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Problem with Llamaserver
I just looked at Llamaserver and all games are gone.
There are a few waiting for pretenders but other than that every single game is gone. I think it happened within the last 20 minutes or so as I just downloaded a game file a short time ago. Is this just a problem on my end or is it that way for everyone as I am assuming it is. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Yeah, same here. A really bad time for me for this to happen, but look on the bride side, at least Llama is here now, or I really hope he is.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Yup it just happened as I checked it a few minutes ago :( Hopefully the turn I sent in that is due in a few hours will get there.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
This looks bad. I'd ordered a rollback on Doedicurus recently, but I don't see how that would be connected...?
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Damn, this will turn into a disaster for me if the turns aren't delayed and don't get in.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
It looks like it's not accepting turn files.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
I think there is a problem with lamaserver, Doedicurus, everyone staled due to ngt fel (whatever) during host and in Qwerty, 2 nations Atlantis/Oceania had corrupt trn files. So its having a bad day, I am sure it will be fixed, hopefully.:)
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Hallo! Yup, I'm here, although I've actually just got back from a weekend away. The curse got its timing slightly wrong this time, ha!
So, it ran out of disk space, and obviously went a bit crazy. I didn't realise space was low; I should be able to clear some easily enough. I think fortunately I caught it right as it happened, only a couple of games actually suffered crashes (and they can easily be rolled back). I think it just tried to update its list of games and ended up writing a blank file because of lack of disk space. Unfortunately I'm absolutely knackered and can't face fixing it now. I shall fix it tomorrow evening, so no llamaserver for about 24 hours I'm afraid. The big problem is going to be that I've lost all the admin passwords. This is Very Annoying, and I can't see an wasy way round it. Game admins - could you perhaps PM me with your game name and the password you want? Thanks. Apologies everyone for the inconvenience. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Oh, I shall probably set everything to host in a week's time (of course things will host sooner if players are efficient), and certainly nothing will host without the server checking its e-mail. So don't worry about games hosting and missing out on your crucial orders.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
llamabeast has finally decided to intervene on our own behalf. Thanks llama, you have freed me from the trappings of this wonderful game.
Edit: Then it turned out that something was actually broken. llamabeast, why won't you let my people go. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Llamabeast you are a champ!
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
However: 1) I haven't entered the admin passwords yet (it's sleepy time for llamas now) - admins, I'm afraid you'll have to wait, probably till tomorrow evening, before you can actually do anything. If you haven't already PMed me the passwords for any games you're admining, please do so. 2) I had to recontruct all the game information from scattered clues. For most of the fields I was able to do it, but not all. As such, all games are set to host in a week (unless they just hosted). All games are set on 48 hour timers. The admins can fix this tomorrow! Sorry about the inconvenience everyone. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Thanks a lot llamabeast.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Thanks llamabeast!
But Smack is missing, and I think Lapis is missing too. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Thanks a lot, llamabeast, but something strange keeps happening in Qwerty game (game hosted on Sunday and two players received corrupted turns. Neither asking for resend nor changing email addresses helped). Could you please look here when you have time?
Thanks again:) |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
In my two games, LaRueda and MareaRoja there are players missing as if they had been set to IA, is there anyway to fix this?
Thank You. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Message I just put on the LlamaServer front page:
Right, I've now input all the admin passwords I've received. Admins: go! Set your games to rights! If your password doesn't work, let me know (and let me know what it should be). However: 1) I didn't get passwords for all the games (although I did get A LOT of messages). 2) I know there's still a couple of games with problems (a couple of new ones are missing, and on or two had nagot gick fel errors). I'll get to these ASAP. Also this still applies: 3) I had to reconstruct all the game information from scattered clues. For most of the fields I was able to do it, but not all. As such, all games are set to host in a week (unless they just hosted). All games are set on 48 hour timers. The admins can fix this. Cheers, llama -- vfb, ano, Nihil, thanks for the heads up, I'll try to take a look later on (dinner time now!). |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
I've received a stale turn in game Winterstorm, even through my file was sent ages ago. Strange.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Yeah, something bad happened to Winterstorm. I'll look into it.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Okay, most things are fixed now, but there will be some games which hosted with insufficient space that need sorting (that's going to be tomorrow now I'm afraid). Ones I know/suspect have issues:
Lochness LaRueda MareaRoja Qwerty Winterstorm If anyone else is having issues, let me know! Otherwise everything should now be back to normal. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
The above games, plus EpicBattles and World_Where_Magic_Dwells, are still damaged, mostly afflicted by a bug in the new patch. JK's already made a fix, so we're just waiting on it being made public. In the meantime I've stopped the server from hosting any turns so no more games get "nagot gick fel" errors.
It should be pretty trivial for me to rehost all those games once the new patch comes out, so fear not! |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Right, I've updated the dom3 version on the server with the soon-to-be-released 3.23b (JK says it won't cause any issues trying to load turn files from it with 3.23), so there should hopefully be no more crashes. Hosting is therefore now back on. However, the games which crashed will have to wait till tomorrow evening to get fixed.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Actually I've just fixed all the crashed games, with the exception of MareaRoja and LaRueda, which the admin will have to tell me what to do with.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Oh, fixing will have looked like a rollback followed by a hosting (because that's exactly what I did). If your game crashed and it hasn't been fixed let me know.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
I can't even say "Thank you" because of terrific turn in Qwerty our team received instead of quite good one...
But still thanks for all you do for us :). |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
I've come to think you do things like fill up the hard drive, to give yourself projects to practice on. ;)
Whatever the case though, you are the Llama! <3 |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Not a big deal, but fyi - the scores for the game Epic_Battles are stuck on turn 57, though the game is hosting fine and is on turn 63.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Is the llamaserver okay? Did Preponderance crash?
Game: Preponderance Turn number 56 Next turn due: 00:56 GMT on Monday April 6th ... Last updated at 00:55 GMT on Monday April 6th Current time: 02:04 GMT |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
That's kind of funny, I was just about to check that. It looks like hosting Preponderance borked the server. Good job. :p
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
DonCorazon - the graphs should now update on the next hosting.
Everyone else - yeah, somehow the server got stuck (waiting for something to finish hosting). I'm not sure what it was waiting for, so maybe Preponderance did fail. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
I'm not sure if this is related, but a few of the games I'm in seem to have the incorrect turn number displayed for the status page:
http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Diversion (status says turn 3, game is on turn 4) http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Magellan (status says turn 12, game is on turn 13) Everything else seems to be working properly though, so perhaps it's a non-issue... e-mail messages have the correct turn number. One of them hosted without issues. Strangely even the score pages have turn 4 and 13, just not the status pages. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Magellan just informed me when mailing a turn in:
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Same problem happened to game DarkMistress. The game has hosted and sent turn 64 with no problem in turn file. But it is still turn 63 on the game page and I got wrong turn number message after i sent the 2h file.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Same problem in Noobs vs Vets 2.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Hmm, how very odd. Well, I don't understand the cause, but I have set all the games back to the correct turn number. Let's hope it was a one-off freak caused by Preponderance crashing.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
llamaserver hasn't updated for about an hour and a half now. The MilkShake game seems to be suspended between turns. Interesting note though, I am getting confirmation notices on turns I submit.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
The game Knife is also frozen between turns. Maybe an issue with the quickhost feature?
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Ho hum, I think maybe Preponderance caused this again.
I should improve the system. When a game hosts, it blocks all other games from hosting. If it crashes normally the server copes fine, but if it crashes in a certain way it seems that it never goes and unblocks hosting, so when I wake up the server has been waiting to host for a few hours. I should make it so that it won't wait more than half an hour or so I guess. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Whatever you did it's instantly been fixed.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Yep! :)
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Preponderance seems to be really unlucky. I wonder what may be causing it, as that game already had way too many crashes and weird problems.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
I've hacked my way into the game. Not only that, but I'm also about to win and you don't even realize it yet.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Turn numbers are messed up on a few games on the llamaserver - there is a separate thread about it here but fyi reporting it in the llamaserver problems thread.
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Fixed! Thanks for the report.
Oddly mysterious problem though... |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Llama - if you're ever in San Francisco - look me up and I'll buy you a Guinness or whatever you drink! :) thanks!
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Yeah, you can get a good real Polish beer when you happen to be in GdaĆsk :P
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
Last updated at 07:20 GMT on Wednesday April 15th
Current time: 10:45 GMT And games are not hosting... |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
NOTE: Tasmania is not in Africa. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
EDIT: Oops, now they're back. Strange. |
Re: Problem with Llamaserver
And it looks like they got fixed and hosted.
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 10:55 PM. |
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