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Jomen April 4th, 2009 01:30 PM

Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
I don't know if a Dominion 4 is planned. However , i think all of us have already think about a sequel and maybe think about what we would find in it.

I wonder what could be different ideas for a Dominion 4

Excuse my English , as English is not my mother-tongue.

Foodstamp April 4th, 2009 02:01 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
I will get the ball rolling.

1. Ability to create new events via modding.
2. Random chance special heroes will appear depending upon your pretender magic paths. Pretender with Death get a special Necromancer, Pretender with Earth gets a Gnome, Pretender with water/death gets an amphibious death caster, etc.

Endoperez April 4th, 2009 02:03 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
Dominions 4 isn't in the plans. Illwinter is working on something, but the only thing we know is that it isn't Dominions 4.

One of the reasons for not working in a sequel to Dominions is that they would have to do everything from scratch. The current engine is too old and not flexible enough. There's not much new they can do with it. As an example, modders have noticed that there are only few hundred free slots for new spells or magic sites, which means that conflicts between mods are quite likely, and that complicated spells with many different effects aren't feasible because they take several spell-slots. :(

Any way, if we were to have a new Dominions engine, I'd like to see more modding, but I'm not sure what else. Better user interface, perhaps. Hmm. A campaign editor for single-player, that would allow you to set events and things that'd happen at spesific turns, as well as story-messages keyed to different events and ability to display pre-recorded battles. It'd be something like the current megamaps and such (Antilarium and that huge one with a dimension for each distinct magic), except with plot.

Atreidi April 4th, 2009 04:17 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
1. Better graphics. Now I dont expect them to use something really really fancy, but at least something like diablo 2 graphics should sufice.
2. Unlimited spell, unit, hero, item, and event slots.
3. Ability to create new events and customize everysingle thing, customizable arena matches, set events based on turn number, "IF" statements and such.
4. Revamped multiplayer setup. With easier navigation. Something similar to Civilization IV mutiplayer setup.
5. Carry Over all Dominions 3 game content to Dominions 4! And add new ofcourse.
6. Devs should keep doing what they do! Constant patches and upgrades.
7. Need EndoPerez, NTjedi, Edi, Gandalf_Parker, and the others to keep doing what they do!


sansanjuan April 4th, 2009 05:10 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
A number of good threads on this topic in the past. My list...

"Seamless Ally"
Feature where Dominion spread don't apply to allies and unstealthy troops can move unhindered through allied lands, etc.

"Cut scene for those once in a million hits"
Capture and roleplay statistical anomalies during battle
e.g. a militia man inflicts massive damage and kills a Pretender just based on chance rolls. Capture the battle and promote the unit in some special way. Show a full screen toe to toe replay of just that slugfest. Perhaps displaying the odds if desired.

"Map changing spells"
(certainly very high level and very expensive)
Raise Land
Sink Land
Wall Province
Change Province type

Like sites but guarded specifically inside a province. Often contain magic items corresponding to strength of the guards that must be defeated.

"Assassin banding"
Allow assassins to coordinate a simultaneous attack on a commander and/or allow a henchman to participate.

"AI diplomacy"
Toughie but have logic whereas the AI will negotiate NAPS.


Mordici April 4th, 2009 05:28 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
I have always considered Master of Magic to be one of the all-time best turn based strategy games, and have always believed that if the makers of Dominions took a page from that game it would make Dominions the best turn-based strategy game ever.

The things that would need to be integrated into a sequel IMO would be:

1. Custom magic item creation.

2. Trading of spells, heroes, resources, units and magic items between AI and player nations.

3. The ability to create trade agreements, treaties and alliances between the AI and player nations.

4. Improved graphics with the option to have earth changing spells actually change the map (ie. move moutains, create lakes, etc.).

If a sequel to Dominions had these things in it as well as the current level of support the developers and the forum fans put into it we would have the best turn-based strategy game experience ever!!!

alhorro April 4th, 2009 06:47 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
Mmm, dreams.
Dominions4 should go MMO. But not just another MMO. Imagine a mix of Savage, Dominions and Myth series. Players able to rule as Dom strategists, pick up important battles after strategic-level orders were done and command as Myth tacticians, or fight in such battles as Savage warriors. Add cinematic battle replays and messages, experience for every role, personal equipment, clans, etc. Finish with giant global maps, several rulers per nation, civil wars and sneaky actions. Such game deserves much higher monthly fees for pro players than existing MMOs, while being free2play for beginners.

Arralen April 5th, 2009 02:50 AM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream

Originally Posted by Atreidi (Post 683937)
1. Better graphics.
5. Carry Over all Dominions 3 game content to Dominions 4!

That's impossible, at least with only 2 guys working on it - and exactly the cause why there won't be a Dom4 from Illwinter!!


theenemy April 5th, 2009 07:35 AM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
1. Cut down the number of races in the game so that the developers can really focus on a new game engine.
2. New graphics.
3. Unlimited modding capabilities
4. Improved AI.
5. SP diplomacy

Gandalf Parker April 5th, 2009 11:45 AM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream

Originally Posted by Arralen (Post 683995)

Originally Posted by Atreidi (Post 683937)
1. Better graphics.
5. Carry Over all Dominions 3 game content to Dominions 4!

That's impossible, at least with only 2 guys working on it - and exactly the cause why there won't be a Dom4 from Illwinter!!


Actually Illwinter took on a couple of interns in the graphics area. Some of the recent sprite updates came from them. I havent heard much lately about them tho so Im not sure if they have finished their internship and moved on, or are working on the new project instead of Dom3.

But as to the 2-man team thing..
I think Illwinter has done above-average in the area of realizing what they can do well, and what they can leave to others. The allow Shrapnel to handle publicity, they allow players do handle documentation, they allow betas to handle most of the testing. They opened wide the abilities to do mods and maps and servers. The game would have progressed MUCH slower if, like other developers, they had tried to do absolutely everything.

And so, my own preferences, would be further along that line. For Illwinter to spend abit of time creating a Dom4 which is Dom3 (and continued growth) but with more areas opened up for others to build on. Such as AI. And some changes to the base of modding which would allow seamless intergation of multiple mods. And some server/map areas such as returning Scenarios to the game.

Just my humble opinions of course.
Gandalf Parker
the Everliving, the Emperor of Strategy, the Tyrrant of Time, the Destructor of Health, the Stealer of Sleep,
and a game too.

lch April 5th, 2009 12:46 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 684020)
Actually Illwinter took on a couple of interns in the graphics area. Some of the recent sprite updates came from them. I havent heard much lately about them tho so Im not sure if they have finished their internship and moved on, or are working on the new project instead of Dom3.

A couple? I'm only aware of Gabriella, which worked on Bogarus. And AFAIK she was a student of KO and could likely have graduated by now, I'd think.

Trumanator April 5th, 2009 11:11 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
I thought KO was a student himself?

Ballbarian April 5th, 2009 11:39 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
KO is a teacher.

theenemy April 10th, 2009 01:25 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
adultery is in the air...

Horst F. JENS April 10th, 2009 03:28 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
my dream for dom4:
open source the game engine. Find a clever way to finance Illwinter for content creation (and coding).
Note that content (sprites, storys, description, events etc) does not have to be open source.

sansanjuan April 10th, 2009 04:30 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
High level spells for masking your army size or making it look bigger than it actually is might be interesting too.

Fantomen April 10th, 2009 04:56 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
I think the chance for a dom4 would be some bigger developer taking up the concept, hires Illwinter with fulltime salary and gives them a team of programmers and graphic designers to do the tedious work.

Not impossible is it? I have no idea how Illwinter would think of becoming less "independent" however, and we might be better off with another truly unique game than them being sucked up in big business.

And i am soo damn curious about their current project, when? WHEN DAMMIT?

Waiting for that and Overgrowth.

Arralen April 11th, 2009 05:49 AM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
You mean, like Aaron, Strategy First and the Space Empire V debacle?

Gandalf Parker April 11th, 2009 11:04 AM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream

Originally Posted by Arralen (Post 685192)
You mean, like Aaron, Strategy First and the Space Empire V debacle?

Excellent example IMHO

Fantomen April 11th, 2009 12:06 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
I haven´t tried SEV.

I wasn´t trying to imply it would be a good way, just the most likely since Illwinter seems unwilling to undertake a dom4 project themselves.

What I´d really *like* to see is a good "dom4" open source community project.

Gandalf Parker April 11th, 2009 06:28 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
I will probably sound like a grumpy old guy but my response would be "go ahead".

Ive admined alot of projects like that and there tends to be lots of people who say "if only you give me access" but then they dont. And its usually true that if you were really motivated, then you could probably go ahead and do it and THEN get the access they earned.

Shrapnels versions of open source games havent done much (Scallywag comes to mind).

And there are lots of open source games that are like Dom3 (check SourceForge.net)

I dont really see how Dom3 suddenly going open source would ACTUALLY accomplish much.

Gandalf Parker
To some people, unlimited options seems to them to be zero options.

S.R. Krol April 11th, 2009 07:01 PM

Re: Dominion 4 ? Make your dream
Actually with SEV I don't think SF really fronted them any money, Aaron was still footing everything from my understanding. The only real difference was SF was putting the game on store shelves, if you could find it.

I don't see how a bigger (read AAA) developer would really help make Dom4. All that would happen is (a) 80% of the game would be gutted because it would cost too much and take too much time to do all the content in a AAA environment and (b) it would just be another game that looks and plays like a hundred other so called AAA games. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if some bean counter would turn it into a RTS.

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