinces of an existing castle). |
Re: Modding shortlist
1) What kind of special abilities? Right now armor is protection only and that's it. I suppose it might be possible to have #fx_wood, #fx_iron, #fx_leather and possibly also #fx_magic for armor, making the armor have some characteristics (e.g. leather armor not affected by Rust Mist etc), but I have no idea how viable this is and whether or not these effects could be unlocked for modding. I think some similar effects could also be available for weapons, but I have no hard data.
2) I can add that, but don't count on it happening. 3) Would more likely be a map command where a province is tagged nocastle. Can't see it doable otherwise, but JK would be the one to make that call. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I think KO actually said in the Kingmaker thread he may be willing to do something to make tiered research paths feasible in a mod.
Instead of having just hard for spell paths 1-9, to allow setting a difficulty for each of the 9 paths individually. Shields in game already have special abilities. Vine Shield-entangle Shield of Valor-missile protection Charcoal Shield-fire shield To my knowledge, there is no way i can create a new shield and give it a special ability. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Unfortunately, Xietor, I think all three of your suggestions go under the "may not be possible". Weapons can't have special abilities, just secondary weapon effects (which all deal some sort of damage).
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
"but weapons and armor DO NOT have special abilities and CANNOT give them. ITEMS are what you are looking at. If ever there was a modding FAQ question, this one is it."
This is just semantics. Weapons do have special abilities, whether it is through a mechanism called 2ndary effects or whatever, it amounts to the same thing. So shields could also have special effects, whether we want to make it through some mechanism or not does not really matter. The only thing that matters is my hero has a sword that pierces armor, or a shield that entangles. The hoops i have to jump through to make it so are basically not known by 99 percent of the player base that does not mod. All they know or care about is what their sword or shield does when they hit someone with it. As to the research modification: From KO in Kingmaker thread: Hmm, I just realized that it will not be possible to make my suggested change. However research can go on beyond lvl 9. So it should be possible to mod a bit. Current cost lvls: lvl 9: 1100 * researchcost 10: 1780 11: 3000 12: 4000 13: 5000 Thus it is possible to move all lvl 7+ up one or a few lvls (making lvl 7 empty) Suggested fix: Difficult research Lvl 2-> lvl 1 Lvl 7-> lvl 8 Lvl 8-> lvl 10 Lvl 9-> lvl 12 This leaves lvl 7, 9 and 11 empty. 7+8 costs (420+680)*researchcost 9+10 costs (1100+1780)*researchcost 11+12 costs (3000+4000)*researchcost Might even work with standard research. If these costs are unfit I can change them before the patch, but it will not be possible to make another grading without a more thorough fix. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Magical items have two effects: 1) They (may) give the unit in question a new weapon or armor and 2) They (may) give the unit in question a new ability. 1 and 2 aren't related. Unit with a #weapon or #armor can't have 2. Weapons can link to other weapons. Fire Brand (weapon) uses a secondary effect (weapon) that deals fire AoE damage. There's also an item that gives 50% fire resistance and gives a unit a spesific weapon or armor. It could be Dragon Helmet. It could be Fire Brand. The only difference is whether the item gives the wielder armor XX or weapon YY. Here's another example: Jade Armor is a magical item that has the following properties: - Quickness - Jade Hauberk - path requirements and construction level Jade Hauberk is an armor that has the following properties: - Protection 15 - enc 4 - def -1 - resource cost |
Re: Modding shortlist
Armor works in exactly the same way, except it does not have ANY secondaryeffects at all. No entangle, no fireshield, nothing at all. So that would require more new mechanics to be coded into the game, and every bleeding single one of these is doable by modding the MONSTER to give it those special resistances, inherent fire shield etc. There just does not happen to be an entangleshield mechanic available for creatures, though I'm not certain whether one could be added. ITEMS can grant resistance etc etc and have all kinds of effects active on them (witness the ITEM charcoal shield, vine shield etc) and all sorts of things are already on the ITEM modding shortlist. If they happen there, great. If not, we're out of luck. Now do you understand the differences and why they are NOT just semantics? Unlocking existing stuff is far, far easier than coding in new mechanics from scratch, new mechanics that are liable to break something else in the process, I might add. A far easier solution is for me to add the subject matter of this post into the new modding guide in the weapons and armor section as well as some more explanatory stuff to the item modding section. There is also the non-trivial problem that even if this new mechanic of merging item modding to weapons and armor were even remotely feasible, what about all the magic weapons and armor already in the armor and weapons lists? Should KO and JK go back and retroactively change all of those to match the new mechanics? Do you have any idea just how much of a headache making everything backward compatible would be? |
Re: Modding shortlist
I have no idea how hard anything is to code. In fact I have never written a program in my life. And that is why it is a mod request or wish. If it cannot be easily implemented, then it cannot be. /peace. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Thanks for checking into getting this added. |
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