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DakaSha July 11th, 2009 02:45 AM

Acronymless - Started
Ok it is alot to read but i have been wanting to start a game like this for awhile.. It requires a game master and i will take over that position for this first game (if anybody is interested in playing):

1. Your nation is selected randomly from (your) 3 choices and is anonymous to all other players and must remain anonymous until you are knocked out. You must try to remain anonymous to the best of your ability (no pretender names that give you away due to past games or personality traits for example). Also PLEASE DO NOT give away who you are in the thread (think about what you are saying :P ). If you must say something (due to rule breakage, needing an extension or anything) that would give up your identity please PM me. I am hosting this game and will gladly answer and/or take any kind of action necessary

Please report anybody who gives up their identity.

If you want to play you send the gamemaster (me) your three choices. You can specify which ones you prefer.

Posting that you want to play in thread (do not name your choices) is optional.

When a nation is on multiple players wish list it will be randomly decided who receives said nation. Preference will be taken into account.

If for some reason a player does not win any rolls for his/her three (disputed) nations then he/she will be informed via PM to make another choice.

Why: I want all players to start the game with a clean record. Actions in former games will not be taken into account while playing. The way you are perceived will be solely due to your actions in this game (or others misconceptions). Also it is just interesting having no idea who you are up against.

2. Diplomacy is legal but must be completely in-game. No use of any other methods including the forum or messengers. You could only do this by breaking rule 1 anyways ;)

Why: First off the forum PM system although more powerful just gets on my nerves. It acts as an extension of the game and people wait to send in their turn because they are waiting for answers from others... It seems out of place (in my opinion of course). I like the idea of handling everything going on in that game with the games interface. I think it will speed things up. Start turn.. read messages... answer some...do turn... answer others... done.

I also think the in game system, although aggravating at times, is more realistic (which is why its aggravating :P ). Messengers take time to get to the other leader and set up meetings. Then it takes more time to get back to you...and so on.

Any large scale diplomacy (which can be handled by sending to more than one person) would take a long time to go through. Lets say somebody casts utterdark and alot of players want to get together to dispell it.. Well it will probably take at least half a year game time... Which is a pretty realistic time frame to do something of that magnitude.

No quitting because you lost a battle. It happens. It is not the end of the world and you can probably make a come back. I'm not going to say that you have to fight to the bitter end (although it would be nice) but please play if you have a chance. I mean come on don't you want to make your enemys life as hard as possible even if they will eventually win? ^^ Make them pay for defeating you. If everybody held to this rule people would think twice about starting wars ;)

4. Roleplaying is a must. I don't ask that you speak in 'thous' because its kinda wierd but just stay in character (all you have to do is act like the leader/god of a nation. Thats it ;) Don't speak of the game as if it were a game. This also helps reduce giving yourself away)

5. Being able to speak english is not a rule because discrimination is no fun but it will be of more importance than usual i would think.


Settings(for this specific game):

Server: Llamaserver
Era: Middle Age
Mods: CBM 1.5, Streamers and Standards
Magic Research: Depends on Size
Special Site Frequency: Default
Indie strength: 5
Score Graphs: Off
HOF Entries: Depends on Size
Random Event Frequency: Common
Money, Resource, Supply Multiple: Default
Starting Provinces: 1

7. Extensions are of course allowed. Subbing is also permitted but the same rules apply to the sub. When the nation is knocked out both players will be mentioned. PM me in either circumstance. DO NOT post in thread. I will do so.

This should go without saying but no collaboration is allowed. If you and your friend happen to play please still stay anonymous. I have psychic abilities and will kill a kitten if you don't follow this one.


I will call it:



ANIDNPQ... which sucks... so if somebody thinks of a better acronym let me know ^^

I think thats it.. maybe i missed something and will have to add on.

I understand this would not appeal to everybody (especially due to the diplomacy restrictions) but if you are interested in joining just PM me your three nation picks and ill update this post to let all know how many have signed up. We will start play when either:

a) all slots are full. unlikely to happen
b) a week has passed (except if there are less then 5 players)

Rules subject to change :P

If you can think of any thing that need to be changed or have any ideas that would make the experience more enjoyable (allowing forum PMs doesnt count :P) please let me know :)

Players Left: 10/11

coobe July 11th, 2009 04:07 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
sounds great, since i also really dislike forum diplomacy....

count me in!

DakaSha July 11th, 2009 06:14 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
2 players so far :)

GrudgeBringer July 11th, 2009 07:36 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
Sounds GREAT...wish it was EA, have gotton kinda wore out in MA.

GOOD LUCK Gentlemen!!!:D

DakaSha July 11th, 2009 07:51 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
i just picked MA due to it being the first game. 3 players so far. if you still want to play despite MA just send a PM GB :)

I will also list the nations chosen so far (edit: no i wont because it gives away info... in future games i will make it a rule to not say if you are joining in the thread. fine for this though because its the first and opinions are appreciated :) )

Sil July 11th, 2009 03:28 PM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
After a few more players join I think it would be safe to show the chosen nations. Just don't let anyone say in the thread that they've changed their picks(or don't let people change picks). Since we each pick 3 nations when you just drop 12-15 choices it won't really give anyone much of an idea of who is who. If people want to cheat there would be much easier ways of doing it.

DakaSha July 11th, 2009 06:49 PM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
4 players.

when there are 5 i guess i can list them yes

kianduatha July 12th, 2009 02:41 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
If you don't mind someone (very) new to multiplayer, I'd love to join.

DakaSha July 12th, 2009 04:32 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
ok we have the minimum player count of 5. Have listed the picks

Morpf July 12th, 2009 07:56 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
count me in^^

i'll send you my picks

DakaSha July 12th, 2009 08:07 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
they better be dirty ones

shard July 13th, 2009 04:45 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
I'll join!

I assume that diplomacy via irc and chat is also out of the question yeah? Will be sending you my picks

DakaSha July 13th, 2009 05:25 AM

Re: Acronymless - Newish Game Type (I think)
using irc or chat would only be possible if you break rule 1. please read and follow the rules ;)

LDiCesare July 13th, 2009 10:16 AM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)

Originally Posted by DakaSha (Post 700897)
If everybody held to this rule people would think twice about starting wars

You're kidding, aren't you? There's little to do but declare war on others in Dominion. Unless you want a dominion or research win?

Sounds interesting anyway.

DakaSha July 13th, 2009 02:59 PM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)

Originally Posted by LDiCesare (Post 701240)

Originally Posted by DakaSha (Post 700897)
If everybody held to this rule people would think twice about starting wars

You're kidding, aren't you? There's little to do but declare war on others in Dominion. Unless you want a dominion or research win?

Sounds interesting anyway.

people start wars without thinking of the consequences. of course wars are the main part of dominions but diplomacy plays just as much of a role if you want to win

Mozkito July 13th, 2009 03:27 PM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)
I'm in, this would be my second MP game ever? The first one was only 1/4 done because the server died or something :( Regardless, I look forward to this!

DakaSha July 13th, 2009 11:39 PM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)
8 players.

hey we actually have a game going :)

LDiCesare July 14th, 2009 02:35 AM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)

Originally Posted by DakaSha (Post 701277)
people start wars without thinking of the consequences.

Not in my experience. I rarely saw people willingly fight several wars at once for instance, and they tend to make peace when flanked or backstabbed.
Another example: In Mistletoe, Marignon spammed Armageddon as people invaded him. That's as disuasive as it can get, but the goal being to destroy your opponents, you can't be deterred by someone hurling atomic bombs (or their equivalent) at you. Even if you know your opponent is going to ruin the land, you still fight it (Ermor LA comes to mind).

DakaSha July 14th, 2009 02:58 AM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)
If i know i can defeat an enemy but i know said enemy is going to do anything to make my life hell i will think twice.

i didnt say i wouldnt attack. but i wouldnt attack blindly

Gregstrom July 15th, 2009 09:25 AM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)

Originally Posted by LDiCesare (Post 701365)

Originally Posted by DakaSha (Post 701277)
people start wars without thinking of the consequences.

Another example: In Mistletoe, Marignon spammed Armageddon as people invaded him. That's as disuasive as it can get, (snippety)

Don't forget, the consequence of not starting that war would have been an immense Arcane Nexus. Armageddon spam was the lesser of 2 evils, as it left the game open.

LDiCesare July 16th, 2009 07:10 AM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 701517)

Originally Posted by LDiCesare (Post 701365)

Originally Posted by DakaSha (Post 701277)
people start wars without thinking of the consequences.

Another example: In Mistletoe, Marignon spammed Armageddon as people invaded him. That's as disuasive as it can get, (snippety)

Don't forget, the consequence of not starting that war would have been an immense Arcane Nexus. Armageddon spam was the lesser of 2 evils, as it left the game open.

Heck, I know, I asked just about everybody to attack them. If noone had joined, C'tis would have been toast and Marignon probably unstoppable. I mean I don't think that wars are being declared without a good reason. Sometimes it's a mistake, but people already think twice about starting wars in my opinion.

Executor July 16th, 2009 07:18 AM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)
LDiCesare you sneaky bastard!!! :)
Nah, I wouldn't have cast AN, that would draw too much attention, I'd just keep wishing for gems as I did since turn 40. I had a pretty little gem income, blood stones helped too.

As for the Armageddons, every action creates a reaction, therefor once the four of you attacked me you signed up for Armageddon and Astral Corruption.

Gregstrom July 16th, 2009 05:59 PM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)
Either way, not knocking you out would in effect have been surrendering the game.

Executor July 16th, 2009 06:00 PM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)
Yeah, probably...

DakaSha July 16th, 2009 10:17 PM

Re: Acronymless - Signup (READ RULES!)
uhm you want to keep it in the games thread?

edit: btw game will start today when i get home :)

DakaSha July 17th, 2009 03:08 AM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
ok i have sent everybody their nation for the game. send in your pretenders :)

the map is cradle of dominions as many people like it and its a fitting size.

Please remember and follow the rules. if you must post something and are in doubt if it will give your nation away please PM me :)

have fun

TheDemon July 17th, 2009 03:46 AM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
May I ask what magic research setting you decided upon?

DakaSha July 17th, 2009 03:51 AM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
oh its on standard. i thought hard would make sense from 14-16 players on.

if there are any objections feel free to state them

Morpf July 17th, 2009 09:51 AM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
i ain't got no message about my nation

DakaSha July 17th, 2009 03:29 PM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
wanted to send it to you over icq. sent it per pm now :)

DakaSha July 17th, 2009 09:20 PM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
everybody PLEASE save your pretenders. due to the current problems on llamaserver there is no guarantee that the game will not be deleted once all pretenders are in. (it has happend to me a couple of times)

llama is working on it and all will be fine soon but just in case the game gets deleted you will not have to design your pretenders again ;)

DakaSha July 19th, 2009 05:51 AM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
btw i am not playing in this... im just hosting it... in case some people (other than polish freaks... :P) didnt get that :P

DakaSha July 19th, 2009 09:30 PM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
just as a warning if the other 2 players dont get their pretenders in very soon i am starting without them. its not really a good sign if you cant even get your pretenders in at a decent time ;)

JR77 July 20th, 2009 05:38 AM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
Any chance to jump in? I really like the concept and could give you a list of 3 nations to pick from tonight when I get home from work. Alternatively, you may assign me a random nation and tell through a PM and I will upload a pretender tonight...

I am sad I did not see your original post earlier, but I just got back from summer holiday :)

DakaSha July 20th, 2009 06:41 AM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
aw sorry too late. but i did of course start this so that I can play in this type of game... so whenever anybody is willing to host the same type we can both join that :)

JR77 July 20th, 2009 06:56 AM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
Ok, I look forward to that :)

DakaSha July 20th, 2009 02:57 PM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
well todays the last day to get the last pretender in. when i get home from work im starting

shard July 20th, 2009 10:40 PM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
By George!

I do believe Acronymless has disappeared!

shard July 20th, 2009 10:52 PM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
Oh wait its back again. All is good then

DakaSha July 21st, 2009 12:20 AM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
game has started. have fun and good luck everybody :)

DakaSha July 26th, 2009 04:18 PM

Re: Acronymless - Send in Pretenders
the amount of staling is already getting out of hand for the game being in such an early stage.

i ask that people have respect and PLAY THE GAME.

if you need additional time then pm me and i will postpone hosting.

there is little i can do but put you on a personal **** list for future games but thats close to good enough for me :P

anyways please play or send postponement pms

Black Sun Empire July 26th, 2009 10:09 PM

Re: Acronymless - Started
Is it only the admin that can tell who is staling?

rdonj July 26th, 2009 10:10 PM

Re: Acronymless - Started
No, if you go to admin options there's a link that shows staling data, everyone should be able to access it.

DakaSha July 27th, 2009 03:39 PM

Re: Acronymless - Started
Ok game is put on hold until we find a sub for ctis. i will post a thread when i get home and make the player known

DakaSha July 27th, 2009 11:50 PM

Re: Acronymless - Started
lol i guess that worked ^^

have fun and try to keep the game going :)

DakaSha August 3rd, 2009 11:27 PM

Re: Acronymless - Started
Ok MAN had a corrupt turn file problem... that means he stalled the last turn without any fault of his own as he couldnt warn me in time (i was sleeping and/or at work)

im not rolling back as all would suffer (or gain unfair advantages) but i ask that his neighbors treat him fair in this regard. it is of course up to you.

Im lengthening the turn processing to 48 hours to give more breathing time in case this happens again.

Doe anybody know what to do when a corrupt turn file is sent? or what it means?

Mozkito August 5th, 2009 10:43 PM

Re: Acronymless - Started
I'm really digging this in game only messaging.

shard August 5th, 2009 10:53 PM

Re: Acronymless - Started
Yup, saves a lot of time. Pretty good for people who don't have time to do all the 'pm diplomacy' through forums.

DakaSha August 6th, 2009 01:47 AM

Re: Acronymless - Started
yeah i cant wait to play a game like this :)

DakaSha August 7th, 2009 02:00 AM

Re: Acronymless - Started
ok game hosting needs to be extended until Thursday due to a player traveling

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