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Firewalker May 21st, 2009 11:13 PM

Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Not many new games starting up lately, and I have a hankering to play an EA nation. General idea here is for players who have a couple/few games under their belt but are still learning (as I am). If some intermediate players want to jump in, that's fine too. We'll see how many game-less players are milling about.

Mists of Time
Host: Llamaserver
Era: Early
Map: TBD (20 provinces/player)
Mods: CBM 1.5. Streamers & Standards.
Players: 10-24
Special Sites: 50
Score graphs: off
Research: Difficult
HoF: 10, 15 if we have more than 20 players
Victory: Capitol VPs, 10 of 24 wins.
Rest: Default

Hosting: The game will be hosted on Llamaserver, an automated PBEM service. For those who are new to Llamaserver, the FAQ explains how it works.

Mods: We'll be playing with Conceptual Balance Mod v1.5 and Streamers and Standards. CBM is basically a bunch of tweaks to units, spells, and magic items to make it more attractive to players try to use more of the options that are in the game. It's been in development for quite some time and improves the game on many levels.

Streamers & Standards is a cosmetic mod that greatly improves on the banner icons used for the various nations.

The pace of the game will be (barring extensions granted):

Turn 1-20: 24hrs
Turn 21-40: 48hrs
Turn 41+: 72hrs

I'm not a fan of rush games, as life usually has other things to worry about as well. Nor do I deny extensions that players need. Its a game, not a job. On the other hand, 2 stales in a row with no communication is a forfeit.

If we lose a player due to forfeit or resignation, we'll take a few days to a week to find a new player before setting the position to AI.

Nation Selection: Post 3 choices. If more than one player requests the same nation in a given round of assignment, I will roll dice to make the selection. If you lose the roll, your next choice will be used for the next round of assignments, etc. If one or more players fail to get one of their three choices, they submit three again of what's left. Since I'm the guy with the dice, I will pick from what's left after three rounds.

Results (thus far, one last round left)
  • Tir na n'Og: Iron Duke
  • Lanka: Sambo
  • Fomoria: Strabo
  • Niefelheim: Frozen Lama
  • Pangaea: TwoBits
  • Atlantis: TheJeff
  • Vanheim: Stretch
  • T'ien-ch'i: Grijalva
  • Caelum: LoloMo
  • Arcoscephalae: punkzip
  • Hinnom: Amonchakad
  • Marverni: Hoo
  • R'lyeh: Ossa
  • Oceania: ?

Lavaere May 21st, 2009 11:38 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'm in for a new game.

Helheim, Oceania, Yomi

Sil May 22nd, 2009 02:58 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'm not a total noob, but I've never played a CBM game(and obviously never played a game organized here).

I'll take Sauromatia, Kailasa, Caelum.

Iron Duke May 22nd, 2009 03:10 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Finally a new game! I've been waiting forever.

Arco Mictlan Tir Na'Nog

Sambo May 22nd, 2009 09:30 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'd like to jump in. I'd like to try a blood nation, so:
  • Lanka
  • Sauromatia
  • Mictlan
  • Abysia

Should be fun!

Firewalker May 22nd, 2009 09:31 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
For those who are new to playing with the Llamaserver as a host, there is a FAQ that explains things.

Once we've decided on a map and victory conditions (don't be shy to voice any opinions), I'll get the game created on Llamaserver and then everyone can get the files they may need (map, mods, etc) from there.

Firewalker May 22nd, 2009 09:39 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]

Originally Posted by Sambo (Post 692276)
I'd like to jump in. I'd like to try a blood nation, so:
  • Lanka
  • Sauromatia
  • Mictlan
  • Abysia

Should be fun!

Sauromatia is spoken for as a first choice already, so I pulled it from your list and moved the others up for you ... but feel free to change your choice if you'd rather it differently.

Strabo May 22nd, 2009 09:44 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Im in

majuva68 May 22nd, 2009 10:35 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Niefelheim,Fomoria, Lanka please.

Alpine Joe May 22nd, 2009 12:27 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'd like in on this

Mictlan, C'tis, Yomi

TwoBits May 22nd, 2009 01:02 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Well, I haven't played an "at large" MP game yet (just some games with a small group of friends), but I'd like to give it a go, if you don't mind.

If that's OK, I'd like to try:

Pangaea, T'ien Ch'i, or Marverni.


Oh, by the way, what's "Streamers & Standards"?

Firewalker May 22nd, 2009 01:09 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]

Originally Posted by TwoBits (Post 692304)
Well, I haven't played an "at large" MP game yet (just some games with a small group of friends), but I'd like to give it a go, if you don't mind.

If that's OK, I'd like to try:

Pangaea, T'ien Ch'i, or Marverni.


Oh, by the way, what's "Streamers & Standards"?

Sounds like you fit the bill perfectly.

Streamers & Standards is a mod that replaces the stock banners with more distinctive and larger icons. It's just cosmetic. I think it was originally made to differentiate the different eras of each nation for the mega games, but ever since I played one using the mod, I've never liked to go back to the stock icons.

hEad May 22nd, 2009 01:32 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Abysia, Marverni, Fomoria please.

thejeff May 22nd, 2009 02:07 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'm not technically new, but I haven't played much MP. None in the last year or so.
So if you'll have me anyway, I'd like to try:
Mictlan, T'ien Ch'i or Ermor.

The only quibble I have with the victory conditions is that non capital VP provinces are risky. Everyone castle them or expect the game to end suddenly with a mass teleport attack.

Sil May 22nd, 2009 02:10 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Speaking about a map, my only real wish is that it isn't a totally random starting point one, that way no one risks getting their capital in the middle of a bunch of no income waste provinces or something similar. Aside from that anything works for me.

If we're doing a VP game then having quite controlled starting locations seems even more important.

GrudgeBringer May 22nd, 2009 02:33 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'd like to try a weaker nation...I have played a few MP games but have finished 3rd as my highest.

I will take Arco which should put any thoughts of me being too good to rest..LOL!!!!

If you have a lot of nations look at the Darkhavens map...has set starting positions and is REAL easy on the eyes.

I am with the Jeff on Victory conditions but its your game...you might want to make sure you don't unbalance it, by trying too balance it.

If it would favor Certain magic intensive nations it will be a quick game.:up:

llamabeast May 22nd, 2009 03:18 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I have seen quite a few games end miserably with non-capital victory conditions, so I third thejeff's comment. Not that I'm actually playing, so feel free to ignore me! Capital VPs seem to work quite well.

PAR May 22nd, 2009 05:50 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
i would like to join



Stretch May 22nd, 2009 06:09 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Sounds fun. I'm pretty new here. I'd like Vanheim, Sauromantia, or Helheim.

Firewalker May 22nd, 2009 06:25 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Yeah, I can see the way VPs can go wrong. Hmm ... well, it is just an idea, as I said in my intro. Last-nation-standing is usually going on too long for me.

How about we vote on the victory conditions after we have the sign-ups done. Either use capitol only VPs or play standard game (last nation left).

Firewalker May 22nd, 2009 06:30 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]

Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer (Post 692330)
I'd like to try a weaker nation...I have played a few MP games but have finished 3rd as my highest.

I will take Arco which should put any thoughts of me being too good to rest..LOL!!!!

If you have a lot of nations look at the Darkhavens map...has set starting positions and is REAL easy on the eyes.

I am with the Jeff on Victory conditions but its your game...you might want to make sure you don't unbalance it, by trying too balance it.

If it would favor Certain magic intensive nations it will be a quick game.:up:

Thanks for the map tip. I'm hoping we can get a full game.

Can you give me a second and third choice for a nation? Thanks.

shard May 22nd, 2009 09:25 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'll play, not entirely new but haven't touched dom3 for over a year.

Sauromatia, Fomoria, Niefelheim

Stretch May 23rd, 2009 02:24 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'd like victory points in capitals. Maybe something like 50% of the world's capitals to win, unless we get a lot of people and then 40%.

hEad May 23rd, 2009 08:29 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Perhaps victory conditions can be somewhat dynamic? For instance, once it gets to teh stage where their appears to be a winner, ask players to declare them. If it is unanamous, then the leading player wins, if not, then those who voted for the leading player join in a campaign to rid the world of belligerents - who knows, maybe these belligerents may form a counter alliance and fight against them in a war for liberty.

Victory conditions that fit the evolution of the game rather than an arbitary number, would in my opinion, breath a bit of new life into the end game still with out it requiring a individual total conquest.

Firewalker May 23rd, 2009 11:02 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]

Originally Posted by hEad (Post 692446)
Perhaps victory conditions can be somewhat dynamic? For instance, once it gets to teh stage where their appears to be a winner, ask players to declare them. If it is unanamous, then the leading player wins, if not, then those who voted for the leading player join in a campaign to rid the world of belligerents - who knows, maybe these belligerents may form a counter alliance and fight against them in a war for liberty.

Victory conditions that fit the evolution of the game rather than an arbitary number, would in my opinion, breath a bit of new life into the end game still with out it requiring a individual total conquest.

My experience is that standard victory games usually grind down to a few players remaining, who concede to the one who is doing best once the game becomes more of a chore than fun. So it is usually an informal version of what you've described. What about deciding a given turn ahead of time -- 50,60, whatever -- that a vote is taken and then a sort of sudden death war ensues like you've described? That could be interesting, but it would depend on where the game was at.

I like VP games because it sets a goal for everyone. It does shape the way the game goes ahead of time. Decisions get made based on VPs needed. But, it also places a definite end point to the game.

thejeff May 23rd, 2009 11:15 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
You could also put a "hold 50% of the VPs for 3 turns" conditions. I don't think there's any way to automate that. Someone would have to verify it manually.

Sil May 23rd, 2009 04:34 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Decided to switch my second option from Kailasa to Hinnom. Updated my first post.

Or maybe not since it won't let me edit that post.

Sil May 23rd, 2009 06:03 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Oh also: why difficult research? It seems like it would just further strengthen strong blessable nations which are already very strong in EA.

Firewalker May 23rd, 2009 06:21 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]

Originally Posted by Sil (Post 692521)
Oh also: why difficult research? It seems like it would just further strengthen strong blessable nations which are already very strong in EA.

That can be true, on the other hand it makes them have to survive longer before they can get the high level magic that they will need towards the middle/end game, and do so with horrible scales more than likely. Overall, I don't like how fast some nations can get to level 9 research on easy. The map will be 20 provinces per player, so we'll have some breathing room.

OoohSnap May 23rd, 2009 06:42 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Still accepting sign-ups?

Ermor, Helheim, Marverni

Firewalker May 23rd, 2009 06:56 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]

Originally Posted by OoohSnap (Post 692530)
Still accepting sign-ups?

Ermor, Helheim, Marverni

Yes, we have now 16 players and I'd like to see a full game of 24 if we can.

GrudgeBringer May 23rd, 2009 09:21 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I also will go ahead and give 2 other Nations.

Since your letting Hinnom in I will take 1.ARCO (Prefer it)

2. Hinnom


Firewalker May 23rd, 2009 09:27 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]

Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer (Post 692546)
I also will go ahead and give 2 other Nations.

Since your letting Hinnom in I will take 1.ARCO (Prefer it)

2. Hinnom


No, I'm not banning any nations for this game. I'd like to see a game with every Early era nation in it, but we'll cut off sign-ups after a week and get the ball rolling.

statttis May 23rd, 2009 09:44 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'll help you make 24.

Picks: Atlantis, Yomi, C'tis

statttis May 24th, 2009 09:32 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
If you don't mind, I'd like to change my picks to Yomi, C'tis, Hinnom.

Sil May 25th, 2009 02:34 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Keep in mind that there's no point choosing a nation as your 2nd or 3rd option if it has already been chosen as a 1st option by someone else.

GrudgeBringer May 25th, 2009 05:16 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I thought that was kind of different also Sil...

SOMEONE is going to get the 'Roll' on every nation thats picked on the first go round which leaves you in a whatevers left situation.

He seems to have it thought out pretty good and maybe I'm missing something though.

Apocalypse May 25th, 2009 05:39 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I am quite new to Dominions 3 so this would be my second or third MP game if I join. My picks would be:

1) C'tis
2) Kailasa
3) Whatever is left

shard May 25th, 2009 06:51 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Yeah, I think I will have to repick my 2nd and 3rd choices too.

Won't too many players esp with those that are new cause the game to be a bit unwieldy? Especially with stales possibly unbalancing the game.

Might also put ppl off with all the micro u need towards the midgame and beyond.

Your choice of course, just some comments. I'm ok with anything rly

Sil May 25th, 2009 07:47 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
If a nation has been picked first option at least once then it is guaranteed to not be available for the following rounds. If it is picked second option then it might be available for the third round if that person gets his first choice.

Cipher May 25th, 2009 08:01 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Lanka, Hinnom, Niefelheim

thejeff May 25th, 2009 08:28 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Given that someone's taken Ermor as their first choice and I can't seem to make T'ien Ch'i work with difficult research, I'd like to switch to:

Mictlan, Caelum, Atlantis

Firewalker May 25th, 2009 09:54 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]

Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer (Post 692675)
I thought that was kind of different also Sil...

SOMEONE is going to get the 'Roll' on every nation thats picked on the first go round which leaves you in a whatevers left situation.

He seems to have it thought out pretty good and maybe I'm missing something though.

The first round will be the one that selects for most people. There are only a few people who will be rolling against someone else for a nation. So, yeah ... some people may not have their 2nd or 3rd options available and will have to choose from what there is left. I'll be picking up one of the "nobody wants" nations, but I'm sure one or two people will be in the same situation if we have a game that's close to full. It'll be a pain I can tell, but my purpose was to make sure everyone has a chance at a nation they want to play ...

Firewalker May 25th, 2009 10:52 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Okay, everyone is allowed to change their picks once before we actually do the selection process. It's really just the players in a roll-off for the first round that need to re-assess what they could actually get in round 2. I think next time I try this method it'll be blind bidding :D.

I just ran a mock selection with the players and picks we have now and one person was forced to choose something else. Everyone else got one of their three picks (one person got a third).

Firewalker May 25th, 2009 11:09 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]

Originally Posted by shard (Post 692681)
Yeah, I think I will have to repick my 2nd and 3rd choices too.

Won't too many players esp with those that are new cause the game to be a bit unwieldy? Especially with stales possibly unbalancing the game.

Might also put ppl off with all the micro u need towards the midgame and beyond.

Your choice of course, just some comments. I'm ok with anything rly

Recruiting a couple alternates would be ideal, but we may well have a couple interruptions to try to recruit replacements. That is basically how it is, though, regardless or whether a game has 12 or 24 players.

I think under any victory conditions, we'll always have the option of everyone conceding to the leader and the game being called if it gets to be no fun.

GrudgeBringer May 25th, 2009 01:54 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
You might want to think about putting a link to CBM 1.5 up for the new guys.

the Vanishag May 25th, 2009 02:04 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I'm in: Agartha, Hinnom, Atlantis

CBM 1.5 is <a href="http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43120">here</a>

and Streamers and Standards is <a href="http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39989">here</a>

Firewalker May 25th, 2009 02:20 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
Welcome, Vanishag -- we've hit 20 players. Very nice.

Wow, there's still I chance I might get Hinnom. If everyone is terrified of them, they can leave it that way. Myself playing them is a nerf all by itself. :D

Firewalker May 25th, 2009 02:27 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I've started nosing around for maps and so far have found two that are the right size. There is Glory of the Gods (SP edition) and Edi's Faerun 466, which also has some modded special sites that could be used for fun as well.

That's it that I've found so far that is in the 400-500 province count. If anyone has suggestions, please let me know. I would rather not use a random map.

GrudgeBringer May 25th, 2009 06:25 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [recruiting]
I noticed in D/L the CBM 1.51 Mod that when placed in the Mod section of the game that it has a SEPERATE Worthy Heroes 1.51.

I read the description and it said it included ALL of previous fixes but it seems Worthy Heroes 1.51 would be a NEW fix.

A question you might want to find out...

Does 1.51 include Worthy Herows 1,51 or is it staying with the older version and we have to physically (if we even want it)enable 1.51.

2. The Glory of the gods SP game does not have Preset starting locations from what I have seen, which means 1 person may be in the middle of all swamp while another player may have a starting location with 2 neighbors right next to him and they will either want a restart or go AI quickly.

I know nothing about Edi's map but will look at it.

There is a game called Darkheavens going now that took 24 players with preset starting positions, it has around 250 to 275 Provinces. It is a really good map and plays well with a lot of players. (LOL, btw the map is also called DarkHeavens)

Do we really want a map that has 400 or more starting provinces?

It will be a while before any contact is made and will already be doing quite a bit of Micro Managing even BEFORE we start scrpting battles. And you will be asking a LONG (maybe 6 month) commitment.

Just a thought...as you asked for suggestions, I will play what ever you want, with what ever map and mods you want (as I know I will get one of the 'Good' starting positions:angel)!!!:D

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