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-   -   Modding Help (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42558)

Jazzepi March 11th, 2009 05:58 PM

Modding Help
I have a list of specific questions. I looked through the DOM3 UOR modding manual v317. I couldn't get the newer one to work, I kept getting a CRC error when I tried to unzip the file from here. If someone could e-mail it to me, that would be great. I can PM you my e-mail account. =\ After looking through the manual, I couldn't find a command for certain things I wanted to do. So, here come the long list of questions.

If a command is not listed in the manual, is it impossible to add the effect?

Case in point, C'Tis's miasma is not presented as a command that you can add to a nation. But could I use C'Tis as a base nation somehow, clear all the units, and still get the miasma effect?

If so, is the +% gold per dominion tied to the miasma effect?

Many underwater nations have different recruitment rosters on dry land then they do in the water. Is this moddable, and how do I do it if it is?

I think that's everything for right now.


Edi March 11th, 2009 06:25 PM

Re: Modding Help
First off, the UOR Modding Manual is obsolete. Has been for months. Back when version 3.20 came out, the UORMM had been turned to the official manual and updated. That one is now included in the patches. So if you just read the modding.pdf file in the doc folder, you will have up to date instructions. The most up to date public version is 3.21 that came in the last patch.

Miasma is not moddable, but you could use MA C'tis as basis and use the #clearrec command to remove their recruitable roster.

Separate recruitment lists for land and underwater forts are currently not moddable, but they would make for an excellent wishlist item. I'll add that later.

Jazzepi March 13th, 2009 11:00 AM

Re: Modding Help
Had some more questions.

Is there a way to add my own sound effects to the game for unit attacks?

Where can I find a list of all the effects that can go on #secondaryeffect?

I'd like to have a unit that explodes when it dies. Either doing damage, but probably just spreading a negative status effect on the enemies. What would be a good way to model this? Right now I'm just sticking with monster editing, I haven't dabbled into spell effects, so if it requires spell effects to do, please be explicit in your answer! :)


Burnsaber March 13th, 2009 11:03 AM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 679738)
Had some more questions.

Is there a way to add my own sound effects to the game for unit attacks?

Where can I find a list of all the effects that can go on #secondaryeffect?

I'd like to have a unit that explodes when it dies. Either doing damage, but probably just spreading a negative status effect on the enemies. What would be a good way to model this? Right now I'm just sticking with monster editing, I haven't dabbled into spell effects, so if it requires spell effects to do, please be explicit in your answer! :)


1) Try the #sound command on the modding manual.

2) Try Edi's Dom3 DB and it's list of weapons. Any weapon (even one that you modded yourself) can be a secondaryeffect.

3) Hmm. Tricky. a)You can make a unit that will *very* likely die when it attacks
b) make a spell that will center a massive blast on the caster.

That's all I can think of now.

a) You could make the unit extemely low hp and give it an AoE attack to which it will most likely die.

b) Here's the partial code for the spell anwser.


#descr "Comes with a BANG"
#flightspr -1
#explspr Y
#path 0 4
#school -1
#aoe Y
#range 0
#effect 2
#damage YY
#researchlevel 0
#pathlevel 0 1
#spec XXX
#fatiguecost 0

#name "BANG"
#descr "XXXXXX."
#flightspr -1
#explspr X
#path 0 X
#school X
#aoe 0
#range 0
#effect 23
#damage 4
#researchlevel 0
#pathlevel 0 1
#spec XXX
#fatiguecost XX
#nextspell "EXPLOSION"

Replace the X's and Y's with whatever values you want for the spell to have. The "BANG" is a personal buff that gives "haste". Why? The casting AI is sometimes very reluctant to cast spells that will clearly *always* kill the caster, so we are fooling the AI into thinking that the spell is a poor personal buff. This will also prevent the casting AI from casting it unscripted. The unit won't cast this spell though if the unit already has haste.

Jazzepi March 13th, 2009 11:16 AM

Re: Modding Help
Thanks for the quick answer.

I have some code to share. It will give you a hint of what I'm working on. My problem is that when the boomer unit does its attack I have two issues.

1. I'm not getting anything flying through the air. They clearly stop and "attack" but I don't see any projectile. I'd love to have a particle effect like the dragon's breath uses.

2. The poison never takes hold, ever. Even when units take the 1 point of damage, the virulent disease poison doesn't work. I'd like to note that I've gotten that poison to work on another weapon I've been using for a different unit.

Also, I checked out the sound command. I was curious if /I/ could record a sound and add it to the game somehow, or if I had to use the other unit's sounds. I have a nice recording setup, and I could do a great BLARGGHHHH for the vomiting.



#copyspr 155
#name "Boomer"
#weapon "Vomit Spray"
#armor "Thick Slime"
#gcost 30
#rcost 15
#weapon 29
#weapon 29
#str 13
#size 3
#hp 15
#def 6
#attack 10
#perc 11
#map 2
#ap 12

#newweapon 703
#name "Vomit Spray"
#secondaryeffect 700
#secondaryeffectalways 329
#att 2
#range -1
#ammo 1
#aoe 3

#newweapon 700
#name "Virulent Infection"
#dmg 9       

Burnsaber March 13th, 2009 11:35 AM

Re: Modding Help
1) I was under the impression that someone has mapped the weapon flysprites, but I'm not sure. Forum search? You could give it arrow flysprite or something when testing. You could give the weapon explosion sprite. Looking at the mapped explsprites, 10139 is "Exploding Bile".

2) You can't use both #secondaryeffectalways and #secondaryeffect for the same weapon. You need to make a "chain" of weapon effects. At least didn't work for me a while back.

3) The sounds are hardcoded. It's probably not possible to record your own sounds and use them.

Jazzepi March 13th, 2009 11:40 AM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 679744)
1) I was under the impression that someone has mapped the weapon flysprites, but I'm not sure. Forum search? You could give it arrow flysprite or something when testing. You could give the weapon explosion sprite. Looking at the mapped explsprites, 10139 is "Exploding Bile".

2) You can't use both #secondaryeffectalways and #secondaryeffect for the same weapon. You need to make a "chain" of weapon effects. At least didn't work for me a while back.

1. So chapter 9 has spell modding in it, but the flysprites that it talks about in that chapter also apply to ranged weapons? Do they work for meele weapons as well?

2. Makes perfect sense! And yes, it still works like you think it does.

Thanks for the help :9


Sombre March 13th, 2009 11:41 AM

Re: Modding Help
L4D eh?

You can change a sound file that is rarely used to something else and then point to its number. Forum search or looking in the modding tools bit of the mod lsit should provide what you need.

chrispedersen March 13th, 2009 11:45 AM

Re: Modding Help
2) You can't use both #secondaryeffectalways and #secondaryeffect for the same weapon. You need to make a "chain" of weapon effects. At least didn't work for me a while back.

Could you show one of your chains of weapon effects?

Jazzepi March 13th, 2009 11:45 AM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 679750)
L4D eh?

You can change a sound file that is rarely used to something else and then point to its number. Forum search or looking in the modding tools bit of the mod lsit should provide what you need.

Just stealing a bit of inspiration :D

But, yes, it's basically the boomer from L4D. It should fit well with the nation's theme.


Jazzepi March 13th, 2009 11:48 AM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 679752)
2) You can't use both #secondaryeffectalways and #secondaryeffect for the same weapon. You need to make a "chain" of weapon effects. At least didn't work for me a while back.

Could you show one of your chains of weapon effects?

What he means is that you do this.

Weapon 1
#secondaryeffect 2

Weapon 2
#secondaryeffect 3

Weapon 3
#secondaryeffect 4

Weapon 4

This would create a weapon that strikes someone, does the damage/status from 1, then 2, then 3, then 4. So you could hit someone, do damage, knock off their armor, poison them, and slime them.

I think you need to be careful about the order though. I think damage always has to be dealt by the current weapon in the chain for it to call the next weapon.


Burnsaber March 13th, 2009 12:08 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 679749)
1. So chapter 9 has spell modding in it, but the flysprites that it talks about in that chapter also apply to ranged weapons? Do they work for meele weapons as well?


#explsprites (the effect that takes place when the weapon strikes on the square where it strikes) are the same for both weapons and spells.

Only spells can use the spell #flightsprites and only weapons can use weapon #flysprites. At least I think that's how it goes. I've tried spells using flysprites but not the other way around.

For your information, the mapped flightsprites and explsprites can be found herein:

Jazzepi March 14th, 2009 03:02 AM

Re: Modding Help
Thanks for the help on the sprites. I have a nice vomity effect now.

I was curious about something though.

I gave a commander 4 hands, and 3 misc slots. That worked fine. Then I gave him four weapons. I figured the weapons would be "held" in those hands.

Then I forged him a couple of 1 handed weapon. If I only equip one, however, he immediately loses all four of the normal attacks.

Is there a way to get around this, so that the attacks only disappear one at a time (or two at a time if a two handed weapon is equipped?)?


Edi March 14th, 2009 03:58 AM

Re: Modding Help
Weapon flysprites are mapped and in the DB, courtesy of lch. Spell flightsprites and explsprites are not fully mapped. Those are listed somewhere on the forum.

lch March 14th, 2009 04:11 AM

Re: Modding Help
I did sound effects, but nothing with sprites except extracting them. I don't think that qualifies as "mapping", though. Burnsaber did work on this, as far as I know.

Endoperez March 14th, 2009 04:33 AM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 679895)
Then I forged him a couple of 1 handed weapon. If I only equip one, however, he immediately loses all four of the normal attacks.

Is there a way to get around this, so that the attacks only disappear one at a time (or two at a time if a two handed weapon is equipped?)?

Not to my knowledge. It always happens with the Nataraja and other four-armed pretenders.

Jazzepi March 14th, 2009 04:48 AM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Endoperez (Post 679904)

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 679895)
Then I forged him a couple of 1 handed weapon. If I only equip one, however, he immediately loses all four of the normal attacks.

Is there a way to get around this, so that the attacks only disappear one at a time (or two at a time if a two handed weapon is equipped?)?

Not to my knowledge. It always happens with the Nataraja and other four-armed pretenders.

Boo hiss :(


chrispedersen March 14th, 2009 11:59 AM

Re: Modding Help
No but you can change it, by defining new weapons and or declaring them bonus..

Edi March 14th, 2009 03:26 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by lch (Post 679900)
I did sound effects, but nothing with sprites except extracting them. I don't think that qualifies as "mapping", though. Burnsaber did work on this, as far as I know.

Thanks for the correction. Yes, you did indeed do the sound effects. Saulot did the weapon flysprites and Burnsaber has been mapping the spell flightsprites and explosion sprites on the forum.

Burnsaber March 15th, 2009 10:36 AM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Edi (Post 679899)
Weapon flysprites are mapped and in the DB, courtesy of lch. Spell flightsprites and explsprites are not fully mapped. Those are listed somewhere on the forum.


Originally Posted by Edi (Post 679982)
Thanks for the correction. Yes, you did indeed do the sound effects. Saulot did the weapon flysprites and Burnsaber has been mapping the spell flightsprites and explosion sprites on the forum.

Perhaps you missed the thread, but I have already mapped the explsprites and flightsprites. See the link below.


Jazzepi March 15th, 2009 11:10 AM

Re: Modding Help
Burn, I tried to implement the magic solution you gave me to the explosion thing.

Unfortunately, I want these units to explode, and they're recruits, not commanders. Does it matter? Can you still give a non-commander the ability to self-buff as is described in your post?


Jazzepi March 15th, 2009 11:15 AM

Re: Modding Help

Is there a list of fortresses anywhere? I'd be looking for these items of information.

Admin, Storage, Time to Build, Cost, Defense, and what the picture looks like

Maybe I'll do this for the community if no one else has.


Burnsaber March 15th, 2009 11:23 AM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 680076)
Burn, I tried to implement the magic solution you gave me to the explosion thing.

Unfortunately, I want these units to explode, and they're recruits, not commanders. Does it matter? Can you still give a non-commander the ability to self-buff as is described in your post?

Unofrtunately the spell I posted is a spell that causes the unit to explode and thus needs to be casted, by a mage. You can't mod a spell like that unfortunately. Closest I can think of is making a spell that gives them the "Inner Sun" effect, but that's not probably what you're after.

You could give them secondshape with very low HP, but like gazabillion defense and resistance (so that they don't get struck down before they have chance to attack) and give them attack that will make them oneshot themselves.


Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 680078)

Is there a list of fortresses anywhere? I'd be looking for these items of information.

Admin, Storage, Time to Build, Cost, Defense, and what the picture looks like

Maybe I'll do this for the community if no one else has.


The fortresses are in the DomDB.

Jazzepi March 15th, 2009 11:38 AM

Re: Modding Help
Thanks, I didn't even think to look there.


You could give them secondshape with very low HP, but like gazabillion defense and resistance (so that they don't get struck down before they have chance to attack) and give them attack that will make them oneshot themselves.
I think I'll just give them poison armor. It's not quite what I'd like, but it'll do. Maybe I'll give the nation a magic spell that buffs their units to explode. That could be even cooler ;)

I'm having a strange problem. The units in this nation I'm working on are idealistically all suppose to start out at age 0, with a small final age, to represent the fact that they don't live very long. Say, 10-15 years. Unfortunately when I set it to age zero, and then I have a mage with magic paths it gives them a ton more years then they should have. Also, the normal recruitable units with no magic paths have age 2, which is more than I would like. I want them to be like the Orcs from lord of the rings, born from those breeding vats and ready the fight the moment they arise from the earth-womb.


rdonj March 15th, 2009 11:48 AM

Re: Modding Help
Not to interrupt jazzepi's questions, but I could use some modding help real quick and I'd rather not clutter up the forum with threads for easy questions.

Someone I know made a mod using this as a weapon:

#newweapon 624
#name "Leech drain"
#copystats 63
#nratt 6

63 looks to be the basic life drain weapon, but the end result does not actually drain life. Since there is no "life drain" damage type I'm not sure how to make something like this work if it will not in present form. Any ideas?

Jazzepi March 15th, 2009 12:05 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 680082)
Not to interrupt jazzepi's questions, but I could use some modding help real quick and I'd rather not clutter up the forum with threads for easy questions.

Someone I know made a mod using this as a weapon:

#newweapon 624
#name "Leech drain"
#copystats 63
#nratt 6

63 looks to be the basic life drain weapon, but the end result does not actually drain life. Since there is no "life drain" damage type I'm not sure how to make something like this work if it will not in present form. Any ideas?

You probably need to do this.

Make a weapon.

Then give that weapon 63 as a secondary effect. I bet life drain works like poison does.


Endoperez March 15th, 2009 12:05 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 680081)
I think I'll just give them poison armor. It's not quite what I'd like, but it'll do. Maybe I'll give the nation a magic spell that buffs their units to explode. That could be even cooler ;)

I'm having a strange problem. The units in this nation I'm working on are idealistically all suppose to start out at age 0, with a small final age, to represent the fact that they don't live very long.

LA Agartha can create Flame Corpses, which explode on death. You might be able to use them somehow.

#older accepts negative value, making units younger.

Burnsaber March 15th, 2009 12:06 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 680082)
Not to interrupt jazzepi's questions, but I could use some modding help real quick and I'd rather not clutter up the forum with threads for easy questions.

Someone I know made a mod using this as a weapon:

#newweapon 624
#name "Leech drain"
#copystats 63
#nratt 6

63 looks to be the basic life drain weapon, but the end result does not actually drain life. Since there is no "life drain" damage type I'm not sure how to make something like this work if it will not in present form. Any ideas?

There is no #copystats or (#copyweapon or something) in weapon modding. You could make the weapon have weapon 63 as a secondaryeffect.

Jazzepi March 15th, 2009 12:08 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Endoperez (Post 680088)

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 680081)
I think I'll just give them poison armor. It's not quite what I'd like, but it'll do. Maybe I'll give the nation a magic spell that buffs their units to explode. That could be even cooler ;)

I'm having a strange problem. The units in this nation I'm working on are idealistically all suppose to start out at age 0, with a small final age, to represent the fact that they don't live very long.

LA Agartha can create Flame Corpses, which explode on death. You might be able to use them somehow.

No way :D

I'm going to check this out right now. Haha! They work. I used copystats and I got the explosion effect.

Is there any way to clear the undead/mindless/lifess/never heals/cold resistance 100 status from them? I tried using #clearspec and #clear but if I do that I lose the explosion part.

Looks like I can just give them -100 cold resistance after doing the copying, but I'm stuck with the undead junk :(

Maybe I can fit it into the nation's theme ;)


rdonj March 15th, 2009 12:14 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 680089)

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 680082)
Not to interrupt jazzepi's questions, but I could use some modding help real quick and I'd rather not clutter up the forum with threads for easy questions.

Someone I know made a mod using this as a weapon:

#newweapon 624
#name "Leech drain"
#copystats 63
#nratt 6

63 looks to be the basic life drain weapon, but the end result does not actually drain life. Since there is no "life drain" damage type I'm not sure how to make something like this work if it will not in present form. Any ideas?

There is no #copystats or (#copyweapon or something) in weapon modding. You could make the weapon have weapon 63 as a secondaryeffect.

That'll teach me to post while tired....

Jazzepi March 15th, 2009 12:32 PM

Re: Modding Help
Back to messing with the Boomers again.

I want to use the 329 effect "slime" as a secondary effect. I would like this effect to *always* slime them. Unfortunately slime appears to have a mres tag, which means it's checking against mr each time one of my guys tosses vomit at them.

Is there some way around this so that I can get the slime effect on the weapon every time they're vomited on?


Endoperez March 15th, 2009 01:13 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 680090)
Is there any way to clear the undead/mindless/lifess/never heals/cold resistance 100 status from them? I tried using #clearspec and #clear but if I do that I lose the explosion part.

You can't get rid of all tags. That's why I wasn't sure you could use them. IIRC, there's no way to make a 0-hp secondshape that dies instantly. There might be some clever way to make a monster die instantly on the battlefield.

Jazzepi March 15th, 2009 02:52 PM

Re: Modding Help
I just figured something out. I was using the vomit attack and attaching an AoE command. I thought that the AoE command would mean that anyone getting hit by the AoE would also suffer the #secondaryeffectalways.

Not true! Only when the projectiles hit their targets does the secondary effect fire.

So what I've done to better simulate a bunch of opponents getting slimed is raised the firing rate so that the boomers get one big volley in to begin with and that's it.


Sombre March 16th, 2009 07:21 AM

Re: Modding Help
Yes, if you make an attack short-mid range (or str based range) with only 1 ammo and a high nreff, it can be very useful/interesting. Fire then engage.

Jazzepi March 16th, 2009 08:24 AM

Re: Modding Help
I have a strange problem. I'm trying to erase all the regular leadership from the national units.

I have one unit that has no magic and I do this.

1. I call the #noleader command in the unit's section.
2. I call the #okmagicleader command in the unit's section.

Now that unit has 0 regular leadership and 40 magic leadership. Exactly what I wanted.

I have these crest of the allspawns and they have magic as can be seen below.

The problem is I call the #noleader tag, and then the #expertmagicleader tag and the unit ends up with zero leadership in all three fields, which is not what I want.



#newmonster 2609
#copystats 2500
#copyspr 940
#name "Crest of the Allspawn"
#hp 15
#mr 17
#armor "Thick Slime"
#armor "Pair of Antenna"
#gcost 345
#magicskill 6 3
#magicskill 5 2
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 50
#custommagic 2048 50
#custommagic 2048 10

I also have faceless lords that have some magic. I call the #noleader tag and then #goodmagicleader and they lose all their leadership as well.


#copystats 2501
#copyspr 521       
#name "Faceless Lord"
#hp 70
#size 4
#mr 17
#mor 18
#gcost 350
#rcost 10
#armor "Thick Slime"
#map 2
#att 14
#str 18
#ap 10
#ambidextrous 5
#fear 0
#itemslots 28702
#magicskill 8 1
#magicskill 6 1
#magicskill 2 1
#magicskill 5 1
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 100
#weapon 701
#weapon 701
#weapon 701
#weapon 701
#maxage 100

Is it possible I'm overflowing the leadership field amount, somehow?


Sombre March 16th, 2009 08:59 AM

Re: Modding Help
Leadership has always acted screwy. It used to be that you couldn't copystat units with 10ldr and give them 40ldr for some crazy reason.

So what you're describing doesn't surprise me. It's probably just another of these bugs.

Jazzepi March 16th, 2009 09:12 AM

Re: Modding Help
Sometimes, when I'm doing this modding stuff, I feel like I'm driving with the blood of a pedestrian on my windshield blocking the view.

It just keeps getting thicker, too.


Jazzepi March 16th, 2009 11:51 AM

Re: Modding Help
Another strange problem.

#startfort 5
#defaultfort 11
#farmfort 26
#mountainfort 32
#forestfort 7

Those are my fort commands, but for some reason when I go to build a fort on a territory that says "forest" as its own terrain type, it tries to build the default swamp fort instead.


chrispedersen March 16th, 2009 12:26 PM

Re: Modding Help
modding can be an exercise in patience.. I do suggest that after substantive changes, change the version number, unload the mod exit dominions, reload the mod.

That has fixed a lot of screwy behavior for me.

Sombre March 16th, 2009 12:40 PM

Re: Modding Help
There are no bugs relating to fort type settings afaik, so recheck what you typed against the mod manual and reload the mod I guess.

Jazzepi March 16th, 2009 01:17 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 680306)
modding can be an exercise in patience.. I do suggest that after substantive changes, change the version number, unload the mod exit dominions, reload the mod.

That has fixed a lot of screwy behavior for me.

Actually, all you need to do is exit out of your current instance of dom, and restart it. At least that's all I do, and it works :9

I have the note pad open, and I save the mod, then I reload dominions. My experience has been that it some things are set at start, some things are set at making a new turn (like hitpoints) and some things are set when the nation is loaded. There's a noticeable pause when the game loads with a slightly different mod file and it's reading it in again.


Jazzepi March 16th, 2009 01:52 PM

Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 680313)
There are no bugs relating to fort type settings afaik, so recheck what you typed against the mod manual and reload the mod I guess.

It's pretty clear there's an error here, to me. Something with how the "default" setting is interacting with the "forest" setting (among others).

My assumption was that default would only kick in when one of the other ones weren't defined, but this is clearly not the case. If I do this...

1 = Simple Hillfort
5 = Swamp City
32 = Ramparts
7 = Motte-and-Bailey
26 = Dead City

#startfort 5
#mountainfort 32
#forestfort 7
#defaultfort 26

Then dead cities should show up as a build option in every province except for mountains and forests. For some reason I get Simple Hillfort (1) in plains or wastes. Motte-and-baily (7) in forest/plains. Motte-and-Baily (7) in forest and Ramparts in mountains .

If I do this in the mod file...

#startfort 5
#defaultfort 26
#mountainfort 32
#forestfort 7

Hmm. That seems to work. I guess you just have to put the default fort directly after startfort.

I love undocumented requirements D:


chrispedersen March 17th, 2009 02:06 PM

Re: Modding Help
if we have user docs on this.. could that be put in it?
As well as burnsabers...note on holy (only) being copied to be scripted?

Jazzepi March 17th, 2009 02:22 PM

Re: Modding Help
Quick question.

Is there a way to remove pretenders from those offered during nation creation? It seems all you can do is add custom pretenders (or pretenders from other nations), but not take away the "default" set of pretenders that come with a basic nation.

This seems to be the default set.

Oracle, Fountain of Blood, Wyrm, Titan, PoD, Master Lich, Manticore, Cyclops, Phoenix, Lich, Ghost King, Red/blue/green Dragon, freak lord, arch mage, crone, frost father, great sage, master druid, great enchantress, vampire Queen


chrispedersen March 17th, 2009 02:32 PM

Re: Modding Help
Not real time effective, but there is a way.

Restrict the orginal pretender to an independent nation (like 25)
Copy the pretenders.
Restrict each copy to the nation you want to have them.
So you will have to make .. oh 20something copies for each pretender.

So copy1: nations 17, 67, 23
copy2: nations 18, 19,20 whatever.


Jazzepi March 17th, 2009 04:37 PM

Re: Modding Help
Running into another strange problem. Tried to do some forum searching and came up with nothing.

Trying to add the Dracolich (unit #644)/ Bog Mummy (unit #645) to my pretender selection and no matter what I do I can't get him to come up as a choice. I've added two other pretenders that /DO NOT/ have multiple forms, so it has to be something with that.

I've tried to add both forms, I've tried adding one and not the other both ways, but nothing seems to work.


Jazzepi March 24th, 2009 11:30 PM

Re: Modding Help
Question : When I'm making a graphic for a new unit sprite, is there any particular size that the canvas/image has to be? I looked a few of the extractions and they were of a large variety of sizes.


Burnsaber March 25th, 2009 12:10 AM

Re: Modding Help
I haven't run into any trouble with canvas size. I think that the game automatically resizes them.

Nevertheless, I usually start my graphic work by taking a excisting and working graphic and then just erasing the unit. But that's mostly because my GIMP skills are weak (I can't even manage to enlarge the canvas if it's too small).

Sombre March 25th, 2009 04:51 AM

Re: Modding Help
It outlines the sizes to use in the modding manual.

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