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vfb October 30th, 2008 04:25 AM

Methadone - running
Intro: The llamaserver is down and I'm jonesing. And Toran missed out on Smack, which gives me a good excuse, as if I needed one, to start another game. I'll host it on my server. Hostname and port will be PM'ed to participants. Presenting:


Game status page: http://bemura.dyndns.org/stats.php?game=Methadone

Please note: PM your email address to me if you want turn notifications.

Game status page code is courtesy lch. Thanks lch!

Age: Late
Mods: CB1.3
Map: SixLands
Provinces: 90 Land, 3 Water
Players: 6 (Land only)
Experience: Any
Nations: Any (Except water)

Renaming: Allowed
Graphs: On (Was supposed to be off, but I screwed up the game script)
All Other Settings: Default
Host Time: Quickhost (Was 24hrs Quickhost ... if anyone objects, I'll switch it back)

Hosted on: bemura

Special Note: This map is for six land nations only. It scrolls east-west. Every nation starts in the center of each colored province group.

Another Note: Ermor? Sure, no problem! But there are no corners to hide in on this map, you'll have 4 neighbors, and odds are they're coming to get you. LA Ermor was the first nation eliminated in Collider.

All the rules in Bazooko apply. This is a Vegas-style game where NAPs have little or no meaning. Your reputation will not be sullied if you commit dastardly deeds and betrayals. Anything possible in the game goes.

There's a good post about playing your turns offline here. (see Tip 3: Offline turns.)

Important Note: Please make a new version of your god that's password-protected. The main reason I like to do this is so that I can connect to the server, and then just click 'Okay' instead of entering my password. If you've got a password set, you'll see that game status screen without accidentally uploading or downloading your turn. Plus no-one can accidentally click on your nation and see your turn.

Nations/Players: :up: = uploaded
Gath vfb :up:
Abysia Toran :up:
Man jimkehn :up:
Ulm zlefin :up:
Ermor lwarmonger :up:
Marignon archaeolept :up:

Toran October 30th, 2008 06:46 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, 3/6 left
Oh, the game is set up, I even have a reserved slot, but of course now a resrve wasn't necessary... I still appreciate the gesture ;)

I'd like to give LA Abysia a try. I don't think it's supposed to be one of the power houses, but maybe I can get a feeling for what the nations play like in the different ages... :)

jimkehn October 30th, 2008 07:36 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, 3/6 left
OK....how about Chelms?

zlefin October 30th, 2008 09:47 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, 3/6 left
I'd like in. Not sure what nation yet, but i'll pick one soon, and this is filling up fast so i wanna get in. A nice small gmae like this is what i been looking for :)
Zlefin :)

Toran October 30th, 2008 09:51 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, only 2/6 left!
@zlefin - scratch that "nice" game, it's probably going to be like a shark pool or something like that. First to move, first to get stomped.

Hard times these are...

Tifone October 30th, 2008 09:54 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, only 2/6 left!
Not applying. Just saying the name of the game, coming from the circumstance, is hilarious :D

vfb October 30th, 2008 10:10 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, only 2/6 left!

Originally Posted by Toran (Post 649265)
@zlefin - scratch that "nice" game, it's probably going to be like a shark pool or something like that. First to move, first to get stomped.

Hard times these are...

Oh, there are no sharks here! :) And I think you're the one doing some stomping at the moment in Bazooko! Well, you would be if the llamaserver was back from the void and Jazzepi was back from Germany.

vfb October 30th, 2008 10:29 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, only 2/6 left!

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 649266)
Not applying. Just saying the name of the game, coming from the circumstance, is hilarious :D

Thanks :), but I got the idea from Toran, actually.

zlefin October 30th, 2008 11:25 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, only 2/6 left!
i've settled on taking ulm.

vfb October 30th, 2008 06:59 PM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, only 2/6 left!
Great! Now we just need 2 more, to get in some good gaming while the llamaserver's sick.

Toran October 30th, 2008 07:07 PM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, only 2/6 left!
Yeah, get in AS LONG as it's sick, so there's actually some playing we can get done while we are on "turkey" ;)

lwarmonger October 30th, 2008 10:43 PM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, only 2/6 left!
You know what? I will give LA Ermor a shot on this map. I think I will get wiped out quick, but it will be a fun little experiment.

vfb October 30th, 2008 10:48 PM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, only 2/6 left!
Sounds good!

Toran October 31st, 2008 04:43 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, just 1/6 left!
Now, guys, still one fix there for a junkie... who needs it most?

archaeolept October 31st, 2008 05:33 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, just 1/6 left!
well, just on principle, i'll go for the fix

a nice cocktail of bloody mary

vfb October 31st, 2008 05:47 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, just 1/6 left!
Great! I've got to have dinner now, can't update the 1st post even! Please let me know your nation, thanks.

archaeolept October 31st, 2008 05:49 AM

Re: Methadone - network hosted, signup, just 1/6 left!
bloody mary = LA Marignon

have a hankering for some sailing.

archaeolept October 31st, 2008 12:57 PM

Re: Methadone - full, 5/6 ready
10 mg orally commence now

Toran October 31st, 2008 01:13 PM

Re: Methadone - full, 5/6 ready
Applied my dose. Still feeling the urge for the next kick...

vfb October 31st, 2008 05:59 PM

Re: Methadone - running
Well, we are rolling! Hope you all enjoy your fix. Have fun! :)

archaeolept October 31st, 2008 07:40 PM

Re: Methadone - running
ok, lwarmonger, i'm beginning to have unpleasant crawly sensations on my skin ;)

vfb November 1st, 2008 05:27 AM

Re: Methadone - running
Thanks to advice from lch, I've got email notifications for the turns working.

Please PM your email addresses to me so I can update the script to send you notifications when the game hosts.

vfb November 1st, 2008 10:46 AM

Re: Methadone - running

It's turn 1, and the undead are still in their graves.

Clatto Verata Nickel, undead! Clatto Verata Nickel!

Since I don't want this game to get messed up right at the start, I've turned off the timer. :( :( :(

Quickhost is still on.

lwarmonger November 1st, 2008 12:46 PM

Re: Methadone - running
My apologies. I had staff duty last night, and I can't access this site or play games from government computers (I was hoping that it would take a couple hours for the other two to submit their pretenders... whoops!). However my turn is now in (a similar problem may occur on the 8th of November, although odds are I will be able to make it home long enough to play my turn then).

archaeolept November 1st, 2008 02:40 PM

Re: Methadone - running
crap. massive unrest first turn :)

Tifone November 1st, 2008 03:09 PM

Re: Methadone - running

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 649723)
Clatto Verata Nickel, undead! Clatto Verata Nickel!


"It’s an “N” word, it’s definitely an “N” word! Clatto Verata... Ngh*cough*"

vfb November 1st, 2008 05:45 PM

Re: Methadone - running
No problem, lwarmonger.

Actually, I think most of the people in this game are pretty quick with their turns. So I'd like to leave the game on no timer, just quickhost. Then no-one needs to worry about staling. Any objections?

Also, while my email-notification-sending worked fine in testing, it looks like it didn't work from the game. Bah. I'll try to figure out what I did wrong.

And more argh! I screwed up the new scripts more and graphs are on. Sorry, the game parameters said they would be off.

On behalf of the flight crew, I apologize for all the turbulence.

lwarmonger November 1st, 2008 06:11 PM

Re: Methadone - running
No problem, and as for the no time limits, for a game this small that would probably do alright.

And now for the propaganda. Gath is appearing to be a little aggressive, what with the swift conquesting and all. Can't have all these Giants eating up potential undead now can we?

vfb November 1st, 2008 06:19 PM

Re: Methadone - running
Damn score graphs! :)

Well, there are a few corpses lying around our capitol at the moment, you can always send someone with a cart to pick them up before they rot.

lwarmonger November 1st, 2008 06:54 PM

Re: Methadone - running
I might do that, and perhaps cause a few more, I don't know. I have to think that Gath is at least as dangerous to all those other nations out there as Ermor is, probably moreso.

Besides, when Ermor kills you it is with heart. Oftentimes it is your loved ones doing the killing even! Here in Ermor, we believe in family. And we use every part of your body. Those barbarian giants merely eat what they like and throw the rest away. Completely wasted! In Ermor, we turn bodies into a renewable resource.

jimkehn November 1st, 2008 07:22 PM

Re: Methadone - running
On the isle of Man we do not eat humans. We just want to live in peace.

vfb November 1st, 2008 07:58 PM

Re: Methadone - running
Gath is not dangerous at all. We're not even real giants! And our rapid expansion was only due to some assistance from Blackwater.

lwarmonger November 1st, 2008 08:18 PM

Re: Methadone - running
See... using shady mercenaries to provide them with people to eat. All true humans should unite against the man-eaters!

lwarmonger November 1st, 2008 08:19 PM

Re: Methadone - running
Ermor respects Man's right to live in peace, as long as the Forest Wardens and Magisters of Man respect Ermor's right to be undead in peace.

vfb November 1st, 2008 08:47 PM

Re: Methadone - running

Originally Posted by lwarmonger (Post 649826)
See... using shady mercenaries to provide them with people to eat. All true humans should unite against the man-eaters!

It is true that long long ago, there were Nephilim walking the land, and they did eat the sheep and the goat, and the cow and horse, and the chicken too. And the duck and the goose, and the fish, and the pigeons, and those little chocolates with caramel and biscuits and such stuff in their centers. And when they ran out of those, they did eat the monkeys, and the gorillas, and the orangutan. And when there were none of those left, they did dine on the people of the land, baking them in some pies and assorted pastries, except for the old men and ladies who were not good for much except some stew.

But there are no more Nephilim in this world any longer, and though the people of Gath are indeed large, we live on grains and assorted dairy products. And occasionally the odd camel.

So, no nation need fear being eaten by Gath (well, except those that are a race of sentient camels).

But those nations that enjoy the fruit of the land, and the grass on the fields, and the flowers in the meadows, would be wise to maintain a vigilant lookout on the poison spreading from Ermor, which corrupts the land and turns it into barren dust. And look out for the zombies too! Everyone knows that zombies eat brains, and not just camel brains. Real people brains!

Heed not the poisonous words of the undead.

-- He Who Is Named Brian, Prophet of He Who Must Not Be Named

lwarmonger November 1st, 2008 09:07 PM

Re: Methadone - running
Hey! We are people too! Just dead people. Your leaders aren't, and never have been, human. That makes you wierd and untrustworthy.

On the other hand we undead are as reliable as old Grandmama was back when she was alive. In fact, I think I see her right over there! Think of us as your friendly burial service. We make it so you don't even have to worry about paying for funerals! In fact, you don't have to worry much about anything once you've been "contracted" with us. We are just that good.

vfb November 1st, 2008 10:41 PM

Re: Methadone - running
There's a thunderstorm here right now... if the server goes down, I won't be able to bring it back up for about 6 hours, since I'm heading out soon.

Hopefully it'll be fine though.

vfb November 2nd, 2008 11:08 AM

Re: Methadone - running
He Who Is Named Brian was disappointed to meet no opponents in the arena death match. Oh well, he can put his shiny new trident to work dispatching the knights who have decided to try to make a new home in the lands of Gath.

Toran November 2nd, 2008 01:38 PM

Re: Methadone - running
*ahem* The Abysian Empire would have sent a challenge to that event, however we were treated so badly by "luck" (there are rumours of foreign forces involved...), combined with a bad decision by a leader that has already walked his last path to inceneration, that we could not afford the travel costs to that match.

Dang, I was so prepared for EA Abysia in my readings that I made a ... "smallish" mistake, resulting in me scoring last. But that's what you play those "small" games for, right? ;)

archaeolept November 2nd, 2008 01:43 PM

Re: Methadone - running
if my renowned high inquisitor hadn't been mugged by some punk ninja he certainly would have shown y'all a thing or two :)

jimkehn November 2nd, 2008 02:30 PM

Re: Methadone - running
I'm happy to hear that I am not the only one to have a crappy start......

And then I read LA Man's mages are not affected by Drain. Jeez.....wish I'da known that when I built my pretender!!!!!

lwarmonger November 2nd, 2008 03:02 PM

Re: Methadone - running
You know, it really does seem that Gath is turning into a world beater here. We should all be suspicious of him!

vfb November 2nd, 2008 05:55 PM

Re: Methadone - running

Originally Posted by lwarmonger (Post 649941)
You know, it really does seem that Gath is turning into a world beater here. We should all be suspicious of him!

Well, that's a nice castle you've built for yourself this past summer, Ermor. Gath wishes we could afford one of those! Instead we must pay our troops well to fight the hordes of knights and barbarians that seem to have taken a liking to our city in the sands.

archaeolept November 2nd, 2008 07:07 PM

Re: Methadone - running
those knights are actually questing for a holy relic - do not bother them, and I'm sure they will leave on their own accord soon enough. I am also able to relay gifts and alms for the cause, so that you can help them in their holy work, as I am no doubt sure you wish.

vfb November 2nd, 2008 07:14 PM

Re: Methadone - running
He Who Is Named Brian think otherwise... those dastardly knights brought their wives and children and concubines and aunts and uncles and entire extended families along. It appears they have already got their holy relic, at least that's what they told us, and they intend to make their stay permanent.

lwarmonger November 2nd, 2008 07:37 PM

Re: Methadone - running
Hmm... so Marignon is waging a little holy war perhaps? Ermor approves! Those dastardly giants must be eliminated by any and all means necessary.

lwarmonger November 2nd, 2008 07:47 PM

Re: Methadone - running
And Ermor doesn't have much money... therefore most of it must be invested in castles. Fortunately those who are (to borrow your phrase) "elan challenged" do not require payment.

lwarmonger November 2nd, 2008 11:37 PM

Re: Methadone - running
I notice that Gath, true to its aggressive, evil, giant form has infringed on Ermorian territory. This unprovoked aggression must stop!

vfb November 3rd, 2008 12:13 AM

Re: Methadone - running
May the forked tongues of the undead rot and fall from their horrid, decaying skulls!

Gath has invaded no lands held by the Ermorian menace. We have merely liberated independent provinces, so their inhabitants may live peacefully under our kind and just management. We have warred with no other nations in this world.

Gath hereby warns Ermor to cease and desist their incessant spreading of vicious and cruel falsehoods, or Gath will declare war on the unholy nation of Ermor, wherever it may reside.

-- He Who Is Named Brian, Prophet of He Who Must Not Be Named

archaeolept November 3rd, 2008 12:17 AM

Re: Methadone - running
ermorian province? the people of that land clearly have an ancient and hallowed root in the marignonian empire; we consider them more like prodigal sons and daughters, and expect that they will soon enough express their desire to be reunited with their true faith and kith.

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