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chrispedersen January 30th, 2009 01:31 AM

Crimson Skies - Running
1 Attachment(s)
Map: Cradle of Dominions.
AGE: Late
Mods: cCBM 1.44 (attached),
Host: Llama server. 24 for 20, 36 thereafter. Liberal delays on request.

I've been wanting to play LA-Ulm, MP forever. So, its time to start a game.

A. cCBM1.44 attached. Changes are documented in the readme, the biggest changes were
the Freak Lord, Scorpion, and Skratti pretenders and bug fixes.. For ethical reasons I will not play any one of these pretenders. But take a look at them, I'm pretty pleased with them, I think they are nicely thematic.
B. Game is closed! Map suggestions please!
C. 48 hours for pretenders please!
D. Well, I'm still having problems with llamaserver (now it seems a bunch of people are too). But the Llama reset the server, and so the game is created. Sorry 'bout the map. Very few maps actually available for 11 people. Pangaea only went to 10.

LA-Arco------- qio
LA-Bogarus---- erios
LA-Caelum----- Juffos
LA-Ctis------- viccio
LA-Marignon--- FakeyMcFake
LA-Mictlan---- Zapmeister
LA-MidGuard--- Zeldor
LA-Pangaea---- Quitti
LA-Pythium---- Quell
LA-Tien Chi--- Incanabulous
LA-Utgard----- Alpine Joe
LA-Ulm ------- Chrispedersen

Deadnature January 30th, 2009 01:54 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Sounds good Chris, assuming we are going late-age then put me down for LA C'tis

Zapmeister January 30th, 2009 02:18 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
The crimson skies are stained with blood, right?
I'll try Mictlan (prefer LA)

Incabulos January 30th, 2009 03:56 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I would like a slice of LA Tien-Chi

Fakeymcfake January 30th, 2009 04:40 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I'd like to play as well, LA Marignon for me.

I'd also like to keep it a LA game only.

Zeldor January 30th, 2009 05:23 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Hmmm... I guess I could join one more. Either Midgard or Gath.

Juffos January 30th, 2009 06:47 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I would like to play R'lyeh if underwater nation(s) are allowed. Caelum if they aren't.

Quell January 30th, 2009 08:11 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I'd like to play LA Pythium please

qio January 30th, 2009 08:22 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
LA Arcoscephale

Links to map and mods might not be a bad idea.

Zeldor January 30th, 2009 09:55 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Ok, I decided to go with Midgard.

P.S. Aren't skinshifters supposed to be cheaper in LA? 5 gold less? It was missed in CBM update?

archaeolept January 30th, 2009 10:25 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
it hasn't been cheaper in CBM for ages. for obvious reasons ;p

Quitti January 30th, 2009 11:38 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I'd like to take LA Pangaea

Alpine Joe January 30th, 2009 11:51 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Is there still room for me to get in as LA utgard?

Fakeymcfake January 30th, 2009 12:15 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
So wait, we're using a CBM version that isn't released yet?

chrispedersen January 30th, 2009 12:21 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
1.4 had a few bugs... it gave LA-Agartha a blind lord with 8 levels of air, for example. Still, 1.3 was great, 1.4 is even better, it just has a few kinks to be worked out.

Klepto January 30th, 2009 12:46 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Ermor please, if there's still room.

Edit: On second thoughts, nevermind. I know LA Ermor is way overpowered and it seems you have enough players anyways. Have fun :)

chrispedersen January 30th, 2009 03:40 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by Klepto (Post 670725)
Ermor please, if there's still room.

Edit: On second thoughts, nevermind. I know LA Ermor is way overpowered and it seems you have enough players anyways. Have fun :)

I personally have no problem with LA-Ermor; without further comment by other players, I'd let you in. Expect to be jumped on = ).

Zeldor January 30th, 2009 05:05 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
You have ADD? I have already finished my pretender :)

Fakeymcfake January 31st, 2009 03:00 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Eh, I'd be fine with LA-Ermor but yeah, expect to be at the bottom of a dog pile in short order.

qio January 31st, 2009 12:09 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
How bout all of those in favor of LA Ermor being in any MP game do the following. Each turn reduce your total income by 100 gold. Never spend this cash. Just look at it when you play your turn. Feel pride as your retirement fund grows (total = 100 * number of turn).

chrispedersen January 31st, 2009 12:18 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Well, qio, the only think ermor makes you do is keep a high dominion. In my opinion, Ryalla is actually a much bigger threat.

But, so far it doesn't matter - he hasn't indicated a desire to play.

qio January 31st, 2009 03:33 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 670970)
Well, qio, the only think ermor makes you do is keep a high dominion. In my opinion, Ryalla is actually a much bigger threat.

But, so far it doesn't matter - he hasn't indicated a desire to play.

Opinions are great. In fact, almost everyone has one. I prefer statistics, because I disagree with you. That means "me right" and "you wrong". I'd say the only thing "Ryalla" makes you do is keep a high dominion, if you really think about it for a moment. And yes, I am always right due to my superior intellect.

And no, it is not that simple. However, feel free to design a nation around dom10. I hear it's all the craze. I could honestly care less which of those 2 nations is more dominant. I only noticed that someone inquired about playing the other - Ermor.

The point being? If you are 'sophisticated' enough to think it's cool having LA Ermor in the game, then place another handicap on your own game. Don't ruin it for someone else who gets stuck next to Ermor with a dom5 build and sleeping pretender. Cause, it blows and will likely be me.

Fakeymcfake January 31st, 2009 06:14 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
qio, chill out. It's just a game and right now you're coming off like an *** over a moot point.

Juffos January 31st, 2009 06:29 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
It is not actually that hard to keep hostile dominion out of your lands.

chrispedersen January 31st, 2009 07:41 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Any preferences on map?
If we had 12, I'd go Wotg, but with 11.. Desert Eye?

qio January 31st, 2009 08:34 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
It is so cool you have an opinion Fakey. How bout keeping your comments to the game?

Never seen a dominion kill game Juffos? Not as hard as you think. I'd bet 2 cents that pretender design has a large role in the outcome. Course, it's the unending hordes of undead that usually kill you. Not the awake dom10 SC that strolls around, or is it?

Fakeymcfake January 31st, 2009 09:20 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by qio (Post 671094)
It is so cool you have an opinion Fakey. How bout keeping your comments to the game?

I'd give you the same advice. We're here to enjoy ourselves not to get a lecture from someone clearly not interested in anyone's opinion but their own. Please attempt to keep the flamebaiting out of game thread otherwise no one will be able to enjoy themselves.

And as to whatever comment I'm expecting you're going to post in response to this I frankly don't care, but on the off chance you want to move on from this and only post constructive criticism I'll happily forget this altercation if you are.

Quitti January 31st, 2009 09:41 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
No preference for map - as long as it's somewhat fair for everyone. (ie. 3 or more neighboring provinces for everyone)

JimMorrison February 1st, 2009 04:35 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by qio (Post 671094)
It is so cool you have an opinion Fakey. How bout keeping your comments to the game?

Never seen a dominion kill game Juffos? Not as hard as you think. I'd bet 2 cents that pretender design has a large role in the outcome. Course, it's the unending hordes of undead that usually kill you. Not the awake dom10 SC that strolls around, or is it?

I was going to stay out of this, but it's getting ridiculous.

Anyone who takes an SC pretender as Ermor is a n00b who is just going to roll one neighbor, and then lose in mid-end game. The only things Ermor needs from their pretender are summons/research/diversity/dominion. Not killing stuff.

And anyways, I really -hate- fighting LA Ermor as well. But it's easy enough to just say "if you allow LA Ermor, I'm finding a different game", and let everyone else choose. As it is, it just looks like you're pitching a fit, but you'll play anyways.

qio February 1st, 2009 09:59 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671161)
I was going to stay out of this, but it's getting ridiculous.

Of course, but you couldn't help yourself could you?


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671161)
Anyone who takes an SC pretender as Ermor is a n00b who is just going to roll one neighbor, and then lose in mid-end game. The only things Ermor needs from their pretender are summons/research/diversity/dominion. Not killing stuff.

Did that make your day to use "noob" in a sentence? I really am curious.

Again, this is totally irrelevant. There is no particular claim I am trying to make here other than dominion kill is a viable strategy.

If you want to discuss the pretender choices that Ermor has so vehemently. Then I'd say a lich with dom10 fits the criteria you state above and would work fine as an SC in early, mid or late game. And yes, even an SC pretender with no magic diversity, bad research and access to some summons is viable in mid and late game. The variance of the game can supplement a multitude of strategies - good or bad.


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671161)
And anyways, I really -hate- fighting LA Ermor as well. But it's easy enough to just say "if you allow LA Ermor, I'm finding a different game", and let everyone else choose. As it is, it just looks like you're pitching a fit, but you'll play anyways.

Strange. That's what I originally said in my post. Am I missing something? Is the omission of a smiley making this appear vile and hostile? If you're an English Major maybe you could tell me where did I go wrong in this post? See below. I was going for a sarcastic tone here.

What makes you think I won't bail the moment someone picks Ermor?


Originally Posted by qio (Post 670969)
How bout all of those in favor of LA Ermor being in any MP game do the following. Each turn reduce your total income by 100 gold. Never spend this cash. Just look at it when you play your turn. Feel pride as your retirement fund grows (total = 100 * number of turn).

JimMorrison February 1st, 2009 11:05 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
It's just that you're being a bit of a jerk over the whole thing. Let me clarify - nothing came off as sarcastic or joking, it just seemed bitter and hostile.

LA Ermor has lost plenty of MP games. Do they color the game they are in? Most definitely. Do they make the game some sort of ridiculous farce, that everyone should get red in the face about, as you seem to be? Well no, not really. No more than Lanka, or Niefelheim, or Hinnom/Ashdod.

Just calm down, eh? If you don't want to play in a game with them, fine, then state it clearly and move on. If someone asks to play Ermor, then the host can choose. If you don't like the thought that he isn't outright banning Ermor because of your sour attitude, then you can opt to join another game before it gets to that point.

How hard is it, really?

Zeldor February 1st, 2009 12:44 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I'm ok with LA Ermor in the game, it could be a challenge, assuming it's not played by a veteran player.

And when are we starting? If you wanted map for 12 players, I guess it wouldn't be so hard to find 1 more.

qio February 1st, 2009 01:20 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671217)
It's just that you're being a bit of a jerk over the whole thing. Let me clarify - nothing came off as sarcastic or joking, it just seemed bitter and hostile.

I wasn't joking. The first post was neutral in tone. Defiant? Sure. I think sarcastic. If someone is going to start crying over that, that is simply pathetic.

As for anything else in subsequent posts. You get what you ask for. For example, you wrote a lot of trash in your prior post; which had no direct relevance with anything in my post. I could care less for your tone. Your content was feeble. See below.


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671217)
Anyone who takes an SC pretender as Ermor is a n00b

This statement is not true.


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671217)
If you don't like the thought that he isn't outright banning Ermor because of your sour attitude, then you can opt to join another game before it gets to that point.

Yes, I think anyone that is cool with LA Ermor being in a game has no clue. I said that already. That is my opinion. Maybe the host will take that into consideration, maybe he won't. Feel free to be offended.

JimMorrison February 1st, 2009 03:46 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by qio (Post 671251)

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671217)
Anyone who takes an SC pretender as Ermor is a n00b

This statement is not true.

Yes, actually it is. And no, a Lich does not qualify as an SC. A thug, sure, not an SC.


Originally Posted by qio (Post 671251)

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671217)
If you don't like the thought that he isn't outright banning Ermor because of your sour attitude, then you can opt to join another game before it gets to that point.

Yes, I think anyone that is cool with LA Ermor being in a game has no clue. I said that already. That is my opinion. Maybe the host will take that into consideration, maybe he won't. Feel free to be offended.

Shortly after getting here, I was in a game with LA Ermor. They had to drop the game, and somehow Micah ended up subbing. In case you don't know him, let me just say that we lost the game. I defiantly stated that I'd never play in a game with LA Ermor again. Then I got better at the game. Now I'm in a game with a less expert player who is playing LA Ermor, and they are not winning. I'm happy enough. Maybe you should just calm down and avoid games with LA Ermor until you get your confidence up.

LA Ermor should lose every single time on a wrap-around map, if the game is primarily composed of moderately experienced players.

Anyway, enjoy your game. Or not. I could care more, I just like reading Chris' threads. :p

< stalk > :shock:

qio February 1st, 2009 05:16 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671217)
Anyone who takes an SC pretender as Ermor is a n00b

You're like an energizer bunny.

If you feel it is bad design to make an SC pretender for Ermor you can state that. I'll disagree with you on that just for the fun of it. Would this still hold in a 4 player game? How about 3 players?

No, your statement is false. Proof? The fact you think no-one, who you would define as an expert or good player, would ever make such a pretender for fun is your shortsightedness. Some people play for fun. New concept? You can also sub in mediocre for expert.


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671217)
And no, a Lich does not qualify as an SC. A thug, sure, not an SC.

If you insist. Let's tango then.

I can build an SC from a lich. I'm sure there are others that can manage this feat as well. Do you have another definition for what you mean by an SC and/or Thug? I took those below from the strategywiki, as I'm lazy.

>> http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Dominio...ening/Units/SC
>> http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Dominio...ing/Units/Thug

The definition states that "In most cases gifted with lots of hitpoints". Does this have you confused? Lots of hitpoints are great. Comparing an SC lich to other builds, might reveal he is quite feeble. That is another matter. I think he can hold his own against a fair number of SC builds - certainly not all. Yes, he needs equipment. Luckily the definition states "outfitting SC's is a very popular occupation of many Dominions players". Also, as fortune would have it, a lich can fulfill one important criteria from the definition as well. Namely, "an SC can take weak defended provinces alone or annihilate smaller armies".

Let's see if we can get our facts straight on this point. Ball is in your court.


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671217)
Shortly after getting here, I was in a game with LA Ermor.


Honestly. Don't care.


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671217)
Maybe you should just calm down and avoid games with LA Ermor until you get your confidence up.

I'm perfectly calm. Amused is a better characterization. I especially love it how people make assumptions. I got quite a few about you. Would be a waste of time to share them over the internet though.

chrispedersen February 1st, 2009 06:26 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

JimMorrison February 1st, 2009 06:40 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Well you have fun with your 30hp Lifeless Undead SC. I am sure you'll get very far with that.

I'm sorry I assumed we were talking about serious play, with the intent to win. Someone who is doing a wonky build for "fun" is not going to be nearly so dangerous with LA Ermor, and so should not be so fearsome.

I was just trying to illustrate how easy it is to get discouraged by Ermor when you first start MP. You don't care, that's fine. Have fun pissing and moaning about the whole thing, it seems to be working out great.

Fakeymcfake February 1st, 2009 07:24 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Alright, I think this thread has been derailed enough. I believe it best for everyone concerned that we simply drop it and keep any remaining discussion in this thread limited to topics directly pertaining to this game and leave any hypothetical debate for the general forum.

That being said, any word on what map we're going for? I'd prefer something with at least some water/mountains as I find that having some choke points on the map makes the game more interesting.

Zapmeister February 1st, 2009 07:33 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 671360)
That being said, any word on what map we're going for? I'd prefer something with at least some water/mountains as I find that having some choke points on the map makes the game more interesting.

According to the llamaserver, its Cradle and we're waiting for pretenders. I just uploaded mine now.

EDIT: Hmm - just saw that it says "Mods: none" ???

qio February 1st, 2009 08:03 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671337)
Well you have fun with your 30hp Lifeless Undead SC. I am sure you'll get very far with that.

Yes. When equipped and armed with some spells he will do just fine. Maybe not the best SC that can be built to challenge other SC's, but certainly not the worst. It really comes down to game mechanics and a bit of luck. Die rolls and such. It's actually pretty complex.


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671337)
I'm sorry I assumed we were talking about serious play, with the intent to win. Someone who is doing a wonky build for "fun" is not going to be nearly so dangerous with LA Ermor, and so should not be so fearsome.

I'd be more than willing to champion the notion of a lich as being a viable SC and build for Ermor. A build which also fits all your criteria for what Ermor needs in your opinion from a pretender.

I just wanted to show to you in the easiest way possible, how both your statements are false. These were:

1) Only a "noob" as you refer to them, would play Ermor with an SC as a pretender.

2) A lich is not an SC.

But, I guess your perception of what is "serious" play prohibits this.


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 671337)
I was just trying to illustrate how easy it is to get discouraged by Ermor when you first start MP. You don't care, that's fine. Have fun pissing and moaning about the whole thing, it seems to be working out great.

I know better. So, I don't care for that particular example you give. I don't believe I've been whiny about the issue. Depends if you think that stating an opinion is whining. Some people do that. Also, that would mean you've been quite vocal.

Frankly, all I did in my last post was prove how you made two invalid statements. And I agreed to argue the case for an SC as being a valid choice of pretender for Ermor - indirecly.

Good luck to you too.

chrispedersen February 1st, 2009 09:25 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Guys, this is a thread for *CRIMSON SKIES*. Do not hijaak it. If you want to argue a head-to-head comparison for Ermor, please do it in another thread.

Ballbarian February 1st, 2009 10:00 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
[Moderation Mode]

I could not have said it any better than Fakeymcfake, so I will simply reiterate:


Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 671360)
Alright, I think this thread has been derailed enough. I believe it best for everyone concerned that we simply drop it and keep any remaining discussion in this thread limited to topics directly pertaining to this game and leave any hypothetical debate for the general forum.

[/Moderation Mode]

Thanks! :)

chrispedersen February 3rd, 2009 12:17 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Caelum, Ctis, Midguard, and Pangaeia..
we're waiting on yoru pretenders...

Juffos February 3rd, 2009 07:17 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
How come llamaserver shows the game has no mods activated, even though cCBM 1.44 was to be used? It is rather difficult to create a pretender not knowing whether to use CBM or not.

llamabeast February 3rd, 2009 07:46 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Aagh, qio, what? Two out of two threads I've seen you post in, you've derailed with pointless arguments and an unacceptable tone. Seriously, you have to calm down or it's a matter of time before you get banned. At the moment you're definitely not proving an asset to the community.

Anyway, Ballbarian is, as always, on the ball, and we shall not mention this again in this thread. If you have any issues qio, PM me.

Zeldor February 3rd, 2009 09:05 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Oh, I had no idea game is already created. You should PM others, I am submitting my pretender soon.

And I assume you will change game settings to get CBM included, right? I hope everyone created pretenders with CBM turned on, or we will getm any conflicts and game will have to be restarted.

Deadnature February 3rd, 2009 09:12 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
oops, I forgot about the new CBM and sent in my pretender made with the old CBM....I'll resend

chrispedersen February 3rd, 2009 11:29 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Hey guys,

After thinking about it, I think llama is right. Regardless, I'll have it fixed shortly.

llamabeast February 3rd, 2009 11:31 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I'm pretty sure (99%) it has nothing to do with my changing the name of the mod chris. Anyway, the game is not set to use CBM, so you should go to the admin options and choose "Alter game settings" to make it so it is.

Alpine Joe February 3rd, 2009 02:31 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I just want to say nice job on the pretender revisions. They feel a good deal more balanced to me. I went with one of the buffed ones this game to try it out, i'll let you know how balance feels.

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