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-   -   Momentum - EA game - Finished - Sauromatia/Psycho wins! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=41195)

Valerius November 10th, 2008 03:34 PM

Momentum - EA game - Finished - Sauromatia/Psycho wins!
Now that the llamaserver is back up and running (thanks llamabeast!) and we have a new patch I thought I'd start a new game.

I'd like this to be a quick moving game so it will be 24 hour hosting for the first 30 turns and 48 hour hosting for the the next 30 turns. Beyond turn 60 the game will go to 72 hour hosting unless all remaining players decide to continue with 48 hours.

Game settings are below. Hopefully we can get started in the next few days.

Age: Early
Players: 11 land, 1 sea
Hall of Fame: 15
Map: Cradle of Dominion (the first version on the llamaserver with hand placed starts)
Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8
All other settings standard

Note: Please do not password protect pretenders - it is not necessary to do this on the llamaserver and it will make it possible to find a sub if a player disappears.

Aethyr - Vanheim
Executor - R'lyeh
GrudgeBringer - Fomoria
Juffos - Arcoscephale
Phalent - Ulm
Psycho - Sauromatia - Winner
Quitti - Lanka
Radioheart - T'ien Ch'i
st.patrick - Marverni
Unoptimized - Mictlan
Valerius - Tir na n'Og
Wokeye - Pangaea

st.patrik November 10th, 2008 09:08 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
Can I join as Marverni?


Valerius November 11th, 2008 12:04 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
Sure! BTW, great AAR you're writing.

Phalent November 11th, 2008 04:46 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
Can I join ? I will take Ulm :)


Juffos November 11th, 2008 09:54 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
I would like to join. I will choose the nation after a few hours.

st.patrik November 11th, 2008 09:56 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 651621)
Sure! BTW, great AAR you're writing.

Oh thanks! :)

Executor November 11th, 2008 10:28 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
R'lyeh for me.

Psycho November 11th, 2008 11:03 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!

Valerius November 11th, 2008 02:40 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
Looks like we're halfway there. I've reserved a spot for a friend of Juffos who is unable to post at the moment.

Juffos November 11th, 2008 05:25 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
Arcoscephale for me, please.

Unoptimized November 11th, 2008 05:56 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
I'd like to play as Mictlan

Valerius November 12th, 2008 04:39 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
Actually I think I'll give EA Vanheim another try.

Wokeye November 12th, 2008 05:34 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
Pangaea for me please.

Quitti November 12th, 2008 09:00 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
I'll take Lanka :)

Radioheart November 12th, 2008 10:46 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up!
Four words:

Ti En Chi please.


Valerius November 13th, 2008 02:07 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up! Two positions left
Bump. We just need two more players to get started.

Aethyr November 13th, 2008 05:26 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up! Two positions left
I had to take a break from MP for a while, but I can't resist this one.

Ermor please

GrudgeBringer November 13th, 2008 09:07 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Sign up! Two positions left
If you have room I will try Fomoria:)

Valerius November 13th, 2008 01:30 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Game Full
Ok, we're full! Welcome aboard everyone, and welcome back Aethyr.

The llamaserver is not letting me select any map other than the default one (happening in both IE 6 and Firefox 3) so I'll PM llamabeast about this.

I'll post here once the game is setup on the server.

Valerius November 13th, 2008 03:13 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Game Full
Ok guys, the game is ready to accept pretenders. Once all pretenders have been received I believe the game will automatically start.

And for anyone who missed my edit to the first post, please do not password protect your pretenders.

Valerius November 13th, 2008 04:00 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Send Pretenders!
I've decided to play Vanheim in the game Cleveland is organizing so to give myself a little variety (though they're both glamour nations) I'm going back to Tir na n'Og in this game.

Aethyr November 13th, 2008 11:43 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Game Full

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 652461)
Ok guys, the game is ready to accept pretenders. Once all pretenders have been received I believe the game will automatically start.

I have not played with EA Ermor before, so I'm trying out a couple of concepts. Is there a target start date that we shooting for? Thanks

Valerius November 14th, 2008 12:24 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Send Pretenders!
How about we aim to have pretenders in by 12:00 GMT Saturday?

Aethyr November 14th, 2008 01:20 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Send Pretenders!
Sounds good. Now that you've decided to switch to Tir na n'Og, I think I'll give Vanheim a try if that's OK with you.

Valerius November 14th, 2008 01:42 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Send Pretenders!
Sure, no problem! First post has been updated.

Psycho November 14th, 2008 02:32 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Send Pretenders!
Can you move the pretenders deadline for 12 hours? I won't make it by Saturday noon.

Valerius November 14th, 2008 03:03 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Send Pretenders!
Sure; how about 6:00 GMT Sunday as a pretender deadline?

Valerius November 16th, 2008 01:09 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Send Pretenders!
The game is started!

The llamaserver has set the hosting for the first turn at 48 hours in case anyone has problems, after that we'll be on 24 hour hosting. Of course quick host is on so if there are no problems we can host sooner than 48 hours.

Good luck everyone (just not better luck than Tir na n'Og :)).

Wokeye November 17th, 2008 07:04 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
First turn worked - nice!

Being on the upside of the planet, I'll be about 12 hrs behind (actually, ahead) of you guys in submitting turns.

Executor November 17th, 2008 09:04 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Wow, are you sure indies are only 5? Man there's some heavy defense in those neighboring provinces.

GrudgeBringer November 17th, 2008 03:36 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
You too?

Man, I thought I just got the absolute worst starting position in history!! I may have to wait a few turns to take any of the provinces. They ALL have 60 or more heavy Cav, light inf and milita.

A little tough for starting army.

As long as we all have it ...its no problem with me:eek:

Valerius November 17th, 2008 04:59 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I didn't change the indy strength setting from the llamaserver default (5) but you guys got me worried I had accidentally changed it so I checked the settings in the game and they are on normal. I think you just had bad luck. The indy provinces neighboring me don't seem too bad (my starting position on the other hand...).

GrudgeBringer November 17th, 2008 10:19 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
(sigh) NP, Its just my usual luck...why would I expect anything else but being behind everyone by 4 turns:re:

Aethyr November 17th, 2008 10:59 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

If it's any consolation, you'll have a little bit of company. It's possible that I could have taken an action, but...better safe than loosing the entire starting army.

Quitti November 18th, 2008 03:33 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Lanka also started next to lots of cavalry, thankfully they do not interfere with our preferred way of expansion..

GrudgeBringer November 18th, 2008 09:30 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
well, I lost my first battle I tried (with the smallest force to go agianst. Luckily I didn't lose my commander but lost everything else.

AND I now see another nation on my doorstep.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr, looks like a short game for me:(

GrudgeBringer November 19th, 2008 12:49 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

I have a small problem.

I have on 3 sides of me provinces that have 1. 70 Ghouls and Soulless 2. 50 Heavy Inf, Archers, Militia 3.60 Light and Heavy Inf. And 1 that I am going to attack has 20Heavy inf and Archers.

I tried to get Mercs and bid VERY high on good 'ol'Rexor but Vanhiem must have spent his whole fortune on them as it looks like he has the same problem I do. (grrrrrrrrrrr)

My problem is that with my race and resources I can only get about 3 units a turn (although GOOD ones).

I am taking my brave Prophet and my 6 stalwart men and attacking this turn. If my Prophet goes down I will be done for without a doubt.

Not whining (although it sounds like it) I have just never had this bad of luck in the draw in a MP game.:doh:

Valerius November 19th, 2008 03:47 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
GrudgeBringer, I assume you have some type of bless for your sacreds and are having trouble getting enough of them together. It might be worth recruiting some Nemedian Warriors. They are very similar to Tir's troops and should do fine against infantry. The Fir Bolg Warriors you can recruit are also not bad and have a low resource cost. Mixing them (they have good defense) in with your larger units will prevent your giants from being swarmed.

I've never played Fomoria but I'm familiar with Tir na n'Og's units and Fomoria has many similar troops so I thought I'd suggest it. Hope it's somewhat helpful; I'd be sorry to see you go AI, mortal enemy of the Tuatha or not. ;)

Psycho November 19th, 2008 08:04 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
GB, I just attacked a provinces with 70 ghouls and soulless. It turned out that there were only 40 of them and my prophet mostly killed them singlehandedly with banishment.

Executor November 19th, 2008 03:31 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
OK I have to say this, this is just insane! I'd understand if there were like 60 tritons or something weak but numerous, but I've got 60 amber clan guards and sharks knights???
I've never had a harder start, and I've played maps with indies 9.
Not that I'm complaining....:envy:

GrudgeBringer November 19th, 2008 03:48 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I actually DID beat 20 Heavy Cav and archers with minimal losses with my very small army.

Now however, I have real armies to deal with.

I think all of you should send me 200 gold and 20 gems (any will do) to compensate me for my...ahhhhhhhh, errrrrr, bad start!!!:re:

And send Executor 1/2 of what you send me (hes a better player!!):eek:

Valerius November 19th, 2008 04:08 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Glad to hear you had success this turn GrudgeBringer. Psycho's suggestion of using your prophet to banish the undead is good. Seems like the easiest way to deal with them.

It occurs to me Executor should be kind of happy Fomoria's getting a slow start since they seem the most likely nation to grab some water provinces from him.

Quitti, I don't imagine cavalry or much else interferes with Lanka's expansion. :)

BTW, great job keeping the game moving guys. It looks like whoever is last to submit their turn is immediately sending the next one.

Unoptimized November 22nd, 2008 10:01 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Hey guys, sorry for the shortish notice, I would like to ask for a 24h extension. I am doing an early thanksgiving :)

Valerius November 22nd, 2008 10:40 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
No problem; hosting has been delayed 24 hours. New hosting time is 22:45 GMT on Monday. Happy Thanksgiving!

Executor November 24th, 2008 03:41 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Never expected expanding underwater to be this hard, damn map movement 1...

Quitti November 25th, 2008 05:07 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 654201)
Quitti, I don't imagine cavalry or much else interferes with Lanka's expansion. :)

True, though it does put you on edge when there's like 50-100 hvy cav next to your cap at the start of the game, and being used to play with more or less with nations that do get banged hard by cavalry...

Unoptimized November 26th, 2008 12:02 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Blarg! Sorry guys. Apparently I sent my turn to the wrong section of llamaserver by mistake. I would appreciate an extension and I am sorry about the short notice.

Valerius November 26th, 2008 12:10 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
No problem; hosting has been extended 6 hours. Let me know if you need more time.

Executor November 26th, 2008 03:13 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I'm not gonna complain any more, I'm just gonna say grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!:envy:

Wokeye November 28th, 2008 05:00 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Ahh the joys of underwater play - at least you are buffered against significant early assaults though. Another problem is dominion spread...

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