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MadFrancis August 19th, 2008 07:19 PM

MadWar - Game On!

Hosted on LlamaServer - PBEM
24 hour turns (quickhost)
Pretenders so far: 12
Max pretenders: 12
Map: Alexander
Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8
Early Age
Score graphs on
Hall of fame size 15
Magic site frequency 50
Renaming is Allowed
All other settings on default

1. MadFrancis/Niefelheim - Submitted
2. konming/Hinnom - Submitted
3. Rytek/Yomi - Submitted
4. Jazzepe/Tir na n'Og - Submitted
5. Digress/Sauromatia - Submitted
6. ID that should not be/Arcoscephale - Submitted
7. anticipatient/Fomoria - Submitted
8. Deadnature/Abysia - Submitted
9. Kheldron/Helheim - Submitted
10. Zeldor/Lanka - Submitted
11. meister_miagi/Atlantis -Submitted
12. Baalz/R'lyeh or Oceania - Submitted

1. Aapeli/Caelum

JimMorrison August 19th, 2008 08:40 PM

Re: Newb EA, Alexander map, 14 players - Recruiting
Damn I'm in too many games already or I'd love to jump in this one, I love Alexander.

Surprised this game isn't full already!

konming August 19th, 2008 09:59 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Recruiting
Hinnom please.

Rytek August 19th, 2008 10:41 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Recruiting
I will try Yomi

MadFrancis August 19th, 2008 11:15 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Recruiting
Alright Rytek, konming, welcome. Only 9 more lucky players to go.

Jazzepi August 19th, 2008 11:48 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Recruiting
I'll take Tir'Naog. Or however you spell it.


Digress August 20th, 2008 12:01 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Recruiting
Sauromatia please - how is it being hosted by the way ?

MadFrancis August 20th, 2008 12:11 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Recruiting
Jazzepi and Digress you're in. Hosted on LlamaServer. PBEM.

Digress August 20th, 2008 12:13 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (7 open) - Recruiting
Sounds good - now to get down to designing yet another suboptimal pretender ...

ID that should not be August 20th, 2008 01:32 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (7 open) - Recruiting
Hello everyone, I've played Dom 3 in solo games for quite a few months and never played a MP game before. A friend just told me a new game is recruiting players here so can I join in? I would like to play Arcoscephale:D

anticipatient August 20th, 2008 02:05 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (6 open) - Recruiting
I'd like Fomoria please.

Deadnature August 20th, 2008 02:16 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (6 open) - Recruiting
put me down for Abysia please

Kheldron August 20th, 2008 04:26 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (4 open) - Recruiting
I'd like to play Hellheim

Kheldron August 20th, 2008 05:32 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
Can you allow renaming please?

ID that should not be August 20th, 2008 07:03 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
As I said I am a newbie and know little about the procedure of PBEM...the game hasn't started yet, right?

Zeldor August 20th, 2008 07:12 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
Crap, I wanted Sauromatia :(

Natpy August 20th, 2008 08:18 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
Can I take Rlyeh?

meister_miagi August 20th, 2008 10:24 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
I'll play Atlantis.

Zeldor August 20th, 2008 11:45 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
Oh, I see also Lanka free, maybe I will give it a try, I should have some free time for a game like that.

Zeldor August 20th, 2008 11:45 AM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
And could we use just Pretender part of Conceptual Balance Mod? The one that makes pretenders much more balanced, but does not change scales, spells or units.

Deadnature August 20th, 2008 12:52 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
I'm fine with either way, but why not just use the whole package? CBM includes worthy heroes. I would like this but if not, no problem.

Aapeli August 20th, 2008 12:53 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
Ill join with Caelum. Never tried that in mp yet.

Zeldor August 20th, 2008 01:02 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting

I'd be even more happy with whole, but I am not game admin and he is the one thatm akes that decision. But adding at least pretender part would be great, we could see some bigger range of pretenders, not just few overpowered ones.

Natpy August 20th, 2008 01:22 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
I will not play with CBM

MadFrancis August 20th, 2008 01:47 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting
Zeldor, sorry. I havn't playede with the CBM yet and have no idea what it changes. I will play around with it though for future games. I can however, change to renaming. That is fine.

Game is full and Ill post it on lamaserver as MadWar. Send in an email with your pretender file attached to (pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net).

MadFrancis August 20th, 2008 01:51 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting

Originally Posted by Aapeli (Post 632672)
Ill join with Caelum. Never tried that in mp yet.

Sorry, we're full. I have you down as an alternate if someone drops out.

Herode August 20th, 2008 01:53 PM

Re: MadWar1 - EA Alexander map, 12 players (3 open) - Recruiting

Originally Posted by ID that should not be (Post 632638)
As I said I am a newbie and know little about the procedure of PBEM...the game hasn't started yet, right?

The game is still waiting for pretenders and right now, the exact number of pretenders that have been sent is : 0 :D

About PBEM and hosting, you should have a glance at the llamaserver FAQ. Most of the clues you need will be found there. You're welcome to ask if you're still missing some details.

Zeldor August 20th, 2008 01:57 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders

You are missing a lot, really take a look :) Especially on pretender part.

MadFrancis August 20th, 2008 02:12 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 632687)

You are missing a lot, really take a look :) Especially on pretender part.

Yeah, so I hear. This is my first MP game though and I wanted to play with what I know best for my first go around. I will start looking into it though.

Zeldor August 20th, 2008 02:15 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
Make sure that starting positions are fair on that map then, it was meant to for more players, so some people may get much more free space than others.

MadFrancis August 20th, 2008 02:22 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 632697)
Make sure that starting positions are fair on that map then, it was meant to for more players, so some people may get much more free space than others.

Okay. I think it's pretty balanced, but I'll go over it again.

MadFrancis August 20th, 2008 02:36 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
If most everyone feels the map could use more players to balance it it out better, we could bump it up to fourteebn players. We already have a thirteenth, we'd just need one more. Or we could just go with thirteen players.

Zeldor August 20th, 2008 02:52 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
I think 12 are fine, I prefer maps with a bit more space, that gives more options and makes everyone be in the game a bit longer :)

konming August 20th, 2008 03:55 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
Llamaserver's having problems with its mail server. So everyone needs not worry about pretenders not showing up.

anticipatient August 20th, 2008 08:38 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
Oh dear lord, Zeldor is playing Lanka >_<

anticipatient August 20th, 2008 08:54 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
CBM is way way way way better than vanilla :) But I will play vanilla if I must =]

anticipatient August 20th, 2008 08:55 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
Honestly, though, CBM is better for newbies, because there are SO many useless spells and summons and units and pretenders you have to avoid with vanilla that can actually be used effectively in CBM. Okay, I have said my piece. :)

MadFrancis August 21st, 2008 04:51 AM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
Niefelheim, Hinnom, Tir na n'Og, Fomoria, Sauromatia
submitted so far ... 7 more to go.

ID that should not be August 21st, 2008 09:51 AM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
OK i've just submitted my pretender file to the server.

Zeldor August 21st, 2008 10:43 AM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
I will finish mine in the evening.

konming August 21st, 2008 11:29 AM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
Alexander map is pretty big for 12 players. 10 land players with 247 land provinces? I think adding two land players will be better, as that brings us to 20 provinces/player, a typical setting for lots of leg rooms. But if recruiting is too much trouble, even 13 players are better than 12.

Zeldor August 21st, 2008 11:35 AM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
I will vote against increasing number of players, I want to see how it works with more space one time.

ano August 21st, 2008 12:59 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
Also, such setting is a pain for water nations as they get less provinces especially taking into account how water is distributed on Alexander. They'll have hard times, believe me.
IMO it is more fair either to have more land nations or only one water nation

konming August 21st, 2008 01:06 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by ano (Post 632929)
Also, such setting is a pain for water nations as they get less provinces especially taking into account how water is distributed on Alexander. They'll have hard times, believe me.
IMO it is more fair either to have more land nations or only one water nation

True. Out of 44 sea provinces, 10 are not connected to main water body, and since EA Oceania is not in play (it can simply crush all other water nations easily and early), I would guess adding 2 players is the wise thing to do. Since we have one on waiting list, and if ano is interested, we shall have our two.

With 12 land players and 2 water players, we have 20.5 province/land player and 17 province(main water part)/water player. Water nations typically get less province/player since they can reasonably expand on land. This map is full of narrow passes. So 20 province is a lot, most people will not find enemy capital within 5 provinces from his capital.

Kheldron August 21st, 2008 03:01 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
That's the third time I try to send my pretender and get no reply whatsoever from llamaserver...?

MadFrancis August 21st, 2008 04:05 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by konming (Post 632933)

Originally Posted by ano (Post 632929)
Also, such setting is a pain for water nations as they get less provinces especially taking into account how water is distributed on Alexander. They'll have hard times, believe me.
IMO it is more fair either to have more land nations or only one water nation

True. Out of 44 sea provinces, 10 are not connected to main water body, and since EA Oceania is not in play (it can simply crush all other water nations easily and early), I would guess adding 2 players is the wise thing to do. Since we have one on waiting list, and if ano is interested, we shall have our two.

With 12 land players and 2 water players, we have 20.5 province/land player and 17 province(main water part)/water player. Water nations typically get less province/player since they can reasonably expand on land. This map is full of narrow passes. So 20 province is a lot, most people will not find enemy capital within 5 provinces from his capital.

This sounds reasonable. I dont mind adding two more. I won't if it will cause people to drop, otherwise I will make room for two more.

MadFrancis August 21st, 2008 04:05 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by Kheldron (Post 632962)
That's the third time I try to send my pretender and get no reply whatsoever from llamaserver...?

weirdness ... anyone else having issues?

MadFrancis August 21st, 2008 04:07 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by ano (Post 632929)
Also, such setting is a pain for water nations as they get less provinces especially taking into account how water is distributed on Alexander. They'll have hard times, believe me.
IMO it is more fair either to have more land nations or only one water nation

You want in? If yes, who might you play if there are no overriding objections from the rest of the group?

Zeldor August 21st, 2008 04:32 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders
Don't count my post as opposition, I'm just happy with current number of players. I will be happy with 1-2 more too.

ano August 21st, 2008 04:53 PM

Re: MadWar - EA Alexander map, 12 players - Submit Pretenders

You want in? If yes, who might you play if there are no overriding objections from the rest of the group?
No, I don't, thanks. I'm pretty busy these days and engaged in two big games.
Just posted an opinion.

And one more thing from the previous experience. If you want to make the game really interesting and balanced and don't want someone to win just because he had ton of space to expand to while some other good players were packed in a mountain range, I'd suggest you to manually distribute the starting locations. Yes, this will require some time to do but in the end you'll get much more fun and less disappointment.
I know that because I already hosted 2 games on this map and second one seems to be much more fair in the sense of starting locations and thus requires more skill than luck to play efficiently.

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