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-   -   EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=38692)

johnarryn May 8th, 2008 08:11 PM

EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Victory condition will be 55% of VP's... graphs, renaming on.
Only mod is Worthy Heroes.
The map will be "Cradle of Dominions"

nations already taken are:
Marverni - Zenphos
Abysia - Johnarryn
Helheim - Wrana
Yomi - Herode
Tien Chi - Wokeye
Rlyeh - Salamander8
Suaromatia - Kadelake
Caelum - Ossa
Mictlan - Cicadian
Kailasa - FeydMantis
Agartha - Starshine_Monarch
Lanka - Gregstrom

Wrana May 8th, 2008 10:20 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
BTW, are neutrals still at 7? And map - Cradle?

johnarryn May 8th, 2008 10:32 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I actually think reducing indeps. to 5 is fairer - I think 7 indeps. makes bless nations (or nations with awake pretender) even better in the early game, which they really don't need to be.

I'm also fine with cradle with 10, although it will be pretty big.

Cicadian May 8th, 2008 11:20 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I'm in with Mictlan. This'll be my first go with a blood nation so I'll probably fail http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Might I also suggest Worthy Heroes? Dunno what Mictlan's are like but it sure improves most nations who would otherwise get crap.

johnarryn May 8th, 2008 11:32 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Welcome Cicadian. Worthy heroes was planned to be used already, so no worries.

Cicadian May 9th, 2008 12:18 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Pretender sent for Mictlan.

Wrana May 9th, 2008 04:39 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I would prefer indepts 7 - for 5 is quite readily beaten by most start armies & doesn't really require quality troops or strong bless. 7 require some thought, though, & can sometimes cause affliction in poorly used SC pretender. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

FeydMantis May 9th, 2008 04:43 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I would like to give Kailasa a go if a slot is still open

Duncan_Frost May 9th, 2008 05:27 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Hey! I'm back from holiday! Is there still a slot open? I'd like to be Agartha if possible.

chrispedersen May 9th, 2008 08:48 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I'll take Lanka..

Aezeal May 9th, 2008 09:15 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
sounds like it's full ..

but I'll post anyway ..

I'd like Niefelheim if there still is a place open
HoF 15 plz?

Aezeal May 9th, 2008 09:17 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
ow and I'm in for 5 indies cus that is what I'm used too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

also I always like standards n streamers http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

johnarryn May 9th, 2008 09:30 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Im going to cap it at 12, as I think thats about the max that would be good one Cradle. So Feyd_Mantis, Duncan_Forst and chrispedersen are in. Sorry, Aezeal, i'd prefer to cap it at 12. Anyhow, please send your pretenders in, llamabeast won't be able to start it until May 12th, I think.

One last thing: As a rule of general etiquette, please do not send your pretender into a game until you have actually heard from the organizer about being accepted. Thanks.
Good luck, folks.

johnarryn May 9th, 2008 09:36 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Oh, one more thing. I've updated the original post to include players... however, a few people sent in pretenders without posting on the last thread about whether they were playing again... so they have ? next to their name until I got confirmation about who the player is.

Aezeal May 10th, 2008 07:32 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
If anyone is out, just let me know and I'd like to join this EA game.

Kadelake May 10th, 2008 09:09 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I'm still in the game as Sauromatia in case anyone wondered http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

I'm a little scared of Mictlan and Lanka. Strong blood, strong mages and strong sacreds are always good. Plus Lanka have their insanely good national blood-summons. Mictlan have some weaknesses I guess but Lanka just seems really strong all-round.

Nerildar May 10th, 2008 11:23 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I'm still in as Tien Chi

chrispedersen May 10th, 2008 03:06 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Sending in pretender momentarily.

I would *happily* trade lanka for tien chi.

TC has:

1. Better magical diversity.
2. Similar bless chassy
3. No great weaknesses to X4 damage frm spells, items, banishment etc.
4. TC has good PD. Lanka PD is *useless*.
5. Better national spells if you *follow* a bless strategy.

chrispedersen May 10th, 2008 06:48 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Um... How do we send a pretender?
Can't do it via pm.. and I have no addy's for the game server....

Wrana May 10th, 2008 07:15 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
To chrispedersen:
See llamaserver's FAQ. It's here somewhere -search. E-mail box I think, is called "pretenders". Subject should be "Strolling 2"

zenphos May 10th, 2008 11:13 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I am still in as Marverni. They felt a little weak when I played them first time around but I will give them a second go.
Maybe this time I will do a little better with them.

johnarryn May 11th, 2008 01:29 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Zenphos, check out Baalz' excellent guide to Marverni (linked in any of his posts). It is very helpful.

Kadelake May 11th, 2008 05:01 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more

Wrana said:
To chrispedersen:
See llamaserver's FAQ. It's here somewhere -search. E-mail box I think, is called "pretenders". Subject should be "Strolling 2"

Actually the game name is still "Strolling" without the 2 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Herode May 11th, 2008 07:26 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
And the llamafaq is here :

Salamander8 May 11th, 2008 01:14 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Still in as R'Lyeh.

johnarryn May 11th, 2008 03:07 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Any idea who is playing Caelum?

Also, we will begin as soon as llama returns.

Aezeal May 12th, 2008 03:44 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Caelum.. of wait this is that theme map.. no niefelheim in there for me right..

I would not mind playing Caelum... I need to look into the nation first though (and tonight I need to look in on Pythium for my own MA game)

zenphos May 12th, 2008 09:58 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
We have 12 pretenders uploaded so I figure we will start soon.
No idea who is playing Caelum but he has uploaded a pretender.
I can find no mention from anyone that they were going to play Caelum, either in the last game or this one.

johnarryn May 12th, 2008 12:34 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Indeed. Someone is playing Caelum, it would just be nice to know who.

llamabeast May 12th, 2008 12:40 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I believe (from looking at the e-mail address) that Caelum is being played by ossa.

I should be able to start the game tonight by the way. Brace yourselves for the Ascension War.

Aezeal May 12th, 2008 12:50 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
damn, well good luck pplz

Duncan_Frost May 12th, 2008 03:17 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Tonight everyone else dines in hell!

chrispedersen May 12th, 2008 11:27 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Meatloaf please. If you're going to dine in hell .. it might as well be mystery meat.

Speaking of..
Weren't we going live tonight?

johnarryn May 12th, 2008 11:29 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Llamabeast said he would try to start it tonight, but I imagine something came up... i'm guessing we will start sometime tomorrow (Tuesday).

llamabeast May 13th, 2008 05:10 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Yeah, well guessed johnarryn, sorry to keep you all in suspense. I had an unexpectedly hectic evening. It'll definitely start today.

johnarryn May 13th, 2008 08:16 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Hello everyone - the game has started!

I will be changing the game to 24 hour quickhost after the 1st turn and leave it that way for awhile, as these early turns shouldn't really take all that long.

chrispedersen May 13th, 2008 10:23 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Um. Hey..

I notice that there are a bunch of VP markers all over the place.

However, on my map, at least - they do not correspond to provinces.

Are these supposed to be provinces? And, more specifically.. are they supposed to be capitols?


johnarryn May 13th, 2008 10:26 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
The VP's do correspond to caps, yes. As for the misplaced vp markers (being between provinces and such, i'm guessing it's due to having a slightly different version of the Cradle map than the one llama is using, perhaps? I also am having the same weirdness, but I don't know that it will effect much.

chrispedersen May 13th, 2008 11:10 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
well, for me .. its impossible to know which province the capitol is in... in 5 of the cases...

chrispedersen May 13th, 2008 11:30 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Ok.. I may not understand the science of starting positions.. but ...

The whole of the south continent has 2 positions. (30 land per each

The NW landmass... has 4 capitols.. split between 53 territories..

The NE is split between 5 as well.. but there is no one in lower starting 20 territories, with only 2 contenders for more than 25 territories.

AKA: Does anyone else have a problem with these starting positions? IF they are random, can we try for something a little more equitable?

johnarryn May 14th, 2008 12:00 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
They are indeed random... however, you fail to notice a few things... there are little anchor provinces that actually connect many provinces... thus, the persons in (85) and (100) can, should and will soon have access to the southern provinces... you are correct that person in the NE has a good space of empty land underneath them, but such is the luck of the draw. Unless there is overwhelming discord in terms of starting positions, I am loath to reset, as it takes time and there is little chance that everyone will be satisfied with new positions.

chrispedersen May 14th, 2008 03:12 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I didn't fail to notice. However, if you just do a simple race to strategic borders expansion, the disparity is huge.

Two player 27s
One player 24
One player 22
Two player 18
One player 15
One player 12
Two player 10
One player 9
One player 7

In other words, if each player moves to secure chokepoints that allows him to expand in the maximum number of territories (sure, lots of assumptions) - the disparity is ridiculous.

Try it out.. color one territory a turn for each race. One person from each of the NE and NW continents needs to be moved to the south.

llamabeast May 14th, 2008 04:49 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I let Dominions place the starting positions. It's true that it doesn't always do a very good job.

This thing about the VPs is very strange. I just used the ordinary Cradle map. I will try to take a look later. Maybe someone could post a screenshot of the weirdness.

johnarryn May 14th, 2008 11:34 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
As llama says, the computer generally picks the starting positions, and there will always be some imbalance. chrispedersen is obviously very concerned about the more crowded northern positions, particularly given the possibility of a bless rush.

So, while I would like to continue, I am ok with starting over again... but i'm not sure how much that will accomplish without:
a) A lot of work on llamabeast's part in designating 12 "balanced" starting positions
b) Getting rid of VP's so that starting positions are not immediately obvious. We cold also make vp's randomly placed... but then once again run into the problem of the game ending very early.

Thoughts? My vote is to continue. Turns are still due as this debate goes on, btw.

Kadelake May 14th, 2008 12:29 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
I vote to continue, the starting position is always going to be more or less imbalanced. The terrain isn't the same all over the map and there are large areas with swamp and wasteland that isn't very valuable.

Personally I don't like my starting position, on the other hand I was really lucky with my position last time so I guess it evens out.

johnarryn May 14th, 2008 01:18 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
chris has informed me he will be leaving the game. I will look for a replacement.

chrispedersen May 14th, 2008 03:45 PM

Ok.. well I\'m out
Good luck guys!

I don't mind a minor imbalance, it is normal part of playing the game. However in this case the course of the game will likely be dictated by the starting conditions rather than skill, luck or the clash of titans.

In this particular case, three players have ready access to half of the territories, with the remaining 9 sharing half.

I had really looked forward to playing this game, and am quite disappointed. I think it would be illustrative if the people that did not want to change the positions would say which their positions were.

johnarryn May 14th, 2008 06:07 PM

Re: Ok.. well I\'m out
Gregstrom will now be playing Lanka.

Wrana May 14th, 2008 07:44 PM

Re: On strange look...
1 Attachment(s)
I'm also getting it (attached, edited only to remove reference to my province number)...

Herode May 15th, 2008 05:11 PM

Re: On strange look...
Looks like TC is already going to stale... ^^

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