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Omnirizon August 22nd, 2008 01:45 AM

Dominions Rogue
1 Attachment(s)
I'll always update this post's attachment so it is always newest release


Dominions Rogue needs colors!

it would be great help if people could get the color for each nation and post them. Use a design program like Gimp or the Online Color Wheel and get the colors for each nation. Post them in this thread. If you use the color wheel, you will need to take the results and use a hex decoder to find out the color in RGB format.

the Color Wheel (results are in Hex. first two alphanumeric are red, second two green, last two blue. Take this to the Hex to RGB site and get the RGB)

Hex to RGB

Below are the nations, what colors we have, and what we need.


0  -- Arco        EA -- color.new('ARCOS_BLUE', '.', color.ARCOS_BLUE, 0, 208, 200)
1  -- Ermor        EA -- color.new('ERMOR_PURPLE', '.', color.ERMOR_PURPLE, 96, 52, 120)
2  -- Ulm        EA -- color.new('EA_ULM_BLUE', '.', color.EA_ULM_BLUE, 80, 104, 136)
3  -- Mav        EA
4  -- Sauro        EA
5  -- TC        EA
6  --
7  -- Mict        EA
8  -- Aby        EA -- color.new('ABYSIA_RED', '.', color.ABYSIA_RED, 187, 00, 00)
9  -- Caelum        EA
10 -- C'tis        EA -- color.new('EA_CTIS_GREEN', '.', color.EA_CTIS_GREEN, 96, 144, 48)
11 -- Pan        EA
12 -- Agartha        EA
13 -- TNO        EA
14 -- Fomo        EA
15 -- Van        EA
16 -- Hel        EA
17 -- Nief        EA
18 -- Kailasa        EA
19 -- Yomi        EA
20 -- Hinnom        EA
21 -- Atlantis        EA
22 -- R'lyeh        EA
23 --
24 --
25 --
26 -- Oceania        EA
27 -- Arco        MA -- color.new('ARCOS_BLUE', '.', color.ARCOS_BLUE, 0, 208, 200)
28 -- Ermor        MA -- color.new('ERMOR_PURPLE', '.', color.ERMOR_PURPLE, 96, 52, 120)
29 -- Pyth        MA
30 -- Man        MA
31 -- Ulm        MA -- color.new('EA_ULM_BLUE', '.', color.EA_ULM_BLUE, 80, 104, 136)
32 -- Mari        MA
33 -- Mict        MA
34 -- TC        MA
35 -- Mach        MA
36 -- Agartha        MA
37 -- Aby        MA -- color.new('ABYSIA_RED', '.', color.ABYSIA_RED, 187, 00, 00)
38 -- Caelum        MA
39 -- C'tis        MA -- color.new('EA_CTIS_GREEN', '.', color.EA_CTIS_GREEN, 96, 144, 48)
40 -- Pan        MA
41 -- Van        MA
42 -- Jotun        MA
43 -- Bandar        MA
44 -- Shin        MA
45 -- Ashdod        MA
46 -- Atlantis        MA
47 -- R'lyeh        MA
48 -- Oceania        MA
49 -- Arco        LA -- color.new('ARCOS_BLUE', '.', color.ARCOS_BLUE, 0, 208, 200)
50 -- Ermor        LA -- color.new('ERMOR_PURPLE', '.', color.ERMOR_PURPLE, 96, 52, 120)
51 -- Man        LA
52 -- Ulm        LA -- color.new('EA_ULM_BLUE', '.', color.EA_ULM_BLUE, 80, 104, 136)
53 -- Mari        LA
54 -- Mict        LA
55 -- TC        LA
56 -- Jomon        LA
57 -- Agartha        LA
58 -- Aby        LA -- color.new('ABYSIA_RED', '.', color.ABYSIA_RED, 187, 00, 00)
59 -- Caelum        LA
60 -- C'tis        LA -- color.new('EA_CTIS_GREEN', '.', color.EA_CTIS_GREEN, 96, 144, 48)
61 -- Pan        LA
62 -- Mid        LA
63 -- Utgard        LA
64 -- Patala        LA
65 -- Gath        LA
66 -- Atlantis        LA
67 -- R'Lyeh        LA
68 -- Lanka        EA
69 -- Eriu        MA
70 -- Pyth        LA

To play, download the attachment from this post, and place it in the modules folder of the T-Engine. T-Engine can be got from the ToME/T-Engine website below.


DonCorazon August 22nd, 2008 02:51 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Are you using Tome 2.3.5 or 2.3.6? I am trying to track down where and what to download on the tome.net forums. I may be blind but its not jumping out what exactly to download. Thanks, I am looking forward to checking this out.

Omnirizon August 22nd, 2008 02:55 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
you need tome 3.0.0

this is confusing, because this is the newest iteration of tome, yet 2.x.x is still updated (in fact, on the site i think it is the most recently updated item)

this link should take you to it

WraithLord August 22nd, 2008 04:58 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
This is something I've been fantasizing of for a long time. Sounds really exciting :D

Now, to check it out.

Thanks for making this.

WraithLord August 22nd, 2008 05:00 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Can you please tell how do I make this run?

DigitalSin August 22nd, 2008 05:30 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
*shudders in anticipation*
Now, between Dominions 3, Dwarf Fortress and Dominions Rogue, I'm almost definitely going to fail year 11. Thanks!

DonCorazon August 22nd, 2008 10:15 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 633153)
Can you please tell how do I make this run?

For Windows, I downloaded the attached, which I found through Omni's link - it seems to be the latest version of tome. Then I saved his attachment (just the Windows version) called Dominions into the game/modules sub-directory of tome.

I was slain in 30 seconds by a longdead...

Omnirizon August 22nd, 2008 10:41 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
wraith lord:

i'm not sure what your exact problem is, can you be more specific?
also, I don't know what the folder structure of tome 3 looks like on PC, so I may not be much help there.

1. make sure you have TOME 3, get it from the link i posted above.
2. find the modules folder, you may have to run the executable once, so it makes one
3. place the unzipped dominions file in the modules folder; alternatively, change the extension on the zipped file to .team

also note, you can install modules by running the game, and selecting install modules. however for me, it never places them in the correct location, and I have to do it manually. so maybe to keep things simple just try getting the file I attached to this post and installing it manually.

Omnirizon August 22nd, 2008 10:44 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue

Originally Posted by DonCorazon (Post 633187)

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 633153)
Can you please tell how do I make this run?

For Windows, I downloaded the attached, which I found through Omni's link - it seems to be the latest version of tome. Then I saved his attachment (just the Windows version) called Dominions into the game/modules sub-directory of tome.

I was slain in 30 seconds by a longdead...

har har

yeah. the game is pretty hard, given the dominions combat mechanics.

but just imagine how it will be once you can kit yourself out like a thug or SC...

krpeters August 22nd, 2008 12:11 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Isn't this redundant? Dominions already is a roguelike!

(If you've ever had your fonts spaz out on you while playing dominions, you know what I'm talking about -- the troop sprites are put on the screen by text functions!)

Kristoffer O August 22nd, 2008 12:55 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Of course it is not redundant. Now you can manually control your battles :)

Edit: ANd your supercombattant will never flee (unless Omni has included a rout mechanic)

Omnirizon August 22nd, 2008 03:23 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue

Originally Posted by Kristoffer O (Post 633222)
Of course it is not redundant. Now you can manually control your battles :)

Edit: ANd your supercombattant will never flee (unless Omni has included a rout mechanic)

that's lined up for future releases


WraithLord August 22nd, 2008 03:33 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Thank you for the helpful instructions. Got it to work :)

*Very* nice.

chrispedersen August 22nd, 2008 03:46 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
I am WAY impressed!
I am never ceasing to be amazed by the skill levels here.

Kristoffer O August 22nd, 2008 03:55 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Hmm, something is not working properly. More specifically my vista or winzip or something. I can't unzip the dominions.zip file. It complains over encryption and stuff. Anyone got a clue?

Kristoffer O August 22nd, 2008 04:07 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Hmm, I was stupid.

Now i encounter an eror when installing the module. Error in lua_call while calling 'select_module_scren' from call_lua

Omnirizon August 22nd, 2008 05:48 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue

are you trying to install the module using the option from inside the game?
I think it is option "'c' - install module".

if this is the case, then what you are doing is downloading the module from tome's website, where I uploaded it. if you've taken the file from this post, then you already have that file. i got the same error you are getting when i tried to 'test download' the file from tome's site. i think it occurs because the file being downloaded already exists on the computer; but that's just a guess.

all you should have to do is take the file from this post, and unzip it to the games/modules/ subdirectory.

you could also try just removing the zip file from this post from your computer, and THEN try downloading the module from tome's site, via the ingame feature. but for me that option always placed the module in the wrong place on my computer (probably because i'm on a mac).

Omnirizon August 22nd, 2008 07:20 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
1 Attachment(s)
newest release.

nothing special here unless you are interested in the code.

i've cleaned up monster code BIG time, and now it is working properly. before, they were doing way too much damage due to some modifiers to damage that were hiding somewhere, left-over from the way tome/angband or whatever used to calculate damage.

tome is a study in obsfucation and superfluity. I've removed tons of useless crap that served no purpose but to make the code difficult to read (for example, assigning a value to a variable, then assigning that variable to anther variable, and that to another variable, when the original value could have simply been called by its own name all along. or calculating damage inside of a function outside of the original function and then not commenting that this is where damage is calculated. this is why the monsters were doing so much damage)

so if you were dying too easily, that's why :p

notice that this attachment is actually smaller than the last, this is where I removed all that useless crap from the monster combat code.

chrispedersen August 22nd, 2008 07:44 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
well.. I killed a few l's ... got a few levels.. but there is no way I'm beating that necromancer...

Omnirizon August 22nd, 2008 10:26 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
levels don't do anything yet because it is still being decided what they should do.

try using a white_vanara and spamming starfires on him, then running from his summoned longdead.

note that the two effects of starfires does happen, but multitarget isn't working yet, so they both must target the same unit.

Kristoffer O August 23rd, 2008 08:52 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Is it at all possible to hit anything with melee weapons? THe bow works wonders until your ammo is out. Then you're toast :)

How do cast starfires?

Omnirizon August 23rd, 2008 12:28 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
yeah. i think i'll just give the bow infinite ammo for now, just for fun.

to cast starfires you have to go:
'G' to increase skills
set Astral Magic to 'known'
'm' for magic

and then select the spell, it is the only one so it should be 'a'

you also have to be the White_One, since they are the only available race with Astral right now.

Kristoffer O August 23rd, 2008 12:36 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Evidently you die when your fat reaches 200 :)

Omnirizon August 23rd, 2008 05:10 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
1 Attachment(s)
the newest release, and this is worth downloading.

monster code cleaned up even more and monster missile weapon capability added!

archer code cleaned up and HUGELY simplified. found a new function that simply returns coordinates (rather than direction) so the coordinates that the missiles strike at can be computed directly from this. I can't believe how overcomplex the original angband code was, it's just stupid. this new function doesn't have the colored line of site or memory added yet, so it isn't as easy to use, but mechanically it is tons better; i will add this perks soon.

I allowed all existing monsters in the starting area and added a 'markata' monster with a bow. be careful, the will o wisps will kill you! do you know how you should fite them?

i gave the bandar 231 hp and the bow 999 ammo, so you can kill that necro now :D

next up to be added is multi-target and monster fatigue

you may need to delete the old save files for this new version to work. go into tome/3.0/ and remove the dominions folder.

this is not coding, just filling in names and stats of monsters and stuff

making a map is as easy as building it in ascii in a text file. you don't have to fill in the whole map, just some areas to walk, a random generator can fill in the rest. so a deep forest town would just be some walking paths connecting the buildings, and a random generator would fill in the trees or whatever types of terrain you want randomly generated. look at the 'battlefield' map i've used for a starting area to get the idea (dominions/data/maps)

quantum_mechani August 23rd, 2008 08:16 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue

Originally Posted by Omnirizon (Post 633510)
t be careful, the will o wisps will kill you! do you know how you should fite them?

In theory they should be very vulnerable to bows since defense shouldn't help.

Omnirizon August 24th, 2008 10:24 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
- the autotargeter is back, so missile fire is much more fun
- final bugs in monster missile combat fixed
- monster fatigue added

a BUNCH of random names added, thanks to quantum mechanic.

Omnirizon August 28th, 2008 11:25 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
there havn't been updates because i'm writing a program that will read Edi's database and then write EACH AND EVERY SINGEL UNIT AND ITEM INTO THE DOMINIONS ROGUE GAME. (With Edi's permission of course)

the program is almost finished, it reads the database, and rewrites each unit and item into the template needed to be added to dominions rogue, then uses these to write the monster and item data files that Dominions Rogue reads all its monsters and items from.

currently, I am writing algorithms in this program that it uses to assign a symbol to each entry. For example, if a unit has (17 > protection > 12) it might get a symbol of 'I' which would be the symbol for 'heavy Infantry'. The unit works its way through the algorithms until it has a final symbol. So it might start of as an 'I', but later on it turns out the unit also has flying, so it gets a symbol of 'V', the symbol for 'flying heavy infantry', or something.

these unit qualities will determine what symbol a unit is, but since there are so many very similar units, there will be lots of i's and I's and A's and K's all representing many different types of units running around. Fortunately, Edi's DB has a page identifying which units belong to which nation, which can actually be searched by my program to match units with units in a particular nations armies, and then see which nation that unit belongs to. With this information, each unit can be given a color based on its nation, along with a symbol.

The next step then is to differentiate each symbol with a color identifying its nation. For example, Abysian units might be R182 G000 B000 (a dark red). This is easy enough, but I need the colors. While it I thoroughly enjoy playing with the online color wheel, I also have LOTS of other work to do for graduate school. It would be infinitely helpful if people could pick colors for a couple of nations and then list then list the color in this thread in this format:


color.new('ABYSIAN_RED', '.', color.ABYSIAN_RED, 187, 00, 00)
where the first digit is red, the second green, the third blue. I can simply c'n'p this into the dom rogue's color file.

use the following pages to do this. click around the color wheel until you have a color you are happy with for the nation you are thinking of. it lists the color in hexcode format (the first two digits are red, the second green, ect). You will need to take that hex code to another page to find out the RGB color entry.

the color wheel

the color hex code decoder

your helps are greatly appreciated!!!

Ballbarian August 28th, 2008 11:57 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue

color.new('ARCOS_BLUE', '.', color.ARCOS_BLUE, 0, 208, 200)
color.new('ERMOR_PURPLE', '.', color.ERMOR_PURPLE, 96, 52, 120)
color.new('EA_ULM_BLUE', '.', color.EA_ULM_BLUE, 80, 104, 136)
color.new('EA_CTIS_GREEN', '.', color.EA_CTIS_GREEN, 96, 144, 48)

I just loaded some of the flags from EricM's extracted flag graphics package into GIMP and selected a color from the graphic, then retrieved it's RGB code via the color dialog to obtain these. Hope it helps. I would do some more, but it is getting late here. (Great job so far Omni!)

Edi August 29th, 2008 01:57 AM

Re: Dominions Rogue
Omni, you certainly have my permission to use the DB for that purpose. Just a word of warning on the 3.17 version: The unit display page has an incorrect defense formula, so the values are off. I have corrected that for the 3.20 version. I'll be posting that one later today.

Omnirizon August 29th, 2008 03:24 PM

Re: Dominions Rogue
See first post for Dominion's colors; what we have and what we need; and how you can help!

Thanks both of you! Edi, your database is basically going to make Dom Rogue the biggest roguelike on the internets! 2000+ units/monsters in a roguelike has to be some kind of record!!!

on Ulm and C'tis, is there difference in color between the different ages? I was thinking no, and was just going to use the same color for one nation in all ages.

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