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chrispedersen July 13th, 2009 01:30 AM

Tourney of Champions - EvilHomer & 1 More wanted
1 Attachment(s)
Start Positions: Fixed
Diplomacy: *NO*
Mods: Single Age, llamabanners, CBM1.41
HOF: 15
Turn Limit: 50
Victory conditions: Most capitals on turn 50. Sudden death in case of a tie.
Map: RingWormAtlantis.

There will be *six* individual games. Each with the same starting positions. Each player will rotate through all six positions.

Each player can propose one nation. Sure, you can propose one of the traditional power houses. But you will only get to play them once. It might be better to choose one of the weaker nations - and demonstrate your mastery of all things dominions.

Victory Points will be totalled from all games. The individual who has the highest total VPs will be declared the winner of all six games, and hence will be the winner of the Tournament of Champions!

Please do not sign up for this game if you cannot afford the massive investment of time. For the first 10 turns this will be 1 day. Each 10 turns there after will afford 1 additional day.

All nations, all eras, are valid for this challenge! Game will be capped at 6 players the minimum for the HoF entries to be valid - and to keep turns moving as quickly as possible. First come first served.

So, I'll start the games off by choosing ... EA-Arcosephale.

Games....1(6).......2(6)).......3(6)).......4(6)). ......5(6)).......6(6)
MA-Marig.JR77.................chris......frozen..............ja zzepi
??????..................Jazzepi...JR77............ ...chris....frozen

Bold has uploaded.

coobe July 13th, 2009 04:13 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions!
if there is a humane hosting schedule, count me in as LA Atlantis

chrispedersen July 13th, 2009 11:47 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions!

Originally Posted by coobe (Post 701203)
if there is a humane hosting schedule, count me in as LA Atlantis

Delays in hosting upon request

Squirrelloid July 13th, 2009 01:00 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions!
I approve, but can't commit to 6 more games right now. Maybe next time? (Ha ha...)

If you're still looking for players by mid-August i'm totally there (here?).

GrudgeBringer July 13th, 2009 02:57 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions!
Grrrrrrrrrrr, If you hadn't chosen Arco I would give it a shot.

I really don't know many other nations...

Great Idea for a game, Good Luck!!!:D

Squirrelloid July 13th, 2009 03:45 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions!

Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer (Post 701276)
Grrrrrrrrrrr, If you hadn't chosen Arco I would give it a shot.

I really don't know many other nations...

Great Idea for a game, Good Luck!!!:D

But you would play Arco (and 5 other nations). The whole point is that nation locations stay fixed, and players rotate through them, playing one game as each nation.

Frozen Lama July 13th, 2009 04:19 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions!
Chris- when are you hoping to start? I'm gone until the 25thish, but if it starts after that, i'm in.

GrudgeBringer July 13th, 2009 04:23 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions!
OH yeah....well I am still VERY poor at a LOT of nations, maybe you could use me as a practice dummy!!!:eek:

chrispedersen July 13th, 2009 05:08 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions!

Originally Posted by Frozen Lama (Post 701287)
Chris- when are you hoping to start? I'm gone until the 25thish, but if it starts after that, i'm in.

Tell you what Frozen, we'll pencil you in; and we'll hold the spot as long as possible. However, if someone else wants the spot, and the game is close to starting soon, I'll put them in instead.. cool?

Soo with that said, Grudge/Frozen: What nations would you like?

Frozen Lama July 13th, 2009 05:30 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions!
lets go for...... Tir na nOg

GrudgeBringer July 14th, 2009 06:25 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions!
OK give me Sauro

GrudgeBringer July 14th, 2009 06:28 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions!
Remember I will be playing ball out of town on weekends and will need an occasional extension until the middle of sept....if that will hold us back I will need to bow out.

Let me know...I could be a stand by in case you don't get enough if you want.

Mozkito July 15th, 2009 10:08 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 2 More needed
I see a LA Atlantis...So I will raise you a LA C'tis! (If you have room for one more that is ;))

Jazzepi July 15th, 2009 12:05 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 2 More needed
LA Ermor, PLZ. It wouldn't be a game without them.


Ironhawk July 15th, 2009 01:07 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 2 More needed
Interesting game concept! Good luck with the game, I look forward to seeing the results!

chrispedersen July 15th, 2009 06:33 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 2 More needed
Ok, per what I told Frozen/Grudge; I would solicit people for a few more days. Otherwise we start with them!

I will set up the games today/tommorow, start getting your pretenders in!

chrispedersen July 15th, 2009 06:35 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 2 More needed

Originally Posted by Ironhawk (Post 701537)
Interesting game concept! Good luck with the game, I look forward to seeing the results!


Ya always like my concepts, but ya never play *in* them = )

llamabeast July 15th, 2009 07:20 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Oh my goodness! 6 games!! I hope the map is small.

llamabeast July 15th, 2009 07:20 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Oh my goodness! 6 games!! I hope the map is small.

Jazzepi July 15th, 2009 09:41 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Er, one second. Is this 6 games running concurrently, or 6 games one after the other?

I definitely can not play 6 games running all at the same time D:


Frozen Lama July 15th, 2009 09:46 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
I'm pretty sure they run one after the other.

Chrisp- I leave tomorrow for vacation, so you should probably recruit 1 more person

Jazzepi July 15th, 2009 09:47 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Also, when you pick a map can you let us know? I like to try out my builds on the map itself to get a feel for them.

Also, please link to it as there are TWO world of geometries :*(


chrispedersen July 15th, 2009 11:14 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Well, I was hoping to run them all concurrently; to avoid bias due to people learning about the nations and the map.

Remember the games will all end on turn 50; so hopefully we avoid a lot of endgame madness

Also, we will give everyone enough time to get turns in.

With those considerations, what do you think Jazz/Frozen I'd like to try to do these concurrently. But I'm not inflexible.

Ideally, if you can spend 3 hours on a turn, it should matter whether it was one game or 6. We just have to extend the turn deadlines appropriately.

Jazzepi July 15th, 2009 11:37 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
I can't reasonably take on the responsibility of 6 games at once. I could probably swing 2, since they have a 50 turn limit cap, but 6 is too many. I tend to do a lot of research for my builds, and I usually draw up scenarios in practice games when I'm trying to figure out how someone else's units will fair against my own.


GrudgeBringer July 15th, 2009 11:54 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
I must have misunderstood...

I thought we would play one game at a time and then rotate to the next Nation. We would in effect play 6 games but one right after the other.

From what I am reading here we are playing 6 games at one time. There is no way I can devote that much time in a bloc to D3.

I have a business to run and I am out of town on weekends playing ball.

Let me know if I am misunderstanding the setup.

However, my take on this is that we shouldn't know the map until we start the game. Why would I want to play someone who has already mastered that particular map and thier nation. But then I am not that good a player soI wouldn't know what I was doing anyway!!

Frozen Lama July 16th, 2009 12:51 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
well this is not good.....

6 games at once is pretty intense. I mean, if we have like a 72h timer on all of them, and give a ton of delays i suppose we could probably do it. I can do them at once, maybe, but i agree, that's a LOT of work. i also thought we rotated.

unfortunatly, i see this game dissolving realy quick. maybe we could compromise at like 2 or 3 games?

chrispedersen July 16th, 2009 01:50 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
This isn't a problem - I can go with whatever everyone ones whether its one - or six.

Why don't we all just say the maximum number of games we can do -And whoever is the lowest, we'll just peg it at that?

Mozkito July 16th, 2009 02:02 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Doesn't matter to me! So when do we pick our other nations?

chrispedersen July 16th, 2009 03:35 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
you dont... nations are all picked... they are rotated.. see first post. Lets assume that we do two games.... #1 and 2.

Jarkko July 16th, 2009 04:02 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
If you gowith max two games at same time, then I would be interested in this :) If that would be the case and you have room for me, then I think one MA nation would be in order. Instead of my usual Pangaea ( :) ) I would in that case like to suggest MA Marignon :)

Evilhomer July 16th, 2009 06:08 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
I would be willing to play in this game if we do all 6 at once, that way it will not be such a long commitment.

chrispedersen July 16th, 2009 06:23 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Yeah that was part of my thinking too evil homer. But 3 of the players have indicated 2 games max.

Comments anyone?

PS In the interests of starting earlier, it looks as if Jarrko will replace Frozen, pending comments.

Evilhomer July 16th, 2009 06:33 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
If we play them similtaniously we are looking at a commitment of 3-4 months. If we play 2 at a time we are most likely looking at a 9-12 month commitment. No way that all people will stick around that long. Also people that get killed off early will they show up 3 months later for next round ? I doubt it.

chrispedersen July 16th, 2009 07:03 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed

Originally Posted by Evilhomer (Post 701626)
If we play them similtaniously we are looking at a commitment of 3-4 months. If we play 2 at a time we are most likely looking at a 9-12 month commitment. No way that all people will stick around that long. Also people that get killed off early will they show up 3 months later for next round ? I doubt it.

All true.

I also do believe that the first 10 turns really could be done in a day, for all 6 games.

I rarely take more than 10-15 minutes for the first few turns. Even turn7-10... maybe 30. 30x6 = 3 hours.

So the first 10 turns = 10 days, 2nd = 20 days. 3rd = 30 days, 4th= 40 days, exciting action packed conclusion = 50 days.

150 days... 5 months.. I'm guessing.

But, whats more I figure that in some of the games, you are going to be getting trashed, just fighting to save 1 vp... so those turns will be short.

And lastly no diplomacy, no trading, no contact. No discussion. Its the honor system, but that ought to cut down game lengths as well.

But, lets hear what people say!

Mozkito July 16th, 2009 10:44 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
When you say it that way, It sounds like 6 at a time wouldn't be too bad.

Jarkko July 16th, 2009 02:32 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Well, put it like that, 6 at same time would not be too horrible I guess. *However*, I for one would need quite a long time to design the pretenders for each nation, and I am not talking just a weekend for all six. I usually ponder pretender design for several days even for one game, not to mention how much I would need for *six* pretenders needed to be designed at the same go!

GrudgeBringer July 17th, 2009 02:45 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
I am very sorry but I think I would be asking for extensions and slowing the games down. I was just informed that we would also (besides the regular games out of town) be going to the Caymans to play Rugby for 10 days (tough job huh).

With that in mind there is no way I can take on a game that I would owe the other players my full attention, so I will be bowing out....sorry.

chrispedersen July 17th, 2009 10:43 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
hey grudge, say hi if you go through miami...

GrudgeBringer July 18th, 2009 12:30 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
if you hear a BIG YAHOOOOO, you know I am on my way!!!!:D

Ironhawk July 20th, 2009 03:57 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Why dont you stagger the games so that you only have a couple running at a time? So, basically, you just start a new game every 15 turns or so.

Game 1 goes to turn 15 -> Start game 2
Game 1 goes to turn 30 -> Start game 3
Game 1 ends at turn 50 -> Stop game 1, Start game 4

That way, you always have a game in different stages. One game will be early-game period (with low time requirements), the next mid-game, and the last late-game (high time requirements). Hopefully it should all even out, timewise.

chrispedersen July 20th, 2009 04:43 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
I'll work the map tomorrow, so we can get started on pretenders.

Evilhomer July 20th, 2009 08:46 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Is there a spot open in this game ? If so I am willing to take it

chrispedersen July 20th, 2009 10:40 PM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
You're in evil homer. Grudge Dropped out.
What nation do you want?

Jarkko July 21st, 2009 12:13 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
On second thought, six new games is way too much for me. I've spent designing pretenders the past four days, and I am going mad by now. Not to mention LA Ermor has to be played, and I freaken *hate* my LA Ermor in the Heracles game :(

Sorry Chris, but I'll drop out.

chrispedersen July 21st, 2009 12:19 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Dang monkey!

I had enjoyed you playing in Magellan was looking forward to it. I hope this still makes.. just spent couple hours on the map.....

chrispedersen July 21st, 2009 02:38 AM

Re: Tournament of Champions! 1 More needed
Maps are up, games are created on Llamaserver.

Please confirm you are in...

Jazzepi July 21st, 2009 05:31 AM

Re: Tourney of Champions - Map Chosen!
If you still plan on doing 6 nations all at the same time, I'm dropping out.


Evilhomer July 21st, 2009 06:10 AM

Re: Tourney of Champions - Map Chosen!
Ironhawks rotating schedule sounds like it could work

Jazzepi July 21st, 2009 12:46 PM

Re: Tourney of Champions - Map Chosen!

Originally Posted by Evilhomer (Post 702363)
Ironhawks rotating schedule sounds like it could work

I agree.


Mozkito July 21st, 2009 05:11 PM

Re: Tourney of Champions - Map Chosen!

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 702407)

Originally Posted by Evilhomer (Post 702363)
Ironhawks rotating schedule sounds like it could work

I agree.


I'm with Jazzepi and Ironhawks on this one

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