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Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
I know that I have started and restarted this project many times. But I made major progress this time. Check out
http://www.Dom3Minions.com/RandomMaps/x Eventually those will be sceduled for automaticly running a new batch. Maybe daily. But for now it will be sporadic as I work on tweaking things so if you see one you like then grab it quick. With some experimentation and balancing of the pros and cons I have settled into using 1600x1200 pixels for the maps which is the Dom3 default. So far I am providing 2 styles in each size. Dom3 with basic defaults, and then maps with my preferred settings. I plan to expand that. Other preferred settings for percentages and colors Harbingers wrapped maps, empty template maps such as Targa used to make which are easier to use as a base for doing your own maps, posterized, compressed file sizes, and sepia (old parchment looking). And possibly some from the DomMap program, GIMP, and any other generator that shows up. So far the .map file for each one is unmodified. I hope to include others. Optimized (starting positions and such), SemiRandomized, Chaoticized, heavily commented. At the moment we have 24 nations in Early Era, 23 in Middle Era, and 21 in Late Era. And we can figure on some more coming. Ive debated and decided that using numbers such as 25 nations in an era made the numbers expand too fast. So Im thinking that a reasonably "full" standard game would be 20 players. The Dom3 game defines Small maps as 10 provs per player, Medium maps 15/player, Large maps 20/player. Then there is allowing for solo players who like an online world feel to an ongoing personal game. And the SingleAge games which we now have slots up to 95 (remove 3 for indepts and 1 in-work) which means that even the maximum size is just a medium sized game map. :) So for now Im shooting for.... Dueling: (2*25) 50 provinces Tiny: 20*5 100 provinces Small: 20*10 200 provinces Medium: 20*15 300 provinces Large: 20*20 400 provinces Huge: 20*30 600 provinces Grand: 20*50 1000 provinces Epic: 20*60 1200 provinces Max: (20*75) 1500 provinces The TILE button on each individual display is so you can see how much modification might be needed to turn it into a wrapped map. That is still in the working phase. With so many randomly generated maps there is a chance we might create one that is amazingly close matching on its sides. We wouldnt want to miss one. Eventually I might also add directories for pipe maps, tower maps, modularized. Comments? And if anyone wants a quick debate on any of it, I can usually be found in the CHAT room (there is a button for chat on the menu at the top of this page) By the way, this is all scripted. Its really easy for me to change the settings and run a new batch. If someone would like a batch of a certain type then let me know. I can whip off a directory for you and fill it. Gandalf Parker |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
You could make that into a "Randomly generated map of the day" thing.
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Thats what it is. Except that its maps instead of map.
I did the same for Dom2 and it was pretty popular. http://www.dom3minions.com/~dominion...andomMaps.html No problem for my server to run batches each night for people to look thru the next day. (my nice new upgraded server thanks again for your hand in that) They also make good templates. Spark peoples desire to improve them. Rename it to something interesting, give decent province names, add some special story provinces, add some unique graphics to match whats there, maybe a specially built AI. Especially if I add Harbringers wrapped maps. http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/Cor/ And Targa's blank templates. http://www.dom3minions.com/~targa/blanks/ |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
:feedback: . . COME ON PEOPLE!
I see it getting views. Dont be put off by some of the people in these forums. In my threads ANYONE can have an opinion worth hearing. The crazier the better. Do these settings appeal to you or not? Now is a good time to pre-pay for this service with some commentary. Such as.. the http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/x/ directory should now reflect more of what I am headed toward. But the entire generation process could be made more efficient (less load on my server, less files on my server, faster, etc) if instead of converting the rgb file to a full sized jpg for viewing AND creating a 1/2 sized image for tiling, if instead I just made the 1/2 sized one and used it both times. Do you feel that the tile image loses too viewability to make this worthwhile toward deciding if you want to download it? Would you prefer scrolling around the full sized image in the regular view you get when you click on the menu'd image? |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Dueling sized maps (50 provinces) are ready to view
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/d/ |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Hmmmm the maximum map of 26 in this batch could wrap nicely side-to-side. Check out the tiled image on X_26_17Dec08. There have been discussions that a left-right wrap is actually better anyway. The top and bottom should be left alone or be linked as all of the top provinces being neighbors to each other and all the bottom ones neighbor to each other (a more polar result). And there are some programs out that will take this image and make a rotating globe out of it which would be a great image to link to in the posts about it.
If someone wants to do all this of course. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
A batch of Tiny maps (100 provinces) is ready for viewing.
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/t If none of them ring your chimes then dont worry. The ideas is that once this is all ironed out (and I get an idea how much load and how long a time it takes to generate it all) then I will turn it on automatic for frequent re-generating them all. Eventually you should spot one that is perfect for what you want. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Small is ready to look at (200 provinces)
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/s Check out 21 tiled. It could be done but I think Id wait for something closet. And larger. But of course all of these are playable now. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Medium is ready (300 provinces)
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/m Number 25 is worth looking at tiled. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Larges are in place (400 provinces)
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/l |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Huge is in (600 provinces)
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/h |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Grand is in (1000 provinces)
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/g and now we are into one of the main reasons for the project. People dont tend to want to generate 1000 or more province maps over and over till they find one they like. None of this batch really caught my fancy either but I will keep making them so eventually we should get some decent ones. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
OK Epic is in place and now all of them have examples to look at.
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/e Now we are definetly into the reason for the project. People dont want to generate tons of large maps to find one to be inspired by. Some peoples computers can barely play a map this large much less generate one. Look at E_03_17Dec08 (if you look today). Its an Epic sized snow-country looking map. The top of it is a small section of land between two large oceans. A scenario map could be made of this and uploaded for everyone which is closed off to having human players start in the top half. And allied AIs already own the top of the map. Maybe Rlyeh and Atlantis already own the two oceans, and Ermor is in that little land zone. The Dreaded Atlantis Rlyeh Ermor alliance (D.A.R.E.) giving them each pre-designed gods and scales and extra armies and extra castles. Being set to ally means they wont attack each other. They will only attack you (and you should probably bring some human players along to ally with you too). That can be one map. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Hi Gandalf,
Thanks for these. I have downloaded a few for the Christmas break :) |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
OK a full new batch of maps have been generated.
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomizedMaps.htm I think I am going to have to swing away from the idea of generating these every day as I did with the Dom2 version. I want to add to this, and just generating these on my souped up server took 13 hours! Maybe I will shoot for having them all generate once a week and spread them out abit. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Is there a way to keep the sea provinces from all clumping like that? I've often thought it would be nice to have multiple smaller seas to break up the map, but the random map generator always puts them all together! at most making two separate seas separated by an isthmus. Also it would create interesting strategies with the ocean players to have many separated possible base locations.
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
The Dom3 generator doesnt seem to support that altho Harbringers does.
Some of his are available on my main maps page http://www.dom3minions.com/maps.htm Its one of the reasons that this project is needed. Its easier for people to just check once in awhile and see if a map is to their liking instead of running hundreds over and over like I do. Every once in awhile Dom3 will do a map that is wintery, or has scattered waters, or is a continent surrounded by water, or one big ocean completely surrounded by land, or split down the center, or any of the other variations that one person seems to like over what the other person likes. I myself have particular likes in a map (here are some of my latest "keepers") http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMap...rs/Keepers.htm and I figured that if Im going to have my server generate tons of maps just so I can shop thru them and keep a few then I might as well make it public and allow others to also. They are fully playable. But someone could snag one and improve it also. Check the neighbors for logical connections, add seaports, give the provinces names that make sense and dont duplicate, add some more interesting icons, maybe "winterize" the northern and southern ends, and "jungle" the center, maybe add some designed provinces such as a mountain full of dwarves with a construction bonus magic site there. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Since people have had a chance to look at some of these, Im considering some changes which will affect the load on my system and the generating times of the maps. What do people think of:
Is the smaller view used for tiling adequate to see the maps features? Only creating one jpg of the map would help things alot. Do many people have a problem with the linux version of the .map file? The way it creates a single string of text out of everything when viewed in an editor like NotePad. I could run each one thru a converter to DOS/Windows text mode before zipping it up. Do many people have a problem with the size of the files for the larger maps? Should I make them larger? (to get rid of the fuzziness) or maybe run them thru a color reducer? (would lost some of the photographic quality, look more grainy, but be smaller files) How many people make extensive use of map modifiers or annotators? Enough that I should run every map thru it and add another .map file to the zip for each one? Examples would be SemiRand, or NoIndys, or programs to put english labels to the terrain numbers (plains, forest, mountains, etc) into the .map file, or programs to set better start/nostart positions, or a province count file (how many forest, mountain, start, nostart etc are already set in the file). |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Or should I just leave this one and move on to the wraparound maps? :)
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
It's nice to be able to go and browse things like this, although I think wraparound maps or maps that aren't plausible in the dom3 generator on its own (recoloured poles + equator, or SemiRand, or whatever) are probably a lot more worthwhile.
Certainly for me, I browsed these but I could probably get something like that myself easily enough, wheras I'd find it much more useful to see a couple of examples of something I don't know how to do yet, or would find difficult. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Thanks for the feedback.
I have some of those in mind also. But I needed to get this in the works first. Its a "base" arrangment for processing and making it available so that the ones that take abit more experimentation to get working will not need work in the presenting part. Maybe I should start a poll on which people would want next. A) wraparound B) recolored temperature zones C) SemiRand D) blank templates (borders on a two color map for only see and land) E) fully annotated (the .map file has comments for terrains, counts for terrains and start positions, designations for islands and lakes) F) compressed (smaller files for the larger maps) G) Sepia (old parchment looking maps) hmmm there are more but I dont remember them all. Maybe I will edit it later and add some |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Of those listed I would think the wraparound would be most useful, as wraparound maps always add an extra dimension of difficulty, as well as making a map seem larger than it is, and I'm always a fan of epic scenarios.
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Water nations and game maps are a big pain to try and get right. As a person who makes and selects maps continually Im up against this all the time. The games logic does actually try to consider the following:
A) Nations should not be too close to each other. B) Nations should not start out with too few neighbor provinces. C) Land nations should not have water neighbor provinces. D) Water nations should not have land neighbor provinces. E) Many nations have special terrain or theme requirements (water, land, mountains, swamp, wasteland, coastal). F) No land nation should be placed in the center of a large area of one particular terrain so that it doesnt have quick access to multiple terrain benefits in the capital. G) And absolutely DO NOT take too much time trying to achieve A thru F It might seem as though you have never seen that happen. And unless you play on large maps thats understandable. Some maps make it hard, some make it impossible. A map with enough provinces to allow the game to get completely thru its choice selection process without it giving up tends to be a map too large for most peoples idea of a good game. There is definitely an advantage to maps where a human has done some work on setting provinces as start, no-start, or spec-start. And how much water is enough? If I want 10 players at 10 provs each before mandatory war, then 100 prov map MIGHT be able to place everyone well. But what if 3 water nations join? 30 water? If there is one small ocean then the D rules pushes them to the middle and too close to each other. And what if only 1 water nation joins? 1 nation with 30 provs to the land nations 10? Cries of unfair! My favorite maps, which rarely cause me problems, are like these. http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMap...rs/keepers.htm But few people want to play games that big. Maybe some of these.. http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/Keepers/index.htm but again the smaller you get, or smaller provs-to-player ratio, the less likely that everyone will be happy with the games placement of capitals unless someone hand-massages the map. Interesting point (which I just realized myself): When playing a solo game, Dom3 has you select the map first then the nations. But in server mode, it waits for the people to select their nations and then has you select the map. Maybe Johan was hinting. :) |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Another interesting note for those who are curious. Altho it might not seem that way, the game DOES try to avoid duplicate province names when selecting them for a map. On each province, it tries 25 times to find a non-dupe name before giving up. On a really large map its rather surprising how fast its able to do that. But obviously when the games map limits were increased, the file for prov names was not. This is again another place where the best results involve hand massaging it, or using a 3rd party program to put names on every province.
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Dont know if you are still taking opinions
Id love some maps that use RanDom or whatever . I've never been smart enough to get that to work correctly =o |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Thats a thought. But those do get old after a while and need to be rerun.
Until then I have two option for you. I daily re-randomize both a SemiRandom and a Chaos map. The Chaos is called "Poke in the Eye" using the original Eye.map that comes with the game. And the SemiRandom is called Aran_Dom which uses the original Aran map that came with the game. Both can be found on my maps page. http://www.dom3minions.com/maps.htm The advantage of these is that if playing it gets old because you know where everything is, you can download a new version. The other option is that I have both SemiRandomized and Chaos games always open on my server. http://www.dom3minions.com/HostedGames.htm They can be played solo since both include AIs in the game. (Chaos maps are not recommended for newbies) |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
And then i have your max size Map around here somewhere where you did that to it. But i've played that few times at this point and well 1500 provinces makes for a pretty long game =p |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Ive frequently considered creating a SemiRand group of maps for daily generation. In fact it was one of the reasons I started the SemiRand project (major Kudos to Ballbarian for taking it over and finishing it).
But every time I considered it, the province count was too low to be used that often or on maps of a decent size. So each time I ended up posting another request to the SemiRand threads for EVERYONE to design ONE province to add to the files. Now (checking my present count) with every collection I can find for it my count is up to 390 provinces. Possibly enough so that a 10 or 20 percent scattering would be fairly different each time on fairly large maps. But I wish there was more variety. More cute or thematic "interesting" without being "look what I can make that can kick your SC" provinces. ALSO since the subject has come up... SemiRand now includes pretender builds for the AI. Design god/magic/scales so that the random selections of the AI doesnt kill it in the first 3 turns before anyone even attacks it. And THAT part of SemiRand is now in need of more variety. We dont even have all the nations covered even once, much less enough variety to make it as useful as it should be. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Sometimes I slap myself for finding new things so many years into this game. I get flak sometimes for not knowing things about mods, or balance, or mp, as being one of the beta testers. But I consider those to be areas well covered by other people (better covered by other people). BUT something new and useful in the areas of hosting, or map generating, or the games maximums; that hurts. Those are areas I kinda took onto myself. Especially if it seems simple and obvious.
ANYWAY...... Something we have lacked since Dom2 days when Targa used the old DomMap to make blank templates for people wanting to make maps. http://www.dom3minions.com/~targa/blanks/20Sep732.jpg Now I find that setting the generator to 100% water does the same. Eventually I will add this as a section (like maps 30-40) in each map-size run on my site. http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomizedMaps.htm For now, here are the test shots. 2 solid colors which are easy to fill in, red borders so the game editor can "see" it better, and a white pixel in each province. http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/Blanks/ |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
OK first view is up....
The DUELING size maps http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomizedMaps.htm reflect a new layout that I will gradually get around to doing with all the map sizes. 1-9 is standard Dom3 to give some of the tan and snow maps 10-30 is my favorite color setting (hey its mine, I can do that) 31-40 is an experiment in randomizing colors within a fairly acceptable range 41-50 are blank templates the 31-40 maps write the ground color and sea color that were randomly selected to the end of the .map file in case you just really like the colors. That way you can change the defaults in your Dom3 to use those when it randomly generates maps for you. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Still in consideration for inclusion to these would be:
Wrapped versions using ParadoxHarbingers mapgen. I just dont have the math for using it well. Eventually I will spend some time randomly finding the right settings for each mapsize Finishing up some ImageMagick routines to create split image maps, temperature zoned maps, parchment looking maps. Eventually I might include some different .map files for use with each map image. SemiRand, Allied AIs, NI (no indepts), PI (partial indepts), Chaos, named provinces. Or just running the maps thru various programs people have done which add informative comments. Randomly generated maps from GIMP |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Is there a way you could run your maps (automated) through the mapeditor tool by this other guy which adds "unique" provinces to the map ?
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
I think I know the one you mean, and its actually based on SemiRand which is a more extensive program to do the same thing.
That is on the list as a possibility. For now the maps are more of a "starting point" for others to take one they like and do the many things (that included) to make it more interesting than just another random map. But if you are interested... I do have two maps that are randomized daily. The Aran_Dom map which uses the Aran map that comes with the game is run thru SemiRand daily, and the Poke-in-the-Eye map which uses the Eye map that comes with the game and is Chaoticized daily. Both can be found here.... http://www.dom3minions.com/maps.htm Feel free to download them and play them. And if you play it enough to start knowing where everything is then just download it again to get a new version. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Ill try. thanks !
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Wow....are there some huge ones already made (1k+)? (Sorry I didn't read the whole thread yet)
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
1k+ provinces is what Im famous for.
There are a couple on the maps page, and some randomly generated http://www.dom3minions.com/maps.htm |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Amazing. Now I know what single game I will take with me to that Deserted Island :-) Looking forward to learning more about modding.
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
OK the Dueling, Tiny, Small, and Medium sized maps are caught up with the new generating options. Since those are the most preferred sizes I will mention it.
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomizedMaps.htm Comments welcome |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
OK it looks like I will be able to do some updates. I probably wont be starting any full projects but I can go back and update a few sporadically.
So for the last few good days I have been working on the Randomized Maps section again. I recently got the server repaired and since it is running well (knock on virtual wood) Im going to try and reinstate the daily runs to create entirely new libraries of maps. So if you LIKE one, be sure and grab it. DONT link to it while you discuss starting a game with it since the next day it might be gone. If you need to link to it and dont have other options then let me know and I will move it to a safe directory. But its probably safe to download it anyway. There are now 9 sizes generated using the Dom3 mapgen: Dueling maps (2*25) 50 provinces Tiny maps (20*5) 100 provinces Small maps (20*10) 200 provinces Medium maps (20*15) 300 provinces Large maps (20*20) 400 provinces Huge maps (20*30) 600 provinces Grand maps (20*50) 1000 provinces Epic maps (20*60) 1200 provinces MAXIMUM maps (20*75) 1500 provinces Within each size there are 6 sections: 01-09 uses the games default settings for everything including colors 10-30 uses my own personal preferences for colors, also sea=20%, farm=20%, and mountain=50% to generate more chokepoints for interesting play 31-40 is the same but uses a semirandom color generator (the colors used are written to the end of the map file in case you want to remember them for use yourself) 41-50 uses a trick to generate a blank template map which can be used by someone to add their own map images When you are shopping just look for balance. The sizes list plaver-vs-province counts so you can have an idea. Such as.. a Medium map says (20*15) 300 provinces. So 20 players would get 15 provs each which would be a medium sized game. Personally I like water scattered equally, or in the middle, so that anyone landing on one side or the other doesnt feel unfairly constrained. OR if the land is all in the middle with equal placement of water around it. But such maps are rarely generated, hence my desire for a daily shopping catalog. I might get around to adding more. Such as the Tower maps which are going over rather well. Or the wrappable maps generated using ParadoxHarbinger's mapgen. OR I might get around to creating a better directory of the "Keepers". I have a large collection of zips I have grabbed off because I liked the result. I will never get around to touching them up and making them available for download so I probably should make them available so others can. Id also like to look into adding more info. Such as a land/water count. Its misleading to look at the maps because the mapgen makes water provs bigger than land provs so what looks like too much water really isnt. And maybe also a routine to improve the start/nostart tags so people dont get rotten starts. But Id probably have to ask someone else to do those now, and then work them into the run cycle ANYWAY, the maps are regenerating. Enjoy |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
Responses to some of the private messages Ive gotten....
Too Many Sizes Thank you for comment. Thank you for considering the community in saying what they want, and in considering the load of my system in generating maps that arent used. However, the logs show differently. The interest between small, medium, large maps is only slightly more than the interests in dueling, tiny, epic, and maximum, etc. Im guessing that is just another way of showing that there actually is a large number of lurking solo players who use this forum. Not Enough Sizes I can fully appreciate the interests in maps of 150 provinces as being more "standard". But the randomized maps display is based on the idea of full games of 20 nations. 150 divided 20 ways would be about 7 provs each which would not look right. I understand that most games are more like 8-10. 10 nations would make it 15 provs each or Dom3's idea of a "medium" game. I had originally thought to leave the 150 map area to the more creative map people to fill since it seems just as preferable to them as it is to the mp players. I do actually have scripts for generating 150 prov maps. I could update that and add it to the daily run. But it would probably be listed separately. Maybe even referrred to as "Standard". More Wrappables Totally understandable. The only mapgens I know of that create wrappables are ParadoxHarbinger, or GIMP. And for both there is work needed to bring it up to community standards. I do offer PH's maps on my site http://www.dom3minions.com/maps.htm and I might add it to the daily generation. Maybe even work on more sizes for it. But Id like to see more interest in someone taking some and making them more community acceptable. The best I can do for my generated maps is to add a button which asks "Wrappable?" when you are viewing an individual map. That will tile the map to the screen so you can see how the edges line up. If it seems like its a close match then with very little work it could be made into a wrappable map by someone here. Colors OK fine. It is still my server and I happen to like the green plains. But I will make this change for you. I will drop the group of "Parkers Preferences" from 10-30 to just the maps numbered 10-20. And I will increase the more random color selection from 31-40 to being numbers from 21-40. I wont yet increase the random settings though. I played with those a long time to get results that I did not feel were too extreme. I might add a separate directory for truly insane efforts (after all, that fits my personal style) but at the moment Im not sure if there is enough interest to justify the use of resources. I am working on making the "Keepers" directory more useful. When I get it working I might generate some maps and try to find some of those "lava world" or "undead world" to put there. You also might look into the "piecemeal" project. The maps stack rather easily so generating maps in sections with different color schemes then pasting them together has possibilities. For EVERYONE: I will do what I can (dont expect things too quick though). For now, here is an example of my script generating a map.... dom3 -T --makemap M_31_20Dec10 --mountpart 50 --farmpart 20 --seapart 20 --mapnoise 3 --mapprov 300 --mapsize 1600 1200 --mapgcol 44 122 19 255 --mapscol 28 95 114 255 --mapbcol 104 182 79 200 --mapsbcol 88 155 174 120 Edit it as you wish, add it to a script or batch file, set it to run as many times as you want and leave it running when you go to bed. In the morning you also will have a full directory of maps to select from. Oh and keep in mind that the colors used in each of the randomly colored ones on my site are written to the end of the .map file in case you see one that you like the colors but not the map itself. Also, look into Ballbarians excellent mapmaking program which gives a nice interface to the Dom3 map generator. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
OK a case has been made for more of a "standard game" map. The point made was that most of the games on most of the forums tend more toward 8 to 10 players than trying to use all of the nations of an era at the same time.
So, for that reason, there is now a "Standard" collection, generated daily, which will be 150 provinces. Apparently in the lists before 100 was too few and 200 too many. http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/standard/ We will see how that goes for awhile. |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
the "standard" maps have been added to the Randomized Maps page.
I might get around to generating new ones today http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomizedMaps.htm |
Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)
I am happy to announce the addition of stats to my map displays. Now when you click on one you like, along with the larger view it will also tell you how many provinces, how many are land, and how many are water. And remember, these are re-randomized daily.
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomizedMaps.htm This will be particularly handy when viewing the directory for longer storage where I keep maps that catch my eye. http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/Keepers/ |
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