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Kickabout - Game Started.
I'm looking to start a game for players who don't feel up to playing a no holds barred veteran game. Maybe you've never played before, or you've played a few games but are still uncertain as to exactly what was going on. In the interest of full disclosure, this will be the second game I've administrated and the third I've played in, I had to drop my previous games when home improvment projects got over enthusiastic, but both games are still running, so dont worry about games disappearing (Also I see nothing in the next year which could possibley shoe horn me out of my basement and away from Dom3) Details: Server: LlamaServer (automated play-by-email) Hosting interval: 24 hours moving to 48 hours in later stages. Age: Early Graphs: On Settings: Default Mods: None Map: Cradle of Dominions Players: 10-12 10 to 12 Players Please and I bags Marverni: 1: Marverni - RadioGibbon 2: C'tis - James243 3: Ulm - Corey2h 4: Sauromatia - Isokron 5: Nifelheim - Majuva68 6: Arcosephale - Caerun 7: Caelum - Aftershave 8: Mictlan - Juffos 9: Agartha - Quitti 10: Hinnom - Bwaha 11: Abysia - Deadnature 12: Atlantis - Iron Duke |
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
Sounds fun - good to see you again RadioGibbon - and thanks for running this!
Love to try my hand at EA C'tis! I think this'll be my 4th or 5th game for the record so I still don't have much of a clue. PS: I was in one of RadioGibbon's earlier games and it ran great (unlike my strategy unfortunately... :( ) |
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
hello again :)
I'll play Ulm. |
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
I would be interested in playing Sauromantia. (would be my second mp game)
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
Niefelheim for me ,please
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
Wouldn't mind trying Arcoscephale. This'd be my second MP game, though technically the first one hasn't started yet. :)
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
Caelum for me, also this is my first game online
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
I would like to play Mictlan.
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
Agartha for me, please
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
Hinnom for me, heh:D:cheers:
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
I'll try my hand at Abysia again :)
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
If there's still an opening, I'll take atlantis.
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
Kailasa for me, eh?
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
We have thirteen now so unless we move to a bigger map we are full.
Just have to wait for RadioGibbon to log back in. |
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
Ouch... arrived late! :(
Re: Kickabout - recruiting rookies now.
OK, as coreyh2 has kindly pointed out thats 12, which is enough for this map.
Sorry Boronx and Tifone, of your eager to get involved in a game the best reccomendation I can give you is to start your own games up. Its pretty straightforward, and as you've seen, they fill up quickly. Cheers. |
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Hi, problem fixed, game on.:D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Nifelheim and Sauromatia are together, Can we restart?. The start position sucks. Llama can change the start position to fair play.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Do you mean your actually neighbours with each other's starting province? I suppose that could be justification for a restart.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Cradle of Dominions says its for 8-10 players. Maybe we should use Dawn of Dominions? It says its for 12. Doesn't sound balanced though. I'm not an expert on maps.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
1 province between us. And I have a SC, Sauromatia is death
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Well, I could care less about my position as well. Yuch. I will play on if you want to. :D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Sauromatia, Do you want a NAP-3?. Our war is bad to all
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
I think I will just turn myself over to AI not much to do after having your dragolich drop down on my capital turn3.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Isokron;What can we do?, I don't want war
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Well parking your SC pretender on top of my capital was probably not the best way to express your peaceful intentions. But I think with these starting positions war was probably inevitable anyway.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
I retreat. I go south.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Ok a 3 turn nap with each side keeping to his side of the river then ?
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
No you attack me.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Wow this is strange, majuva68 are you asking to be attacked? That is the way your post reads.:D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Are we sure that settings are at default? It's been 8 turns and there hasn't been a single random event on my side. Coincidence?
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Yup, I have luck 3, turmoil 1, and have gotten rewarded for it.:D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
I've had a random event too.
One of my highly paid, superbly skilled researchers decided rummaging in a Badgers Den was a profitable use of his time... What I want to know is how many Badgers Dens are searched that I don't hear about, and would there be any profit in a Badger Farm? |
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Isokron,Do you see your private messages?
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Bump, Thats funny. Guess we won't have to worry about c'tis for a while. MMMM hobbits, a tasty but low calorie snack.:D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Bogus is visiting the abysians. On their capitol I think. Bogus gave my scout tea and crumpets. Quite a nice fella.:D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Aftershave, I suggest you check your mail and respond. Otherwise I will assume that a state of war exists from right now. Nap-3?
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Interesting how sauromatia controls 24 nations after getting smacked by niefel pretender first turn. He must be regretting pulling back from his capitol by now :D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
To the subjects of calem. Rejoice for the Sons of Heaven are coming for DINNER. Rejoice for We will teach the sacred rite of LUNCH. Rejoice for there will be a BREAKing of the FAST.:D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Let the barbecue begin. Where's the Mammoths? We're HUNGRY...:D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
A little announcement from the priestesses, old dudes and weirdo mystics of Arcoscephale.
Due to the unsolicited, unjustified and unannounced aggression from our Abysian neighbours, a state of war between our two peoples is now in effect. Also, because of the aforementioned facts, the only way this war will come to an end is when the entire nation of Abysia is wiped off the face of the known world. That is all. Thank you for your attention. Peace out. |
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Arrgh, Not only did I stale, I staled on a disease province. Boy these pain meds are making me quite fuzzy. I wrenched my back and was in great pain. :hurt: Then Tifone made me laugth in another game. But I'm on the rebound, and soon I will be back to speed. :D
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
unsolicited, unjustified and unannounced? I'm really sorry that I didn't ask you if you wanted me to attack, and I'm also sorry that I didn't announce the obvious, and I should have cooked up some reason to attack you other than doubling my gem income and gobbling up an easy target. :) Speaking of easy targets: the Burning Empire would like to announce that the formal partition of Arcoscephale has begun. Any of Arcoscephale's neighbors who like gems should consider attacking now while the time is ripe. - The Burning Empire |
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Gotta admit, I'm not used to my opponents making my points for me. Then again, I'm new to this whole MP thing, so.. Aaanyway, I've barely bothered to search for magic sites, and I have a tendency to over-PD my provinces. On the other hand, Abysia has some nice 5-10 -PD lands all over the place. How do I know? /points to his priestesses Oh, and easy targets? This war will cost you more than it costs me. Peace out. |
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Actually, most of my lands have like one point PD, but don't worry I have NAP3s with all of my neighbors...except you of course.
I think you missed my point though, we had no diplomatic contact at all, so you should have assumed I would attack you, instead of letting it happen and crying fowl. In terms of price? This war has already payed off nicely, that one province I took from you netted me 7 gems per turn from several different paths. I think you have indeed been site-searching. I'm new to mp too, having only finished one game so far but I know a juicy target when I see one. No hard feelings though, I'm playing another game where the same thing happened to me: I had a huge gem income but not that many provinces. So what happened? I got rushed by my neighbors. :) |
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Anyhow, we'll see who comes out of this alive. :) |
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
The council of Basalt Kings & Queens decided that the ancient Atlantian Civilization shall war with treacherous Nation of Ulm, who invaded atlantian territory and slaughtered the local defences ruthlessly. That was an act they'll come to regret, and soon. The war will end when forges of ulm are razed and their "pretending" god is banished from the realms.
Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Perhaps its a bit early for this, but to any nation who can forge earth boots, now or in the future, Abysia will trade handsomely for them.
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