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Dominions 3000 v0.81 - lots of new indies, new map (using the brand new map commands)
6 Attachment(s)
"Dominions 3000" is a total conversion mod for Dominions 3. It is Dominions in space but still with a fantasy touch.
Nations: 1. Galactic Empire of Ulm (nation nr 75) Ulm is loosely based upon Ulm in dominions 3 and the warhammer spacemarines. Galactic Empire Ulm features: -- Planet Guards (militia), Spacemarines in several different forms some of which based on/decendants of dominions 3 Ulmish nations, spacecraft -- Several Leaders and Casters including a Huge Capitol Ship -- Several unique summoning spells for this nation including the high level and probably overpowered weather control and atmosphere control droids. -- a new pretender god (a bit like an improved sage really) -- adjusted existing spells (those which alter ranged combat are made more expensive since there is more ranged combat so their effect can also be expected to be increased -- Ulm has General Johnny Rico (made promotion) -- Ulm has a Vampire Knight, leader for the Blood knight (no, no blood mage, it's just a title) 2. R'lyeh (77) R'lyeh features: -- void gate -- Illithid mutant -- our known and beloved mindblasters the Illithid -- enslaved blue aliens, space trolls and pirates -- An Illithid Mutant pretender -- the powerfull, mindcontrolling, yet immobile Elder Brain for R'lyeh -- the Illithid Nautiloid spaceship -- The terrible control Space Eel spell -- Control kraken spell 3. JOMON - a nation not as technologic advanced as Ulm but with all sorts of magic weapons to make up for it -- Mech battle suits with ice,fire or lightning weapons -- the return of the Oni as sacred warriors -- a ninja assassin -- the return of the Dai-Oni.. -- The coming of the fearsome Oni-dragon 4. ORCS - A nation lead by commanders which attract the always warlike troops who don't to be bought to fight. -- Some technoloy -- no scouts (nothing subtle in this race) -- heavy guns and medium armor all around -- units weaker in space -- lots of even heavier weapon summons. 5. INSECTS - Insectoids conquering the galaxy -- Queens breed troops and summon other leaders. -- Blood nation -- lots of summons -- no recruitable troops or commanders -- weak in space -- 3 insect races united for bug supremacy -- weak ranged combat, strong melee 6. COMMONWEALTH - based on Amos Commonwealth: Landfall nation - Elders leading a humanoid race through the galaxy, preaching the LAW -- A water/astral nation -- icy weapons (now armorpiercing) -- prefers cold 3 -- spaceforms more mobile (higher AP) than regular forms -- has terraformers which spread your (cold) dominion 7. DRAGONS - relatively weak recruitable mage power. - strong recruitable commander chassis with some mage power. - all mages have a strong (dragon) chassis so you are not able to buy a cheap researcher/mage, you always pay for the chassis even if you don't need it. - Huge sizes. wyrmlings are size 3, then it only goes up. As is known from giant nations this in not an advantage. - PD is weak, also due to the size problem and because dragons are just not the race with the nature to stay put and defend a province. - the recruitment bar looks like a carnival since the different shapes the dragons can take all have very specific colors. - The young adult dragons (commanders) - the nation has A LOT of nation specific summons (the adult, elder and ancient dragons) all of which have magic and an increasingly powerfull physique. The nation does NOT lack for SC's. - The summons are not all castable out of the box, there will have to be investments in magic boosting equipment or powering up mages. - To balance this the casting and research requirements for summons are relatively low and most in one research arm (conjuration) - The lack of certain equipment slots does limit the SC options - This lack is rebalanced again in the oldest dragons with special powers. - The summons give acces to a wide range of magic power (large magic diversity which reflects the magic in their blood. - The nation has no recruitable sacred troops and only one (cap only and actually a relatively weak) sacred commander. This is because any sacred recruitable would probably make that troops the only recruited troop and the nation alway played as a bless nation. Now a bless will certainly help the sacred recruitables but then again those are powerfull already and early in game the scales might be needed, or a rainbow mage to sitesearch and more easily unlock the different summons might be a good idea for this nation. (my personal advice would be the latter.) - I think the nation will have a hard time early on in a game but with their powerfull summons and decent magic diversity the end game might give a good end game. - The nation has no regular heros but the 3 types of adult dragon (summons) can also appear as multihero's. 8. SHARDS OF SHIAR - undead - focus on dead magic and holy magic - a few usefull holy spells (nation specific) -- more powerfull demon killers -- holy buffs - all troops and commanders are souls of the dead, ethereal, blind, darkvision 100, cold res 100, siegebonus 1 (if you can move through walls you should have that), AN ghostly touch attacks of different calibers. - no ranged weapons - no protection - immortal capital only troops (3 types, one sacred) and commanders (all priest/mages) - high magic variety (all except blood) in non capitol mages (since those are souls of random mages) but low in power. - FESD randoms on the capital only immortal mages (next to death and holy magic) Description: "The people of Shiar had a long culture of ancestor worship next to the worship of their benign pretender, they had researched ways of easy communication with the souls of the dead, leaving the bodies resting. This benign death magic was widely practiced on Shiar and supervised by the clergy of their pretender to avoid evil use of necromancy. The world of Shiar was recently destroyed by demon invaders and their terrible pretender god. In the moment of destruction the pretender god of the Shiar, not strong enough to battle the demon pretender, tried to save his people by blessing them with eternal life using all his powers including his lifeforce. The demon pretender warped his spell and now the souls of the inhabitants of Shiar live on, undead. The spells also affected the dying pretender and he too was changed, now undead, and less benevolent. Shards of Shiar have fallen in a distant province and are now the centre of a new nation and religion. The new Shiar nation does not want to extriminate all life but want leadership of selected suitable undead souls over the unbalanced and often unthinking forms of life in the galaxy. They use their still powerfull death magic abilities in their old, but also in new ways." "The Lord of Souls" description : "The Shiar pretender used to be weak, but was willing to give everything including his own live for his followers. When he died giving his live with his greatest casting untill that moment, securing immortality for all Shiar souls he was still twarted by his demonic opponents spells. The backlash of those combined powerfull spells changed the pretender god of Shiar. He is now also an undead immortal and still wishes the best for the souls of his people. More powerfull now he intends to maximize the use of his immortality by helping his followers with magic and in battle. In his new religion souls unbound by mortal bodies are meant to be the ruling class above those confined by earthly bodies, with himself ruling all. " 9. Neoclidia A nation based upon the Cthulu Mythos created by Darkwind. The great old ones are returning and want the universe. Mysterious and powerfull.. try it. Indies: - Space pirates, their captains and their base a powerfull pirate spacestation - Blue Aliens and their bigger cousins the giant Space Trolls. - Predator Aliens and their queens. - Space Eel (who actually should be called Gigantic Killer Space Eels) - Spiders inhabiting distant planets (as 2 poptypes) - Space Kraken hovering in spaces near you - Snowbeasts led by their Alpha Males A preview of some sprites for the first 3 nations. Behind each flag teh units for the nation, behind the dom 3K symbol the indies. Indies and R'lyeh overlap since those are the ones R'lyeh enslaved. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attac...3&d=1220565286 In addition to this - unthematic summons have been removed - new "space sites" added - more new sites added - unthematic sites removed - included in this mod are the lines of the improved arena award - a large number of new spells - some old sprites have been slightly polished - lots of new indies A few numbers to show the size of the mod (though there is much more that isn't reflected in these numbers. Unit numbers used (aprox) Neoclidia 2200 - 2253 Insect 2500 - 2537 Ulm 2583 - 2659 Indies 2700 - 2749 AND 2400 - 2408 Jomon 2750 - 2777 Orc 2800 - 2850 Commonwealth 2950 - 3000 Dragons 3001 - 3029 Shiar 3050 - 3080 Magic sites 765 AND 800 - 834 AND 901 -902 AND 989 - 998 weapons 650 - 667 AND 700 - 765 AND 775 - 783 AND 800 - 806 AND 810-818 Armor 215 - 222 AND 270 - 274 AND 340 - 354 The thematic map is a seperate download: Map - The Solar System Map has been fully updated, indies everywhere and also recruitable now, no longer recruiting archers on your planets. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attac...8&d=1218839369 A new larger map is out now in beta. It has new backgrounds for the space fights and several planets will look differently matching their color on the map. Try the Galaxy map now !!! Please try these nations and maps and give feedback. Changes will be made based on feedback. As you can see in this thread I listen to what is said and often balance or improve things based on that. |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - Dominions 3000
Questions I need answer too to continue:
1a Can you make a mod so you only get certain creatures (new modded ones) in the indie sea provinces? 1b If above is not possible is there a way to empty all seas provinces? 2 Can you change the background of sea battles to either black or some starry pattern? |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - Dominions 3000
For #2, I think you might be able to modify the underwater battlemap, since they're all seperated and in a convenient folder. Not sure how one would go about doing that though.
For #1, #land <province number> apparently kills everything in a province. #commander "<commander type>" sets the new commander. #bodyguards <nbr bodyguards> "<type>" sets the bodyguards for the commander. #units <nbr units> "<type>" sets units. It's all in the map editting guide. Finally, even though this is really only the bare bones of a mod and there are no new pretenders, it's still a bit fun (I chose a Prince of Death because of the evil theme of the LA, which this presumably comes after). |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - Dominions 3000
yeah that is in the guide but I don't want to set it seperately for each province. I'd like it to be random but from lists I can select. Or if I could alter the existing troop types so it'll either empty or with certain troops I can make.
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - Dominions 3000
I think that if you use #selectmonster and #clear, you're given an essentially blank slate but it's still used for indy provinces. I don't think you can alter the lists used when picking independent defenders, though. If all you used was #selectmonster and #clear, it would either crash or no independents of that type would appear.
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - Dominions 3000
My nation took offence to your remark about being not much..
I've improved it quite a lot and it's a real nation now, might even be balanced somewhat v.2 attached to the original post |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
Hmm I wanted to post v0.30.. which is incredibly cool of course.. but I can't yet.
If it is posted I do hope some will try it. I'll post a new fancy map with it |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
You can post it now!
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
So I thought too... but alas:
Dominions 3000 - Galaxy at war - Galactic Ulm - v0.30.zip: Your file of 4.91 MB bytes exceeds the forum's limit of 244.1 KB for this filetype. |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
It's fixed now, apparently.
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
I'll try it now...
everyone wait for v0.30 :D |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
Coming soon (V0.40):
PIRATES.. nay even better: ALIEN PIRATE RAIDERS and their captains and their spacestations... |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
Well things are moving fast.. V0.40 will have MUCH MUCH more than only some indie pirates... they will also have ENSLAVED PIRATES.
ENSLAVED PIRATES?? Who enslaves in dominions 3... can it be... YES, R'lyeh is back, and in space so a 2nd race will be coming in the next version of this mod Why R'lyeh as 2nd race you might ask (or not, I'm talking anyway): Well sprites are the limiting factor in all this work and since I already had sprites for the indie pirates (and the indie aliens) I though why not make those Illithid slaves.. fits the lore perfectly it's what Illithid do in their weekends (and the rest of the week).. and I figured the Illithid wouldn't change much just because they are taking over a galaxy.. so those sprites where also easy to get. Once I get the Illithid mindblast artillery working (don't ask) the race will be put on the market. (For the fans: yes they will have a void gate.) So next patch real 1 vs 1 games with 2 completely different nations can be played on the beautifull solar system map. |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
I'll try to come up with some ideas this week, Aezeal. I've got a few nation ideas floating around in my head, and I'd like to do some space monster graphics.
By the way, if you're doing space pirates anyway, how about...I dunno...Ice Pirates! with robots! Led by Robert Urich! ok maybe that's too far...but, Ice Pirates! |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
Is that a new version of the map? Because it is hilariously awesome! :up: I've always enjoyed pop culture spoof/reference, like having a hero named Robert Urich (or some derivative thereof), just for the fun of it. One of the human factions could get a Johnny Rico hero too, and so on. ;) |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
New version? The pic you see in the first post is the new map and I've populated it with aliens and space eels.. it seems all the indies are very very much overpowered on this map though, even with the very decent Ulmish troops.
Next version the pirates will come.. they too where very powerfull (indies with 2 10 dmg AP ranged weapons really kill a lot very fast.) So now the indies have lost a weapon (2 bad for R'leyh though since they use the same fighter :D.. but Ulm should have the better fighters anyway.. and Ulm pays for it. R'leyh gets a control space eel spell though.. which should be nice too use :D |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
V0.40 will also feature guest star General Johnny Rico fighting for Ulm as a Hero
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
V0.40 is out including updated map and R'lyeh as 2nd playable nation
plz test, and give feedback!!! see the first post for the attachments needed. Thanks, Aezeal |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
It is possible to create custom, or modify existing, magic items and assign them to indies. Just look at my Antilarium metamap.
Creating a .dm file depends somewhat on your operating system, but it's just an ordinary text file with a funny extension. I suspect a "rename" of a plain text / notebook file in windows explorer will do it, it certainly will in Mac OS. in unix it's "mv filename.txt filename.dm" |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
with wordpad I can just directly save it as xxxxx.dm
anyway to me it seems I can only create weapons and armor with much variation... not much more.. the fun effects like regen, flying etc etc are tehre ways to get that? |
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
If anything, Johnny Rico ought to be a Lieutenant, but if you want a higher rank: 'Space Martial'. Also, Ulm ought to get heros: "Hassan the Assassin" "Sergeant Zim" and "Corporal Ace" "Corporal Dizzy" and "Corporal Kitten". Maybe a "Space Martial Anson" after RAH?
Re: Galaxy at war - Ulm vs Ulm - NEW,ACTUALLY PLAYABLE
uploading v0.41 now
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.41 Ulm & R'lyeh + indies
pplz don't hold back, just DL this :D
also I see some have DL'ed (and I hope played) my files so I need feeeeed bacccckkkk PS Jomon is getting along nicely, nick had some nice idea's for the nation and he's busy with some sprites for the commanders. Depending how fast he's going I'll see if I can use his sprites for those commanders to post the next version in a few days or if I'll just use some placeholders (the regular unit sprites.) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
OK pplz new version is out.. 3 nations to play..
so play it and give feedback so we can start balancing it all and see which nations need a few extra things and what would be nice there... Any idea's for our 4th nation? OW and don't forget to reupload the solar map files since I deleted a few of ths fishies since they seem to be a bit of a hassle as indies if there are too much (except for R'lyeh who just mindblast them anyway) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
this is a really fun mod to play with so keep up with the good work
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
I'll have to see what space R'lyeh is like, but Alpha Centauri-inspired Xenofungus/Mind Worm symbiosis nation and/or independent province could be rather interesting.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Hunt11 anything that you found that needs improving, changing etc?
Endo: seems pplz like mind controllers Honey-Badgers (I think) wants to make a mind controlling aboleth race. Anyway if you play a bit with R'lyeh (which basicly is very much like R'lyeh in the basic game but they don't have the absurd cheap chaff to make a screen for the Illithid) let me know if you think the nation you mention would still add to the game.. and if so.. don't hold back :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
The only problem i had was when i was playing with Jomon and using the Dai-Oni the first one i used after the first battle changed back to the original Dai-Oni and was behaving like it as well (he got the automatic two wolves at the start of the battle) the next couple Dai-Oni did not seem to share the same problem. The only really two things that I would like to see added (except for new nation, but you are already working on that) would be more independent types over then space pirates, and a bigger map which would open the way to truly epic games as massive space empires wage war over entire galaxies.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Well with only 3 races so far the map is pretty much too big atm by most standards.. if we get more races I could make a lot more of this map or create another.
I copied the Dai-Oni and only changed his stats to reflect the suit he's wearing and gave him weapons for that (fire weapons since I think that is thematic) the wolves are just there... they should be untill I think of a nicer one battle spell. If Dai-oni change to their original sprite then I used a wrong #firstshape somewhere. PS there are 2 indie types (but I'm sure you already saw that) when I find some nice sprites and idea's for indies I'll make them but since indies are only a small part of the early game new nations have priority (so you can get your epic games.) a few questions: -did you think the indies where much stronger than in the regular game? (in the lastest version of the map I removed a lot of teh fish since I thought more than 2 of them would be way to strong for indie armies.) - Which of the races did you think was strongest? - which of the races seemed the least complete? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
The indies are a lot stronger then you would usually find so it make initial expansion a lot slower then it should be. The strongest race has to be Ulm with their strong infantry and their very powerful spaceships. No nation really seems to lack anything but R'lyeh seems like you could add more units that they could recruit to represent alien species that had been enslaved and that now lives to serve their masters.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
ah well more fodder for R'lyeh is a thing I'd thought of already.. and as soon as I find more indies I'll give them too r'lyeh :D
Do you really think Ulm is strongest? I'd have tought it would be the weakest of the bunch. PS Jomon misses a regular infantry (the militia you could say) it will come though.. it'll be a strong militia though, with plasma bow and light sabre. Jomon usually has decent PD |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
From what i have tried Ulm has some units that really work well together, blood knights and any type of infantry with good firepower and with this simple combo they can be very powerful indeed with the knights holding down the enemy as your firepower eats away at the enemy
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
yeah it's hard to balance the increased firepower which sort of needs to be in space age with close combat troops which is why I gave Ulm strong infantry with flying.
Maybe I need to weaken those a bit or make them much more expensive in either gold or resources :D I thought that the new artillery for r'lyeh with the blue aliens or space trolls in front fo them would be very strong too. Jomon is a bit weaker but has a lot of resistances (also on troops and the powerfull summon) so should be stronger end game. And JOmon has the sacred oni which I think are very blessable much better to bless than the other sacreds Well please keep playing and let me know.. the more feedback I get the more I can improve. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
I only played for an hour or so on the new map, enough to conquer the planet I found myself on, my city in the middle, surrounded by provinces (nice start for Ulm). I discovered upon processing turn one that the Ulmish scout is not stealthy. Er... Taking the surrounding provinces was trivially easy for Ulm. For troops I purchased nothing but Personal Artillery Marines and deployed them to the far rear of the map. I put my starting troops to the far rear as well. Not a single troll ever reached my firing line. They got close the first couple of battles, but as far as Ulm is concerned, the indies are not over powered.
Then having taken all the planet provinces, I went to move my army onto the large planet surface at the bottom of the map only to discover that only my Vampire Knight prophet could make the leap (he having flying). Hrmm... says I. Right, build troop transports, I think in a fit of lucidity. This still does not permit jumping to the bottom planet surface. It does however seem to permit going into space, so off to take the moon space, then the planet inside, then back to moon space, then the second of the three 'space' spaces around my main planet and... And here is a sticky one, I am not allowed to fly into the third space that encompasses my planet even though the space I am in is adjacent to it. Hrmm... So back I go to that first space sector and from there I can jump onto the bottom planet surface. And there endeth my play for the day. The Ulmish Navy Capital Ship had what seemed to me an odd effect in the Death Match. It appeared to do little damage (no firing sprite?) and yet both opponents routed off the field after doing damage to the ship. Go figure. No reward mind you as the ship has no hands. Oops. The Chief Engineer has a strategic movement of only one, while all the other magic using commander have two. This is most inconvenient for site searching, forcing extra micromanagement upon us. I'd prefer that they all have the same strategic movement. All in all I think you've got something here. The game appears to adapt itself nicely to the role of a space game. Thank you for the divergence. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
about the scout: thanks.. he wasn't stealthy 5 but stealty 5 which seems to make all the difference. --> fixed
I kinda feared that the personal artillery might be a bit overpowered, recruitable AoE long ranged attacks can do that. I'll increase their resource cost (and the blood knight) a bit I think, fits with my idea (and description of ulm in Jomon troops) that they use a heck of a lot of resources to create powerfull weapons. The map things you encounter are mostly intentional: the land on the bottom of the map is a seperate planet from the one in the middle above it so only linking via space. (I wanted a few start sites on the planets with 3 or more provinces... the planet you started on has more but most are waste or swamp to compensate and the bottom planet is split in 2 by a mountain range (see the name of the middle 2 provinces)) Can you give me the space numbers of the province which should be connected but aren't? The Ulmish capitol ship indeed doesn't have a firing sprite but it should do damage it has twin blasters so up close and ranged it should have a weapon with 2 attacks. I'm still not sure what happens if you give a ranged weapon 2 attacks but imho he should just have 2 shots. The chief engineer is just like a lot of higher level mages.. map move 1 :D intended and will stay like that, sorry |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Hmm I'd think that the bloodknights and the trolls are somewhat equal.. but I guess the HP of the trolls makes them survive long enough.. When they attack they will probably always kill when they hit, AP and high strength.
I wonder if I've gone a bit overboard with AP and AN attacks.. but with the high protection I was using on Ulm I thought I had to balance that (not to mention that nearly all ulms ranged attacks are also AP) The provinces are now linked.. I'll attach it to the first post the next time I update it again |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
the real value of blood knights is that they hold down the enemy giving you a chance to destroy them with your heavy guns
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
You might possibly consider adding something like the big bug-headed creature from 'This Island Earth' if you want a good slave race. It's a classic sci-fi movie, (one of the first major sci-fi movies made in color) and I've always thought that the mutated crab-shambler guys from MA R'lyeh were somewhat based on the creature/mutant at the end of it. The 'This Island Earth' critter (just called a mutant) is also pretty recogniseable.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Provinces 18 and 22 on 'spacemap' do not connect either even though 18 is the planet surface and 22 is the immediate space above it. In order to get to space from 18 I have to jump to the moon first and then to space.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
good point, keep coming with the feedback.. this will be changed of course..
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
right guys, hope you like my jomon sprites, anyway i saw something about a new survival horror game Electronic Arts is going to release called 'dead space' and space age ermor jumped straight out at me.
imagine a not so distant past where the legions of undead fell to modern technology, the treasures of the dead plundered by the triumphant living. But alas history must repeat itself, among the stolen artefacts is an unholy object of great power, whole fleets of ulmish mining crafts consumed by death, now quiet vessels housing the deformed and still moving bodies of the massacred led by the returning god of the dead. keeping this and 'dead space' in mind can someone make a start on sprites, i would but my hands are kinda full at the moment. thanks. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
I'd keep the necrons of warhammer 40K in mind combined with that then.
Considering you just want to use skeletons there isn't that much we need to do on graphics though.. just take the skeleton sprite and give them an ulmish weapon.. and I think I even have the seperate weapons the ulmish sprites have. For Necrons you could probably just colorify a skeleton to grey/metallic. When I'm done with the things I'm doing now I might be interested to start on this if the nation can be fleshed out a bit. I need a bit more details on what troops there would need to be etc etc.. if we just make them undead ulmsmen it might not be that interesting. we could go for the huge piramid ships the necrons have... huge expensive ships. and then next to that undead and robots... it does have some appeal. But then you'd probably end up coping the death domain from ermor too... sinec that would be very thematic... do we want ermor like that in space? It would make for another "different" nation though (even though we already know how it plays :D) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
To be expected:
a new breed of indies: on the planets there are now not only the fearsome blue aliens but in the uninhabited outlands on distant planets an evil breed of spiders has evolved. To communicate with these spiders one needs to be able to lead magicbeings. --> 2 new pop types are created out of 4 spider troops and 2 leaders. some new sprites for existing units (a new one for the Ulm general & general rico), a new one for the Jomon Ninja (just a recolor really) and MAYBE even a hand drawn (by Nick) new Dai-Oni. Also some space ships have gotten attack sprites. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Considering you just want to use skeletons there isn't that much we need to do on graphics though.. [quote] actually i wanted to lean towards 'dead space' with a sort of newly dead but mutated approach. Think of it as sorta foul spawn + souless and then cover the lot in blood. We could sacrifice all armour and the unholy booster spells of LA ermor for more beastly offense and have some nice summoned commanders and large monsters made from multiple corpses and perhaps some ulmic mining gear could be chucked in there as weapons and such for thuging out. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
hmm well if new sprites are needed.. then I can't work on the nation :D I'm not so good with new sprite creation :D
New sprites would mean all option current undead nations have, summoning longdead etc etc couldn't be use anymore. But by all means start on the nation. if you use ermor LA nation number you could even keep their killing dominion. If you can't do the modding I'm certainly willing to do it if yo explain what each troop should do (a long detailed post would help me there) PS how is the dai-oni going, and the jomon assasin? :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
dai oni i just had to recolor the sword so he is done, i just finished the sprites for the human infantry and plasma bow so unless you want anything else done i can send em to you right now and get to work on ermor.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
NICE, MAIL ME, them then I can add them and complete Jomon :D I do like the dai oni sprite I had though maybe I should make some sort of summon for him later.
I'd love to see the infantry so Jomon can have normal starting troops and PD.. In a small test the battlesuits just crushed pretty strong PD so better not start with too much of them I think. (I increased price on them too :D) You post a nice post on how you envision your dead space race so I know what you mean exactly and so I can make stats for them later and some descriptions. The more you post the more I can make the race like it :D suggestions for spells and whatever you think the nation should have etc etc (PS I do advice you read a bit about necrons for Warhammer 40000 too since there are some nice idea's there.) I'll mail you the base sprites I found for Ulm so you can maybe use the weapon sprites on your undead if you want. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
yeah had a look at the necrons, they remind me of general grievous a bit lol but yeah i imagine something like that being a commander or perhaps the equivalent of a censor from LA ermor, i just started editing some foul spawn sprites and they are starting to look pretty sweet so look forward to seeing them pretty soon.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
I think the piramids would make nice capitol ships too.
anyway if you have a unit sprite and tell me what the unit should be like I can mod them quickly. I had to resize the graphs I got from you but they will be in the next version too |
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