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-   -   FreshMeat - new thread, and game started! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39462)

llamabeast June 26th, 2008 07:56 PM

FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Game Name: FreshMeat
Server: LLamaServer
Players: 10, newbies
Map: Cradle

Settings --
Indies: 6
Special Sites: 50
Randoms: Common
Graphs: Enabled
HoF: 15
Research: Standard
Victory: VP (NON-Cumulative)=5 points (need to capture 4 enemy capitals and hold them)
Renaming: On


Sauromatia: Executor
Pangaea: Ubercat
Tir'Na Nog: Bwaha
T'ien Ch'i: majuva68
Arcoscephale: Piggles
Fomoria: Calahan
Niefelheim: meister_miagi
Helheim: Ossa
Lanka: anticipatient
Marverni: GrudgeBringer

UberCat is the admin for this game, so please direct requests for delays etc to him.

Note that the original thread had stuff about not using exploits. I won't bother spelling them out here - everyone is grown up enough not to be interested in using exploits, I'm sure.

llamabeast June 26th, 2008 07:56 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
The first turn has 48 hours on the clock in case of any difficulties. Subsequent ones will have 24 hours, until you guys reach a consensus that it should be extended to 48.

llamabeast June 26th, 2008 07:58 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Oh, another thing. From my own experience, I would say one of the best ways to make it into an awesome game is to do lots of diplomacy and roleplaying. Send your neighbours messages, make plans and alliances. Post here with battle reports and stories of what your pretender's been up to. Between you, you're making an epic.

anticipatient June 26th, 2008 08:04 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Thanks Llama, you are great http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

majuva68 June 26th, 2008 08:24 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Thanks Llama

GrudgeBringer June 26th, 2008 08:44 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
I have my pretender still in the NewLords file but have deleted the freshmeat file with the TRN and First turn.

Do we need to resend in our Pretenders and I WILL need the TRN and first turn file. Thanks

Great Job llamabeast!!

Thanks Ubercat for taking over...

GrudgeBringer June 26th, 2008 09:19 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
I'm Smooth...turn sent

BEWARE the Mighty Marverni ParaTrooper Druids!!!

Good Luck to all (I'll need it)

GrudgeBringer June 26th, 2008 10:27 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Game question...

If you are allied with a player and have an army on your mutual borders.

Another player attacks your ally in a province that you can help defend.

How can you go into your allies territory and fight the aggressor without attacking your ally?

Ubercat June 26th, 2008 11:19 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

GrudgeBringer said:
Game question...

If you are allied with a player and have an army on your mutual borders.

Another player attacks your ally in a province that you can help defend.

How can you go into your allies territory and fight the aggressor without attacking your ally?

You can't. The best you could do is ask your allies permission to take his land in order to help him out; then you can return it later after the crises has passed.

Bwaha June 27th, 2008 12:48 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
well, happy happy joy joy. we're on. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Lord Chill

Bwaha June 27th, 2008 03:21 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
I rise from my slumber, sending for the Lord of war appropriations, I say "bring forth the Mighty Hero's, Let the criers sound thruout the land, Lord Chill calls for you." Then He looks at the Lord of research and says "the state of research in The Land is abysmal. Go forth and find me the best mages and scribes in The Land." Then i turn to my crystal ball and start scrying around me.

llamabeast June 27th, 2008 04:33 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
GrudgeBringer, your first post was a little hard to understand. I'll do my best.

You don't need the pretender or anything like that. You don't need the turn file from last time the game started - that game is dead. You do need the .trn file that was sent out last night (GMT, about 9 hours ago anyway). That needs to be put in your dominions3\savedgames\FreshMeat folder, and you should then be able to play the game.

If you've somehow deleted that file, you can request a resend. To do that go to www.llamaserver.net, click on "FreshMeat" and then click on "Request turn resend" at the bottom.

Hope that helps.

GrudgeBringer June 27th, 2008 04:24 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
I sent this to llamaserver also but am somewhat at a loss...I have played on a dedicated server (like WOW, Battlenet, ect) and TCP/IP but never PBEM.

I got turn 2 and put it in my file that has all the other files to get the game started (TRN, first turn ect) but now I am not sure what to do.

I loaded the game and tried to play the save to see if just putting turn 2 in there would update it but it doesn't.

Sorry I am really new at this but once this turn is done and I get it sent in I should be smooth for the rest of my game (I should last at least 3 weeks...I hope)

Ubercat June 27th, 2008 05:02 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

GrudgeBringer said:
I sent this to llamaserver also but am somewhat at a loss...I have played on a dedicated server (like WOW, Battlenet, ect) and TCP/IP but never PBEM.

I got turn 2 and put it in my file that has all the other files to get the game started (TRN, first turn ect) but now I am not sure what to do.

I loaded the game and tried to play the save to see if just putting turn 2 in there would update it but it doesn't.

Sorry I am really new at this but once this turn is done and I get it sent in I should be smooth for the rest of my game (I should last at least 3 weeks...I hope)

I'm not sure what the problem is. I'll just state the basics. If you already know all this, and it doesn't help, then I apologize. Under saved games you should have a FreshMeat folder which the turn file should be placed in. AFAIK, the turn file should be all you need to open up your turn. Select the game to play within Dom3. Take your turn and then save and quit.

Saving the game will generate a file with the extension 2h. You Email this to the server with "FreshMeat" as the subject line. If you don't have the correct map, that might be a problem. Earlier versions of Dom3 came with an earlier version of the cradle map which had some flaws. You have 3.17 installed, right?

GrudgeBringer June 27th, 2008 08:43 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Thanks Ubercat...between you and llama I found out the problem...wasn't a biggie just the way I was looking at it.

Should be good to go now (unless I get my Prophet knocked off this turn).....

Bwaha June 28th, 2008 02:36 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
I gesture at my crystal ball, this thread is too hard to find. bring it up higher... thus is my will... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Calahan June 28th, 2008 02:32 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Can I please request a 24hr extension for turn 4 (ie. the next turn) as I'm likely to be out for most of Sunday.


Ubercat June 28th, 2008 04:29 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Taken care of. Of course the game will host anyway if/when everyone gets their turn in. This will start the timer over.

Calahan June 28th, 2008 04:51 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

Just checked the llamaserver site, and the turn timer says 'Turn 3 due 07:10 Monday 30th' which is great for me in theory, but what happens if the current 'turn 3' outstanding turns get submitted right now for example (currently Saturday 28th 21:00 GMT) then what happens? Will :-

a) the 'turn 4' timer gets set to 'Turn 4 due 21:00 Sunday 29th'. or

b) the 'turn 4' timer gets set to 'Turn 4 due 21:00 Monday 30th'

As if a) happens, I'm going to miss that deadline, as it's 'turn 4' I'll need an extension for and not 'turn 3'. And since I've already submitted my 'turn 3' now, I've lost 'control' (sort-of-speak) of being able to influence when the game hosts.

Sorry about any problems I'm causing, just want to be sure I don't stall this early on.

Ubercat June 28th, 2008 05:05 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
If the turn processed now, then yes, the 24 hours would start over again from right now. I will watch that and re-delay if a turn runs soon.

I had the same issue myself last year. I needed a delay and was expecting a turn to run soon. I knew that getting a delay right away would be pointless so I asked the admin to do it after the current turn ran. I've anticipated the possibility and should be able take care of it barring an emergency of some sort.

Calahan June 28th, 2008 05:37 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Many thanks for keeping an eye on the turn timer for me Ubercat. Two big thumbs up for doing that :-)

Hopefully I won't actually need the delay to be more than a few hours, as I should be able to get my turn in by Monday 10am GMT at the latest.

Bwaha June 30th, 2008 02:01 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Hail, fellow Lords and Ladies. I've one request, lets start the storytelling. In this fashion our exploits will heard thru-out the Multiverse. Lord Chill http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Calahan June 30th, 2008 03:28 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Tales from the lands of Fomoria are sparse and scattered in these early days.

Many continue to long for a return to their watery homes of old, but life above ground isn't proving as unsavoury as most feared.

There is a story spreading around the towns of first contact being made with a nation of very tiny people. The increasing number of giants in the land are still amazed that such small beings can exist in the world. But word is that the Fomorian ambassadors will treat their small visitors with respect while they consider their diplomatic options.

One other snippet of news worth reporting from Fomorian lands is of a growing unease being felt by the followers of Enfys Dewin towards their knowledge hungry ice cousins from Niefelheim. Many can be heard saying the oft repeated maxim that too much knowledge possessed by one is a danger to all.

The world currently seems to be quiet. How long will it remain so?

anticipatient July 1st, 2008 01:31 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
(sorry guys, I've been on the road and a lot of screwy stuff has been happening with my internet connection, between Starbucks, hotels and random other-peoples' networks . . . so I sent my turn this morning, but it didn't go through. Sorry for the delay!)

Bwaha July 1st, 2008 04:54 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Art, the Prophet of Lord Chill has spread the word of enlightenmnt to many. it has spread like the wind, theres hope coming, we will share the true way with many others. it will cost about $35 us dollars to find the way of truth... Lord Chill. Bwahahahaha, oops sorry, http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Calahan July 3rd, 2008 09:36 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Let it be known that the giants of Fomoria are now at war with the small and foolish inhabitants of Marverni.

Brief diplomatic negotiations between the two nations broke down after Marverni issued sudden demands, which were accompanied with an un-provoked attack on an undefended Fomorian province.

The Fomorian giants are sad that once again in their history, they are forced to fight off small creatures who try to claim their lands. Are we never destined to find a place to be at peace in this world?

GrudgeBringer July 3rd, 2008 04:47 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Ahhhh, How views differ when when armies march to your door and then want to postpone negotiations of peace until "The Fall" when They would be better prepared.

While we are of course small, Bare Chested, and lightly armed. But we are not without Dignity, Courage, and Honor.

We accept the challenge and will fight to the last man, the last woman, and after that the last child.

Peace is only a word My Lords, Actions are the stuff of Legends!!

Better to die fighting in the Sunlight than hiding in the Dark. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif

Bwaha July 4th, 2008 01:32 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Hmm, We dislike the idea of the marverni being oppressed. we are considering sending some peace keepers to the source of this combat. stealth troops of course. I ask that a little reason be used at this time. the slaughter of the marverni children fills me with loathing. whats next, sacrficing their little girls on altars? We think not! So in closing We say this shall not stand! Cease your war of aggresion, go find some indie's to oppress. Lord Chill http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Calahan July 4th, 2008 03:29 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Oh mighty Lord Chill

Many Fomorians speak highly of your fine race, indeed most of the Fir Bolg's in our society have close relatives from the great nation of Tir'Na Nog. So any worsening of relations between our two nations will certainly cause much unrest throughout all of Fomoria.

But please understand that Fomoria did not start the war against Marverni, and it is certainly not Fomoria's war of aggression. The subjects of my land simply demand action and justice for an unwarranted attack by Marverni. In the first month of fall, a large mass of flesh bearing warriors simply marched over the river, completely out of the blue, and attempted to force their will on the innocents of Fomoria.

So please tell what other course of action do I now posses other than to retaliate? The Marverni attack was no accident. It was not a mis-understanding. It was an attack of pure aggression on their part, and also an act of war.

The people of my land will never accept a simply apology, and neither can mercy be shown to such an un-warranted attack by Marverni. Fomoria surely has the right to defend itself against a hostile neighbour does it not?

Please do not paint Fomoria with the brush of tyrant in this conflict. Every ruler who cares about the safety and well being of his people would do no different to what I have done. Can any leader truly lead if he is unwilling to act against attacks to his realm? Can a leader lead if he does nothing but sit idle while his lands are ravaged and his people slaughtered? I am sure you will agree that he can not on both counts.

Calahan, Lord of the Fomorian Death Giants

anticipatient July 5th, 2008 03:55 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
This is kind of starting to frustrate me. I sent in a turn 28 hours ago, come back to play again, and I've gotten a stale turn! It was probably foolish to be signed up for three games while I was going to be taking a road trip, true, but I'm coming online to play every 24 hours, give or take a few . . .

Could we please change the hosting interval to 36 hours or something? Stale turns at this point in the game HURT!

Bwaha July 6th, 2008 03:38 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
We view this current state of affairs with alarm. Call out the local guard. Full war mobilation initated. The curse against formoria will hold. This was the reason that the curse was started against them. agression beyond belief is their battle cry. all nations who stand for liberty rally to my cry. please send donations to the marvs. they will repay this token. i will stand as a foe to those who coniniue to opress these fine people... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif LC

Calahan July 6th, 2008 06:50 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Lord Chill

Will it be your policy to call for war against any nation who is simply defending itself? Should every nation now take the first steps in attacking their neighbours, just so they can claim support from Tir'Na Nog as a reward for their aggressive actions?

Or in your view is it just the nation of Fomoria who should be denied the basic right to defend themselves, and to seek an existence in this world?

You also claim a curse on Fomoria for their 'aggression beyond belief'. But so far Fomorian soldiers have yet to set foot inside any Marverni province, and it is Marverni warriors that have been aggressively attacking. You are either making many false assumptions about our war with Marverni, or you are receiving false information from your spies and sources.

The Fomorian people do not understand your nations sudden vendetta against them for simply wishing to defend their homes. If war against Fomoria is now your stance then so be it. Our only request to you is that you either be consistent in the future, and call for war against any nation who tries to defend themselves against aggressive invaders. Or you state clearly why the nation of Fomoria should be the exception., and why it is that we alone in your view deserve to receive your curse.

Calahan, Lord of the Fomorian Death Giants.

Ubercat July 6th, 2008 11:40 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

anticipatient said:
This is kind of starting to frustrate me. I sent in a turn 28 hours ago, come back to play again, and I've gotten a stale turn! It was probably foolish to be signed up for three games while I was going to be taking a road trip, true, but I'm coming online to play every 24 hours, give or take a few . . .

Could we please change the hosting interval to 36 hours or something? Stale turns at this point in the game HURT!

Sorry, I originally read this post after an exhausting workshift and I didn't make the connection that I was the one who needed to do something. I've changed the interval to 36 hours now, so just let me know when you're back on a good schedule.

Bwaha July 7th, 2008 01:28 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
We ask all who are available to look at the ancient history. see:http://www.geocities.com/area51/vault/6990/formor.html

as you can see the curse was caused by their own magics. we have nothing to do with mutagenic compounds. we just simply want the Marvaini to exist if relative peace. The story line will improve if they are allowed to survive. (the rants they add to the game is priceless) So in closing, what we desire is a peace that is satisfactory for everyone. LC

GrudgeBringer July 7th, 2008 03:25 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
The Days grow Darker as the smoke from the villages are filling the air.

The stench of rotting bodies from the battles my brave men have fought is like an intoxicating wine to the few that remain.

We are Holed up in our Fortress making preparations to die gloriously in defence of our remaining people.

The children have been rounded up and put deep into the hold of the Fortress in the safest area so as not to be hit by any missles the Fomorians might hurl over the walls.

They await the knife that they know will bring them to salvation instead of slavery that the evil empire on our doorstep will try and force upon them.

Sacrifices have been made, Faces painted and chests decorated for the coming battle.

We have done all we can and we wait in High Spirts knowing that Our Lord and Master DARK-OMEN is with us.

We say this....Thank you to our friends and allies for thier support and they will be remembered in the writings of our people.

We have but one course left to us and we will fight till the last drop of blood leaves our viens and we slip into the sweet darkness of death by battle.

We say to you FOMORIA...

COME, test our defenses, do what you have come to do....

Because if you don't do it now we will gain strenth from our allies, and your forces will never leave our borders alive.

ABLNMOGIA MARVERNI!!!!!!!!! (Never Retreat,Never Surrender)


anticipatient July 7th, 2008 04:44 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
I will be back on a consistent schedule by the 14th of July. However, I need a turn stall for the 10th and 11th of July. I will be in Yellowstone with no internet access. :O!

Ubercat July 7th, 2008 05:03 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!

anticipatient said:
I will be back on a consistent schedule by the 14th of July. However, I need a turn stall for the 10th and 11th of July. I will be in Yellowstone with no internet access. :O!

Ok. If you can, PM me a day before to make sure that I remember. Thanks.

anticipatient July 12th, 2008 11:58 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Alright, I'm back and ready to rock!

Bwaha July 13th, 2008 10:42 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Our envoy receives a scroll, after reading it, he stands and says, Ahem, it seem we have been mistaken about the source of the marv. vs form. war. I've been recalled to the capitol for consultaions. We are faced with a unfaithful ally. He stands and remarks, "those ***-****s want to embroil us in a war with out cause... Lets see them like one of our cause... Of course not the the marvs. they have been faithfull with all agreements. Someone else has inspired our rage... Mutters, four months left before we can find justice. And counting... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

anticipatient July 14th, 2008 06:30 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Ah, well, Marvereni is no longer part of the equation . . .

Bwaha July 15th, 2008 02:01 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
So they are, or rather aren't. Damn they understood the value of a good story. (And had great rants) Well thats done. To all other players I request more great rants, and stories, to make up for the loss of this fine fellow. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

GrudgeBringer July 15th, 2008 10:13 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
(Writings of a great People called the Maverni found in a cave)

The Sun has set upon the people

The children have gone into the void bravely as has all of our Warriors and our race.

Our Pretender, DARK-OMEN stands alone for one last battle.

It is better to perish by the hand of a friend than to be enslaved by the Enenmy.

But a rumor has surfaced that the Son of one Noble has been spirted away to be hidden until such a time as he will start a quest to regain the throne.

We have scorched what land is left to us so as to give no comfort to the victors.

We thank our dear allies for thier attenpted help in our time of need and they will be rewarded in thier time.

As I am the last of the people and my sight dims as the blood flows out of my veins, I will softly say that The Maverni never retreated and never surrendered.

Three Toed Pete Prophet to the people [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon19.gif[/img] http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Executor July 15th, 2008 11:17 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Dammit I staled...
At least it didn't hurt so much like in some other games of mine

anticipatient July 15th, 2008 02:42 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
I almost want to give GrudgeBringer his capital back http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Hey Grudge, you playing in Beer game?

GrudgeBringer July 15th, 2008 04:05 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
No I have only played sauro ans arco to any extent and after my little excursion in Fresh Meat I see I need to plan things a little better.

Besides they had 15 already and I didn't want to put them over the limit even tho they where VERY nice to hold it for me.

I WILL be back tho....soon

anticipatient July 15th, 2008 05:43 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
ok grudge, pm me when you're going to play http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif maybe ill have time to join your game

Bwaha July 15th, 2008 08:50 PM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Well, we miss you already. Your rants are fun.

GrudgeBringer July 16th, 2008 01:37 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Thanks Guys...

It was fun and I learned ALOT and made some friends.

All in all I would say it was a success AND I found out I really do like the role playing aspect.

As Arnold would say "I'll be back"

Bwaha July 17th, 2008 01:00 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
A silver hawk flies into the council chambers, and lands on the place reserved for Tir... With a flash of light he changes into our envoy... He clears his throat, and says, "We have completed our conference, We The Land of the Tir do declare war on the feckless Tein. He throws down a gauntlet. Hostilities will begin next month. No one else need concern themselves with this matter, The other resident of this fine Isle is acting as a true ally. We request one thing from the council, This little Isle has room for just two races so please don't interfere with this little domestic house cleaning. Thank you for your cooperation. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

anticipatient July 17th, 2008 05:10 AM

Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
Arcosephale has invaded the lands of Lanka without warning, pursued our generals and furthermore claimed the right to continue to do so! Let it be known that the Apemen and Demons of Lanka will not stand for such abuse! The men of Arcosephale will be enslaved, their women used by the lowest among our Apemen, and their leaders' souls will be devoured slowly and tormented by the lesser kin of the Demons of Lanka. The temples of Arcosephale will be burned, and they will be left in history. With their gross offenses, they have lost their place in the future! Let it be so!

Any fellow neighbor of Arcosephale should be wary -- even the most piteous beast can be dangerous in the throes of death!

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