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Deadnature October 11th, 2008 09:10 PM

a couple of questions about regeneration:
Does regeneration stack? For example: if I have a hydra and I give it a high nature bless, does it's hp/turn/regenerated go up accordingly?

Are there any limits to the ring of regeneration? For example are there units that the ring does not affect if equipped? Like undead, lifeless....?

Thanks in advance for your help.

- Deadnature

chrispedersen October 11th, 2008 09:30 PM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
With only a couple of bugs.. yes, it stacks. I have routinely gotten regenerations into the mid 60s.
Yes, there are units unaffected by regeneration.

Deadnature October 11th, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
thanks chris, do you (or does anyone) know what units are unaffected by regen?

Like what are some common sc/thugs that are unaffected? Golems? Tartarians?

fungalreason October 11th, 2008 09:43 PM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
I believe it won't work anything that's "Lifeless", which includes undead

vfb October 11th, 2008 09:53 PM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
You are right, it won't work on anything that's "Lifeless". But regen works on undead that are not lifeless.

Example: Longdead and Golems do not benefit from regen, but Banes and Tartarians do.

fungalreason October 11th, 2008 10:41 PM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
Ah, thanks for the clarification, vfb

Crevan October 15th, 2008 08:15 AM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
Lifeless undeads:
Longdead, Ghoul, Dispossed Spirit and some other. They`re made from dust and bones, so they can`t regenerate
Not lifeless undeads:
Bane, Shade, Vampire and other like-alive undeads. They have some kind of flesh, so they can regenerate
Mechanical units can`t regenerate...but looks like some of them (Vines, Wooden Constructs and some other) not inanimate. I rarely play Nature nations (My choice is Fire, for the Emperor and great Justice), so there may be hint, which need to check
Anybody can do that?

Gregstrom October 15th, 2008 08:28 AM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
Ghouls aren't lifeless undead, by the way.

Despite all their vines and roots, manikins and mandragoras etc. are lifeless.

Crevan October 15th, 2008 09:07 AM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
So they can`t regenerate, yes? Or...
Tartarans - undead, but can use regeneration (and with GoH or Chalice - recuperation)
Will it work, if I use Chalice on Manikin/Mandragora/Vine Men?

Gregstrom October 15th, 2008 10:41 AM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
The Chalice is AFAIK the only way of recuperating afflictions on undead (and probably lifeless non-undead). I think GoH used to but that was stopped by a patch. The Chalice works on just about anything though.

Ewierl October 15th, 2008 02:10 PM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
If you are (LA only?) Pangaea, you can get Holy spells that provide regeneration to manikin/mandragora that works despite their lifelessness. Good fun with a Carrion Dragon :)

Poopsi October 15th, 2008 03:38 PM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
I just checked: Ermorian Grand thaumathurgs only have a measly 2 death by default, with a 25% chance of getting one with an extra death dot, and a meager 0,62/l00 chance of getting one with TWO extra death dots.

I suppose this is necessary to avoid making tartarian spams too easy, but it tends to conceal the preserving effect of death dots.

MaxWilson October 17th, 2008 10:15 AM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
This is the first I've heard that Gift of Health might have been altered to not affect undead. I remember KO discussing that as a possible fix to the Tartarian-spam problem in endgame, but in the end he decided to introduce the Shattered Soul mechanic (non-healable insanity) instead. I haven't used Gift of Health recently though so I don't know its status w/rt undead firsthand.


chrispedersen October 18th, 2008 10:07 PM

Re: a couple of questions about regeneration:
Last time I checked, GOH still removed afflictions on lankas demons. One of my favorite tactics.

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