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Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Keen to get involved in a new game but I never seem quite quick enough to sign up! So figured I'd start one of my own.
I'd really like to keep this to newish players. This is my third game, but I've admin'ed one before so I know how to do that. Details: Server: LlamaServer (automated play-by-email) Hosting interval: 24 hours moving to 48 hours in later stages. Age: Late Graphs: On Settings: Default Mods: None Map: Cradle of Dominions Players: 10-12 I'm signing up as LA Marignon. I'm also not allowing LA Ryleh and LA Ermor. If you didn't read carefully and sign up with one of those I'll save you a slot but ask you to re-choose a race. Player List: James243 - LA Marignon Deadnature - LA Utgard Rytek - LA Patala Otherling - LA Atlantis Calahan - LA Mictlan PAR - LA T'ien Ch'i Jazzepi - LA Bogarus Foodstamp - LA Midgard Juffos - LA Ulm Ershalim - LA Agartha Quitti - LA Caelum Evilhomer - LA Pangaea Enjoy! |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
I'd like to try LA Man.
This is my first Multiplayer Game, so pardon my noobishness... |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
Hey, I'm also noobish...this will be my fourth game. Sign me up of LA Abysia.
thanks |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
I would like Patalia.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
Actually, I would like to change that to LA Utgard
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
If you're looking for newish players, then I'm your man. This will be my first MP game. Got to get my feet wet somewhere. With that in mind, I'd like to give LA Atlantis a try.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
Excellent, a LA game :-) I'll take Mictlan if I may please.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
can i join as t'ien ch'i
cheers |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
If you need a ringer, I'd like to take LA Bogarus. I wouldn't consider myself a Newish player, though.
Just send me a PM. Jazzepi |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
I am not new, but I am not a min/max player either. I would like to play Midgard if you are willing to have me.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
I would like to join as LA Ulm.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
I'm new (and on time? Woot!) I'd like to join as LA Agartha, if I can.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
One friend of mine would like to join as LA Caelum. Could you please reserve a slot for him?
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
Ok, you're all in (including the two experienced players - that's fine - happy to get the game going really).
Juffos - what's your friends name? Is he/she a user on this site? Or will you be sharing a PC? I'll go create the game now so that we can get to uploading pretenders, but definitely start working on them now. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
Wow, creating a game sure is easy - thanks Llamabeast!
You can upload pretenders now. Create them and send the pretender file (in your newlords folder) to pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net Make sure you put the word Archaean in the subject line ****CRUCIAL!!!**** |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
Ummm...how do I edit the title of the main thread? I can edit the title of the first post, but that doesn't change the title of the main thread...
Anyway, anyone looking - thanks for your interest but the game is unfortunately full. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Sign Up now!
They added this really awful "feature" where you can't edit a post save for 30 minutes after you first put it up. While it solves some minor problems with administering the forums, it's a real pain in the *** for the users. Jazzepi |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Uploaded mine! Also, since we have a lot of new people and the link in llamabeast's signature doesn't seem to work (and because I had a hard time figuring out what to do, myself.) here's how to upload pretenders: *Stolen directly from llamabeast*
"Okay guys, the game is ready to accept pretenders. Here's how to upload them: Firstly, you should only join a game if you've found there's a thread for it on this board, you've read it, and they're still looking for players. Then you should post on the thread saying what nation you'll be. To actually join the game: - Make sure you have the same mods enabled as the game you're playing in (Preferences->Mod Preferences) although only mods affecting pretender design, such as Conceptual Balance, actually matter - Go to Game Tools -> Create a pretender god in Dominions. Don't set a password, since for PBEM games they're not helpful and occasionally annoying (e.g. if you need a sub) - Go to the savedgames/newlords folder in the dominions directory, and find your pretender file (e.g. mid_pythium_0.2h) - E-mail the file to: pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net - Crucially, you must have the game name 'Archaen' in the subject line of your e-mail A few minutes later you should get a confirmation e-mail, and if you check the website (www.llamaserver.net ) you should find your nation added to the list of nations which have joined the game. If later you think of an improvement to your pretender, you can send it in again. Provided the game hasn't actually started the server will accept your revised pretender, and send you an e-mail to say so." |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
You can now edit the first post in each thread, which is a big improvement at least.
I've fixed the thread title, using my moderator powerz. I did using "Thread Tools", next to "Search this Thread" in the black bit at the top. Not sure if that's also visible for James243 or if it's a moderator thing. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Oh yeah, the FAQ link is broken. Oh dear! Well, I have no time to fix it now, so it will have to wait till I get back from holiday.
Same goes for many of the map and mod links on the LlamaServer. Unfortunate. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Thanks for posting that by the way Ershalim. You did well to find it!
I guess this is why my post count is high. :shock: |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
I actually lifted it from a post you did in "Newbtopia." I couldn't find the FAQ itself from searching for it. (Possibly because it ignores the word "FAQ" :doh:) I also had to ninja edit it because I told everyone to send it as a game file TO Newbtopia. Darn copy and pasting. Hehehe.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Okay, you actually prompted me to fix the link. Fixed!
The actual FAQ remains mildly broken, in that the links to the subsections don't work. But you can just scroll down. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Boy, I'm sorry to do this, but I think I'm going to withdraw. I just bought this game a week ago, and have had a great time vs. the AI, and want to try multiplayer....but....I'm starting school in a week, and today I just kept thinking that I'm not sure if I'll be able to play as much as I'd like.
I'm afraid that in a few weeks my life will get busy and I won't have time to play...so I think I'll drop out now before I make life diffiicult for the rest of you. I hope you can still find someone (that never seems a problem here) Sorry again, and good luck all! I was signed up as LA Man btw |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Heya, I'm the one Juffos reserved a slot for (Caelum). I'll be playing from my own pc/dom. Juffos should be confirming this today or tomorrow. Recently got this game myself, and this'll be my first multiplayer game :)
I'll be uploading my pretender as soon as I wake up, getting rather tired atm and need to still revise my pretender... |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Pretender sent, thanks for allowing me to play :)
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Wow - thanks heaps Ershalim. And enjoy your holiday Llamabeast! I'm not sure what else you do in life but the amount of work you do around here sure means you deserve one!
I'll be uploading my pretender later today. Ephraim - no problem at all. Life beckons... I'll put up a post for 1 additional player. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Ok, we're full again, and 11 of the 12 pretenders are uploaded. We'll kick of just as soon as Evilhomer (who's kindly agreed to play) sends his in.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Just received the first turn file, but it appears we have a problem.
In the main game info post on the first page of this thread, it specifically says that LA R'lyeh and LA Ermor are not allowed in this game. But yet LA R'lyeh is clearly one of the nations in the game when you consult 'Pretenders of the World'. Think we need a re-start, and some clarification. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Aw, jeez...
I should've made it explicit in the thread where I was asking for one additional player that Ermor and R'lyeh aren't allowed. Evilhomer (the sub) picked R'lyeh I just restarted the game, but it looks like I need recreate it, meaning everyone will need to upload their pretenders again. Sorry folks. This should be the last thing though - looks like everything else was in order. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Hmm...I've found the problem. The restart has made the Age "Invalid Age". On the admin page it's not registering any pretenders, therefore the 'delete pretender' link is inactive.
Additionally, the restart seems to have reset my admin password. Ok, I'm going to create a new game called Archaean2. Please upload your pretenders to it. And please no-one select Ryleh or Ermor - it seems that once pretenders are sent they cant be deleted. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Ok, the new game "Archaean2" is now up. Please upload your pretenders again - so sorry for all the fuss. As soon as the twelfth pretender is uploaded the game apparently automatically kicks off, but the first turn seems to have a 2 or 3 day hosting period.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
The great Old Man king of Agartha has been resent, though he was muttering the whole time about thinking he had done this before. He was also babbling something about it being a 15 mile trip uphill in the snow.
The Argathan people ask that you kindly ignore his rantings. He hasn't had any cake today. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Haha - poor old man king of Agartha. Might be a bit of deja vu among the pretender gods today... ;)
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Aww, well, wasn't in such a good starting location anyway... *grumble*
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Hey guys, sorry for the hold-up, but I seem to have a problem uploading my pretender. Whenever I send my newlords/ file to pretenders (a) llamaserver (dot) net I get a response telling me that 'SPAM-LOW: Archaean2' doesn't exist
Then it goes on to tell me that Archaean2 does exist and that I can join... I used no mods when I created my pretender (I thought that was the problem at first) I have had no problem uploading in the past. Weird huh? |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
I got the same message 3 times in a row. Keep trying. You will get thru. I did.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Seems weird. I can only think of the obvious things to try: double-check the spelling, try recreating the pretender, maybe send it from a different address?
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Ok, I'll keep at it and see what happens...hopefully we can get our first turn soon. Its strange because there are no obvious mistakes (spelling etc.) but my pretender went in for the last game just fine.
Furthermore, my turns for the other two games I am playing have no problem. Thanks for the tips, we'll see what happens... |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Well, I've tried everything: different email address, new pretenders, sending it several times, sending it in lowercase, carefully checking the spelling. My pretender is indeed from the LAutgart and so on.
I will keep trying but as of now I've gotten 20 or so "game does not exist" messages. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
problem solved: gmail is better the yahoo mail :)
Sorry to make everyone wait |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Today, the Great Old Man King of Agartha woke up from his two week nap to find his immediate view of the river was blocked by some barbarians. He promptly yelled for "those kids to get off his gosh darn lawn!!" before falling back asleep.
The council of public relations of Agartha has no further news to report at this time. |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Ershalim - I have a sneaking feeling that I'm going to very much enjoying playing with you...Keep it coming!
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Ouch James. Sucks when your Awake pretender bites it on turn 4. Bad luck there. I would say I hope it was an immortal pretender but I doubt you would risk one of those on turn 1. My top guess is that it was one of those provinces with hidden air mages that got you.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Seriously! He's been chowing on weak independents for a while, and thought the lizard warriors looked weak. Without given too much pretender design away, he's been, well, difficult for most opposing troops to even attack let alone hit. But I don't think a single lizard had an issue. Cold blooded plus poison I guess... Now I'm recruiting priests like there's no tomorrow... :( Well, live and learn. I'll know not to underestimate lizards from now on...someone is playing C'tis right!? Curse your foul brethren!
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Oh noes. Double ouch. you went and got your pretender cursed by independents to boot! Never attack lizards with your SC god. The Lizard mage will curse you every time. Also, you probably accumulated fatigue because of the swamp you fought in (im guessing here. it could be a forest but more than likely a swamp) The swamp added +2 to your encumberance which will fatigue your god faster. Once past 30+ in fatigue even protection 30 Cyclops will start taking damage.
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Ouch... Yeah I'd noticed that he was cursed and had 4 afflictions. Well, the joys of being a noob!
How do you get rid of afflictions and curses? I recall such a discussion in the strategy thread but can't find it. Guess I have a few turns to figure it out... :( |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
As far as getting rid of the curse, there is no way to do that. If your pretender has good magic paths, use him as a caster/researcher while you figure out a way to heal him :). |
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Yeah, he's a decent researcher...I guess that'll be his role for a while...sigh! Live and learn...
Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders
Faerie Queen, as in Nature 5, Conjuration 8? That's my best bet?! Yikes!
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