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Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
I was fooling around with making little banners for signatures, but it seems that even when I turn on viewing signatures that they don't pull up. Oh well, if you want to use this for a website or a signature on another forum feel free. I might add a few more.
Banners: <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/domsig1.png" alt="Dominions Banner 1"> <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/domsig2.png" alt="Dominions Banner 2"> <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/domsig3.png" alt="Dominions Banner 3"> <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/domsig4.png" alt="Dominions Banner 4"> <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/domsig5.gif" alt="Dominions Banner 5"> <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/domsig6.png" alt="Dominions Banner 6"> (Variations on Tux, which is property of Larry Ewing, Simon Budig and Anja Gerwinski.) <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/domsig7.png" alt="Dominions Banner 7"> (Variations on Tux, which is property of Larry Ewing, Simon Budig and Anja Gerwinski.) <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/domsig8.gif" alt="Dominions Banner 8"> Shrapnel Compatible Banners: Dominions Banner 1 Shrapnel Version Dominions Banner 2 Shrapnel Version Dominions Banner 3 Shrapnel Version Dominions Banner 4 Shrapnel Version Dominions Banner 5 Shrapnel Version Dominions Banner 6 Shrapnel Version Dominions Banner 7 Shrapnel Version Desktops: <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/Dom3%20Standard%201024%20x%20768.jpg" alt="Dominions Desktop 1"> 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/Dom3%20Darkmap%201024%20x%20768.jpg" alt="Dominions Desktop 2"> 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 Solid logo version of Desktop 2: 800 x 600 solid logo 1024 x 768 solid logo 1280 x 1024 solid logo <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/Dom3%20Dark%20Desktop2%201440%20x%20900.jpg" alt="Dominions Desktop 3 (Widescreen)"> 1440 x 900 1680 x 1050 Solid logo version of Desktop 3 (widescreen): 1440 x 900 solid logo 1680 x 1050 solid logo <img src="http://semirandom.dom3minions.com/vladikus/Banners/Dom3%20Maps%201024%20x%20768.jpg" alt="Dominions Desktop 4"> Test 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 Cursor sets (see post on page 4 for hints on installation for your OS): Lich set: Lich normal select cursor Lich working in background cursor Lich link select |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
But where's all the hot models? :)
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Would you be willing to do the artwork for a couple of mods I'm working on? |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominion3%20Banners/domsig2.png" alt="Dominions Banner 2">
Here's a second one I threw together. Not as pretty. |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominion3%20Banners/domsig3.png" alt="Dominions Banner 3">
Another... I personally like this one. |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
These are really great!
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Too cool!! :cool:
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Great take on the "dividing world" thing. Maybe I should use that at the top of my maps page. And the click on Dom3 icon one would work really well on my aboutDom3 page.
Keep em coming. :) How about something with Tux about to hit the Dom3 icon for my HostingGames or ServerInfo pages? (tux is the linux mascot). Who are the mascots for Windows and Mac? Gates and Jobs? Having all three sitting around a Dom3 icon might be cool. (sorry, I get carried away with ideas) |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Windows' mascot is that damnable paper clip from Word. :re: Alternately, they were going to use the old guy in the top hat from Monopoly, but couldn't get the rights cheaply enough.
Apple's mascot is Barney. Pure hellspawn. :eek: |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominion3%20Banners/domsig4.png" alt="Dominions Banner 4">
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Great work. I really like some of these ideas. Would you mind if I did something inspired by your layouts?
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Go for it.
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominion3%20Banners/domsig5.gif" alt="Dominions Banner 5">
Animated. |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
nice one
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominion3%20Banners/domsig6.png" alt=" Dominions Banner 6">
Variations on Tux, which is property of Larry Ewing, Simon Budig and Anja Gerwinski. |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Nice, I liked all of them.
You should edit your main post with all the new banners. |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Hmm that one gives me the impression that Tux cant play Dom3.
Its a linux game, ported to windows and mac. |
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
Haha, yeah it does. Hold on... I'll have one a little more linux loving.
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
My personal favourite is the 4th one, with the map and the Pretenders. But they're all truly exceptional. You're very skilled :)
Re: Dominions Banners (user-made)
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominion3%20Banners/domsig7.png" alt="Dominions Banner 7">
Variations on Tux, which is property of Larry Ewing, Simon Budig and Anja Gerwinski. Quote:
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominions%203%20Desktops/Dom3%20standard%201024%20x%20768.jpg" <alt="Dominions Desktop 1">
1024 x 768 Desktop Other resolutions: 800 x 600 1280 x 1024 Special thanks to Gandalf for critiques. |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
So I gave you a standard Dom3 desktop... well here is my spin on it. Enjoy your new desktop.
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominions%203%20Desktops/Dom3%20Darkmap%201024%20x%20768.jpg" alt="Dominions Desktop 2"> 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 If you have any requests for small scale changes let me know. For example, I can get rid of the transparency on the logo to make it stand out better. Note that the shadow was a practical choice so you can see your icons easier (I assume most people keep them on the left side of the desktop like myself). I also want to give much credit to Kristoffer Osterman who made the sprites, probably the terrain, the map, the cover, etc. He is very talented and this is really a collage of his work. In other words, he did the hard part. |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
That's beautiful. I almost feel like changing my Pratchett desktop away. Actually, I think I'll have to do that, even though I really like that.
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
Wow, great work, that is pure poetry to a Dominions fanatic's retinas. :D
Don't suppose you had considered doing a widescreen (specifically 16:10 aspect, or 1680x1050) resolution? |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
I chime in JimMorrison's request for widescreen dimensions like 1440X900. |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
That is fantastic. Its a dominions advertisement unto itself.
In fact, Im going to ask Scott Krol to look at this thread if you dont mind |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
For those of you with widescreens...
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominions%203%20Desktops/Dom3%20Dark%20Desktop2%201440%20x%20900.jpg" alt="Dominions Desktop 3 (Widescreen)"> 1440 x 900 1680 x 1050 |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
Important: For all those who have used the Dominions Desktop 2 (not for widescreen) you should set the image as your desktop again because I noticed a small white line in the upper right and have gone back and fixed it for all resolutions.
Since I can't go back and edit my previous posts, I am going to add a couple links. These are the same as the desktops above except there is no transparency on the logo. Desktop 2: 800 x 600 solid logo 1024 x 768 solid logo 1280 x 1024 solid logo Desktop 3 (widescreen): 1440 x 900 solid logo 1680 x 1050 solid logo Notice: The server I host these images on will be down on January 11th, likely for only a couple days. |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominion3%20Banners/domsig8.gif" alt="Dominions Banner 8">
An attempt at some animation. |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
Man, you work is amazing.
Just to throw an idea, why don't you do a screen saver? |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
So awesome, thank you again! 8 )
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
Another great one! :up: (maybe your next animated ones could use having shorter "logo times"? Just a thought :) )
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
It gave the impression. But I think only if someone already knows Dominions. Im not sure that the choices, or the speed, would work for someone who doesnt know the game.
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
Alright... just for fun (and to complement your new background). Check them out, they are cursors. These two are meant to be used together.
Lich normal select cursor Lich working in background cursor Lich link select (On Windows XP, to use these go to control panel, then to mouse, then pointers. Click normal select and if you double click you will have a chance to browse folders. Find lichcursor.cur and select it. Then follow the same steps to set working in the background to lichbusy.ani. The spot for clicking is the lich's staff.) |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops
As a standard question, are people happy with the signature sizes and such? Are they too big or too small? I would make some mega desktops but my own monitor resolution only goes up to 1280 x 1024 (which I usually stop there for resolutions). By the way, critiques are always welcome. If you think something could be improved in the future then let me know. Unfortunately, my break is ending shortly and then I will not be able to produce near as much. Also, please excuse typos in previous posts because after a certain point I cannot edit them. |
Now you can have your whole dominion on your desktop. Make sure to check out the test link below (it was only a test, but it turned out pretty interesting. If you would like me to make a version using the test just let me know).
<img src="http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dduckett/Dominions%203%20Desktops/Dom3%20Maps%201024%20x%20768.jpg" alt="Dominions Desktop 4"> Test 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
I've never heard of a cross platform screen saver engine. So your options are either not make one at all or make on for the different platforms, or just for windows.
Can you use power point to create a screen saver? |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
I can use powerpoint, but the way it works is it exports a bunch of images as .bmp and then the user would use the screensaver "My Pictures Slideshow." So, in that case, a collection of screenshots would be all that the user would need. It wouldn't be very pretty, but it would work (likely only on Windows).
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
It would be nice to have a kind of screen shot repository so we could get a wide variety from everyone. Any ideas? |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
Always space available for another Dom3 project on my servers.
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
Maybe make some banners that are forum friendly so users can use them in the signature :)
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
Upon further searching I found the signature compliance guidelines and now understand why my signatures have not been working. I will see what I can do to make the signatures forum friendly. Although, I have not seen any signatures on the forums at all despite having signatures enabled. I only see avatars.
Edit: I have confirmed this. Based off of these guidelines. I changed one of my banners to meet specifications, which you can get here. The banner did not show up for me and I have yet to see any graphic signatures on the forum--I only see text. Did I find old guidelines. Do other people see images in signatures? |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
Signatures works fine for me. A forum bug? Tried diffrent browser?
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
Okay I see your signatures now Dom, but only after I enabled:
Show Images (including attached images and images in [IMG] code) I'm taking a guess on this but that probably means that adding a signature through the forum is the wrong way to go about doing it. My banners will probably only work as code in the signature to the link. I'm going to try that now. |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
Try flush the cache and reload/refresh the forum in your browser.
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
Yep, used [IMG] tags rather than the forum's way of setting up a signature. It's a shame that most of those options (enabling signatures and [IMG] tags are disabled by default.
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
Im going to sound like a fanboi again but..
many of the larger forums have it off by default. As new small forums they have the settings really high then gradually learn that its not a great idea. They have to cut back later which ticks off users. Altho this new software they switched to does things in a very good way for that. Better than many forums handle it. |
Re: Dominions User-Made Banners and Desktops and Cursors
I still miss the old forums, very much. "Thank Gandalf Parker for this useful post." - That about sums up what I like about the new forum, and I'll never agree that it was worth what we gave up. |
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