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GrudgeBringer June 3rd, 2009 09:50 PM

Alchemists Stone
Reading the description it says that it is a 50% reduction in Alchemy. (The Manual)

When reading the description when clicking on the object it says that you get more 'Money' when alchemizing.

It says nothing about 50% on gem reduction on Alchemy....BIG difference.

As I have never used it, can anyone clear this up for me please.

Rookierookie June 3rd, 2009 10:53 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
I'm under the impression that it doubles the gold return from alchemizing fire/earth gems.

Poopsi June 3rd, 2009 11:03 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
only gold I think

Tolkien June 3rd, 2009 11:20 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
It's only gold.

If only it DID reduce gem-cost in alchemy. Then it would be 1 for 1.


Poopsi June 3rd, 2009 11:39 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
It is a fairly worthless artifact. You get the same from hiring independent alchemists.

I think this one needs improvement

Lingchih June 4th, 2009 12:33 AM

Re: Alchemists Stone
no, it's handy, if you don't have alclhemists

Poopsi June 4th, 2009 12:39 AM

Re: Alchemists Stone
No, it is useless, it just doubles the return in gold, and gems->gold alchemy is not something done often anyway

quantum_mechani June 4th, 2009 01:39 AM

Re: Alchemists Stone

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 694322)
no, it's handy, if you don't have alclhemists

Actually, it stacks with alchemists.


Originally Posted by Poopsi (Post 694323)
No, it is useless, it just doubles the return in gold, and gems->gold alchemy is not something done often anyway

If it were more expensive it would be a bad deal, but at only 6 gems with a hammer, it has plenty of niche. Even in normal games, there is often the need to alchemize the occasional fire gem to make ends meet, and in some extreme cases (late game post Armageddon, la Rl'yeh or Ermor) gold alchemy can be quite significant.

Poopsi June 4th, 2009 02:34 AM

Re: Alchemists Stone
It isn't worth being an artifact

lch June 4th, 2009 02:49 AM

Re: Alchemists Stone
So first you're saying it's useless, and now you're saying everybody should have one? :)

BesucherXia June 4th, 2009 02:53 AM

Re: Alchemists Stone

Originally Posted by quantum_mechani (Post 694329)
in some extreme cases (late game post Armageddon, la Rl'yeh or Ermor) gold alchemy can be quite significant.

Second that. Thats why it should never be left to Ermor/Rly.

Zargen June 4th, 2009 03:58 AM

Re: Alchemists Stone
I find the alchemist stone to be of some use when I'm playing nation with absolutely no need for fire/earth gems. And when you start gathering up a bunch of them from random magic sites and from random caches you get from a good role on luck, it gives that little extra bang for your buck when alchemitizing them.

Agema June 4th, 2009 06:31 AM

Re: Alchemists Stone
Absolutely no need for gems? Surely such a thing is near-impossible. If you don't have the mages to use the gems, save up and start empowering or (if in MP) trade them for more useful ones.

What could make the alchemist stone quite handy is if it allowed you to convert non-astral pearls directly to other non-astrals at a rate of 2:1, instead of the normal two-step transformation converting to pearls and then to another gem type at 4:1.

Micah June 4th, 2009 12:05 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
QM is right, I would have said that it was worthless before playing in artifacts, but I've gotten quite a bit of mileage out of it, both for myself and for others (taking a cut of the margin.) Not a normal situation, for sure, but it does have a niche.

Executor June 4th, 2009 12:34 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
It's a very good artf. in some situations.
Example game Timewarp. Untherdark, no income, several hundred gems income. Alchemise, buy needed mages, put PD.
I only wish I was the one is possession of it. :)

MaxWilson June 4th, 2009 02:03 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone

Originally Posted by Zargen (Post 694346)
I find the alchemist stone to be of some use when I'm playing nation with absolutely no need for fire/earth gems. And when you start gathering up a bunch of them from random magic sites and from random caches you get from a good role on luck, it gives that little extra bang for your buck when alchemitizing them.

Is there any such thing as a nation with no need for fire/earth gems? If I've got 80 fire gems and 80 earth gems in the bank, would I rather have:

1.) 2000 gold from alchemy, or double that with the stone, or
2.) A mage empowered to F1E1 in addition to his usual paths, and 3 Fire Brands + 3 Shields of Gleaming Gold?

I think forging the stone probably requires F1E1 anyway, so in practice you're choosing between 2000 gold (if you have no F/E) or 8 Fire Brands + 8 Shields of Gleaming Gold (don't need to empower).


Executor June 4th, 2009 02:55 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone

Lingchih June 4th, 2009 10:08 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
Well, to be honest, I have one game where it has been sitting in my inventory for like 20 turns, and has never been used. I can see a situation where I could want to use it though. It is a niche artifact.

Tolkien June 4th, 2009 10:22 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
Does the (Master) Alchemist-Alchemist Stone effects stack?

archaeolept June 5th, 2009 04:56 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
the effects stack. Each adds 50% to the gold return; not doubling it, as several posters stated.

an alchemist w/ the stone will yield you 30 gp for a fire gem, i believe. Possibly worthwhile for a normal nation, other than certain niche situations like LA Ermor.

basically, it is pretty useless. Often I've forged it and then not used it at all. Or, in other games, it just remains unforged.

Luckmann March 18th, 2010 02:02 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone
What about the Master Alchemist pretender? How does it stack alchemy bonuses?

A Master Alchemist gets a +100% bonus to Alchemy, so does the Alchemist's Stone add to that, to a total of 150% If so, what is the net gain from fire gems or whatever?

Micah March 18th, 2010 03:52 PM

Re: Alchemists Stone

Huzurdaddi March 19th, 2010 03:05 AM

Re: Alchemists Stone
Due to the increase in gold produced by provinces in Dom3 alchemy is simply not used anymore.

The base ratios for alchemy should probably be bumped by x2 to get them back into line with Dom2 and then maybe people would consider using the option, then and only then would the stone become somewhat worthwhile.

However even in Dom2 there wasn't a lot of use of alchemy. With the advent of the CBM there is even less use for alchemy. Pity, I think it was a cool cool system.

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