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-   -   MP: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42503)

AreaOfEffect March 5th, 2009 07:51 PM

2 Attachment(s)
(Please read the rules before volunteering for this game.)

Description: I've hosted a few games before and played in many more. I want to avoid many of the pitfalls that most games tend to have, especially those with randomly generated maps. This game will have special rules for starting locations and nation selection. I will also be borrowing a very simplified version of the rules from chrispedersen Mulligan game. These rules will hopefully allow me to alleviate any problems people have while the game is in running. The ultimate goal is to avoid any player complaints, mostly by distributing responsibility onto the players themselves.

Catan Rules:
  • Players will start by reserving a position in the game. Players should not announce there nation of choice yet.
  • The game will start with a map already generated. After examining the map, each player will announce the start location they would like in the order they were positioned. First player to last player.
  • All start locations must be at least 2 provinces away from each other. If there are no more valid start locations, the selection will conclude and the remaining players will unfortunately be rejected from the game.
  • Once a player has announced a valid start location their choice cannot be undone for any reason.
  • Once all start locations have been chosen, players may begin to select their nation of choice, but in the reverse order of their position. Last player to first player.
The above rules should remove any complaints about poor start locations. Your the one who chooses, so no more whining. Selecting the nations in reverse is designed to counter any disadvantage from being bottom on the list. Remember, if your down at the bottom and there doesn't look like anything good is left, there is no pressure on you to play.

Mulligan(1) Rules:
  • Each player will begin the game with one mulligan.
  • Any player may expend their mulligan provided there are still 12 hours left until the next turn is hosted.
  • Once a mulligan has been expended, the game will be rolled back to the previous turn.
  • This is the only way the game will ever experience a rollback. There are no free rollbacks.
  • You can use the mulligan for any reason.
Additional Rules:
  • Finding a substitute is the sole responsibility of the player, not the host.
  • If any player stales 3 times within the last 5 turns, they will automatically be set to AI. Playing every other turn isn't really playing at all.
The additional rules above is so that I have a clear guideline that allows me to move the game along in the case of player absence. Now for the details of the game itself.

Age: Multi-Age (all nations allowed)
Map: Randomly Generated, 216 provinces (Attached Below)
Mods: Single Age, Streamers and Standards
Host: llamaserver
Players: 11

Renaming: Allowed
Graphs: Off
Special Site Frequency: 50
All Other Settings: Default

01.AreaOfEffect.......186..MA Ermor :computer:
02.chrispedersen......87...LA Ry'leh :computer:
03.hEad...............182..EA Tir Na n'Og :clock:
04.viccio.............86...LA Gath :clock:
05.mikh4il............94...EA Helheim :hurt:
06.Ossa...............7....EA Hinnom :clock:
07.Falkor.............25...EA Lanka :dagger:
08.Unoptimized........114..EA Niefelheim :hurt: (Formerly controlled by Incabulos)
09.Starshine_Monarch..132..LA Abysia :hurt:
10.Dragar.............189..LA Utgard :dagger:
11.statttis...........31...LA Marignon

:hurt:: Eliminated - Nation defeated with either no dominion or no provinces.
:computer:: AI Controlled - Nation in play but controlled by a bot.
:dagger:: Player Kill - Granted to a player from another player who was eliminated or set to AI.
:trophy:: Game Winner - Remaining players concede that this player won.
:clock:: Mulligan - Player still has a mulligan available for their use.

chrispedersen March 5th, 2009 09:03 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
Sign me up - 87 And cool rules =)

AreaOfEffect March 6th, 2009 12:46 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
Nice move Chris! I like that the game has already become strategic. I'm already convinced that this is the way to run games in the future.

chrispedersen March 6th, 2009 01:00 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
This is the way Settlers of Catan does setups - It was a great idea you had AoE. I was tempted to ask you to put me in position 4 or so ..... but I thought that would be toooo cheesy =).

hEad March 6th, 2009 09:40 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
Nice Idea! I'll take 182 please.

viccio March 6th, 2009 11:59 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
I'll take 86 (I would try this rules :) )

mikh4il March 6th, 2009 02:31 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
i'd take 94

AreaOfEffect March 6th, 2009 06:02 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
I've just updated the game page. All start locations so far are valid. I've also added an image file of the map that discretely defines peoples starting locations so the incoming players can more easily choose their base of operations.

Note: It isn't necessarily for you to choose a start location the same time you sign up for the game. My suggestion is to reserve your position first, then carefully choose your capitol. Nothing would be worse then taking the time to choose a start location and then find it to be invalid because of someone's recent post. However, this is not a license to take your time as the people after you will be waiting on your decision.

@chris. Interesting comment about Settlers of Catan. I do enjoy that game, but I can't say I was inspired by it at all.

chrispedersen March 6th, 2009 09:24 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
I like the game a lot; also liked citystates; and the board game Dune. I was a Dune fanatic at one time - memorized every hand every player had... old and forgetful now = )

Excellent job on the map updates and icons. Innovative. Now you could put a 1, 2, 3, 4 in each territory....

Ossa March 7th, 2009 03:52 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
I'd like to start in province #7

Falkor March 7th, 2009 06:02 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
Very interesting concept.
I'd like to start in #25.

AreaOfEffect March 7th, 2009 11:09 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Mulligan(1); MilkShake - Open Recruitment
Interesting choice Ossa. I know most players would scream my head off if they got a start location like that one. I can't wait to see what your nation of choice will eventually be.

Also, given the similarity these rules have to Settlers of Catan I've renamed the rules accordingly. Not a big deal though. Just sounds better.

chrispedersen March 7th, 2009 07:15 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open (5 positions left
Aww, I liked calling it milkshake rules. But Author gets to name = ).

But, on the subject of open positions left - I don't think you can really shoe horn more than 3 or *maybe* 4 positions in.

More than that and the person that will pick last will be very close to someone that will pick first.

Suggest you start having votes. Close it whenever the majority want to close. That way people *won't* want to leave a big space for anyone - but at the same token they will balance that with not wanting someone to start next to them.

Its an idea anyway = ).

Also realize, theres nothing preventing anyone from starting a strong bless nation.. right next to you!

AreaOfEffect March 7th, 2009 07:29 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open (5 positions left
Well, that's part of the game. If someone chooses to place themselves two provinces away from you and then chooses a bless nation, then their hand has been revealed. You still have the chance to choose a nation and/or pretender fit to counter them.

Pretender designs will be the ultimate last chance to balance yourself against the given environment. I find it to be fair and much more balanced then random place settings. Luck will have little to do with the victor of this game.

chrispedersen March 8th, 2009 01:11 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open (5 positions left
I wasn't complaining = )... Variant for next game?

Make a list of nations:


let the players sign up for the nations.. and then let them pick the starting setup in reverse order... So Caelum would pick position first, then vanheim etc.

Also interestingly, you could start with different nations having advantages for example. Perhaps bogarus would start with three territories...

Bandarlog would start with two, on an island in the middle of the board....

Incabulos March 8th, 2009 02:03 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open (5 positions left
Great concept.. 114 please

Starshine_Monarch March 8th, 2009 12:32 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open (4 positions left
Can I have 132 please?

AreaOfEffect March 8th, 2009 01:25 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open (3 positions left
Of course you can. Original post and map updated.

I'm not sure why, but it seems that people so far have given me a lot of breathing room. That won't last however as the picks for decent start locations are limited mostly to my region and perhaps a few spots near a lake. I'm pretty confident that we can squeeze in the remaining 3 players. 18 provinces a piece was a good call I think.

AreaOfEffect March 9th, 2009 11:36 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open (3 positions left
It becomes clear to me that in order to start this game fairly, we are going to need at least 2 more players. If any of you knows anyone you think might enjoy this game, by all means, ask them to join.

AreaOfEffect March 11th, 2009 11:41 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
Alright everyone. We have three major options in my opinion.

-The first is that I do up another smaller map and we go through this process again. Though if we do this I expect we might lose a player or two given the lengthiness of the process.

-The second option is to play the game as it is and deal with the consequences of that.

-The third option is to bump the post until we get at least another 2 players.

Opinions anyone?

Dragar March 11th, 2009 11:52 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
i'll play, can't access the map for a fair few hours though to pick a site. If I haven't picked by the time only one spot is left, please assign me to that location!

Incabulos March 12th, 2009 12:02 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 679501)
Alright everyone. We have three major options in my opinion.

-The first is that I do up another smaller map and we go through this process again. Though if we do this I expect we might lose a player or two given the lengthiness of the process.

-The second option is to play the game as it is and deal with the consequences of that.

-The third option is to bump the post until we get at least another 2 players.

Opinions anyone?

wait for the players in my onion.

hEad March 12th, 2009 01:01 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
What about we close off the players, keep the map and the order we have, pick our places again if desired and get cracking!

chrispedersen March 12th, 2009 02:35 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
AoE you've done a great job, so don't take it personally.

I'm twisting JimMorrison's arm into playing, and I'm trying a few others.

But if they don't sign on soon - I'd say there's nothing wrong with the map - and even nothing wrong with the number of players - just people a bit unevenly distributed.

Why not start from #1 and go to the end, in order, and see if people want to change their starting locations. Seems like the fastest process.

Dragar March 12th, 2009 05:37 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS

GrudgeBringer March 12th, 2009 07:16 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
hEad has been recruiting and has asked if I was interested..

The premise is GREAT and I like what I see (even though I don't understand everything involved).

MY individual problem isn't with the game, map or players....

Its these single age games confuse me. I have enough trouble picking a Nation when its 1 age.

I just don't know what Nations measure up to others and the advantages (or should I say Disadvantages) when they are competeing from different eras.

So, I will watch from afar and try and gather in as much info as I can for the next one.

I just wanted you to know that your players are out there recruiting and that even to a relative newcomer to MP the game seems like a lot of fun.

Starshine_Monarch March 12th, 2009 09:43 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
Can I request applying the Streamers and Standards mod to this game? It won't do anything to gameplay, but some nations have the same flag throughout the three ages. If we had say, two ages of C'tis or MA and LA Man on the same map, it would end up being quite confusing without the mod.

Dragar March 12th, 2009 09:53 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
sucks there is no sheep port on this map :(

AreaOfEffect March 12th, 2009 09:54 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
Starshine, That's request is fine with me.

GrudgeBringer, My apologies for the 1 age thing. I'm sure there are way too many of these game around, but I myself haven't played in many of them at all. I personally may not know how the nations stack up against each other, but the best way to know in my opinion is to just play a game. Plus, if I remember correctly, it was mostly, though not completely, early-age nations that had the best survivability in the last all-nations game, Kingmaker.

With the addition of Dragar and the possibility of Jim, I'm inclined to wait it out and bump regularly. I'll update the things when I'm don't with work later today.

AreaOfEffect March 12th, 2009 10:33 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
Took me long enough, but the game page and map is updated. I'm more comfortable now with the number of players. There is still room for more, but I'm tempted to place a deadline that has us choosing nations by this Sunday.

statttis March 12th, 2009 11:19 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
I'd like province 31

Dragar March 12th, 2009 11:25 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
Sorry, got the number wrong, meant 189. Sorry AoE

GrudgeBringer March 12th, 2009 11:34 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS
Ya know..what the heck, I can lose at this just as fast as any other game.

If you still need players I'm in....I guess now I need to pick a province to start in just in case your not full.

GrudgeBringer March 13th, 2009 12:23 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
I will take 106

AreaOfEffect March 13th, 2009 12:56 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
106 would be an invalid starting position. It is directly next to another player and you need to be at least 2 provinces away. Sorry Grudge. Try again if you like.

chrispedersen March 13th, 2009 12:58 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
Figure you your nation Grudge! Looks like you pick first .. Hinnom?

chrispedersen March 13th, 2009 01:54 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
Weird! Did someone edit my post???

Hey AoE, why not let people choose their nations in secret - just have someone not in the game tell them if they can choose that nation or not.

AreaOfEffect March 13th, 2009 02:08 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
I thought about that and it gets complicated real fast and I don't trust that someone else would do it correctly.

I don't know about the editing bit. You look like your grammatically challenged.

chrispedersen March 13th, 2009 02:53 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
Weird, I had suggested like 140, 144, 160

GrudgeBringer March 13th, 2009 05:59 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
OK, I knew it looked to good to be true....I have having trouble with figuring out how the provinces are numbered.

I wrote down EVERY dang Persons starting place and spent an hour trying to figure out where I wanted...

I will try agian after work and if that doesn't work I will bow out so you guys can get on with it.:D

GrudgeBringer March 13th, 2009 06:10 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
OK, 112 then and if thats too close for someones taste then I would trust AOE, Ossa, Chrisdeperson, stattis, ect to chose me a place. I plan on playing a cash intensive nation if that gives anyone a hint (LOL):D

AreaOfEffect March 13th, 2009 08:26 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
112 is invalid, it is one province away from the 9th pick. You really make this harder then it has to be. I've done that work for you. That's why there is a modified image file of the map in the original post. Just locate a province using that and then find out what province it is using the real map.

Dragar March 13th, 2009 10:41 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
AoE, are yuo able to alter my start position to 189 as mentioned above? had typoed it in. As long as stattis doesnt' mind I suppose, he selected his before I posted the change

GrudgeBringer March 13th, 2009 12:38 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open

GrudgeBringer March 13th, 2009 01:03 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Open
Well, after looking at all the spots I have the choice of being in the dead middle of about 3 players or have no fertile provinces (guess thats what you get when you pick last).

Thanks for helping me Chris and for pointing out the starting positions marked on the mao in the forum AOE.

I D/L the map but really never looked at the one on the forum.

I DO like the idea of picking first nation, but would hAVE to go with an Ashod or Hinnom to rusg someone and I really am not that good of player.

I will sit this one out and watch it and be prepared for the next one....

Thanks for waiting for me and I'm sorry if I set you back.

AreaOfEffect March 13th, 2009 04:07 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
My apologies Dragar, I had the map file correct with position 189 marked, but I forgot to list your position as 189 on the original post. I did feel like I was bending my own rules at the time, but I didn't think it mattered since stattis didn't choose a location anywhere near where you were.

Since a highly interested player won't play because none of the remaining positions seem desirable, I'll declare the first phase of MilkShake complete.

Congrats everyone! It is now time to choose our nations. Starting with statttis.

statttis March 13th, 2009 06:19 PM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
LA Marignon

Dragar March 14th, 2009 12:29 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
LA Utgard

Dragar March 14th, 2009 01:10 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
do yuo want to put the game up on llamaserver so people can upload pretenders as soon as they have selected? Might save us a day or two at the end of selection process

Starshine_Monarch March 14th, 2009 09:21 AM

Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
LA Abysia for me, please.

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