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New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I just watched the latest movie trailer http://www.startrekmovie.com/ and I have a new theory.
I believe that a Romulan goes back in time and kills James T. Kirk shortly after his son is born. Old TOS is wiped clean. His son then grows up to become the new James Kirk of the altered future. The trailer is probably going to turn out to be better than the actual movie, but I will give JJ Abrams my $10.00. I think since they might be going out of their way to explain why his star trek is different from TOS might save the day. If the past is altered by a crazy half human half romulan dirt bag, then the future is erased and replaced by a new future, one that they, JJ Abrams and company, are free to explore without the constraints of TOS, STNG, DS9, Voy, and Ent. Either way, I look forward to seeing a new star trek movie. And the re imagined Enterprise isn't all that bad looking. http://www.startrektrailer.com/image...rek_poster.jpg http://www.startrektrailer.com/images/startrekpic1.jpg |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Actually those images are not the Enterprise from the upcoming movie. It's someone (www.gabekoerner.com) else's good take on a re-imagined Enterprise though. :P
There's a real image here: http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/sc...stxi_ships.htm |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Ya the error has been brought to my attention. :( That is one ugly new Enterprise. WTF were they thinking? I get the whole history has been altered/clean slate idea that JJ is going for. I just don't like the new Kirk that much. Takes command of the Enterprise when there are dozens of officers above him.... I don't buy it at all. But there ya go, Bobs my uncle.
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Personally, I think the "new" Star Trek is going to end up doing one seriously ugly face-plant!!!
Which sucks major-league, because I'm a HUGE Star Trek fan and had seriously high hopes for this movie. |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
now now... look at the tv show Enterprise with Scott Bakula as captain
the NX-01 ship looked better then the old show and I liked it but look at what they had to work with then and compared to todays tech and computer graphics (and what teens look for in movies) I think it will be a big hit at the boxoffice and hopefully start a new tv show :) |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Does this mean that the "New Kirk" will be doing 'priceline negotiations' commericals to explore new worlds and go where no man has gone before? :p
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
maybe... but he'll be doing alot of "'Cowboy diplomacy'" :D
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
It looks like a lot of the early reviews are highly positive...
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
A side note, Gabe Koerner appeared in the film Trekkies and worked as a CGI artist on Battlestar Galactica. As for this trek, some of the clips look good, but I have a sneaking feeling that the characters we are familar with are being replaced with cardboard cutout imitations |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
/me awakes from the regeneration chamber
yes, im alive, i just watched the movie... it has action... even some funny parts.... butttt IMHO should not be called Star Trek. /me goes back to my regeneration chamber |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Good to seeya still around EAX.
Saw the movie today, pretty much agree with EAX. Hated the look of the new enterprise. |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I saw the movie today as well and I thought it was exceptional.
I for one really enjoyed the 'new' look of the ships in the movie. |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I think a lot of people expected J.J. Abrams to do for Star Trek what Christopher Nolan did for Batman. I went in expecting something more along the lines of what Michael Bay did for Transformers, so I came out more than happy. I also thought the ships were all kinds of pretties.
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Oh it is an exceptional movie without equal and a tremendous credit to JJ Abrams, cast, and crew for a wonderful movie and job well done. But it isn't what hard core trek people will expect and that is why I say they won't accept it as Star Trek.
I loved the movie from start to finish. Hell even the Enterprise is starting to grow on me. I thought the story was a home run, the interaction of the characters well done, and over all acting very well done. Loved Pike. Even enjoyed the Archer line used by the Scotty. Special effects were well done, better than any previous trek. That being said there were people who loved it, like me, and those who hated it. I look forward to the next installment of this new Star Trek and cannot thank JJ Abrams for the kick *** job he did with this movie. |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I definitely agree with AT that there's going to be a lot of hard core Trek people who are going to be very unhappy with this one. There is a key event in the plot where the timeline takes a rather massive deviation from that of previous Trek lore (trying to avoid spoilers, but those who have seen it hopefully know what I'm on about), where a few people in my cinema walked out, loudly declaring the whole movie to be BS.
But despite the inclusion of time-travel, a staple Trek plot device that I've railed against from the beginning, this gives them the opportunity to start fresh and forge a new, more cohesive Trek where hopefully everyone and their dog won't have access to time machines. |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
About the time line.
It is safe to say that the time line was already an altered one given the evidence at hand. The Kelvin. The ship design was TMP (Trek Movie Picture)era although it was being used in pre-TOS (Trek Original Series) era. Look at the design of the Kelvin and you can see that it does not resemble in any way the Enterprise of TOS era, or prior. It however does resemble the Enterprise of TMP, post TOS era. So it is safe to conclude that both Spock and Nero were products of an already previously altered reality prior to entering into the time line of he movie thereby altering that already altered time line. I believe the time line was altered by the events that transpired in the TV series Enterprise. Now I foresee the final movie in this new Trek franchise having Kirk return to the time proceeding Enterprise, and preventing the time altering events which caused the first alternate reality, his fathers reality, and eventually the altered reality that came about as a result of Nero's involvement. Remember, in the original TOS, Kirk met the Romulans as a result of there aggression in the events of Balance of Terror some 100 years after the Earth Romulan war which NEVER took place in the era of Enterprise which is should have.* Additionally, Kirks family were killed by Governor Kodos, and Kirk had an older brother. The Enterprise was built in the San Francisco fleet yards, not in the corn fields of Iowa. * A note on this topic. I would be safe to conclude that by the time the events of Enterprise had transpired, Earths history had already been altered by the events of First Contact whereupon the Borg had traveled back in time and attacked Earth thus altering the time line. However the time line was resorted by the efforts of Picard and crew thus this could not have been the event that changed the time line prior to Archers adventures. Therefore the safe bet is to conclude that the events of the Temporal cold war were to blame for the altering of the time line that placed George Kirk on the bridge of the Kelvin at the moment that Nero entered into his reality. Needless to say something altered Earths history prior to the events of Enterprise. Generally speaking by the time those events should have transpired, the Earth Romulan war should have already happened. And Zefram Cochrane should have been on the Alpha Centauri colony. (As noted in TOS Episode that featured him.) Thusly something, or most likely someone, altered Earths history thus starting an alternate reality. In conclusion it can be argued quite effectively that the Spock that went back in time with Nero was not the Spock from TOS or TMP era. :rant::crazy: |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Thank you, AT, for so aptly demonstrating why I'm so firmly against the whole time travel plot device. ;)
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Saw the movie yesterday. Thought it was great. :up: BUT I'm not a firm beleiver that the story lines should never change. I mean like "War of the Worlds." COME ON! Did you really think the aliens were going to win in the remake? :doh:
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I saw the movie last night, and can't decide if a should love it or hate it.
There were some excellent parts to it, and some seriously flubbed parts as well. My biggest peeve is that the inside of each Federation ship was so wildly inconsistent! One moment you're in a high-tech, streamline area, the next you're in a early 20th century boiler room. And - Plastic cooler curtains in a shuttle??? Loved old Spock AND new Spock. Doctor McCoy rocked! Sulu is cool-headed and badass. Still trying to sort out what I think of the others... |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Instead of time travel why not simply say it was an alternate reality (sorta talked about in the cave)? We already know from Trek canon there are other universes/dimensions, and having Spock Prime and Nero break through from their universe into the "new" Trek universe would be a simpler explanation, and still manages to explain away why everything is now how it is. The time travel plot point was my biggest peeve with the movie, but I do have two nitpicks. One, what was up with the lens flare? It was bad enough for the space scenes but got really annoying with the bridge scenes. It was like some computer game from the late '90s. Two, Uhuru and Spock? Hunh? Did they cut out something explaining it or was she just really, really grateful for him allowing her to join the Enterprise? Overall though I enjoyed it and think the next one will be nice because you got the new character introductions out of the way and can now just jump right in. |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Issues that upon reflection kinda weaken my love for this movie a tad.
1. Recruit to Captain in 3 years. 2. Planet to ship at warp transporter 3. From Earth to Vulcan in 5 minutes 4. For not supposedly knowing the Romulans, they weren't surprised at seeing one. (oops - Old TOS time line) 5. The internal design of the ships. As BK pointed out. 6. How many people could fit into a shuttle? I counted 13 shuttles leaving the Kelvin and there were suppose to be 800 people on them? 7. Why did Nero's ship look like the asteroid from Armageddon? 8. Building the Enterprise in Iowa. There a few more but they are minor. Over all this was a great movie. I look forward to the next one like a giddy child looking forward to Christmas morning. |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I liked the new bridge. :)
Didn't care for what happened to Vulcan. :mad: Most of the characters looked like their original counterparts, except for Kirk and Checkov! :confused: Now armed with Spocks knowledge, the next movie will end up in borg space!!! :doh: Live Long and Prosper... :cool: |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I have to tell you, I was smiling almost the entire movie. It was such a good feeling to see these characters brought back to life in such a good movie. The theater was packed, and not one person, say for the fat dude and the "Geek club" people, had a bad thing to say about this movie. The line for the next showing went out side and that hasn't happened for a movie in a very long time. So ya, Hats off to JJ Abrams and Star Trek. Its about f***ing time we got a good NSTO (New Star Trek Original) movie.
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
According to Trek lore Vulcan is supposed to orbit 40 Eridani, which is known to be about 16 light years from our solar system. Covering 16 light years in "five minutes" would require a speed of 1,681,920 times the speed of light. I don't think any warp scale ever used in the Trek universe goes that high. :) One way or another, either in depicting too high a speed or failing to depict the passage of time correctly, they goofed.
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Time to get my Trek geekdom on.
I don't care what they say, there is absolutely no way in hell that you can transport from a planet onto a ship traveling at warp speed several, if not dozen, light years from your position. The variables to even consider such a thing boggle the mind. The ships location, speed, space anomalies, the power requirements, the rotation of the planet, etc. I am sorry, but that is one of the most glaring plot holes in the movie. Would have been better if they just jumped onto a super fast custom made warp shuttle, one where Spock gives Scotty the formula for high yield war drive, and then they beam over from the shuttle while Spock takes it back to Earth. But just hoping on an old transporter and punching in some numbers then beaming across space to a ship at high warp is just laughable. |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I agree with you there!
That was just entirely too convenient, and a ridiculous stretch just to introduce Old Spock. But then, dumping Kirk of on the nearest passing planet was ridiculous too. If he was such an issue, toss him in the brig or lock him in his quarters. Ejecting him like garbage was an inane plot device just to connect him and Old Spock without young Spock being around.:doh: |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I smell a 'NEW timeline' forming here!!! :D
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Yep - Word already has it that in the NEXT Star Trek movie they will deal with "an uncertain timeline".....
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
The writers have hinted they want to explore the Kahn-Kirk relationship in this storyline already.
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek content. A warp factor is a term indicating velocity in the subspace realm where faster-than-light (FTL) speeds are possible. Starfleet and the Federation has used the Cochrane scale up intil the early 24th century, whereupon a revised scale was put into effect when a more complete understanding of the nature of subspace was reached. Cochrane scale (22nd and 23rd centuries) In the 23rd century, the warp factor, WF, was calculated as follows: <DL><DD>WF = http://images.wikia.com/wikitex/imag...138e7390a1.png </DD></DL>where v is the speed of the signal or starship and c = 3.0x10<SUP>8</SUP> m/s (the speed of light). At Warp 1, a starship reaches light-speed, or c; at Warp 6, it reaches 216c. This continues up to a then-theoretical maximum (as of 2295) of 3511c, or Warp 15.2, for ships of any size. The speed of data transmissions through subspace are only limited by the power of the transmission itself. {Book: Starfleet Dynamics)) FASA Scale (TOS Era) The FASA published Star Trek roleplaying game had a simple warp scale of <DL><DD>3<SUP>wf-1</SUP> = X multiples of c. </DD></DL>giving a speed of 1c for Warp 1, 3c for Warp 2; at Warp 6 it reaches 243c. Revised Cochrane scale (24th century) In the 24th century, the warp factor, WF, was calculated as follows: <DL><DD>WF = http://images.wikia.com/wikitex/imag...91fa985f11.png </DD></DL>where v is the speed of the signal or starship and c = 3.0x10<SUP>8</SUP> m/s (the speed of light). At Warp 1, a starship reaches light-speed, or c; at Warp 6, a starship reaches a speed approximately 392 times the speed of light. This formula continues up to nine at which point there is no formula - merely a hand drawn curve which approaches infinity. The maximum speed ascertainable appears to be just under Warp 10 (transwarp) - for most civilisations. However The Borg (and a few other races) have broken the transwarp barrier. {Book: Starfleet Dynamics)) <!-- NewPP limit reportPreprocessor node count: 13/1000000Post-expand include size: 0/2097152 bytesTemplate argument size: 0/2097152 bytesExpensive parser function count: 0/100--><!-- Saved in parser cache with key startrek:pcache:idhash:9172-0!1!0!!en!2 and timestamp 20090513172944 -->Retrieved from "http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Warp_factor" Using this calculator below. Traveling at Warp 5 for 16 light years will take 46.752 days. http://home.att.net/~srschmitt/script_warpcalc.html |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Ow !!!
My...brain...hurts now...... ( ;) VERY nicely presented though. Kudos!) |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
So much for bringing applicational theories to the movies!!! :doh:
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Well in just 14 days the movie has done over 200 million world wide. I'd say it was a hit. :) I think that there are now 200 million dollars in evidence that SciFi is alive and well in the hearts of everyone, and that the rumors of the death of Star Trek were greatly over exaggerated.
There is even some talk now of a new TV series. :) |
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
I enjoyed the movie a great deal. Although it did have a few minor problems I accepted them merely for the fact that Star Trek had been written into a corner and needed to be redone.
Re: New Star Trek Movie: Story Theories
Came across this, and thought it was an interesting perspective!
'Star Trek XI' Franchise Best, But How Does It Stack To Inflation? |
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