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-   -   Mod: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released ! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40686)

Nounours September 29th, 2008 01:25 PM

New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
3 Attachment(s)
A new MA Nation, based on tibetan myth and history. The nation is the hidden city of Shangri La, ruled by powerful mage-priests who seek spiritual ascension and enlightenment.


Middle Era

Version 1.3

-Bhödpa spearman, archer, mountaineer (light infantry)
-Bhödpa yack rider (light cavalry)
-Shangrilan archer, crossbowman and heavy infantry, Dmag-Dar (standard bearer) & Dmag Hrag (veteran soldier).
-Light Bhödpa Cavalry & heavy Shangrilan Rta Pa Cavalry.
-Mi Gö and Mi Gö hunters (Mi Gö are ape-like intelligent creatures, related to yetis. And yes, there are yetis :D)...

Sacred :
-Guardian of the Hidden Valley
-Mi Dred (sacred Mi Gö warriors armed with club made of enchanted ice)

-Bhödpa scout
-Bhödpa sde pa (clan chief)
-Shangrilan dmag dpon (officer) and rje (king)
-Shangrilan monk (trapa)
-Mages: Ngagspa (sorcerers who dabble in dark magics), Demon-hunters (tibetan stories and legends seems to be full of demons!) and ragyapa (priests charged with practicing funerals by cutting corpses to small pieces and feeding them to vultures and other birds of prey).
-Red-Hat lamas
-Yellow-Hat lamas
-Black-Hat lamas
-Hidden Masters (powerful mages and occult masters of Shangri La)

Summons :

-Theurang, Klu & Lha spirits
-Srin Po, Bdud and Btsan demons
-Snow Lions
-Citipatis (undead who haunts cemeteries and dances on corpses)


Jack_Trowell September 30th, 2008 03:16 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
I've got an error when trying to create one of the custom pretenders, or to launch a new game with this nation :

"random name: no name"

Nounours September 30th, 2008 05:23 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
OK, bug fixed (well... normally)

Try to download it again, the new attachment is the corrected version. Should work now...

Endoperez October 1st, 2008 01:45 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Good progress there! :D I'll try the nation, but I'll probably play against it (as AI) rather than with it.

Nounours October 1st, 2008 08:03 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
I'm expecting your comments & advices, so let me know if there are any problems or suggestions.

Sombre October 1st, 2008 08:30 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
As soon as I get the lizards released I'll give this a go properly.

Sombre October 10th, 2008 05:39 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
I think you should provide a graphical preview in this thread and repackage in a zip format. The current rar is actually packed with a directory structure which doesn't allow you to simply extract to dom3/mods. Also people don't like rars.

If you do this you're much more likely to get feedback. Anyway, I'll continue with my SP playing now.

Nounours October 10th, 2008 06:11 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Well, I will prepare a graphic overview for this mod, and see if I can repack it using zip. Thanks for the advice !

Sombre October 10th, 2008 07:37 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Oh and I forgot to mention, I had to rename a load of sprite references to get them working, because the modified o in Bohdpa etc came out as .. in my filenames when I extracted.

I think you should probably avoid using these in sprite names and sprite references, because they're bound to cause trouble for some people like me. Using them in descriptions and names is fine though.

Nounours October 11th, 2008 06:47 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Uploaded new version (1.01) of Shangri La:

- revised description of Citipati.

- removed Poor Amphibian from Citipati, added Patrol Bonus (2).

- fixed problem with sprite names.

Sombre October 11th, 2008 07:37 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Fantastic! I'll give you some feedback later today probably.

Sombre October 11th, 2008 08:30 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
1 Attachment(s)
The zip is now even more weird in terms of path structure - it really would be a good idea to get it so it can simply be extracted into the mod folder.

I have taken the liberty of doing this for you and attaching the fixed zip to this post.

This changes only path structure, nothing else.

Nounours October 11th, 2008 08:54 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644813)
The zip is now even more weird in terms of path structure - it really would be a good idea to get it so it can simply be extracted into the mod folder.

How can I do that ? I'm interested, it may be useful for uploading other mods...

Edratman October 11th, 2008 10:04 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
What I do is copy both the .dm file and the sprite file and paste them in a DOM3 folder I made and call Uploads. Then I highlight both files,right click and send to a zipped file. The zip file is what I upload.

After I upload a zip file i put it into a folder within the Upload folder for an archive and delete the zip file in the main folder. That minimizes confusion on my part, but then again I confuse easily.

Nounours October 11th, 2008 10:42 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
I'll try it on my next mode... and it may even work, if (IF :D!) I understood it well...

Spendios October 11th, 2008 11:28 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Vivement les versions EA et MA ! :angel

Edratman October 11th, 2008 11:32 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !

Originally Posted by Nounours (Post 644828)
I'll try it on my next mode... and it may even work, if (IF :D!) I understood it well...

You shouldn't have any problems. I typed the instructions slowly for you. :D :D

Spendios October 11th, 2008 11:39 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
I think the yack need longer fur.

HoneyBadger October 11th, 2008 02:06 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
These look quite good, Nounours.

Sombre October 11th, 2008 02:35 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Just some first thoughts for you:

The starting army is currently 40 troops. 20 archers and 20 heavy infantry. It should be 10 and 10, to fit in the power scale of vanilla nations. Even then with such good troops it will be a strong starting army.


Yak Riders seem undercosted, particularly as they are better than or equal to the Bhodpa horsemen and cost 5 gold less. At 20 gold I found I built a hell of a lot of them. I'm also not sure why they get an extra point of att over ordinary bhodpa - presumably they are more dedicated warriors or something? Now TC do get 20 gold cavalry (as a major feature of the nation) but are Shangri La supposed to have as good cavalry as TC?

I think the Shangri La infantry, the non bhodpa ones that cost 15 gold each, are a bit pricey. They seem more like 12-13 gold units. I'm also confused as to why the crossbowman has 12 prec, which is scary, while the archers have just 10.

Dmag Hrag seem a bit too elite to me. At str 11 att 13 def 13 hp 14 mor 14 they are basically the same as the Emerald Guard of Pythium, who are supposed to be the most elite (nonsacred) human infantry in the game pretty much. They cost the same at 25 gold. I'd like to see them somewhere between this and the TC Imperial guard, who are 15 gold and are at the bottom end of elite. Something like 12 hp 12 att 12 def 13 or 14 morale. If you intend them to be on the same level as emerald guard that's fine, but you must realise they really are elite in that case (especially for non sacred non cap units).

The Guardians of the Hidden Valley seem too expensive to me, as do the Mi Dred, to a lesser extent. I could be wrong though, I was running a rainbow rather than a bless.


Bhodpa Scout should probably be stealthy 10 like most national scouts.

Bhodpa Sde Pa looks like he should have a javelin weapon added.

Reduce cost of Dmag Dpon to 40 - the fact they aren't stealthy and cost more resources should probably be enough to put them on equal terms with the Bhodpa Sde Pa.

Rta Dmag Go seems to have the 'death poison' weapon for some reason. I'd also reduce their cost to 60 or so, since 80 for a 40 leader, even a cav one, seems too much. On the other hand you could make them 80 ldr and keep the cost - currently Shangri La lacks an 80 ldr unit.

So far I really like the mod and I'm having a lot of fun roleplaying with Bhodpa tribes aggressively raiding while the sacreds guard my territory and my main armies of Shangri La troops slowly grind down enemy forts. Great work :]

Nounours October 11th, 2008 03:38 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Sombre :


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
Just some first thoughts for you:

The starting army is currently 40 troops. 20 archers and 20 heavy infantry. It should be 10 and 10, to fit in the power scale of vanilla nations. Even then with such good troops it will be a strong starting army.

I'll reduce it, but perhaps to 15/10.


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
Yak Riders seem undercosted, particularly as they are better than or equal to the Bhodpa horsemen and cost 5 gold less. At 20 gold I found I built a hell of a lot of them. I'm also not sure why they get an extra point of att over ordinary bhodpa - presumably they are more dedicated warriors or something?

:doh: I raised the price of horsemen but forgot to raise the price of yak riders... The extra att point is a typo.


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
Now TC do get 20 gold cavalry (as a major feature of the nation) but are Shangri La supposed to have as good cavalry as TC?

Yes, they're supposed to... Tibetan cavalry was very good, even compared to chinese cavalry...


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
I think the Shangri La infantry, the non bhodpa ones that cost 15 gold each, are a bit pricey. They seem more like 12-13 gold units.

OK for 13 gold each, I'll fix that.


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
I'm also confused as to why the crossbowman has 12 prec, which is scary, while the archers have just 10.

:D The typo strikes back !!!


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
Dmag Hrag seem a bit too elite to me. At str 11 att 13 def 13 hp 14 mor 14 they are basically the same as the Emerald Guard of Pythium, who are supposed to be the most elite (nonsacred) human infantry in the game pretty much. They cost the same at 25 gold. I'd like to see them somewhere between this and the TC Imperial guard, who are 15 gold and are at the bottom end of elite. Something like 12 hp 12 att 12 def 13 or 14 morale. If you intend them to be on the same level as emerald guard that's fine, but you must realise they really are elite in that case (especially for non sacred non cap units).

Hmm... They're intended to be seasoned fighters, but perhaps not THAT good... -1 att &def for Dmag Hrag.


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
The Guardians of the Hidden Valley seem too expensive to me, as do the Mi Dred, to a lesser extent. I could be wrong though, I was running a rainbow rather than a bless.

Reduced price for SL sacred.


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
Bhodpa Scout should probably be stealthy 10 like most national scouts.
Bhodpa Sde Pa looks like he should have a javelin weapon added.

Who said "typos" ? :p


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
Reduce cost of Dmag Dpon to 40 - the fact they aren't stealthy and cost more resources should probably be enough to put them on equal terms with the Bhodpa Sde Pa.

OK, noted.


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
Rta Dmag Go seems to have the 'death poison' weapon for some reason. I'd also reduce their cost to 60 or so, since 80 for a 40 leader, even a cav one, seems too much. On the other hand you could make them 80 ldr and keep the cost - currently Shangri La lacks an 80 ldr unit.

Typo... again ! They were intended to have "hoof" (weapon #56), not "death poison" (#52).

Rta Dmag Go gain ldr 80.


Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 644884)
So far I really like the mod and I'm having a lot of fun roleplaying with Bhodpa tribes aggressively raiding while the sacreds guard my territory and my main armies of Shangri La troops slowly grind down enemy forts. Great work :]

:p Thanks, and thanks again for the feedback.

Spendios :

I tried it, but the drawing was not very neat, so... Maybe I'll try again, when I had improved my skill with sprites...

Nounours October 11th, 2008 03:52 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !

Originally Posted by Edratman (Post 644837)

Originally Posted by Nounours (Post 644828)
I'll try it on my next mode... and it may even work, if (IF :D!) I understood it well...

You shouldn't have any problems. I typed the instructions slowly for you. :D :D

Well, I don't know if you typed slowly enough :p...

I tried, so let me know if it worked... I'll be the first to be surprised :D !

Sombre October 11th, 2008 03:57 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
If you reduce the skills of the Dmag Hrag make sure you reduce their goldcost too! I wasn't complaining they were overpowered, just wondered if they were supposed to be super-elite level for humans.

Kristoffer O October 18th, 2008 07:07 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Great work! I have not downloaded it yet, but it looks very nice! It shall be my favourite nation (until sombre finishes the dark elves that is :) )!

Xietor October 18th, 2008 08:23 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
This looks cool. Have no had time to try it out. When I finish my last mp game i am in, I will be taking a break from mp games.

During that break I want to try out many of these great looking mods I have not had time to examine over the past couple years due to time demands of mp games.

Nounours October 20th, 2008 07:17 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
New version of Shangri La !

- fixed spell descriptions.
- two new spells for Shangri La : Debt of karma & Restore the Dharma.

Gandalf Parker October 31st, 2008 11:46 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
This looks great.

Gandalf Parker
(My apologies for not keeping up on the nations. I must admit that I am shortcutting by checking Kristoffers posts and looking at the ones he recommends. Medical changes coming which should soon help me get caught up)

Endoperez December 14th, 2008 05:01 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
You might want to change the Rta Pa (heavy cavalry) of the province defense into normal Bhödpa Horsemen. I tried taking their home province with Black Knights of Ulm, but they couldn't break through the horse-archers... I don't think any other nation gets knight-quality cavalry in their PD.

While looking at the Rta Pa stats, I also noticed that their head protection doesn't look right. Their head protection was halved, and then when looking at the cavalry commander I found the problem - they had two heads but just one helmet! :o
You've used wrong #itemslots value. I think it was wrong in the modding manual, at some point.

You'll have to change all four cavalry units. While doing that, you could fix the Yack Rider gold cost (you said that it was a typo, but didn't change it in the update).

The mod creates an unused Breastplate armor 250. Is there a reason for it?

The Rta Pa cavalry have unexplained natural protection of 5 and all-around awesome stats. After the itemslot fix, they will have protection 21 (20 head/22 body). I think it's a bug, since they'll have very respectaple prot 18 even without it.

Rta Pa unit and commander have few minor differences between them. I think the units are supposed to have enc 4 and Falchions like the commander, but they currently have enc 3 and broad swords.

Finally, it'd be nice if you used the #version x.yy modding command in the next version.

This is a great mod, and I hope you have time to fix the small problems left in it.

Nounours December 14th, 2008 05:55 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
PD and cavalry stats were fixed (but Rta Pa keep the broasword).
Breastplate is used by Bdud Warriors (a summon that was not implemented yet).

Hope you will enjoy it :p!

Oh, and Cantabira may be finished soon about january, for those who may be interested.

Mordici December 15th, 2008 06:30 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Hmmm. I downloaded this mod and put into the mod folder. I turned off all other mods and turned it on, then I started a game on the Aran map. The map loads okay and I have the capital highlighted. The moment I try to recruit anything the game exits to the desktop with an error window.

Nounours December 15th, 2008 02:45 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Hmm, I'll try to fix that, but it seems to be OK for me (I re-downloaded it from the first post, and it seems to work).

Mordici December 15th, 2008 08:53 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Okay, thanks for trying it out. I'll re-download it as well and see what happens.

Sombre December 28th, 2008 09:58 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
The PD seem sort of borked. One of the pd monster ids is pointing to a shangrilan summon (A fiend iirc) - though they don't actually turn up in game, possibly due to lack of undead leadership? Not sure.

It seems like the PD should be something along the lines of:

1x Bhodpa Spear
1x Shangrilan archer

Then at 20+

1x Shangrilan Crossbow
1x Bhodpa cavalry

Something like that.

pyg April 2nd, 2010 04:17 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
1 Attachment(s)
This mod had a lot of case missmatch sprite names and two missing ones. Here are my edits.

Globu April 17th, 2010 08:53 AM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
1 Attachment(s)
Hey, I've been checking out this nation mod, and it's really superb!

Seeing that pyg put up some fixes for it, I thought I'd jump on in and put on some more needed polish and clean up all the flavor/description text. So, until Nounours comes back, here is an unofficial v1.3.

EDIT: Just saw Sombre's last post. I suppose, since I'm already messing with it, and assuming no one objects, I'll look at what needs to be fixed with the PD and put up a fixed version tomorrow.

Sombre April 17th, 2010 01:13 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
I think the author has left, so I would feel free to make a new thread for this mod with an OP you can update, with credit given of course. That way more people could enjoy it. It certainly is a good mod, toough I think it needs further versions to balance it and the like.

pyg April 17th, 2010 01:43 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 740952)
I think the author has left, so I would feel free to make a new thread for this mod with an OP you can update, with credit given of course. That way more people could enjoy it. It certainly is a good mod, toough I think it needs further versions to balance it and the like.

I agree with this. If you like the mod enough to put some work into it, take it over. There are a lot of abandoned mods about.

Globu April 17th, 2010 05:13 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Hmm. Seems like I just got into a shotgun wedding. Tried to take a free slice and bought the loaf.

Very well!

Okay. I'll start a new thread for the next version -- I've just about got a v1.4 ready as well, so it works well.

Couple of opinion questions, then -- particularly for you, Sombre, since you're one of the Hidden Masters of mod nation balance, and since you've been involved in feedback on this mod from its inception.

Addressing the PD problem, there were two -- it did indeed have the undead Citipati, and at the fourth tier referenced a unit ID number that is not used.

Looking at it aside from those things, Shangri-Li seems quite strong already, such that the Shangrilans for PD seems like icing on an already-very-rich cake.

Though it is appropriate and thematic for the Shangrilan soldiers to defend the home city, it seems (to me) that rationale becomes a bit strained for the periphery provinces. It's just a vague impression, though, and I don't have too strong of feelings about it except for wanting to dial down the power level a bit.

As I have implemented it in v1.4, basically, all PD is Bhodpa, except for the fourth tier. It is as follows:

#defcom1 2722 -- Bhödpa Sde Pa (Clan Chief)
#defcom2 2758 -- Shangrilan Monk
#defunit1 2702 -- Bhödpa Spearman
#defunit1b 2703 -- Bhödpa Archer
#defunit2 2705 -- Bhödpa Yak Rider
#defunit2b 2750 -- Mi Gö

What do you think? Should I put Shangrilans back in there?

I'll throw up a new thread shortly.

Globu April 17th, 2010 05:55 PM

Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !
Thread up here.

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