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Kaffa June 29th, 2009 04:54 PM

three noobie questions
Noobie questions

I thank you in advance for answers…I’ve found in this endless forum and into manuals without results….

1) I get “The Ancient Master” (site) …I read : “enter for combat training” ….what do it means?
2) In ( Bogarus game) “Conjuration” 2nd level I see a spell: SUMMON SIMARGL in blue color (blue color ?!)and I didn’ found in spell index. Why?...but in Marignon game in same school and same level this spell don’t exist. Why?
3) Spell “Call of the wind” (A2) has number of effects 20 : What do it means “number of effects” ?

Thanks for your gently

Micah June 29th, 2009 05:03 PM

Re: three noobie questions
The site will give you bonus XP. It is pretty much horrible and should generally be ignored.

Blue spells are nation-specific, and at this point a lot of the nation-specific spells have been added via patches (including whole new nations with spells) and hence are not in the rulebook.

Number of effects on a summoning spell is how many summons you get. In this case you get 20 birds. Some summon spells come with extra effects that are not included, such as the great hawk leader for CotW, or the devil from Horde From Hell. Stuff like this is easiest to figure out just by casting the spells though, not waiting on forum posts. =)

Redeyes June 29th, 2009 05:04 PM

Re: three noobie questions
Hello Kaffa and welcome to the game.

I'll answer your questions in proper order:

(1)This means that you can have a commander in the same province as the ancient master enter the site. You do that on the same menu you find all other commander actions, it is reached by pressing "space".

There are many different effects from entering sites, in this case it gives some experience points. Other sites can give you a number of monsters per month (like Devils, or different kind of Undead). Others give you a chance to adventure, getting you magical items and other interesting things.

(2) The blue spells are nation-specific spells. This means (perhaps you guessed it now) that only Bogarus can cast Summon Simargl. There are some blue spells that are shared by a few nations, like T'ien C'hi having mostly the same spells in all ages.

(3)This means that the spell will summon 20 eagles for you, as call of the wind is a summoning spell. Number of effects means different things for different spells, with an attack spell it might mean the amount of attacks you get.

You could get all these answers from the manual and more, try reading it and you'll find plenty of helpful advice and ideas.

rdonj June 29th, 2009 05:04 PM

Re: three noobie questions
1. The ancient master gives experience to whoever enters the site. In case you don't know, units gain experience by existing and taking part in battles in dominions, and the more experience a unit has the higher its stats become.
2. Spells in blue like that are national spells. These are spells that can only be cast by that particular nation, or a small number of nations. You didn't find it in your manual because bogarus was created after the release of the game.
3. Number of effects in that case is the number of units it creates. Call of the wind summons a commander bird and 20 lesser birds to any province you wish.

lch June 29th, 2009 05:04 PM

Re: three noobie questions

Originally Posted by Kaffa (Post 698606)
1) I get “The Ancient Master” (site) …I read : “enter for combat training” ….what do it means?

8 XP points per turn.


Originally Posted by Kaffa (Post 698606)
2) In ( Bogarus game) “Conjuration” 2nd level I see a spell: SUMMON SIMARGL in blue color (blue color ?!)and I didn’ found in spell index. Why?...but in Marignon game in same school and same level this spell don’t exist. Why?

It's a national spell. Bogarus didn't exist when the Manual was written, that's why it isn't there.


Originally Posted by Kaffa (Post 698606)
3) Spell “Call of the wind” (A2) has number of effects 20 : What do it means “number of effects” ?

It summons Black Hawks. 20 of them.

Edit: d'oh, beaten... :p At least I'm not last. :)

thejeff June 29th, 2009 05:06 PM

Re: three noobie questions
1) A commander in that province should have access to the "Enter Site" order. If he does so, he will get experience. It's not really very useful. Maybe if you had a non-mage commander sitting around with nothing useful to do until the next war started...

2) It's a national spell for Bogarus. It's not in the manual since Bogarus was added in a patch. Marignon has national angelic summons at a higher level.

3) For Call of the Wind: 20 birds. In general "number of effects" is exactly that: the number of creatures summoned or the number of lightning bolts or meteors or whatever that strike the battlefield.

Sombre June 29th, 2009 05:09 PM

Re: three noobie questions
It sucks how slow people are to answer questions on this forum.

rdonj June 29th, 2009 05:09 PM

Re: three noobie questions
I wonder how many points micah gets for a quadruple ninja.

Redeyes June 29th, 2009 05:15 PM

Re: three noobie questions
My post was both the longest and had the most adjectives, my junior high teach would be so proud of me :^)

Now, to plan my revenge against Micah...

Sombre June 29th, 2009 05:44 PM

Re: three noobie questions

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 698616)
I wonder how many points micah gets for a quadruple ninja.

Well 16 seems logical.

Kaffa June 30th, 2009 02:16 AM

Re: three noobie questions
thanks for quickly answers !!!!
This is a fantastic forum .......and...I 'll read another time my manual....

Agema June 30th, 2009 05:33 AM

Re: three noobie questions
With regard to the ancient master, bear in mind mages get +1 research per +1XP badge. It would actually be more research efficient to push mages in for training to their first badge, just so long as they generate less than 8 research normally and you don't have to move them there specifically. Still only a small advantage though.

Sombre June 30th, 2009 06:21 AM

Re: three noobie questions
What was the number of turns they sat researching after getting their star in that calculation?

Edi June 30th, 2009 06:34 AM

Re: three noobie questions
The Ancient Master also trains all the units of the commander who enters it and at 8 XP per turn, the first one or two stars rack up pretty quickly, which can be good for some things, especially if the province is in a staging area. Adding a Champion's Skull to a commander who enters the site will cause that commander to hit 12 XP per turn, which is a pretty good clip and may prolong staying in the HoF in some instances if he had made it there already.

Arralen June 30th, 2009 07:14 AM

Re: three noobie questions
As I'm not playing MP any more, I feel free to cite some facts that might give an edge in competition ;)

================================================== ==


Johan O:
Here is a list of effects of increased experience (cumulative).

XP 1 (15pts)
Att +1, Def +1, Prec +1, Mrl +1, Research +1, +20 leadership

XP 2 (50pts.)
Att +1, Def +1, Prec +1, Mrl +1, Research +1


All units, except mindless ones, get:
1 exp per turn
+1 exp for participating in a battle
+3 exp for winning a battle
+1 exp per unit killed in melee combat

Kristoffer O posted January 27, 2004 17:41
Not +1 for killing, but +1 for hitting an enemy. Quick Nataraja with 4 swords of swiftness, Chi Shoes and Stone Bird.

Arralen :
Champions Skull (Con- , Death-2): +3 Exp/turn

Edi :
Re: Academy of War question [Re: FarAway Pretender]
Academy of War gives 4 exp per turn,
The Ancient Master gives 8.
Academy of War is not unique, and it is still a level 0 Blood site. The Ancient Master is unique.

Arralen :
The sites work for both commanders and their troops!

================================================== ========

Now, question still is - is it worth it?
Let's do a little calculation ... first, with the usual Research-4 mage in Magic-1 dominion :

Turn 1 .. mage "Alfred" researches for 5 pts, while mage "Bogus" moves to the training site.
Turn 2 .. Alfred researches for 5pts (total 10), while Bogus enters the site and gains +7 EXP/turn.
Turn 3 .. Alfred still researches for 5pts (total 15) again, while Bogus trains some more and reaches "exp level 1".
Turn 4 .. Alfred is at +5/20, while Bogus moves back to the lab.

Turn 5 .. Alfred researches +5 for 25, while Bogus starts with +6/0
.. this remains the same until turn 15, when Alfred gets his 1 star as well. During those those 11 turns, Bogus will research 11 more points than Alfred, but Alfred had a head start of 20 points to beginn with ... .

Obviously, we needn't go through this for higher magic scales or research abilities, as proportions are even more disfavourable then.

Now, are those sites utterly useless? - NO !

For mages, things are much better if you happen to have a lab in the province anyway .. your overall total will be some pts better with trained mages

More important, though, are the sites for combat commanders and troops: Each star gives +20 leadership for normal troops - what means you could get away with 1 less commander per 4-6 build (depending on nation), thus having the opportunity to build one more mage ... . Furthermore, boosting the troops to exp-level 1 can give a nice edge if you're still using any kind of troop in significant numbers (not only chaff and SCs).

edit: *****!!!, Edi was faster than me. Then, I've typed more .. ;)

Gandalf Parker June 30th, 2009 11:51 AM

Re: three noobie questions
On small map blitz type games they might not be worth using (I will leave that to the experts) but on large map longer running games I find it handy to find one nearby that I can use to quickly upgrade a commander.

Edi June 30th, 2009 12:21 PM

Re: three noobie questions
JK is actually wrong about the leadership bonus for units, since it's a percentage of initial leadership, the bonus is variable.

Units with base ldr 10 only get to ldr 15 with 1 star, while ldr 40 units become ldr 55 units with 1 star, ldr 80 units get to 100. I haven't paid attention after that.

Arralen June 30th, 2009 02:17 PM

Re: three noobie questions

Originally Posted by Edi (Post 698750)
JK is actually wrong about the leadership bonus for units, since it's a percentage of initial leadership, the bonus is variable.

Don't blame JK, blame me for improper quoting :( .. guess I simply cut'n'pasted too wildly :rolleyes: ;)

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