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-   -   Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39952)

Valerius August 4th, 2008 03:43 PM

Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started

Host: llamaserver (PBEM)
Age: Middle
Map: Parganos (llama's dead seas version - no ocean nations)
Mods: CBM 1.3 complete (includes Worthy Heroes 1.8)
Players: 8
Turnaround: 24 hours for first 20 turns, then 48 hours
Graphs: On
Renaming: On
Hall of Fame: 15
All other settings defaults

You can download CBM here and the map here

Note: Please do not password protect your pretender - this way a sub can be found if you disappear.

The game is ready to accept pretenders. If this is your first time using the llamaserver please see llama's instructions here . The two key things are to have Veritas in your subject line and to have CBM 1.3 active when you create your pretender.

Arcoscephale - Meursy
Bandar Log - Baalz
Caelum - Jazzepi
Eriu - Valerius
Man - DakaSha
Marignon - Apsophos
Mictlan - anticipatient
Ulm - IndyPendant

DakaSha August 4th, 2008 03:46 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
im in:

MAN please

archaeolept August 4th, 2008 04:31 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
is the name of your game actually "New Game", as I notice an 8 player ME game has appeared on llama's server called "llamatest"...

DakaSha August 4th, 2008 04:35 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
i doubt it that uses a different map

llamabeast August 4th, 2008 04:39 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
What do you suppose llamaTest could be for?

DakaSha August 4th, 2008 04:42 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
a test of ur server?

Valerius August 4th, 2008 04:42 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
The game has not yet been created on the llamaserver. I've corrected the thread title with the name of the game.

llamabeast August 4th, 2008 04:55 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif DakaSha - yep!

Jazzepi August 4th, 2008 05:00 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Caelum please!


Valerius August 5th, 2008 04:28 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!

IndyPendant August 5th, 2008 06:07 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
I'll take Ulm, please.

anticipatient August 5th, 2008 07:13 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Mictian please.

Meursy August 5th, 2008 11:08 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Hi, I'll give Atlantis a go thanks!

Apsophos August 5th, 2008 11:26 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
I'd like to join as Marignon.

Valerius August 5th, 2008 11:52 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Great, we're almost there! Meursy, there are no ocean nations on this map. I've held a spot open for you - is there a land nation you're interested in playing?

Also, the game is ready to accept pretenders. I've updated the first post with info about this.

Valerius August 6th, 2008 03:49 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Another bump.

Baalz August 6th, 2008 10:00 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
I'll play, Bandar Log

Meursy August 6th, 2008 12:08 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Hi guys, sorry I just spent 5 hours winning a lost (chess) position against a former student, am exhausted. Will post nation and pretender tomorrow morning.

Valerius August 6th, 2008 12:18 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Ok, we've got 8 players. Please e-mail your pretenders to the llamaserver (see link in first post if you need instructions).

DakaSha August 6th, 2008 05:56 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!

anticipatient August 6th, 2008 10:12 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
I will have mine in very soon. This one is very challenging for me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Valerius August 7th, 2008 02:04 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Sounds good. How about we aim to get in all the pretenders by Friday so we can start the game this weekend?

anticipatient August 7th, 2008 03:41 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
okay sent

Meursy August 7th, 2008 05:18 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
OK guys, I picked Arco and I've sent my pretender in and everything's good. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Jazzepi August 7th, 2008 05:27 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!


Valerius August 7th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Game is started! The first turn is set for 48 hours in case anyone has problems. After that it will be 24 hours for the first 20 turns.

Jazzepi August 9th, 2008 01:59 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
If anyone is researching construction early, let me know. I'm sure we could do some trading.


IndyPendant August 9th, 2008 02:18 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
*cough* Construction? Who would research Construction first?!? *cough*

anticipatient August 9th, 2008 03:42 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
Oh man.. I had such a carefully crafted, beautiful plan for the first 5 turns . . . and I screwed it up on turn number 1 by making my dude a prophet instead of patrolling! I Can't Believe I Did That! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif hehe..

Meursy August 9th, 2008 04:49 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
What do the little crowns on the map mean? I assume they're there for VP games, but do they have any other benefit? Like more magic sites, for example? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

MP is absolutely awesome btw http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

DakaSha August 9th, 2008 07:29 AM

Re: New Game - MA, CBM 1.3, PBEM - Sign up!
vp as u said. dont worry

no vp in this game.

i love u because u love this game

(yes gay but im drunk.... i mean it) (i get where ur coming from well have alot of fun together http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif +

DakaSha August 11th, 2008 09:51 PM

wow sorry bout that lol

Meursy August 12th, 2008 08:30 AM

Sure...I understand...
Hey Dakasha thanks for the info...and although it is hard to ignore the homoerotic overtones of your previous post (indeed I have perhaps never witnessed a more compelling argument for the 'Edit' function to exist), I ask all that would ridicule you to realise that you were ultimately moved to type such alcohol-wreathed words cause you was feelin' me baby! *thumps chest* Right on!

Gee, I'm glad I managed to keep homoerotic overtones out of _my_ post...

(p.s. seriously, cheers for the welcome mate)

Meursy August 12th, 2008 08:33 AM

Oh yeah...
Also I forgot to add that I feel further buffered from any uncomfortableness by virtue of the fact that DakaSha's previous posts were directed at one Scott_Kevill, and not in fact myself.

Which is really weird because I'm sure I remember typing all of this Scott Kevill's messages myself!

DakaSha August 12th, 2008 02:18 PM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
yeah thats kinda weird lol

but seriously i could just tell that ur excited to be playing MP as was/am i. i just got all drunk about it ^^

anticipatient August 12th, 2008 07:01 PM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
Yea I love MP.

It IS getting a little hypapsist in here . . . :)

Meursy August 13th, 2008 11:05 AM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
And don't get me started on the hoplites...they've got longer spears.

Meursy August 15th, 2008 05:23 AM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
Oh yeah, and another newbie question, I noticed there was something in the map description about 'barren seas', and I notice all sea provinces have fairly light protection. So I guess they've been nerfed somehow?

DakaSha August 15th, 2008 05:27 AM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
they dont produce any gold or resources if i understand correctly. they are just strategical barriers

IndyPendant August 17th, 2008 07:02 PM

Forges of Ulm. Open for business!
Hi all.

The forges of Ulm are open for business! We can forge anything requiring earth and fire, with some air and nature crafting, and soon astral. Cost will be base item crafting cost per item, + 1 gem per 5.

You can pay me in the base gem cost for the items, in earth gems, in astral gems, and (x2) blood slaves.

PM me if interested! We can currently craft up to Const-4 in items. More to come!

DakaSha August 17th, 2008 08:08 PM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started

wow dude

(that was roleplaying man btw...)

Jazzepi August 17th, 2008 08:10 PM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started

Originally Posted by Meursy (Post 631397)
Oh yeah, and another newbie question, I noticed there was something in the map description about 'barren seas', and I notice all sea provinces have fairly light protection. So I guess they've been nerfed somehow?

All the sea provinces have zero population. They're basically worthless besides gem production. Not that gem production is a bad thing.


Valerius August 17th, 2008 09:03 PM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
@DakaSha: No problem, I knew you were role playing. From a role playing perspective it's killing me that Man, having stolen magic from the Tuatha, is now beating them again! What's worse is that I site searched and gave you a free castle with recruitable wizards. :re:

BTW, good call on attacking me. Until I had some research going I had nothing with which to stop you.

@Jazzepi: The impression I got from llama's server was that the sea provinces had no magic sites but I've never played on this map before so perhaps that's incorrect...

DakaSha August 17th, 2008 11:23 PM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
that thug TORE me up. i was positive ud be done for... so much for that ^^

DakaSha August 19th, 2008 01:16 AM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
loking to trade for a minimum of 11 death gems. Can offer nature and earth in exchange

IndyPendant August 20th, 2008 09:19 PM

Gem trading!
Ulm is looking for fire gems and blood slaves! We are willing to buy them with water, astral, and/or nature gems, at 1 of our gems for 1 fire gem, or 1 of our gems for 2 blood slaves. PM me if interested.

The Forges of Ulm are now in full swing! We can now (well, in a couple turns. ; ) craft Const-6 items, for the following paths:

Prices are the same as in my previous post: Base Cost, +1 gem per 5. You can substitute fire, earth, astral, or (x2) slaves for any gems as you wish. Again, PM me if interested.


Valerius August 23rd, 2008 01:30 PM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
As per the game description in the first post I've now changed hosting to 48 hours. The hosting for turn 21 is now 11:25 GMT Monday.

Meursy August 25th, 2008 06:05 AM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
Hahahaha! :)

I'm sending all of my new mage recruits to Battlefield Tactics 101 after one cerebrally challenged astrologer cast Blink after his script ran out, bringing my 15 strong raiding party to defeat against a PD of 1!

Meursy August 26th, 2008 10:37 AM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
Hail all,

the rulers of Arcoscephale seek to trade for earth gems, we can offer water gems and some astral gems, send a PM if interested.

And btw, is there any way to stop casters Blinking themselves into enemy ranks after their script runs out? If this is gonna be a repeated occurrence I may have to slightly alter my strategy...like not using mages! :D

Meursy August 30th, 2008 09:53 AM

Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started
Well, feel like I'm talking to myself here a bit, but I had a question about llamaserver coming back online. My game status page for Veritas, when refreshed, says the next turn is due 21:20 GMT Saturday, the same day llama said the server should be back up (today). Problem is I won't be able to submit my turn by then because I'll be offline until Monday night (for me), which is about 11:00 GMT Monday.

Could we delay the turn till about 12:00 GMT Monday?


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