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-   -   Glory (MA game)- game is live (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=38813)

secretperson May 18th, 2008 02:30 PM

Glory (MA game)- game is live
I'd like to start up a new game as I haven't quite got enough of dominions yet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
This game is mostly aiming for those who are new or newish players as I myself have only played 1 game and in the process of playing 3. (let it be noted I brutally lost my first game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif)

Here are the planned details
Age - MA
Map - Glory of Gods (multiplayer)
No. of players - 15
Hosting - 24 hours for the 1st 10 turns then negotiable
Mods - Worthy Heroes
Everything else - default
Victory conditions- hold 9 capitals and their fortifications for 1 full turn

Let's get the sign-ups started!

people signed-up so far:

secretperson- T'ien Ch'i
Cadel- Vanheim
Xanatos- Ermor
hunt11- Abysia
Bwaha- Eriu
fungalreason- Jotunheim
Hoplosternum- Pythium
kasnavada- Caelum
Niarg- R'lyeh
Renojustin- Pangaea
klagrok- Oceania
chrisedersen- Marignon
Calahan- Atlantis
JimMorrison- Agartha

sign-ups are now done!

E-mail your pretender to the following address. Once again make sure you set a password for your pretender

If you do not have the worthy heroes mod you can get it here: Worthy Heroes

Cadel May 18th, 2008 02:39 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I'll take Vanheim

Xanatos May 18th, 2008 03:04 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
is this hosted on a server? if so I'm in, i'll take mid ermor.

coobe May 18th, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
i would love to join. im not new, but im not a good player and had only like 5 mp games where i was beaten silly in the early/mid game =)

if im allowed to join, i would like to take Ulm

hunt11 May 18th, 2008 03:29 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
i would love to join as Abysia if possible

Bwaha May 18th, 2008 04:07 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
i would like to play Eriu

secretperson May 18th, 2008 04:44 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Still trying to figure out the hosting situation

fungalreason May 18th, 2008 04:50 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I'd like to join... MA Jotunheim

Bwaha May 18th, 2008 05:52 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
hi so im in sorry to be ignorant but ive got my pretender created, but dont know how to join in this game

secretperson May 18th, 2008 05:57 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I'll give you the info for how to go about doing that. We're still waiting for players to sign up and I'm currently looking for a host for the game. Just sit tight for now

hunt11 May 18th, 2008 06:01 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I would go with Ich for the host because as soon as the game is started it is really easy to go from there

Hoplosternum May 18th, 2008 06:19 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I would like to play. I have already lost 3 newbie games and am losing another and doing OK in one more. Is that too much experience?

If not I'll take Pythium if that's still available. Or Bandar if it's already gone.

secretperson May 18th, 2008 06:23 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Ich has so graciously allowed us to use his server so all we need now is people to sign up. Once sign ups are done I'll have info for what to do next (e-mailing your pretenders etc)

Bwaha May 18th, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
ok please tell me how to up or download my pretender (is already made, alone in the load pretender slot.) i think im ready to go but just dont know where or whom to go to http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

kasnavada May 18th, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I want to join as Caelum. It'll be my 6th game, but I don't have any experience with Caelum. Is that fine ?

I lost badly the fifth though, and I somehow survived in all other (even if I might be in a position to win in only one of them).

Niarg May 18th, 2008 06:45 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I'll take R'lyeh if I'm new enough, about 4 games experience and hopelessly crushed in 3 of them...

secretperson May 18th, 2008 06:49 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I think we can fit in one more nation now as long as it's a water nation

chrispedersen May 18th, 2008 07:00 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Hmm.. all the good ones are taken..
I'll take Machaka..I spose.

klagrok May 18th, 2008 08:28 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
heck sign me up as well ill take machaka

zenphos May 18th, 2008 08:32 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I quite like the spider people so will sign up as machaka. Something about the noise those spiders make is especially cool.

zenphos May 18th, 2008 08:34 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Oops sorry, didn't see klagrocks post. Or chrispederson's.
I'll sign up as agartha.
I think, unless I am blind and someone already has them.

Bwaha May 18th, 2008 08:44 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
hey it looks like the last sign up is a water race

klagrok May 18th, 2008 09:46 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
oops didnt see the previous spider post http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Renojustin May 18th, 2008 10:47 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I'll take Pangaea if you'll have me! I'm still playing in my first game.

Edit: Changed Pangaea to Man, and then back to Pangaea. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

klagrok May 18th, 2008 10:54 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Oceania for me then if still room

Bwaha May 19th, 2008 01:11 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
hey guys is anything happening? am i out of line? i dont know how long people take to set up but it seems pretty simple to me. i was told this can take a week. is this true? if so i will take a while tuning my race. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

klagrok May 19th, 2008 01:31 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
yup all depends on how many peeps sign up and stay---but it's worth it once it starts http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Just dont get tinkerbelled like I did in my first MP game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

chrispedersen May 19th, 2008 01:33 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I don't really feel strongly about machaka. If you guys want more players I'll take Marignon and one of the other posters can have machaka.

Bwaha May 19th, 2008 03:02 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
just found out about blitz games. still in but disappointed. wanted to start today but its tonite already, o well sometimes you just got to wait

Calahan May 19th, 2008 03:05 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
If there's room left, I'd like to join.

I'll take Pangaea as my first choice, or Atlantis if you are only after a water race.

Haven't played any MP games before, and this is my first post on these forums in fact. So definately classed as a noob.

zenphos May 19th, 2008 04:45 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Well a lot people signed up. Extremely fast as well.
I count 14 players. Cradle is too small for that many, although maybe I am wrong and it can handle that many. So does it mean switching to Glory of the Gods? or making a random map or leaving the player count at 12? 2 maybe 3 sea nations are there enough sea provinces for that many or too many.
Quite a lot to sort out for someone organising their first game.
Good luck getting it sorted secretperson and I am sure you will make the right decisions.

coobe May 19th, 2008 04:57 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
i would prefer a random map

Hoplosternum May 19th, 2008 05:45 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Glory of Gods (multiplayer) or a Random sounds good to me.

Calahan May 19th, 2008 07:22 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
If I'm in, then I would prefer a random map as well.

JimMorrison May 19th, 2008 08:13 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
I could be up for this game if you haven't closed it yet. I'd give Agartha a try, if ye'll have me.

secretperson May 19th, 2008 08:43 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Oh boy, I go to sleep for a few hours and look what happens! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif I'd rather not cut people out, if possible. It seems that cradle of dominion will be too small to accommodate us all so we'll have to switch that. It sounds a few have mentioned a random map and one has mentioned Glory of Gods (multiplayer). My only concern about random would be it being fair to all players- but I'll figure it out.

secretperson May 19th, 2008 09:34 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Okay, we have 16 players and sign-ups are now closed. I believe I got everyone in who asked prior to this post. I think we will be going with Glory of Gods map as I do not have much experience with the map editor as of yet. This should be a pretty decent map for our size as it comes out to be about 17.5 provinces per player.

Let's discuss victory conditions- Standard or do we want something like a # of capitals held for a turn? Or we can go the route of 3/5 of provinces held etc. As this is fairly a large game I'd probably suggest some variation of the latter.

Also, those who are noted as being in the game please take the time to begin making a pretender god for your signed-up nation.

For those who are new to this you will find said option in game tools>create a pretender god. MAKE SURE THAT YOU SELECT MIDDLE AGE and that you PUT A PASSWORD for your pretender god. The PASSWORD IS NECESSARY for the hosting setup we are using.

Once you have your pretender god made I will have the e-mail address you can e-mail the file to shortly.

jmb May 19th, 2008 02:20 PM

Re: game for newish players- MA (sign-ups closed)
Damn! but it has filled up fast http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

secretperson May 19th, 2008 02:30 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
For those of you in the game this is where you will be e-mailing your pretender files-


Please do not repost this address in text as there is a reason Ich has gone to lengths to use this image rather than have me just type it.

You will find your pretender file in your dominions directory>savedgames>newlords>
It will be named something like mid_ctis_.02h.

Try to get your pretenders e-mailed to Ich as soon as you can. We will be ready to start once everyone has e-mailed them in and we decide finally upon victory conditions.

hunt11 May 19th, 2008 02:34 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
sent my god in, and wow that was quick

kasnavada May 19th, 2008 03:58 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA

klagrok May 19th, 2008 04:53 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Done and done http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

secretperson May 19th, 2008 04:56 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
As far as victory conditions go, I'm thinking the person to take and hold 9 capitals and the fortifications wins.

klagrok May 19th, 2008 05:21 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
sounds good to me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Cadel May 19th, 2008 08:43 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
sent- w00tor

Xanatos May 19th, 2008 09:07 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
how many have yet to send their pretenders in?

Renojustin May 19th, 2008 09:51 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
The one that we're doing now, the victory conditions are holding 7 of the 15 capitals. So if it was something like 6 of 16 capitals, there would be that aspect of racing against everyone else as well as beating them, which might be very interesting!

Xanatos May 19th, 2008 10:43 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
bleh.. victory conditions should be complete and utter world domination:)

Renojustin May 19th, 2008 11:00 PM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Well... I hear the reason everyone sets conditions like that that is because otherwise it gets tedious and ridiculous by the end. And taking 6 or 7 capitals is a pretty dominant position, I think, even out of 16.

JimMorrison May 20th, 2008 12:51 AM

Re: New game for newish players- MA
Mine was sent!

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