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Crazy&Insane Stories!
IF there is a thread on that topic it must be buried very deep http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Write here all your dominions stories that shouldn't have happened. Bizarred things [not bugs, not your mistakes], funny ones, instances of extreme luck etc etc. My example is from today, the game pretty much finished so I staled a turn. But my Treelord was set to monthly awaken sleeper. Bad luck for him as Astral Corruption was up. I check the news and "Oakstrong was suddenly attacked by Abomination of Desolation". And a bit later "Oakstrong was suddenly attacked by a Horror". I couldn't believe that! My Treelord, that also happened to be diseased and BLIND! won a battle against Doom Horror! Battle looked like that - Treelord casts personal regen, false horrors attack. He kills them with branches. Abomination does the stuff but regen gives Treelord enough HP back every turn. After about 15-20 turn of Charm spam one spell goes through and tada, charmed Abomination of Desolation! Too bad you do not keep it after battlle... |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
I recently gained a lab from a random event and then had it promptly burn down in the next event message. Those were my only two events that turn.
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
In a game I was MA Tien Chi. I fought a battle against a small army from Shinuyama. My archers(I had plenty) fired a round and one of the Shinuyama shortbow bandit lost an eye in the process. When my archers fired their next round, the same bandit got the affliction "lost the other eye as well". For some reason I thought it was hilarious.
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
Those are great stories!
In my first Dominions game (Dom 1), I had an ongoing war with an enemy who had a mounted horse archer commander who kept surviving battle after battle and coming back with more troops, but he also kept getting more and more injuries, and lost both eyes, but would still fire his bow in combat, randomly sending arrows around the battlefield. That was one of the many things that hooked me on this series, years ago... |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
I was impressed when my pretender managed to drop one of his Gifts from Heaven on top of Bogus.
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
Speaking of Bogus. Last night I was testing out LA Pythium. Bogus and his band had taken one of my provinces, and in a few turns about 50 barbarians joined him there.
Perfect battle for my sacred Hydras, I thought. I sent in a squad led by an air shielded Serpent Priest (so the Bogus archer could not take him out). The battle went as planned, hydras mowed through the barbarians (but lost a lot of heads), killed a couple of his cronies, and sent Bogus running. Bogus was one square from exiting the battlefield, when my serpent priest hit him with a mind burn. It turned him berserk, he turned around, killed all my hydras, and then made a run for my serpent priest, chopping his head off in one blow. It was quite funny. |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
LOL @ Lingchih, funny write-up. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
I began a game with Bandar Log, planning on setting up a clam factory and then pumping out some Rudra SCs. The only problems were the dwarven hammers and the wraith swords I needed - the hammer to forge the clams and the swords for the Rudras. A severe lack of gems in my starting provinces made me lose a bit of hope. Then on turn ten, one of my subjects finds the tomb of an ancient hero with 100 gold, a dwarven hammer, and a wraith sword. Yoink!
Stuff like that amazes me. Took it as a sign from the Pantokrater that my plan would win me the world. |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
I was just about to post the graphics for my latest nation, when my wife accidentally knocks over my laptop. Even though it only fell a foot on to carpet, it smashed something vital-nearest I can figure, the motherboard.
I couldn't even blame it on her because she was just giving me a snuggle, and I'd set the laptop precariously on the coffee-table. It made me crazy and insane. Does that count??? |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
Threads like this remind me of the time when I was defending my home province capital against an invading army with a bunch of thugs, including one particularly nasty one with Invulnerability and crazy defense from magical gear and Heroic Lightning Reflexes. Fortunately one of my Androphag Archers managed to hit him with a poison arrow, and that plus the vulnerability to poison from Invulnerability took him out. I still lost the castle and the province, though.
Even more ridiculous was the time when I sent a Melqart and some Rephaelites to take out an indy province. One of the enemy slingers hit the Melqart for 74 points of damage and killed him! Some craziness on the open-ended random numbers that day, I tell you. Of course the other Rephaelites routed and the province stayed free another day. It was unbelievable! Okay, neither of those really happened in my games, I stole them from history and legend. Too bad Dominions doesn't have summonable wooden horses. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Seriously, that's one thing I love about Dominions, is relating it to mythology. -Max |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
My favorite personal story of all time is an epic comeback in multiplayer. Having lost my capital and being reduced to 2 commanders, a merc company and a handful of indies (my god being killed as well) i managed to crawl back and reach 2nd or 3rd place (depending on who you ask http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif before losing.
Back in Dom2, as what is now, Middle Era Man, i was playing a newbie game with several others players. My large force of Knights of Avalon moved into an indie province the same time as a massive force of Neifel Giants from another player (i had no recruitable scouts in any previous province i captured, a problem the whole game). He crushed my Knights almost to a man, and then moved onward, capturing all my provinces and even eventually my capital. But i still refused to give up, and took my last handful of troops, basically just a Castillion, a priest, some random assortment of barbarians, lizard warriors, a few human troops, and a merc company, and starting capturing whatever province i could hit, just to stay alive. Fortunately he had taken Turmoil and Misfortune, so his empire was starting to fall apart from within, and his Giants had been utterly crushed, having traved south away from my lands only to die horrible deaths to Marignon flaming-arrow crossbow hordes. My capital was relatively undefended, but i feel certain that i was within one combat round of routing and losing my last chance in the game, when his Giant PD routed instead and lost the battle - giving me back my capital! Neifelheim fell completely apart (helped a great deal by my Bards) and never seriously threatened anyone again. Although pretty badly behind i managed to get Nature Global up, started massing Vine Ogres, and at one point had become a real power again. I even used my Pretender to Fairy Trod into Marignon's backyard and trashed his economy with a scorched earth-style raid. I began pushing into several old empires and, for a brief moment, appeared to have a small but honest chance at winning the game! Sadly my Vine Ogre hordes were customized to use against Ctis; for some reason that can only be called the "Prisoner's Delimma" logic of late game Dominions diplomacy, Marignon and I who had patched up relations to fight off Ctis, turned on me and utterly annihilated my Vine Ogres with Arch-Devil SCs. But, unable to capture my forts, he was at a stalemate. This allowed Ctis, whom i was pushing back and had even wiped his main Sage research facility, to crush both of us in the end. Still, a pretty epic game! Newbie games are/were (imo) a bit more fun anyway, as comebacks like this are possible when players haven't got the system gamed to a T and everyone is still making mistakes. |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
Once upon a time, in a province far, far away...
Heavy snowfalls caused gold loss. And mild winter allowed farmers to prosper, bringing me extra gold. All this in the same month. |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
I've seen a Cave of Ghouls magic site in the same province as a Rainbow Shroud. Location, location, location...
Regarding Bogus, I once had Bogus and crowd show up outside one of my castles' gates. Took the opportunity to Wind Ride contestants from other nations (this was way back when Wind Ride was reliable absent ethereal, huge size, or decent earth magic :p) to face Bogus one-on-one for a while. |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
Hahaha, nice Taqwus
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
in a MP game I started my income dependent nation with a bad event for 50 unrest or something...
not nice.. I went crazy and insane. No real funny stuff to tell though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
-Max |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
When I first started playing the game, I didn't know about the vagaries of "slight" chances in Dom.
The first nice hero I ever got, was the reanimated prince in EA C'tis, I forget his name. He rides a chariot with a skeletal lizard pulling it, and he wears Rainbow Armor and wields a Sword of Swiftness. I had never seen such amazing treasures before, I was flabbergasted. I decided to take a chance, and give him the biggest boost I could manage..... a Lycantropos Charm..... >.> (in retrospect, should that affect an undead?) 2 turns of movement later, without even getting him into a combat, I had a "skinshifter", wearing furs, and holding a non-magical greatsword. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
I once had the event where a celebrant of faith was "bringing hope" to my minions. Interestingly, the same month, the same province, 20% of the population *left* the province on account of being "restless" ... Thanks a lot reverend, bring my people hope would you? Bah!
He and his merry militiamen were immediately promoted to elite crossbow bolt interceptors. I like to imagine he went down vividly preaching a sermon of courage. |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
It's because Bogus has berserking. So, any damage can cause it, it just happened to be the Mind Burn that got him. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
There was the time when Jurri killed Boron's pretender on turn 2 of a game, or something absurd like that. But, I don't recall the details. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
Late game, I was playing Jotunheim.
An opponet sent a fully kitted out golem against a very small PD (5 or 6 points). The golem attacked, one of the three militia men on the feild ran up to him and Knocked his head off, literally. the Jotun militia got lucky and inflicted the "lost head" wound which also inflicts blindness and feeble mind. After several more turns of combat, That golemn died, and I laughed and laughed. |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
My Couatl disobeying script and casting Vortex of Returning instead...
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
Demo version, marverni storms the last kailasa province with a crapload of Eponis (the guys are rather cheap and effective for a small map like silent seas) and lots of Carnutewhatevers going berserk.
I had some archers too, and some ambibates for dirty initial gate barging up front. The siege is a success, but when I watched the battle, I laughed hard. The siege starts, monkeys and towers rain arrows, Ambibates hack through hordes of markatas and vanaras, both teams rout, Eponis charge and get torn by the shiny Hindus and their medusa goddess under spells, carnutes route the hindus but get eaten by the medusa, meanwhile an archer stops firing, goes forward, slips through the combatants(the shiny hindus, what do you call them, didn't somehow engage him), and STABS THE MEDUSA TO DEATH without dying. I saw he just lost an arm to a stray arrow. He was experience level 2 anyway. Hail the one-armed slayer of Medusa! HAIL! The BOWLESS ARCHER! |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
I was playing Niefelheim in a SP, and engaged a battle against Tir na n'Og with an army led by a completely equipped and empowered Niefel jarl and a Gygja (with nature 3 and charm scripted several times).
The Tir na n'Og commander (a tuatha sorceress) also used charmed and managed to charm my Niefel Jarl. My Gygja re-charmed the charmed Niefel jarl, then the tuatha sorceress re-re-charmed my charmed Niefel Jarl, and my Gygja managed (though I don't know how !) to re-re-re-charmed the charmed Niefel Jarl ! I don't now if the poor big thing still remembers on whose side he have to fight... :p |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
-SSJ |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
There was this time my monkey PD killed a Heliophagus...
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
Playing as EA Caelum, somewhere in the middle of a war with Yomi. With the bulk of my archer troops distracted fighting off the massive demonic chaff horde of the month, I was using my rainbow Arch Seraph both for expansion aid and site searching, by attacking indie provinces in the company of a few other mages, with a smallish group of archers for support.
Hit an indie province defended by heavy and light cavalry. Despite all sorts of lightning-related doom and arrows falling upon them, the heavies charged through, smashing the front rank of my hapless archers. One of my mages, standing with the rest in the middle of the group, cast Shock Wave. Not having seen that particular spell in effect before, my first reaction was "Holy ****", as a huge torrent of lightning slew dead every single unit standing in front of the mage, including about a third of my archers and most of the heavies, resulting in much chaos but a rout of the enemy forces. My second reaction, after studying the battle more carefully, was to quit the game completely. My poor Arch Seraph was standing right in front of the mage. :doh: -1 to all paths hurts a Rainbow hard. |
Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!
I've once had a blind abysian assassin slay 3-4 of my mages, by the way I was Hinnom and had GOH , about 70HP each mage and ring of poison protection. The lucky bastard never missed!
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