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-   -   Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40681)

Boronx September 29th, 2008 06:17 AM

Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
This game is running! Good luck.

llamaserver faq: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35160

Greenrow info page on llamaserver: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Greenrow

put Greenrow as the subject.

style: PBEM
server: llamaserver.net
Map: Dawn of Dominions
Age: Early
Turns: 72 hours

Noobs only please!

All other settings default.

No mods.

12 players. This map has set nations (and from the description is unbalanced).

EASY NATIONS (according to description)
Ermor: Klepto
Sauromatia: GrudgeBringer
Oceania: Ossa
Vanheim: Fakeymcfake

C'tis: licker
Helheim: Boronx
Kailasa: Psycho
Agartha: Fickle

Arcoscephale: Skirmisher
Marverni: Pelthin
Ulm: Tifone

Caelum: Solmyr

Ossa September 29th, 2008 07:27 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace OPEN
I'd go for Oceania!

solmyr September 29th, 2008 07:48 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace OPEN
I'll try Caelum.

licker September 29th, 2008 11:45 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace... 9 spots OPEN
I'd like the lizards of C'tis please

Psycho September 29th, 2008 12:46 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace... 8 spots OPEN
I've finished 2 games so far and play 2 more at the moment. I've also been a temporary sub (10-15 turns) in another 4-5 games. If this level of experience is acceptable to you I would like Kailasa.

Pelthin September 29th, 2008 01:47 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace... 7 spots OPEN
I am kind of new, I have played in a few games and lost badly. :)

I would like Marverni if that is okay.


GrudgeBringer September 29th, 2008 02:07 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace... 7 spots OPEN
I am in 2 games and have played 3 others (1 I lost in a record 19 turns...sigh)

But I will take Sauromantia if this is acceptable

If someone REALLY REALLY wants Sauro I MIGHT take Argatha but prefer Sauro

Fakeymcfake September 29th, 2008 04:26 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace... 5 spots OPEN
I'll give Van a try if it's alright.

Klepto September 29th, 2008 06:14 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace... 4 spots OPEN
Ermor please. This will be my 1st game against real people so I need all the easy I can get :)

Fickle September 29th, 2008 08:32 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace... 3 spots OPEN
Agartha please.

Skirmisher September 29th, 2008 08:44 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace... 3 spots OPEN
Arcoscephale please.

Tifone September 30th, 2008 02:45 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace... 1 spot OPEN
Is ok if I take Ulm, please? (I asked for Fomoria but realized later it wasn't included ^^) Thanx for setting up the game ;) My first game btw

Boronx September 30th, 2008 03:21 AM

Game Full
My first game, too.

The game is full, you can create your pretenders and email them to pretenders@llamaserver.net

See http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35160 for the details about sending in pretenders, playing a turn and any other llamaserver stuff.

The game should start when everyone has sent their pretender fils. It will start with the default time limits. I think only at that point can I get in and change the turn time limit to 72 hours.

solmyr September 30th, 2008 03:58 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game is UP, send in pretenders
ok, I'm in.

Klepto September 30th, 2008 05:37 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game is UP, send in pretenders
Good luck everyone!

licker September 30th, 2008 09:37 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game is UP, send in pretenders
I'll get my pretender in tonight.

Tifone September 30th, 2008 12:14 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game is UP, send in pretenders
Pretender sent. Looking forward to meet ya all there soon :hammer: :p
For communicating with Ulm (me), feel free to PM me whenever you want (it's ok even to use in-game messages but they arrive with 1 turn delay as you prolly know); if you want my Win Live Messenger address for fast messages PM me. ;)

Peace (?), GL HF :D

GrudgeBringer September 30th, 2008 02:42 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game is UP, send in pretenders
OK will have mine in tonight..........Gooooooooooo Saurooo

Fakeymcfake September 30th, 2008 09:19 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game is UP, send in pretenders
Just sent mine off, looking forwards to playing with you fine people. Since I appear to be the last, lets get to it.

licker September 30th, 2008 09:41 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game is UP, send in pretenders
Yeah, looking good so far...

Beware the lizards ;)

solmyr September 30th, 2008 09:59 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game is UP, send in pretenders
So it starts:) GL

||Eagle Lord of High Caelum is looking for skilled blacksmith nation to partner with. We offer you both peace and gems.:p

Tifone October 1st, 2008 02:59 PM

As I see I was almost the last one to send the first turn, I just wanted to inform that I'll be able to send my turns everyday, but due to my university duties, only around 19.00-21.00 hour GMT.
Best wishes, I hope we'll all have good fun ;)

Boronx October 1st, 2008 08:50 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
No sweat. This game is made for people who can't play every day. I've got free time this week, but next week, who knows? I might have trouble getting two turns in.

Skirmisher October 1st, 2008 09:21 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
Nice map choice. It's interesting how each nation is given a spot true to it's description.

GrudgeBringer October 1st, 2008 10:23 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
Not me...I should have all milk & Honey surronded by Virgins cause Sauro is a good Nation, a Fine Nation, one that you would be PROUD to have run your country for you while you bask in one of our...errrr, ahhh Spa's.

Skirmisher October 1st, 2008 10:36 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
It doesn't mention anything about those things in the description.
It did however mention something about Masters of Dark Sorcery.

Fine and Good doesn't really seem to apply there. You'd probably just use those virgins for your dark rituals.

Boronx October 2nd, 2008 11:22 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
I'm pretty shallow. I picked this map because I like the look of it.

Fakeymcfake October 2nd, 2008 02:18 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by Skirmisher (Post 642125)
You'd probably just use those virgins for your dark rituals.

You mean to tell me there are other uses?

Tifone October 2nd, 2008 02:31 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 642313)
You mean to tell me there are other uses?

Didn't mom tell you anything 'bout bees and flowers...? :D

Fakeymcfake October 2nd, 2008 04:56 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 642318)
Didn't mom tell you anything 'bout bees and flowers...? :D

Bees and flowers? Can they also be used to appease the dark gods? I'd think they'd rather something a bit more, I don't know, gruesome to be honest. Sounds like something you'd give to a puny harvest god.

Skirmisher October 2nd, 2008 07:31 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
I just wanted to inform everybody that my internet connect at the house went kuput. I have to wait up to 72 hours until it will be resolved. I could send my turns from the library where I am now,they have an A: drive here. But I would have to get the turns here as well in order to bring them home and play them.
I will send the latest turn in tomorrow at some point.
I will do my best to keep my end up, but not having the internet at home is a hassle to say the least.:re:

Skirmisher October 2nd, 2008 07:43 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
Ok lol, now it's working. Not sure what gives.
:up: Maybe they fixed it.
I'll get that turn sent now (I hope)

Skirmisher October 2nd, 2008 08:33 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
Ok turn sent, looks like I can do everything here at the library no problem. My home internet worked for like 5 minutes then was gone again.

Fakeymcfake October 2nd, 2008 08:41 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
This game is moving along fairly fast for a "slowpace" game, but I figure it'll slow once we swallow up all the neutral territory.

Skirmisher October 2nd, 2008 10:58 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
Yup it sure is, I just sent in the next one and now my internet is back it seems.

Tifone October 3rd, 2008 09:44 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
There is a problem!

The page of the game is no longer available in the llamaserver page! What's happening?

licker October 3rd, 2008 09:54 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Still there for me...

solmyr October 3rd, 2008 11:05 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
one question:

Shall we post all the open treaties (non-aggression, alliance, etc.) on the forum to let other nation know that?

Klepto October 3rd, 2008 11:27 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by solmyr (Post 642576)
one question:

Shall we post all the open treaties (non-aggression, alliance, etc.) on the forum to let other nation know that?

Personally I was planning on role playing all the diplomacy using in-game messaging. I'm happy for there to be a list here although it may remove some intrigue from negotiations, I can think of a few instances where covert alliances could be useful.

solmyr October 3rd, 2008 11:39 AM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by Klepto (Post 642579)

Originally Posted by solmyr (Post 642576)
one question:

Shall we post all the open treaties (non-aggression, alliance, etc.) on the forum to let other nation know that?

Personally I was planning on role playing all the diplomacy using in-game messaging. I'm happy for there to be a list here although it may remove some intrigue from negotiations, I can think of a few instances where covert alliances could be useful.

Yeah, I agree with the covert treaties. What I want to address is the open treaties. A nation will be under a lot of pressure to default on a disclosed peace treaty or military alliance than to back down on a undisclosed one.

BTW, I'm planning to RP all the diplomacy through in-game message, too. It will be one turn delay, but it's really realistic.

Tifone October 3rd, 2008 12:11 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by licker (Post 642556)

Yeah, sorry. I got panicked bcuz for a 20 minutes the server was telling me "there doesn't exist a game with this name" in that same page. Dunno what happened :D


On the other topic, I am heartily in favour of the Machiavellian diplomacy. While I will keep my word, it's ok for me to keep pacts secret and not-so-much-binding ^_^

Tifone October 3rd, 2008 12:56 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by licker (Post 642556)

Yep, for me too now. I was panicked bcuz for around 20 minutes the server said "there wasn't a game with that name" in the same page. :p


Originally Posted by solmyr (Post 642582)
BTW, I'm planning to RP all the diplomacy through in-game message, too. It will be one turn delay, but it's really realistic.

Oh, it's ok for me too so forgive me if I sent you a forum pm before you said that :)

Btw I agree with covert treaties, i find them more fun and roleplay-friendly. Having to describe on the forum every little change of the relationship with neighbour and friends and enemies would be terribly boring, also :D

EDIT Sorry, almost double post, thought the old one wasn't posted and I can't edit them now no more.

GrudgeBringer October 3rd, 2008 06:10 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
As far as 'Covert' Alliances and NAP's go, they are fine and perfectly acceptable.

The purpose of the 'Public' declaration is to ensure that Naps and Alliances have a way of being recognized and regulated.

In a nut shell.....IF you have a covert NAP with a 3 turn warning with me and for some reason I just decide its over and attack you, then there is no whining that the agreement wasn't kept because it WASN'T public.

IF you put your agreement in public the other players in the game know who is honorable and who isn't and will react to the agreement breaker in there own way.

Klepto October 3rd, 2008 07:12 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by solmyr (Post 642582)
BTW, I'm planning to RP all the diplomacy through in-game message, too. It will be one turn delay, but it's really realistic.

That's the way I see it, what would be really realistic would be a requirement that you can only send messages if you have troops in or adjacent to the recipient's provinces. Just an observation, it's not how Dom3 works, I'm not suggesting we play that way.


Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer (Post 642689)
IF you put your agreement in public the other players in the game know who is honorable and who isn't and will react to the agreement breaker in there own way.

That's a very good point, is this how things usually work? I think perhaps I mistook solmyr's initial suggestion for something more restrictive than it actually is. We don't seem to be talking about a requirement that treaties are made public, only using the forums as a, uh, forum from making proclamations of the public parts. This is IMO a good idea, it will make it easy to keep track of events.

Assuming we do this I will begin in-game negotiations concerning exactly what details are made public next turn.

Psycho October 3rd, 2008 07:18 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
The fact that an agreement of any sort is not made public is not an excuse to break it on a whim.

Fakeymcfake October 3rd, 2008 07:30 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by Klepto (Post 642719)
That's the way I see it, what would be really realistic would be a requirement that you can only send messages if you have troops in or adjacent to the recipient's provinces. Just an observation, it's not how Dom3 works, I'm not suggesting we play that way.

Eh, not really. I could imagine that each group would be capable of sending messengers alone or with a small entourage to other groups even if they weren't neighboring each other. If you look at it in that light it works with how messages are dealt with now as the turn it takes for the message to reach the recipient acts as that month of travel time for the messenger.

Klepto October 3rd, 2008 09:05 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on

Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 642729)
I could imagine that each group would be capable of sending messengers alone or with a small entourage to other groups even if they weren't neighboring each other.

I'm perfectly satisfied as it is, I was just thinking aloud really. Stealth units could play the role you describe. Are they still taking feature requests for Dom4?

licker October 3rd, 2008 09:25 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
Are you suggesting that we not communicate via PMs on this board?

I get the 'realism' of the in game messaging, but honestly its a PITA for trying to arrange any coordination.

Fakeymcfake October 3rd, 2008 09:32 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
Eh, I'll talk to people either in game or through PMs here. It's a lot easier to use PMs when dealing with issues that require a fair amount of back and forth, such as planning out a joint attack or something similar.

Oh and Klepto, out of curiosity, did you happen to have a character by that same name in a WoW server a few years ago?

GrudgeBringer October 3rd, 2008 09:48 PM

Re: Greenrow: noobs, slowpace -- game on
I think all this is being taken out of context...

Should you break an agreement...EVER, for ANY reason?

There was a 24 page Post on that exact subject along with a 30 page post on what actually CONSTITUTES a nap and trying to come up with one that could be used as a 'Norm' for most games.

The outcome....just what you think, there where 100 different opinions on everything from WHEN a Nap started and ended to when it could be broken ect.

Bottom line, I personally believe in 'Covert agreements' for lack of a better word.

But BEWARE, there are people that will break an agreement in a win all attitude on this sight.

The biggest and easiest way to break a Nap in IMHO is to simply come on the forum and say "I dissolve our nap starting the 3 turn notice on turn 32".

If the person doesn't check the forums reguarly then its his fault but you WILL start hearing and knowing of people that "skirt" the rules.

I personally have a list of Honorable Players and Dishonerable players and while I will ALWAYS keep my word it does reflect how I view players that are a game with me. And its added to and subtracted from all the time.

Keep your Covert agreements because this game can't be played with everything in public...HOWEVER, just because you SHOULD never break an alliance doesn't mean it won't be broke. It WILL be your word agianst his when the time comes and you will BOTH have a very convincing argument I am sure.

Just an opinion

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