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-   -   Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40529)

Bananadine September 11th, 2008 11:26 AM

Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
You may have noticed that I already have a "game for busy people" going. Why would a busy person want to be in two games? Well variety is important--I would rather be in two slow games than one relatively fast game, unless my nation in the fast game happens to be playing an extraordinarily interesting role. So, since I'm currently getting knocked out of Aquarium, here's another new slow game from me. :)

In this one I am going to try setting the turn delay to slightly over three days, and leaving it there forever. Science demands that we attempt these things!

Other settings: A large, wrapping map, no graphs, and... the Conceptual Balance Mod. I cannot stand doing anything in the normal way. :)

Who is with me?


Agartha - Ephraim
Atlantis - Caerun
Caelum - Pelthin
Ermor - yandav
Fomoria - Gregstrom
Hinnom - Bananadine
Kailasa - Alneyan
Lanka - Hoplosternum
Mictlan - Reverend Zombie
Pangaea - BesucherXia
R'lyeh - charshep
Sauromatia - slayers_ai

Pelthin September 11th, 2008 11:37 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
I'm game. A nice slow game would be awesome.

Bananadine September 11th, 2008 11:39 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
Okay well pick your nation! (I am even now picking mine.)

Saarud September 11th, 2008 12:10 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
This is just what I've been waiting for. I would love to join and if it is ok I'd like to play as Kailasa.

Bananadine September 11th, 2008 12:10 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
I'm gonna need Hinnom it turns out.

Hoplosternum September 11th, 2008 02:48 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
I would like to try Lanka please :)

Pelthin September 11th, 2008 03:02 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
How about Caelum, for a change of pace.

Caerun September 11th, 2008 03:12 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
Would like to join in, preferably as Atlantis.

For the record, though, I've not played an MP game of Dominions since Dom1 so I'll probably suck. A lot.

If that's ok, however, sign me up. :)

Ephraim September 11th, 2008 03:36 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
I'd like to try Agartha.

Guess that means I'll be sharing 2 games with the top banana, since I'm in Mistletoe as well.

BesucherXia September 11th, 2008 05:03 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
I'd like to give pangaea a try.

Gregstrom September 11th, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
Put me down for Fomoria, please.
Oh, btw: I'm running a couple of games with 4-day turns myself. It works quite nicely.

Reverend Zombie September 12th, 2008 01:04 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
Mictlan, please.

Reverend Zombie September 12th, 2008 10:19 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
Are we using CBM 1.3?

Bananadine September 12th, 2008 10:29 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
I don't know. I have only gone so far as to cavalierly decide to use the mod at all; I don't know anything about different versions of it. Is there a choice?

charshep September 13th, 2008 01:30 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
I love the idea of a slow game. Rlyeh please if there's still room.

Hoplosternum September 13th, 2008 04:18 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
Well my vote would be for CBM 1.3

It is the CBM mod now. It does remove the greater magic scale difference of 1.21 back to the normal game version but it balances some of the other scales.

The changes made were made after feedback from the earlier CBM versions and further experience of how the mod played and mp in general by the developers

Apart from that CBM 1.3 has the changes the developers of the mod wanted. To play any other CBM seems a little odd. It would be like playing the game but with the 3.10 patch. It would play but why deliberately choose something with less development in it unless you have some particular reason to do so?

BesucherXia September 13th, 2008 05:06 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
I have never used CBM before but would still enjoy it since I found almost every changes regading my races very helpful.
Yet if you were going to replace it with original version, I think it ok.

So I will keep neutral.

slayers_ai September 13th, 2008 06:47 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
count me in, Sauromatia, thanks:D

Bananadine September 13th, 2008 08:52 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)

Originally Posted by Hoplosternum (Post 638100)
Apart from that CBM 1.3 has the changes the developers of the mod wanted. To play any other CBM seems a little odd. It would be like playing the game but with the 3.10 patch. It would play but why deliberately choose something with less development in it unless you have some particular reason to do so?

I don't know! That is generally my thought about any sort of software--use the latest version unless there is some very special reason not to. You're heading me off from taking a path that I did not know existed. :) Can I assume there is some kind of controversy about which version of CBM is best? Well I guess that makes sense; the nature of CBM is to express one group's solution to the problem of imbalance in the unmodified game, which is itself another group's idea of sufficient balance. It is inherently controversial.

Anyway yeah we'll use the latest one.

Wow, there are a lot of smilies in this editor.


yandav September 13th, 2008 10:34 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
I'd like to try ermor.

Hoplosternum September 13th, 2008 02:40 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
Well as far as I understand some of the earlier versions had more extensive changes.

Specifically the magic scale used to be +/- 1 per point so +3 for Magic 3. And some of the items and spells were made more difficult to get/cast e.g. Dwarven Hammers and I think some of the Gem generators.

These 'radical' changes were largely removed for 1.3 leaving the mod as mostly tweaks. But nearly all IMHO for the better.

Basically it makes scales you rarely pick (Luck, Production etc.) better. The Pretenders not usually picked (none Cyclops Titan types, Rainbows, many of the unloved 'nationals' etc.) better and so more viable. The battlefield spells you never caste because they are too expensive or inaccurate better. The Summons nobody uses (Drakes, Wyverns etc.) cheaper or for Leader types etc. Many of the magic items that are rarely used are made cheaper or forgeable earlier.

It also tweaks a few costs especially of Cavalry which is less Resource heavy and boosts the hoof attacks in many cases so they actually become quite useful. And Archers in general are slightly worse.

So the game with CBM1.3 won't be radically different, but the none optimal spell options/ pretenders/ troops etc are better and therefore the picks people make are likely to be more varied. It is therefore actually better for beginners as it 'softens' the less optimal picks.

Bananadine September 13th, 2008 04:32 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (recruiting)
Hmm well I am sick of Wyrms and Fire Brands or whatever they're called so that all sounds good to me. Do people really shy away from those cheap human-type pretenders? They seem pretty good to me already. I had a Freak Lord in Aquarium that was a terrible killer of men, despite his low hit point count and eventual plethora of crippling injuries. Anyway it'll be interesting to maybe see a few sea dogs for once!

I plan to start the game tonight sometime.

Bananadine September 13th, 2008 10:07 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go
1 Attachment(s)
Here is the map. If you see major problems in it, please tell me. If you are troubled by minor quirks in it, please ask the Dominions 3 developers to allow automatic generation of wrapping maps. :)

Bananadine September 13th, 2008 11:54 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go
I'm having some troubles getting the map onto LlamaServer, but anyhow you can still start making your pretenders. Note that you'll need CBM installed in order to do that, since the mod affects pretender forms. You can find it here: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...98&postcount=1

Bananadine September 14th, 2008 12:56 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go
Okay I can't get the map up on LlamaServer (I'm using a modem and it keeps timing out). Can somebody do it for me? You just have to go here: http://www.llamaserver.net/uploadMap.cgi
and do what it says--upload the .map file, and then the .tga file, and then I guess you'll probably have to provide a description or something, I forget how it works but there's not much to it. Here, say this: This is a randomly created map, updated mostly trivially so that it wraps. It has 258 provinces and is 1400 x 1400 pixels large.

ALSO you have to tell it what post has the map attached. You can just follow the instructions the site gives you, it's easy. But anyway I think the ID it wants is this: 638215

If you decide to upload the map, please announce in the thread that you're doing it so that only one person actually tries it.

Thanks for any help. :(

Hoplosternum September 14th, 2008 04:19 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go
I have tried but when I upload the .tga file I get this message:

Received file does not appear to be a valid image file. Please check you used the correct file and try again.

So I'm afraid I'm stuck.... You may want to contact Llama. Or if you are not completely wedded to the map pick another? The map appears to be a standard wrap around random. There are a number of them about the same size already on Llama. But of course you will then lose all the work you spent making the map.

PS. I think I am doing the uploading correct. The .map file works then when I upload the image (the .tga) it uploads but I get that error message.

Hoplosternum September 14th, 2008 04:38 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go
I am sure someone else or Llamabeast himself will be able to help get the map uploaded. But if you decide to go for an alternative here are some choices already on LlamaServer.

Your map:

Sovarinthy: 233 land + 26 Sea (Wrap)


Alexander 247 Land + 43 Sea (Wrap). There are two water nations so extra sea is not bad perhaps?
Mistletoe 222 Land + 30 Sea (Wrap). A new 'random' set up for a game a week or two ago with very similar dimentions to yours.

None Wraps:

Glory of God Multiplayer: 227 land + 47 Sea. Very popular map.
AomOrc 3.01: 227 land + 32 Sea. If you like unusual graphic maps!

Orania has perhaps too little sea (just 20) but is a commonly used wrap about the same size. Or you could squeeze us all in to Cradle :)

Saarud September 14th, 2008 07:43 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go
Ok so we are using CBM 1.3, right?

Worthy heroes is also a good mod that would be fun to include.

Hoplosternum September 14th, 2008 07:44 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go
CBM 1.3 includes Worthy Heroes :)

Bananadine September 14th, 2008 08:52 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go
Thanks for the attempt Hoplosternum. My map isn't that great, so I'll accept this as a training effort (I learned a few more things about how not to make random wrapping maps!) and use one of the maps you suggest. (I'll also send a message to llamabeast so he knows there's some kind of problem, but that need not delay this game.)

Anyway I like the looks of Alexander. Here's the link to that one: http://dom3maps.wikidot.com/system:alexander
Sorry for the confusion people!

Also, does anybody know what the logic is for whether you can edit a post? I seem to be able to edit some posts and not others, and I don't understand why. But in the meantime: HEY EVERYBODY PLEASE IGNORE THE MAP I UPLOADED AND USE ALEXANDER INSTEAD: http://dom3maps.wikidot.com/system:alexander

Bananadine September 14th, 2008 09:12 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go
The game is up. Enable your CBM and send your gods!

Gregstrom September 14th, 2008 02:10 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
I am somewhat busy at the moment,and don't think I'll be able to get a god in for 24 hours or so. Sorry, all.

charshep September 15th, 2008 02:07 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
R'lyeh pretender sent.

Bananadine September 15th, 2008 01:02 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Hmm LlamaServer is taking its time accepting my pretender.

Bananadine September 15th, 2008 04:04 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Hm okay I sent it again but it's still not accepting it. Also it does not seem to be updating consistently.

charshep September 15th, 2008 08:08 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Hmm, didn't seem to accept mine either. Anyone know what's going on?

Bananadine September 15th, 2008 10:32 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
It looks like the server is down for the moment. Most likely sunspots.

Bananadine September 16th, 2008 08:00 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Oh apparently it is actually a hurricane (I was close).


Pelthin September 16th, 2008 11:35 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Sent. Not sure if Llamaserver is up. :)

Pelthin September 16th, 2008 09:11 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Doesn't look like the server is getting my email.

I will let you all know when it accepts the email message.


Bananadine September 16th, 2008 09:28 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
I wanted to play Dominions 3 today (I am not always busy!) and because LlamaServer was down I started a small game against three impossible-level AI's. Then I did pretty well for a long time, and came close to the point where I could maybe stop defending and start conquering, and then one of them busted through my defense, probably never to be pushed back again, so I immediately gave up. Three hours gone! SAVE US LLAMABEAST

Gregstrom September 17th, 2008 07:12 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
I think he's on holiday until the 20th...

llamabeast September 19th, 2008 05:42 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Things should be working again now. Are they not?

Note that I've only just this minute got back, so I've not got to grips with things again yet. But I'm not yet aware of any remaining problems.

llamabeast September 19th, 2008 06:25 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Aaahhh, rubbish, the server's exploded. See my "Server 'sploded" thread. Hopefully I'll have it all back online in the next day or two, sorry for the delay guys.

Bananadine September 19th, 2008 09:14 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
I played another single-player game, this time with a large map but only one opponent. I picked Abysia (EA) and naturally was pitted against R'lyeh. So I held off the slave troopers for years and years and slowly built a ludicrous thing: the level 5 Abysian water mage. Then I cast the requisite spell and sent my Burning Ones underwater where they very very slowly mowed down the enemy. And I won!

Bananadine September 21st, 2008 11:19 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Hmm LlamaServer appears to have taken my pretender without telling me via e-mail that it did so. Well I guess that's okay.

Hoplosternum September 21st, 2008 12:12 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
I am trying to change my Pretender. But I get no confirmation so who knows what I will end up with :) It's good to have Llamabeast back :)

Bananadine September 21st, 2008 01:41 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
I would assume it accepted your new one, given what it did for me... but the site appears to allow me to delete pretenders, so I could delete yours and let you resend it if you want to be sure. (I've never used that function but it probably works as one would expect.) Otherwise yeah you'll just be surprised. :)

Hoplosternum September 21st, 2008 02:11 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Hi Bananadine - please delete my Pretender and I'll resend. Thanks :)

Bananadine September 21st, 2008 02:21 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (accepting gods)
Ok _

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