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Herode December 14th, 2008 11:04 AM

[LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
Era : LA

Map : Asia Twist (16 land, 3 water)

Host : The game will be llamaserver/quickhosted on 48h during the first 20 turns, and we'll see later. 48h QH often means 24h turns but leaves some freedom for those who may have RL constraints - most of us I guess ^^
The game's page on llamaserver is here :

3 stales in a row => subbing or IA.
Delays will be liberally granted as long as they are asked in time.

Version Dom3 : 3.21+
Mods : Nope
Indeps : 9
Graphs : on
HoF : 15
Other : standard
Victory : VP.
42 points available (1VP/capitol = 17VPs, +25 VP scattered on the map), Victory gained at 30VP/42.

This game has been opened on the french forums of Cyberstratege : http://www.cyberstratege.com/forum/v...php?f=7&t=2087
You therefore must be prepared to deal with a whole bunch of grumbling froggies but don't be afraid : we all speak english :p

The game will run as soon as all players are ready. Of course, due to the forecoming Winter Solstice and New Year, the first turns may be run with an erratic ryhtm...

Nations :

++++ (16)
- Abysia : mscfish *
- Agartha : SpiritOfSnagga
- Arcocéphale : Radulphus
- Atlantis : Herode *
- Bogarus : veto *
- C'tis: david
- Ermor : Bébert
- Gath : Olive
- Jomon : Radioheart *, sub. Cupido2
- Man : Kuritza *
- Marignon : Quitti
- Mictlan : Juffos *
- Pangaea : Pataplouf
- Pythium : don_Pablo *
- T'ien Ch'i : Brazouck
- Ulm : Cyberpioupiou

~~~~ (1)
- R'lyeh : Galou

Subs if one of the registered players dismisses :
- Manfred

(*) : player name on the Shapnel forums.
Otherwise, playername on the Cyberstratege forums

Juffos December 15th, 2008 12:24 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup !
Can I take Mictlan, s'il vous plaît?

Kuritza December 15th, 2008 07:30 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup !
Yo, LA Man!

December 15th, 2008 07:49 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup !
LA Pithium please

veto December 15th, 2008 08:03 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup !
Bogarus, please

Tifone December 15th, 2008 08:03 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup !
I choose... LA Materazzi!! :D

Joking. Have fun mes amis :p

mscfish December 15th, 2008 11:42 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup !

Kuritza December 15th, 2008 12:01 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup !
Ahem... 16 land, 8 players in your lists and 5 signups, which makes it 1,3 provinces per player (and 3 water provinces)...
Forget it, I'm out of this madness. :)

DonCorazon December 15th, 2008 12:12 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup !
Kuritza, those are the amount of players targeted for the map, not the number of provinces :)

December 15th, 2008 02:00 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup ! (N- 3)
I'd like to join as Midgard

Herode December 15th, 2008 02:05 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup ! (N- 3)
Welcome guys !
The players list has been updated.


Kuritza, those are the amount of players targeted for the map, not the number of provinces
Yep ! Kuritza, you're still registered of course. :smirk:
Asia Twist is one of the splendid maps of PashaDawg :

It doesn't seem to be currently registered on the llamaserver, I'll try to check this out asap.

December 15th, 2008 06:24 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup ! (N- 3)

Originally Posted by Wendigo_reloaded (Post 660283)
I'd like to join as Midgard

Err, nevermind, on second thought maybe this game is too big a time comitment after so long without playing. Sorry, it seems I cannot edit the previous post.

Have fun.

Quitti December 16th, 2008 04:12 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup ! (N- 3)
I'd like to take Marignon

nozshand December 16th, 2008 04:22 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup ! (N- 3)
sounds interesting, ULM for me plz

Tifone December 16th, 2008 05:02 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup ! (N- 3)
Ulm's already taken, noz ;) - unless you're even Cyberpioupiou :)

Radioheart December 16th, 2008 05:06 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup ! (N- 3)
Vive la France!

I am in as Atlantis

Cyberpioupiou December 16th, 2008 08:04 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup ! (N- 3)

nozshand, if you still want to play with Ulm, say it again and I'll switch to Marignon.

Herode December 16th, 2008 02:23 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
Ok, the list in page 1 has been updated.

@Radioheart : the game has been filled, sorry... I register you as a potential player if one of the registered ones vanishes in the Void. Keep an eye at the thread, anyway I'll PM you if a place becomes vacant before we start.

@Cyberpioupiou : Marignon is played by Quitti.

@all : please PM me your email @ddress, I'll build a mailing list and I'll send it to all players when the game starts.

I'll post here as soon as the game will be ready for your pretenders on llamaserver. Don't forget that we are llamahosted : no password on your files please (I want to be able to give any nation to a sub if a player stales 3+ times in a row :smirk:)

Cyberpioupiou December 17th, 2008 04:42 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed

Originally Posted by Herode (Post 660493)
@Cyberpioupiou : Marignon is played by Quitti.

Oops... my bad, sorry.

mscfish December 17th, 2008 10:52 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
Only one sea nation?
I dont think it's a good idea.

Herode December 17th, 2008 01:50 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
I'm afaid we don't have much choice here : R'lyeh is the only LA aquatic nation. But many of the other nations have access to amphibian troops and/or summons

Anyway, if you know some moded LA aquatic nations compatible with the current Dom version, we can try to advertise in their favour in hope 1 or 2 more players. I confess I don't know much about moded nations : there are soooo many vanilla nations that I'll never have time to try them all... :hurt:

mscfish December 17th, 2008 02:15 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed

Originally Posted by Herode (Post 660697)
I'm afaid we don't have much choice here : R'lyeh is the only LA aquatic nation. But many of the other nations have access to amphibian troops and/or summons

Anyway, if you know some moded LA aquatic nations compatible with the current Dom version, we can try to advertise in their favour in hope 1 or 2 more players. I confess I don't know much about moded nations : there are soooo many vanilla nations that I'll never have time to try them all... :hurt:

Haha,I'm sorry.
I forgot the atlantis had been land to the earth in LA.

Juffos December 17th, 2008 02:39 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
Late R'lyeh isn't quite the unstoppable juggernaut it once was because of patch changes, though having the land/watermass of three players is a huge advantage.

Herode December 18th, 2008 04:45 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
Indeed. I guess we, humble players, will have to fight fiercely against the Void Things, not even speaking of the Ermorian threat. :hurt:

Note : the Asia Twist map is not registered on the llamaserver - I thought it aw. And I'm unable to download it, the server sends me an error 500. I noticed llama about thais but he may be busy at the moment and I've got no asnswer.

Would you guys mind if we switch to another map ?
Alexandria maybe, or another one at your choice if you have ideas. As long as the map is a wraparound, I am open to suggestions.

mscfish December 19th, 2008 02:26 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed

Originally Posted by Herode (Post 661005)
Indeed. I guess we, humble players, will have to fight fiercely against the Void Things, not even speaking of the Ermorian threat. :hurt:

Note : the Asia Twist map is not registered on the llamaserver - I thought it aw. And I'm unable to download it, the server sends me an error 500. I noticed llama about thais but he may be busy at the moment and I've got no asnswer.

Would you guys mind if we switch to another map ?
Alexandria maybe, or another one at your choice if you have ideas. As long as the map is a wraparound, I am open to suggestions.

I am in another game which use asia twist as the map at present.
When I first time down the map,there is also something wrong with it.
I use Firefox(not IE) and TOR(a proxy software) to solve it.And i down the map file with no probelm.You may try it.

Kuritza December 19th, 2008 05:44 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
I dont see this game on Llamaserver. Where (and/or when) should I upload my pretender, hmm?

As for Rlyeh... we'll see if patches changed anything for real. I kinda frown each time I see this Lovecraftian horror - it screws its neighbours worse than Ermor.
This is a double-edged thingy, to think of it. Without Rlyeh Atlantis may grow fat too easily. :)

Herode December 19th, 2008 03:33 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed

Originally Posted by Kuritza (Post 661127)
This is a double-edged thingy, to think of it. Without Rlyeh Atlantis may grow fat too easily. :)

True, although Atlantis in not the only nation having a good access to water, it has strong arguments to use in this direction :D

I've just created the game with - temporarily - Alexander map.
The link is here :

You can upload your pretenders now.
llamabeast will look at the error I had when downloading & he will try to solve it and to enable us to use AsiaTwist as planned.

I've set up the game with "no automatic start" in order to avoid stales with players unable to play during Christsmas Holydays. But if we have all the pretenders, the game will start ASAP & I'll set up confortable delays during the said holidays.
From January 2009 to turn 25-30, the turn delay will be set up to 2 days. If some of you need more time, please MP me & I'll set up deadlines accordingly (as long as requests do not cause excessive delays...)

@mcfish : thanks for the tip but I'm trying to upload AsiaTwist on the llamserver library, not to dowload it on my computer. Sorry for the miswording ^^
(& of course, I'm using Firefox - or Opera. ;))

Kuritza December 20th, 2008 07:10 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
I wouldnt call Patala a nation with 'strong access to water' - nagas are pathetic fighters. So there's Atlantis and Mictlan to compete over the seas. I believe I didnt miss anything this time? :)

Herode December 23rd, 2008 06:22 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
10 pretenders uploaded so far, we still wait for the last 7 (amongst them... my own :o)

I'm going out of home for a few days (you know, the Xmas thing & so on...). I'll check the game this week-end when I'll be back in my starting province and i'll launch the turn 0 if we are complete.

I noticed that a pretender has been register for Chelms, is that you nozshand ?

Also, thanks to llama, the map has been updated & we will play on Asia Twist as expected !

Merry Winter Soltice/Christmas to you, guys, & see you on the TOO in a couple of days :p

Kuritza December 23rd, 2008 09:23 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
Chelms is belong to us. :)

Herode December 26th, 2008 06:54 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
Ooops, of course, Chelms = Man ! My bad :o

Nozshand, could you plase confirm you are still with us and what is your nations's choice ?

Herode December 27th, 2008 01:02 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - Signup closed
Still not a single word from nozshand.
I'll contact the reserve players in order to find a sub for the vacant nation.

Herode December 29th, 2008 04:40 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - uploading pretenders
Radioheart joins us as Jomon :)

Herode January 6th, 2009 06:51 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
Wrong start : I messed the victory condition in the setup... You will receive a new Turn 1 very soon and you will have to re-send your order. Sorry for the invonvenience, guys.

Herode January 6th, 2009 07:10 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
OK, not my mistake eventually. I'll post on the main forum to notify the bug. Please check your mail for the full details.

Herode January 6th, 2009 04:49 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
Another false start : a unknown player has uploaded a pretender for caelum, pushing Gath out of the game. Not very cool.
I'm going to see how we can correct this...

Herode January 6th, 2009 05:06 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
OK, game reverted to tha "waiting for pretenders" state. You don't have to actually reload your pretenders : I erased the prétender for Caelum and we're just waiting the missing one (Gath).

Kuritza January 9th, 2009 02:35 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
Eh... guys, we had holydays here so I missed the first turn. Staled turn 1 is a bit too much of a handicap for me, so I'd like to ask you for a rollback, or perhaps a restart... otherwise, I'm out. Really sorry for this.

Herode January 25th, 2009 07:41 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
3 stales this turn, and 2 stales in a row for Chelms.
Kuritza, are you still with us ?

Fellow competitors, don't forget to let me know of you need a delay or a sub in order to avoid stales.

Herode February 24th, 2009 05:08 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
2 stales in a row for Jomon, looking for a (temporary ?) sub.

cupido2 February 25th, 2009 08:39 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
Hello everybody. I'm the new (temporary or perma) Jomonleader. Do I have any NAPs or wars going on, that I have to know of?

Herode June 15th, 2009 04:40 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
Sub needed for Pythium. Somebody interested ?

Juffos July 9th, 2009 05:56 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
Would C'tis and Gath please soon capitulate so we can put this game to rest? It was a good game. Mictlan is a beast.

yandav July 10th, 2009 06:39 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
I've just set myself (C'tis) to AI. Congratulations to Mictlan!
PS: you shoud post on cyberstratege'forum, I'm not sure that Gath's player is reading this forum.

Olive July 10th, 2009 01:14 PM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
Gath never gives up. :p

Okay, they do. Congratulations to Mictlan. :)

Herode July 11th, 2009 05:42 AM

Re: [LA] Les Ponpons Flingueurs - running
OK then, end of the game.

Congrats to the winner and thanks to the other players for the fun !

Can I declare the game finished on the llamaserver ?

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