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Black_Knyght December 28th, 2008 03:25 AM

Ship abilities & Troops
Is it possible to design a ship hull with a built-in capability to carry troops, without the need to add additional cargo space or components?

If so, how would it be done?

Fyron December 29th, 2008 11:30 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
Could you please pick 1 forum for these questions, rather than waste people's time giving you the same answers?

Fyron December 31st, 2008 03:11 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
What I meant was, these recent questions are fairly straight-forward, and are not going to generate a lot of interesting discussion. If it's a question like, "how do you balance a weapons system?", then sure, more discussion is better (though its still nice to post cross-links for people's reference). But this question doesn't ask for opinions on anything, and won't generate a broad range of answers. A simple "you can add cargo space as a hull ability" is all it needs (and got over on the other posting a few days ago). Sorry if my last post came off a little abrasive; I was nursing a bad headache.

geoschmo December 31st, 2008 08:13 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
I think the Forum is truly dead when Fyron has to argue with himself. :D

capnq January 2nd, 2009 08:22 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
I didn't have anything to add since the last time we argued over this. I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince Fyron to stop wasting his time trying to convince other people to stop wasting his time.

Black_Knyght January 2nd, 2009 10:35 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops

Originally Posted by Fyron (Post 662715)
Could you please pick 1 forum for these questions, rather than waste people's time giving you the same answers?

Simply put, and with all due courtesy, NO.

That said, I'll explain why.

I've learned that by posting the same question in different forums, I generally tend to get a broader and more informative set of answers to a given query. Not every time, mind you, but on average.

I also make it a point to post the EXACT SAME query on each, thereby making it easier for anyone who has seen it on one forum to ignore it on the other.

Simple and consistent recognition patterns.:)

I'm grateful for any and all the answers I've gotten, or may yet get, from the various members of each respective forum. They have been very helpful and appreciated.

Fyron January 3rd, 2009 02:26 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
A simple link is all you need to prevent annoying everyone by wasting time reposting the exact same answer someone else already posted, especially for simple yes/no questions like this one that are not going to generate any interesting discussion... How do your readers know what they are spending 10 minutes typing isn't already an answer in another forum they haven't checked yet?

Xrati January 3rd, 2009 12:47 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
It's our time to waste Fyron! :p If it upsets you, go to another forum where everything is as YOU want it! BUT remember that nothing is perfect, except the quest for knowledge and answers...

Black_Knyght January 3rd, 2009 06:09 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
It's strikes me as more than just a bit ironic that a GREATER amount of time has been WASTED here in the griping about and debating of the issue of multiple forum posts than that actually spent in ANSWERING the specific query post itself......:deadhorse:

Fyron January 3rd, 2009 08:45 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
That's probably because the issue of etiquette is bigger than the particular query of this thread...

geoschmo January 4th, 2009 12:29 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops

Originally Posted by Black_Knyght (Post 663719)
It's strikes me as more than just a bit ironic that a GREATER amount of time has been WASTED here in the griping about and debating of the issue of multiple forum posts than that actually spent in ANSWERING the specific query post itself......:deadhorse:

That's just how Fyron rolls. The best thing to do is ignore his Emily Post comments and just respond to the actual feedback you get on your questions.

As dead as this forum is I don't know why anyone would try to lower the number of posts. :)

By the way, love the dead horse smilie.

Black_Knyght January 4th, 2009 01:01 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops

Originally Posted by geoschmo (Post 663801)
That's just how Fyron rolls. The best thing to do is ignore his Emily Post comments and just respond to the actual feedback you get on your questions.

As dead as this forum is I don't know why anyone would try to lower the number of posts. :)

How Fyronic!:p


By the way, love the dead horse smilie.
It seemed so very appropriate to the discussion at hand. ;)

In truth, I got involved with Space Empires a bit later than most, courtesy of Ragnarok, and started fiddling around with modeling and modding about the time SE5 was becoming the next big thing over the horizon.

I very much enjoy SE4, and love the idea of customizing it to fit an idea I have. I do greatly appreciate, certain nitpicking notwithstanding, all the helpful bits the more experienced players have given me, and may yet give.:)

Fyron January 4th, 2009 02:55 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops

Originally Posted by geoschmo (Post 663801)
...Emily Post...

Alright Mr. Miller...

capnq January 5th, 2009 10:09 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops

Originally Posted by Fyron (Post 663582)
especially for simple yes/no questions like this one that are not going to generate any interesting discussion

There is no way to predict how much discussion a seemingly simple question will generate, or whether the discussion will be interesting (which is purely subjective anyway).

Fyron January 5th, 2009 12:01 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
If there is any doubt, a simple cross-link to help out the people wanting to help you is always the polite thing to do.

capnq January 7th, 2009 09:06 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
It's also polite to include enough description of what the link is pointing to that people can tell that the link is relevant to the discussion, but you didn't show any evidence of understanding that in the other thread where someone called you out on your attitude on this "issue", either.

(I don't expect you to grasp this point, either, but I'm stressed out enough to need to vent. It's taking all the self-control I have to stay this civil.)

capnq January 7th, 2009 09:54 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
On second thought, I'm just going to stop reading these forums for a while, before I'm provoked into posting something that deservedly draws a cooling-off ban. The signal-to-noise ratio around here has deteriorated to the point that it's too much hassle to even cherry-pick the threads that look like they might be worth the time it takes to load the page.

Fyron January 8th, 2009 03:03 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
*hands out some senses of humor*

Black_Knyght January 8th, 2009 04:26 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
Okay - now THIS is getting RIDICULOUS:doh: !!!

And - dear Fyron,despite your complaints about wasting people's time, it's interesting how much effort you personally have applied in this post to actually answering any questions, as compared the effort applied in pressing a petty point of personal dissatisfaction or simply needling others!

It seems to me it dramatically diminishes your point about multiple forum posts wasting peoples time, when you yourself choose so freely to waste others time in a post with your own soap-box grumbling and off-topic complaints.

IMHO, of course.

Fyron January 9th, 2009 12:39 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
Let's please drop the ad hominems; they're not helping anyone.

The question in this post was already answered by others in the other place you made it. Answering it again here would have been a waste of everyone's time that could be avoided if a simple courtesy link is provided with the posts, which is the whole point. There is nothing personal or petty about this issue; many other people have voiced similar concerns about duplicating questions across multiple boards when it's come up in the past, here, on SEnet, and on se5.com. These are all volunteer forums, and it's impolite not to help others helping a person of their own good will.

Black_Knyght January 9th, 2009 06:58 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
How convenient, Fyron - you get called on your actions, and you want to drop it, stating how a duplicate answer would waste people's time.

Not like your own off-topic posts here didn't already do just that!

Fyron January 10th, 2009 01:06 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
My actions of answering your questions? Twice now you have accused me of not answering them, but both times you have been clearly wrong after a cursory glance at the duplicate posts in question. At least bother to look at the threads before posting ad hominems.

Black_Knyght January 10th, 2009 06:55 AM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
Perhaps you should as well, dear Fyron.

If you read, carefully, what I said here you'll see I state that you have complained about this kind of post wasting people's time, and yet have you wasted more such time in this post yourself with your own off-topic gripes and snipes.

While you did indeed post a link, to your own answer in your own forum, you also chose not to simply leave it at that. Rather, you have managed to turn this into something much different than it needed to be. I called you on, because I believe in calling a hypocrite into the light.

You can't gain a lot a credibility if you complain that one type of action is a waste of people's time, and not accept that another, even one done by yourself, is equally guilty. Despite your supposed "reputation" in these circles.

In truth, if you felt this was a waste of your time, it would've been simpler and more reasonable to just ignore it and move on. I'm certain 90% of anyone else who looked this over and didn't care to answer did just that. Knowing, as you do, that I myself in particular post in this manner you also were well aware of the situation here before you ever decided to soapbox about it in this post.

That is more a "control" related issue than anything else, simply put.

Suicide Junkie January 10th, 2009 02:31 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
As I understand it, the issue at hand could be trivially resolved by simply posting links to the other forum posts in each of the posts.
That way everyone can see the whole discussion.

Is there any outstanding problem with that?

Black_Knyght January 10th, 2009 03:07 PM

Re: Ship abilities & Troops
In truth, for me the issue was mainly the hypocrisy of complaining about wasting someone's time with needless posts, while doing virtually the same with a series of off-topic gripes and snipes unrelated to the post at hand.

In reviewing all of this, suddenly I'm reminded of a thing my grandfather once said - "Never try to reason with a mule. It only aggravates the mule, and just wastes your time":doh:

Also,I'd like to take a moment to state my appreciation and thanks to any and all who have, and may yet, helpfully answer any questions I've had or will have.

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